Lupus: Environmental Factors That You Can Control for Better Health
Often, doctors cite “environmental causes” as a vague and somewhat uncontrollable underlying cause of lupus. So we’re providing a list of lifestyle changes supported by scientific research that can help your body heal if you’ve been diagnosed with this disease.
Making changes to the way you live your life takes time and the results may take several years to really manifest and pay off. Your body needs time and patience to heal. So, if you endeavor to make these lifestyle changes, look at them as an investment in your general health and longevity and stay positive! It certainly won’t hurt you to change to a less toxic detergent or to quit smoking! These lifestyle changes will inevitably pay high dividends if you give your body time to recalibrate to being exposed to fewer environmental toxins.
If you smoke, quit smoking. Read up on our anti-addiction pages to learn about some really amazing herbal products that will honestly help you kick the habit. Ever heard of the Mucuna bean? Mucuna pruriens is a bean that people add to water to drink it like coffee. It can be used to cure some very hard-to-cure addictions. We have personal experience with this bean which can be used with other anti-addiction supplements. In this article, we talk about a protocol for meth addiction, but you could duplicate it for nicotine addiction with excellent results.
- Avoid chemical hair dyes.
The use of hair dye has actually been pretty closely correlated with lupus symptoms. The scientific literature on this topic is noteworthy. This might explain why women are more likely to suffer from lupus, after all. Women are often disproportionately affected by the chemicals in cosmetics, soaps, detergents, and other cleaning products. While men use 3-5 cosmetic products daily often use 10 or more. And women also do the most the cleaning which means they're exposed to even higher levels of xenoestrogens and toxic chemicals that can slip right through the skin into the bloodstream (we'll say more about this problem below). But back to hair dye! If you must dye your hair, consider using henna or another natural hair dye product that doesn’t contain any chemicals.
- Treat underlying infections.
Nano-bacteria and viruses often set up shop in our bodies and we don’t realize how they’re putting a drag on the immune system. These super-tiny microorganisms can shack up in the liver or in other hard-to-reach areas of the body and remain undetectable to doctors of conventional medicine. Conventional medicine says there’s no way to treat these infections, but Dr. Royal Rife would disagree. Years ago, Dr. Rife created a special machine that’s able to cause microorganisms to vibrate as special frequencies that ultimately lead to their death (at the proper resonant frequency, the microorganisms would explode after 3 minutes of treatment). His machine was tested at several major universities and it clearly worked. Unfortunately, Big Pharma found out about Rife’s machine and exiled him and his machine. In 2005, a Rife machine was found hidden in a wall and it was unearthed and rebuilt. Today, people can buy their own Rife machine for home use.
The Spooky2 is a Rife Machine that can be used with a Microsoft computer.
Spooky2 Products
The EWG Skindeep database was created to help consumers see how their personal care and cleaning products rate in terms of toxins and chemicals. If you've been diagnosed with lupus, always avoid products that contain “fragrances” because fragrances are not monitored or regulated and in the U.S. companies can put literally any chemical they want into a “fragrance” and they aren’t required to list the ingredients for consumers or ever divulge which ingredients they used in their fragrances. This is a huge problem that affects women disproportionately, once again. And be aware that even so called "unscented" products often contain fragrances that have been added to make the product NOT have a scent. Read the ingredients and steer clear of products that list "fragrance" or other words denoting that a fragrance have been added. Natural essential oils, however, are acceptable! NOTE: If you intend to use DMSO as part of your lupus treatment, switching to non-toxic dish-soaps, shampoos, cosmetics, etc. is important and can help you avoid accidentally exposing yourself more intensely to toxins in soaps, detergents, and cosmetics.
Dr. Bronner's is a good non-toxic soap that can be used in a lot of ways. You can use it as a dishsoap, but it can also be used as a body soap. The versatility of Bronner's makes it a good choice for lupus sufferer's who are trying to make some major lifestyle changes.
