Is Chlorine Dioxide Safe to Use as a Medicine?
To be clear, including the image to the left in this article is not a political statement that's for or against Donald Trump. Rather, I include this image here because I want to be frank about what Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) / Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS). This is an article about what it is and what it's not. The poster shown to the left is propaganda that's meant to scare people away from MMS / CDS, a substance that is widely used as a water purifier in municipal water supplies all over the world, a medicine, and as a disinfectant. When people learn about MMS / CDS and understand that they have already used and consumed CDS / MMS and how to use it intentionally for their own health, Big Pharma is threatened. CDS / MMS empowers people to take control over their own health and wellbeing. Continue reading to decide for yourself whether drinking CDS is "dumb" or "smart".NOTE: Miracle Mineral Solution / Chlorine Dioxide May Cause Certain Sensitivities in Dialysis Patients.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT COVID-19 TREATMENT USING CHLORINE DIOXIDE: Scientists have recently realized that COVID-19 (as well as many respiratory infections) need to be treated in 2 phases. Phase 1 takes place during the first 2-3 days of acute infection when symptoms are not that severe. During this initial phase of infection, treatment with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide / Miracle Mineral Solution are appropriate to lower the viral load. However, treating the infection with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide beyond this initial 2 to 3 day window could worsen symptoms. During Phase 2 of the infection, when coughing begins, it is vital to supplement with Vitamin B3 at no less than 1000 mg per day (500 mg in the morning and 500 mg in the evening). Patients should also be given medicines to counteract the effects of a cytokine storm during this stage. We provide a list of potential options that you can use to treat a cytokine storm at home at this link.
Consider using a Methylene Blue, Vitamin C, and NAC protocol for Phase 1 treatment and then continue with this Methylene Blue Protocol through Phase 2 for COVID-19.

Click here to buy Methylene Blue.
-------------------Is Chlorine Dioxide a Bleach?
In short, the answer is yes. Chlorine Dioxide can bleach fabrics. Indeed, it is an ingredient in many mouthwashes because of its ability to whiten teeth. But you need to learn more about this substance before you decide that an agent that can bleach fabric is unacceptable as a medicine. After all, oxygen also bleaches fabric, but we all require oxygen to survive. And in fact, chlorine in its molecular form (chloride) is considered the “queen” of electrolytes in the human body. In other words, you need a certain amount of chlorine in order to survive.Some of the chlorine is integrated into hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid is the stuff that breaks down food in the stomach so that the body can absorb nutrients. The rest of the chlorine turns into sodium chloride which is the chemical name for table salt. The oxygen, on the other hand, goes off to hunt pathogens. It is, in fact, the oxygen that kills viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other disease causing microorganisms in the body.

Buy CDS / MMS here. Our Amazon CDS / MMS links to product often disappear shortly after we publish. Contact us at [email protected] to get a link to CDS / MMS for human use.
Can Chlorine Dioxide Kill You?
A common argument posed by Big Pharma and the industries that control information on the Internet these days is the idea that Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) should not be used as a medicine because it is “bleach”. Technically, the definition of “bleach” is the following:“Bleach is a chemical product that can be used either industrially or domestically to remove the color from fiber or fabric in a process called bleaching”.
Often, when someone talks about “bleach” they’re referring to sodium HYPOchlorite or “liquid bleach”, a product that is used to make whites whiter through laundering. But chlorine dioxide is made using sodium chlorite (NOT sodium HYPOchlorite) and a mild acid like vinegar or lime juice.
