What is Lupus Erythematosus?
In conventional medicine, Lupus is viewed as an autoimmune disease which means that the immune defenses mistakenly attack the body’s own cells. This disease can affect various organ systems including the skin, joints, brain, kidneys, and other organs. Conventional medicine offers no cure for Lupus, but there are a number of healing strategies that you can use to cure this disease according to other medical models.
In order to cure a disease like Lupus, you need to look at your illness from a new perspective. While the label “Lupus” might initially be helpful to communicate with people quickly about your symptoms, this is a disease that takes many forms. As such, misdiagnoses are common, even in conventional medicine. Other medical models like Traditional Chinese Medicine wouldn’t label your disease “Lupus” and in fact, the diagnosis for different people with Lupus would be completely different based on their symptoms according to this other system. Other famous medical models like Ayurveda or traditional herbalism would focus primarily on symptoms rather than on a diagnosis or disease “label” to determine the proper treatment strategy for this disease. We always encourage patients not to focus too much on their diagnosis, but rather, to consider the various treatment strategies that will cure or get rid of symptoms.
What causes Lupus?
Conventional medicine claims that there is currently no known cause for Lupus. Diseases like Lupus are often labeled as incurable and given “causes” that make the general public feel like a cure would be too complex for them to attain except perhaps through expensive specialists like geneticists, or endocrine specialists. According to major Big Pharma-sponsored websites, for example, Lupus is caused by genetic, environmental, or hormonal factors. These sites also list the problem of “other medications” as a potential cause for Lupus. In other words, a side effect of some of the pharmaceuticals that you are already taking may be “lupus” (lupus would hardly qualify as something as small as a “side effect”---a drug that causes lupus might better be labeled a “poison”).Despite the lack of information on mainstream Big Pharma-sponsored sites, the scientific research points to a variety of causes for Lupus from low-level infection that isn’t detectable using bright-field microscopy (but that is detectable using dark field microscopy) to bladder infection or dysfunction or digestive dysfunction, and more.
Index of Lupus Cures
Our staff at AlivenHealthy worked to compile a list of potential cures for Lupus. We know how to find and decipher the scientific literature about diseases like Lupus to make this information more accessible to the general public. Diseases like Lupus that take many forms require a different approach from person-to-person. You have to become an expert on your own disease (or a loved one could do this task on your behalf, if necessary). Our goal is to give you a place to start on this process and to help you develop treatment protocols that will help you move step-by-step toward a cure.Remember, when you’re working toward a cure for Lupus or a disease like Lupus, you will probably feel worse before you feel better. In other words, when you start treatments or a protocol that is actually healing you, you will go through a period of detoxification. This is especially true if you've been taking pharmaceuticals that are toxic. During this detoxification period, it’s important to realize that feeling worse is a part of the healing process. Pay attention to yourself. This internal focus is something you’ll have to develop in order to heal. Rather than depending on a doctor for healing, you’ll need to ask yourself regularly if the treatment that you’re using is helping or hurting. Is this detoxification process too intense? Do you need to back off on your treatment for a day or two to let your body detoxify? Do you need to increase the dose of your treatment or decrease it? Learning to pay attention to how you feel and your own intuition about what’s right or wrong regarding a particular treatment is essential if you’re working toward a cure.
This is an evolving web page that provides information about curative agents that are scientifically supported by the research on Lupus. Check back often and follow the links in the article and at the bottom of this article for more information. And don’t forget to look closely at our resources listed at the bottom of the page to find the actual science behind the information on this page.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Cures
- Lifestyle Changes -In this article, we discuss some of the most important lifestyle changes that you can make to reduce or even reverse lupus symptoms.
- Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Supplement(MMS) - This medicine can be used to kills the bacteria that are likely colonizing an area of the body to cause lupus. As a reactive oxygen species, this medicine can seek out and destroy these bacteria.
- Vitamin B17 - Everyone in the United States is deficient in vitamin B17. Though we haven't written specifically about vitamin B17 in terms of lupus, this vitamin is an anti-degenerative disease nutrient that's found in certain types of seeds. The U.S. food supply has systematically been removing these seeds from fruits for the past 20 years.
- Lugol's Iodine - Lugol's iodine is another nutrient that everyone in the U.S. needs because of the presence of fluorine and bromine in the water and food supply. Anyone with an autoimmune disease like lupus needs to take Lugol's iodine in order to restore proper thyroid function. Be sure to read the heading article about Lugol's and breast cancer as well as this article about Lugol's and immune system function to learn more.
- Hydrochloric Acid, Pepsin, and Betaine supplements -Taking hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and betaine can help you control heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), but it can also help you overcome a Helicobacter pylori infection. H. pylori infection is correlated with lupus in some interesting ways, so it may pay off to take this supplement, especially if you find that it helps your heartburn or GERD symptoms. Better yet, consider doing full-blown Enzyme Therapy to cover all your bases for at least 2 months. Enzyme Therapy supports all of the digestive organs and it promotes proper digestion of fat-soluble and water-soluble nutrients, which in turn promotes general healing of the whole body.
- Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) for Cystitis / Bladder Irritation -Many lupus sufferers experience a lot of bladder irritation as a result of their disease. DMSO can help. This medicine is available over the counter and it can be taken by mouth. About 40% of every dose ends up in the bladder where it can get rid of bladder infections, irritation, and pain.
- Fumaric Acid for Lupus - Fumaric acid is a naturally occurring substance that is produced in the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. It is an extremely important anti-inflammatory substance and immunological regulator. Supplementing with fumaric acid has been scientifically proven to reduce the symptoms of lupus in patients with both CLE and SLE. It is currently a common psoriasis and multiple sclerosis treatment in Germany.
- Fumaria officinalis - Though we haven't written about Fumaria officinalis specifically as a lupus cure, it is an important general cure for autoimmunity that we discovered when we did research on a cure for psoriasis. This plant provides a nutrient that the body produces naturally when it is exposed to sunlight, but this nutrient, in turn, supports the liver and the gallbladder, which are often reservoirs for diseases that have been dubbed "autoimmune".
- IV Nutritional Therapies - Nutrition plays a significant role in disease. Deficiencies can masquerade as severe diseases or cause the onset of chronic disorders. With correction of these deficiencies, many people experience rapid reversal of their disease or, at the very least, relief from symptoms. For lupus patients, IV nutritional therapies can offer an immune boost and reset, and can also correct potential deficiencies that may perpetuate the disease (for example, a vitamin D deficiency correct with intravenous therapy may be particularly valuable).
- Mucuna pruriens - Mucuna can help you get stress levels under control, reduce depression, combat chronic fatigue, and rebalance your cortisol levels which are often askew in lupus patients.
- Vitamin D3 + K2 - Vitamin D deficiency poses a serious problem for lupus patients, who tend to already have a deficiency in this vitamin. And, in addition, because lupus patients commonly experience symptom onset when they go into the sun, this deficiency is often aggravated even further. Vitamins D3 and K2 work together in the body and are best taken together. Taking a high quantity of vitamin D in addition to vitamin K2 produces surprising effects for a lot of lupus patients.
- Omega-6 Fatty Acids - Omega-6 fatty acids have special anti-inflammatory effects on the body. For lupus, eating foods and taking supplements that are high in linoleic and gamma-linolenic acids can reduce inflammation and improve symptoms. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that supplements high in omega-6s (such as evening primrose oil) may take a few months to truly show their effects. Initial effects tend to be less profound than those seen over longer-term supplementation.

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