For general cleaning, use a mix of vinegar, salt, and water (or just vinegar and water if you prefer). White vinegar is cheap and it's widely available and non-toxic.
For bath soap, consider using a charcoal soap that will absorb some of the toxins from your shower water. Below is a charcoal bath soap product that contains only natural, non-toxic ingredients:
- Use Soap Nuts Instead of Laundry Detergents.
Laundry detergents are a major source of xenoestrogens that can disrupt the endocrine system in both men and women. Many people don't realize that they could use non-toxic suds-producing plant products to clean their clothes. Soap nuts are a totally natural plant product that “saponifies” in water. In reality, many plants contain saponifying agents, but soap nuts contain a high quantity of these saponifying agents. If you put a little canvas bag of 5-6 nuts in hot water, you can wash a full load of clothing. In fact, you can reuse that little bag of 5-6 nuts up to 6 times before having to switch to a new bag of nuts (it's crazy cheap in comparison with using a regular detergent!). Boil the nuts in water to make a liquid soap that you could use to wash dishes. Always store this homemade soap in the refrigerator because it doesn’t contain preservatives to keep it fresh if it's allowed to sit out on the sink.
- Use a non-toxic deodorant.
Yes, I know. Deodorant seems like a favor that you are doing for others. It seems irresponsible or maybe even gross to switch to Thai salts or baking soda + shea butter, but if you’ve been diagnosed with lupus, it may be time to work with a new deodorant product despite your misgivings. My own experience with deodorant has been that, over time, as your body detoxifies, it gets easier and easier to deodorize yourself using nothing but baking soda or salt-based deodorants. Carry a little bit of natural deodorant with you if you feel insecure about ditching the name-brand stuff that you get at the grocery store. The aluminum in deodorant can lead to various lethal and uncomfortable and diseases like cancer and lupus. It’s just simply not worth it to use this stuff.
Deodorant stones are a good alternative to the deodorant you normally use:
If you want to give your stone deodorant a bit of a boost, simply rub some aluminum-free baking soda in your pits or make a mix of baking soda and shea butter that you can put on every day. Buy some empty deodorant containers to make your own deodorant by melting down some shea butter and baking soda plus essential oils. It's affordable and non-toxic! (And it works!)
- Get amalgam dental fillings removed and do chelation therapy to remove heavy metals from your body.
The relationship between heavy metal toxicity and the development of autoimmune diseases like lupus is fairly well established. I can personally attest to the fact that my own health improved exponentially after I got my mercury fillings removed.
If you have mercury dental fillings and you received a lupus diagnosis, it’s time to get those fillings removed! (I know, I know...NO ONE wants to hear that!) Seek out a dentist that uses the Huggins Protocol to do the procedure. NOTE: There are a number of holistic dentists at the American BioDental facility in Tijuana and you can also get chelation therapy done at the same time to remove heavy metals through IV therapy at American Holistic Care next door.
Enemas may seem strange and possibly extravagant at first. You may be wondering, is this really necessary? But yes, enemas are literally a life-saver when you're trying to cure a major disease. They help the body detoxify faster than what would otherwise be possible. They can help remove biofilm. Sometimes, you can even administer medications via enemas (NEVER add DMSO to an enema bag, however). A good medicine that could be added to enemas to hasten recovery from lupus symptoms is chlorine dioxide, an oxidant medicine that's used widely in dentistry and that's used to sterilize most drinking water in industrial facilities. Most of us have ingested chlorine dioxide in one form or another and it can work miracles in the body by oxidizing some of the nano-bacteria and viruses that can hide-out in the liver or gallbadder.
Many people don’t realize that the ancient doctors in Greece used bamboo sticks in fast-flowing river water to clean the intestines and promote detoxification. Enemas actually have a long history and they’re an important part of detoxification and healing if you’re working to cure lupus. You may want to start with daily enemas at first and then reduce down to weekly enemas to keep your detoxification organs from becoming overburdened during the initial healing process. Use a coffee enema to encourage the liver to purge unhealthy toxins.
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