Sodium hypochlorite can be used to make CDS, but it is not typically used for this purpose. But to be clear, chlorine dioxide and sodium HYPOchlorite are not the same things. No, they’re very different. But it seems irresponsible to stop there and not give you a little more information about the difference between chlorine dioxide and sodium hypochlorite, the bleaching agent that most people are familiar with as a laundering or cleaning agent. The difference between sodium hypochlorite and sodium chlorite, is important in terms of chemical reactions, but the main thing you need to know right now is that it is possible to change sodium hypochlorite into sodium chlorite by adding an oxygen atom to it. The chemical formula for sodium hypochlorite is NaClO. It is made of one sodium atom, one chlorine atom, and one oxygen atom. These three atoms combine to produce a compound that can bleach clothing and other items and that can be used to kill most pathogens on surfaces and clothing. The chemical formula for sodium chlorite, however, is NaClO2. It contains one sodium atom, one chlorine atom, and TWO oxygen atoms. This extra oxygen atom makes it easy to convert sodium chlorite into chlorine dioxide with a chemical formula of Cl02 by simply adding a weak acid to it. Chlorine dioxide is relatively non-toxic inside the body. After you swallow chlorine dioxide, the oxygen atoms break away from chlorine and the chlorine is integrated into one of several natural biological pathways to become hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride (table salt), or it may find a place as an electrolyte that helps to energize the body. But before sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is changed into chlorine dioxide using a weak acid, it is relatively non-toxic. It is sometimes combined with zinc chloride and used in therapeutic mouth rinses, mouthwashes, mouth sprays, toothpastes, and eye drops. It is even gentle enough to be a major component of the contact lens cleaning solution under the brand name “Purite”. As I mentioned above, this substance is relatively harmless and most people have already consumed it in one form or another. Chlorine dioxide, which is the substance that is created when you combine sodium chlorite with an acid (vinegar, citric acid, hydrochloric acid, etc.), is used in mainstream dentistry as a mouthwash to get rid of bad breath as well as to treat a variety of other dental problems that are not responsive to other medicines. This article by Crest talks about the value of chlorine dioxide as a mouthwash, but it cautions readers to only use it in small quantities. brand-name mouthwash users definitely shouldn’t ingest large quantities of the mouthwash which might contain any number of other toxic ingredients, but even Crest has to admit that chlorine dioxide is used as a water purifier. In other words, you can safely ingest chlorine dioxide. Indeed, you ingest chlorine dioxide in doses that can’t really be monitored by any health agency since different people drink differing amounts of water in a day. Crest, as a company that is deeply entrenched as a Big Pharma business, has to make sure that the public doesn’t put two and two together that chlorine dioxide is safe and non-toxic to human tissues but that it has the ability to kill germs. So, both sodium chlorite (one of the main ingredients that you’ll use at home to make chlorine dioxide) and chlorine dioxide (the final product that you get from combining sodium chlorite and an acid) are safe for human consumption.
Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) as Medicine
CDS is an extremely valuable medicine today! It can protect you or heal you after being infected with anything from COVID-19 to Ebola, but it is also used to cure cancer and even diabetes. This product is affordable and accessible because in today’s world, it’s necessary to use CDS to purify water. Most of us wouldn’t survive long without the industrial use of CDS in municipal water supplies to purify water. CDS has the ability to cure disease without causing bacterial or viral mutations that lead to antibiotic-resistant strains. It works by oxidizing (releasing oxygen) bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, and other types of pathogens that are living inside the body.To “drink bleach” sounds scary and stupid. It does! Why would you do that? Well, you shouldn’t drink bleach in mega-high doses. But the fact is, this “bleach” (sodium hypochlorite) is often used along with other chemicals to purify our drinking water. So we regularly drink CDS (which was made from the sodium hypochlorite) without realizing it. Indeed, the use of sodium hypochlorite as well as sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid (or other acids), is ubiquitous throughout the world in drinking water because these substances are some of the only water purifying agents that can not only kill Helicobacter pylori (a bacteria that causes a variety of digestive issues including heartburn, GERD, indigestion, stomach ulcers, stomach cancer, and more), but that also bind with heavy metals and other unhealthy substances in the water supply to remove them safely. Inside the body, CDS does a very similar thing. It kills bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites, fungi, and more while binding to chemical agents that don’t belong in the body so that they can safely be removed via the kidneys and intestines.
But I hope by this point, you’ve realized that Big Pharma is taking people for a ride by preying on the fact that most people don’t understand chemistry well enough to push past the propaganda and really understand sodium hypochlorite (an agent that can bleach things), sodium chlorite (another agent that can bleach things), and chlorine dioxide (yet another agent that can bleach things) are also powerful disinfectants that are regularly used in municipal water supplies that masses of people across the globe consume every day. They’ve made sure that you were educated in public schools about how you shouldn’t ever drink bleach. And now they just have to push this button to make you feel scared and/or stupid for considering a broader, more powerful use for something that you likely already consume every day in every glass of water you drink.
