DMSO for Lupus Cystitis
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) is an amazing medicine that can be used in many different ways to treat a wide variety of different illnesses, disorders, and injuries. In fact, DMSO has the broadest medicinal action of any FDA approved medication currently available and it’s available over-the-counter. For people with lupus, DMSO can be used to quell bladder problems that may develop as a part of the course of disease. The ability to self-treat bladder problems like chronic interstitial cystitis is important because some lupus specialists believe that lupus cystitis (bladder irritation in lupus patients) may be the causative force behind other serious lupus symptoms such as: 1) neurogenic dysfunction 2) neuropathy and 3) lowered immunity.
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If you intend to use DMSO to cure lupus cystitis, take 100 drop of No Odor DMSO with clean filtered water 3 times per day or as needed, to reduce pain and irritation. Read more about ways to cure cystitis here. DMSO is almost as non-toxic as water, but just be aware that it easily mixes with other substances and it can also easily carry these substances into the body! In other words, be aware of things like nail polish (which is terrible for women’s health anyway) and the fact that DMSO can carry the ingredients in nail polish, soap fragrances, and other substances deep into the body. Avoid getting it on the skin without rinsing first with clean, filtered water to remove chemicals or other toxic substances.
Research has shown that prednisone often isn’t effective at treating lupus cystitis. On the other hand, some researchers administered DMSO directly into the bladders of lupus patients using a catheter to successfully cure lupus cystitis in 1984 (see links below). If drinking DMSO doesn’t work to cure lupus cystitis at home, talk with your doctor about doing intravesical dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) treatment using a urinary catheter. DMSO is specifically FDA approved for this exact procedure (even in pregnant women--DMSO is non-toxic and even safe for growing fetuses) so many doctors will be able to do this procedure for you, if they’re willing.
DMSO for Autoimmune Arthritis
DMSO has been used for years as an arthritis treatment. It can be applied directly to joints or you can drink DMSO to help reduce arthritis pain. DMSO reduces levels of cytokines in the blood that cause inflammation so don’t be afraid to take it internally and also apply it to the skin for best results.
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The CDS / MMS Book Bundle - Learn About Chlorine Dioxide, Dimethyl Sulfoxide, and Complementary Therapies for Both Medicines. PURCHASE THE BUNDLE HERE!
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