Proper Dosing of CDS
So the vast majority of us have consumed this chlorine dioxide “bleach” in our drinking water. We also bathe in it. Sodium hypochlorite and sodium chlorite in lower doses is used to clean and keep water supplies healthy too. Is it really so hard to believe that in just slightly higher doses, these same substances can be used as a medicine. And in much higher doses still, they become toxic to human tissues, but at these high doses, they’re still a valuable non-medicinal substance in that they can be used to bleach fabrics and disinfect interior spaces safely.Nearly all substances that are used as medicines are non-toxic and non-medicinal at very low doses. At slightly higher doses (which are typically determined in a laboratory), these substances have medicinal properties. And these same substances that are medicinal at a particular dose are often lethal (deadly) at a higher dose. Anyone who has taken a class in pharmaceuticals knows this.
For example, most people are familiar with Tylenol. At a very low dose, Tylenol does almost nothing noticeable in the human body. But if an adult takes 325 mg of Tylenol for a fever or a headache, they may notice a pain-relieving, fever-reducing medicinal effect. But that same person who experienced relief from fever and headache at 325 mg may die if they take 12 times that amount (3,250 mg) within a 24 hour period. Tylenol can kill you in doses that are too high.
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) and Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) are like Tylenol in that a low dose produces almost unnoticeable effects on the body (thus it can safely be added to the water supply and almost no one, not children or infants, not pregnant women, not sick people, with the possible exception of dialysis patients-- notices or experiences negative health effects due to the presence of CDS in the water supply). But in slightly higher doses, CDS and MMS (when used properly) can fight infection, remove heavy metals from the body, and stimulate the immune system in important ways that really challenge conventional medicine and The Establishment that prefers to make a profit off of patients rather than curing them of disease. But like Tylenol, there is a lethal dose of CDS and MMS. It’s possible to take too much. But if you follow Jim Humble’s instructions for using MMS and CDS, (which typically recommend less than 6 drops or less of CDS in ½ cup of water per dose), you’ll be using this product at its medicinal dose and you should therefore notice medicinal (non-lethal) effects from using it.
What Happens in the Body When You Take CDS / Chlorine Dioxide Solution?
When you add hydrochloric acid, citric acid, or vinegar to your sodium chlorite solution, chlorine dioxide gas bubbles are suspended in the watery solution that you’ve created.The chemical reaction inside the body looks like this:
2NaClO2 + 4HCl2 = 4ClO2 + 5NaCl + 2H2O2 2 Sodium + 4 Hydrochloric Acids become 4 Chlorine Dioxide (gas) + 5 table salt + 2 water
When you take the activated MMS or CDS, the medicine is broken down into little bubbles of chlorine dioxide, table salt, and water when it goes into the body. The medicinal molecule in the above reaction is the chlorine dioxide gas which remains in solution until it encounters a bacteria, virus, or other types of infectious agent. When the CDS gas is exposed to an infectious microorganism, it releases a single oxygen atom. Our natural cellular immune system (in particular white blood cells) use a similar mechanism of action against infectious microorganisms. White blood cells release highly reactive oxygen species (also known as free radicals or single oxygen atoms) to combat foreign invaders. So CDS basically works in the body by behaving much the way white blood cells behave. In the elderly or in people who are ill or immunocompromised, CDS can provide an important immune system boost to give other aspects of our natural immune response time to respond to foreign invaders with a full on attack. Conventional medicine has embraced reactive oxygen species, including chlorine dioxide as legitimate forms of medicine and the name for this specialty in conventional medicine is: Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine. But because oxygen is naturally occurring and therefore cannot be patented, this system of medicine (which uses free radicals and oxygen in various formats including chlorine dioxide) is well hidden from the public view. Scientists who are studying the behavior of free radicals and oxidants like chlorine dioxide are tasked with finding ways to make patentable medicines that will release the necessary oxygen as a free radical that can somehow be patented. If it can be patented, the medicine can be sold at inflated prices. But chlorine dioxide isn't patentable. It's cheap and it's accessible to the public. Big Pharma attempts to prevent the public from embracing this medicine by using propaganda like the idea that chlorine dioxide is bleach. There's an element of truth in the propaganda, which is how propaganda works. Chlorine dioxide can in fact bleach clothing and other items. But chlorine dioxide is also used to purify water and people consume it daily. Why doesn't the propaganda mention that fact or the fact that chlorine dioxide is used extensively in dentistry?
Leftover Chloride After CDS Treatment
After you consume CDS for COVID or for any other disease like cancer, diabetes, or influenza, the CDS changes form through chemical reactions with the invading microorganisms. Singlet oxygen atoms oxidize and kill the infectious microorganism, leaving behind chloride ions and sodium chloride (also known as “table salt”). Chloride (molecular chlorine) is an important electrolyte in the body and 5.3 grams of chloride is needed for every liter of human plasma in the body for proper physical functioning. That’s a lot of chloride! In fact, some scientists call chloride the “queen” of electrolytes for this reason. So the negligible amount of chloride that’s generated by the use of CDS as a medicine is much more likely to be beneficial as a human electrolyte rather than being harmful in some other way.
Chlorine Dioxide as a Medicine
Using CDS to Get Rid of Biofilm
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) can be used in a variety of ways as we’ve already discussed. Scientific studies have shown that CDS can prevent and remove biofilm. It’s effective even against a spore-forming bacteria like Anthrax. Many experts believe that biofilm may contribute in a big way to the development of Long COVID and other chronic diseases. There are only a few medicinal substances that can easily penetrate biofilm to help people regain their health even after serious disease: chlorine dioxide, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), and modified citrus pectin.Using CDS to Cure COVID-19
Today, most people want to know if CDS works against COVID-19? And the answer is yes. If you’ve been exposed to COVID, you can follow the following CDS Protocol for COVID Exposure below to prevent the disease. Combine the following ingredients in a glass container once every 12 hours (take 1 dose, wait 12 hours, take another dose, wait 12 hours, take the last dose). Take 3 doses of the following over the course of 24 hours: 6 drops of CDS (activated, meaning 6 drops of 28% sodium chlorite solution and 6 drops of citric acid mixed together - let these ingredients mix and “activate” for 30 seconds to 1 minute)AFTER THE CDS HAS ACTIVATED (IT WILL TURN ORANGE OR YELLOW) ADD THE FOLLOWING:
⅛ to ¼ cup of filtered water
ADD 18 drops of DMSO AFTER THE WATER HAS BEEN ADDED. CDS has the ability to inhibit virus infectivity in four different ways making it extremely effective against viral infections. NOTE: CDS should not be used during a cytokine storm. In other words, once the COVID-19 cough starts, you should stop using the CDS because it can worsen the cytokine storm (which is caused by an overactive immune response). CDS boosts the immune system response and during a cytokine storm, you actually want to calm the immune response using different medicines that are listed here.
Using CDS to Cure Cancer or Diabetes
Remember, if you have cancer or diabetes, you can also take CDS to cure your disease. This may seem hard to believe, but the simple explanation of how CDS works to combat cancer or diabetes is that once the body becomes debilitated to a certain degree (specifically by a lack of the B17 vitamin that is found primarily in certain seeds), some very subtle infectious organisms that are hard to detect under normal light-field microscope (they can be detected under a dark-field microscope) are able to infect human cells and “take over” the DNA, causing different types of diseases like cancer or diabetes. CDS, as an Oxidant Therapy that uses oxygen against microorganisms is able to combat the infectious agents that cause many types of cancer and other diseases that seem “incurable” even if conventional medicine does not readily recognize these diseases as originating from an infection. How to Make MMS and CDSHow to Make MMS and CDS
Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) can be made into Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) through the addition of an acid (such as hydrochloric acid, vinegar, or citric acid). The most important ingredient in Miracle Mineral Solution is sodium chlorite which typically is packaged as flakes or a powder. Most sodium chlorite products contain 80% sodium chlorite. The rest of the product is made of NaCl (common table salt) and a variety of trace minerals. To make MMS (which can then be activated by an acid to become Chlorine Dioxide or CDS), you must create a solution of distilled water and sodium chlorite. You’ll need a scale to weigh the sodium chlorite so that you can add the proper proportion of flakes to the water. Though you’ll add 28% sodium chlorite to the solution, the total amount of sodium chlorite in the water will be 22.4% after the recipe has been prepared. The remaining 5.6% of the flakes/powder that dissolves in the water consists of table salt (NaCl) and trace minerals. It is possible to purchase sodium chlorite in water (MMS) with a food-grade activator solution such as 50% citric acid or 4% hydrochloric acid. To make a Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) out of the MMS, put 1 drop of the MMS (the sodium chlorite solution) with the activator (either the 50% citric acid solution of 4% hydrochloric acid). Wait for 30 seconds to 1 minute. If you don’t have 50% citric acid or 4% hydrochloric acid to activate your MMS, purchase "The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution" to get the correct proportion and activation time for using lemon juice, lime juice, or vinegar as the activator. If you don’t have distilled water available, use bottled or filtered water, but never use tap water. Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) and Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) are famous for being able to attach to heavy metals to transport them out of the body. In fact, they’re used in industrial water purification in the same way (to attach to chemicals, metals, and other substances that create turbidity in the water) to clean municipal water supplies. For this reason, you should never store your MMS or CDS in a bottle with a metal lid. Nor should you ever mix MMS or CDS in a metal container or with a metal spoon. Always use glass containers for storage and mixing. Choose a brown-colored glass bottle with a plastic lid to store your MMS or CDS in the refrigerator. For more detailed instructions regarding how to make your own CDS or MMS from basic sodium chlorite or sodium hypochlorite, check out our book, "The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution", where we detail all of the various protocols for using MMS correctly!
Be sure to take a look at a few of our e-Books titles below that might pertain to your health search:

Is Chlorine Dioxide Safe to Use as a Medicine?
To be clear, including the image to the left in this article is not a political statement that's for or against Donald Trump. Rather, I include this image here because I want to be frank about what Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) / Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS). This is an article about what it is and what it's not. The poster shown to the left is propaganda that's meant to scare people away from MMS / CDS, a substance that is widely used as a water purifier in municipal water supplies all over the world, a medicine, and as a disinfectant. When people learn about MMS / CDS and understand that they have already used and consumed CDS / MMS and how to use it intentionally for their own health, Big Pharma is threatened. CDS / MMS empowers people to take control over their own health and wellbeing. Continue reading to decide for yourself whether drinking CDS is "dumb" or "smart".NOTE: Miracle Mineral Solution / Chlorine Dioxide May Cause Certain Sensitivities in Dialysis Patients.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT COVID-19 TREATMENT USING CHLORINE DIOXIDE: Scientists have recently realized that COVID-19 (as well as many respiratory infections) need to be treated in 2 phases. Phase 1 takes place during the first 2-3 days of acute infection when symptoms are not that severe. During this initial phase of infection, treatment with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide / Miracle Mineral Solution are appropriate to lower the viral load. However, treating the infection with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide beyond this initial 2 to 3 day window could worsen symptoms. During Phase 2 of the infection, when coughing begins, it is vital to supplement with Vitamin B3 at no less than 1000 mg per day (500 mg in the morning and 500 mg in the evening). Patients should also be given medicines to counteract the effects of a cytokine storm during this stage. We provide a list of potential options that you can use to treat a cytokine storm at home at this link.
Consider using a Methylene Blue, Vitamin C, and NAC protocol for Phase 1 treatment and then continue with this Methylene Blue Protocol through Phase 2 for COVID-19.

Click here to buy Methylene Blue.
-------------------Is Chlorine Dioxide a Bleach?
In short, the answer is yes. Chlorine Dioxide can bleach fabrics. Indeed, it is an ingredient in many mouthwashes because of its ability to whiten teeth. But you need to learn more about this substance before you decide that an agent that can bleach fabric is unacceptable as a medicine. After all, oxygen also bleaches fabric, but we all require oxygen to survive. And in fact, chlorine in its molecular form (chloride) is considered the “queen” of electrolytes in the human body. In other words, you need a certain amount of chlorine in order to survive.Some of the chlorine is integrated into hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid is the stuff that breaks down food in the stomach so that the body can absorb nutrients. The rest of the chlorine turns into sodium chloride which is the chemical name for table salt. The oxygen, on the other hand, goes off to hunt pathogens. It is, in fact, the oxygen that kills viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other disease causing microorganisms in the body.

Buy CDS / MMS here. Our Amazon CDS / MMS links to product often disappear shortly after we publish. Contact us at [email protected] to get a link to CDS / MMS for human use.
Can Chlorine Dioxide Kill You?
A common argument posed by Big Pharma and the industries that control information on the Internet these days is the idea that Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) should not be used as a medicine because it is “bleach”. Technically, the definition of “bleach” is the following:“Bleach is a chemical product that can be used either industrially or domestically to remove the color from fiber or fabric in a process called bleaching”.
Often, when someone talks about “bleach” they’re referring to sodium HYPOchlorite or “liquid bleach”, a product that is used to make whites whiter through laundering. But chlorine dioxide is made using sodium chlorite (NOT sodium HYPOchlorite) and a mild acid like vinegar or lime juice.
Sodium hypochlorite can be used to make CDS, but it is not typically used for this purpose. But to be clear, chlorine dioxide and sodium HYPOchlorite are not the same things. No, they’re very different. But it seems irresponsible to stop there and not give you a little more information about the difference between chlorine dioxide and sodium hypochlorite, the bleaching agent that most people are familiar with as a laundering or cleaning agent. The difference between sodium hypochlorite and sodium chlorite, is important in terms of chemical reactions, but the main thing you need to know right now is that it is possible to change sodium hypochlorite into sodium chlorite by adding an oxygen atom to it. The chemical formula for sodium hypochlorite is NaClO. It is made of one sodium atom, one chlorine atom, and one oxygen atom. These three atoms combine to produce a compound that can bleach clothing and other items and that can be used to kill most pathogens on surfaces and clothing. The chemical formula for sodium chlorite, however, is NaClO2. It contains one sodium atom, one chlorine atom, and TWO oxygen atoms. This extra oxygen atom makes it easy to convert sodium chlorite into chlorine dioxide with a chemical formula of Cl02 by simply adding a weak acid to it. Chlorine dioxide is relatively non-toxic inside the body. After you swallow chlorine dioxide, the oxygen atoms break away from chlorine and the chlorine is integrated into one of several natural biological pathways to become hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride (table salt), or it may find a place as an electrolyte that helps to energize the body. But before sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is changed into chlorine dioxide using a weak acid, it is relatively non-toxic. It is sometimes combined with zinc chloride and used in therapeutic mouth rinses, mouthwashes, mouth sprays, toothpastes, and eye drops. It is even gentle enough to be a major component of the contact lens cleaning solution under the brand name “Purite”. As I mentioned above, this substance is relatively harmless and most people have already consumed it in one form or another. Chlorine dioxide, which is the substance that is created when you combine sodium chlorite with an acid (vinegar, citric acid, hydrochloric acid, etc.), is used in mainstream dentistry as a mouthwash to get rid of bad breath as well as to treat a variety of other dental problems that are not responsive to other medicines. This article by Crest talks about the value of chlorine dioxide as a mouthwash, but it cautions readers to only use it in small quantities. brand-name mouthwash users definitely shouldn’t ingest large quantities of the mouthwash which might contain any number of other toxic ingredients, but even Crest has to admit that chlorine dioxide is used as a water purifier. In other words, you can safely ingest chlorine dioxide. Indeed, you ingest chlorine dioxide in doses that can’t really be monitored by any health agency since different people drink differing amounts of water in a day. Crest, as a company that is deeply entrenched as a Big Pharma business, has to make sure that the public doesn’t put two and two together that chlorine dioxide is safe and non-toxic to human tissues but that it has the ability to kill germs. So, both sodium chlorite (one of the main ingredients that you’ll use at home to make chlorine dioxide) and chlorine dioxide (the final product that you get from combining sodium chlorite and an acid) are safe for human consumption.
Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) as Medicine
CDS is an extremely valuable medicine today! It can protect you or heal you after being infected with anything from COVID-19 to Ebola, but it is also used to cure cancer and even diabetes. This product is affordable and accessible because in today’s world, it’s necessary to use CDS to purify water. Most of us wouldn’t survive long without the industrial use of CDS in municipal water supplies to purify water. CDS has the ability to cure disease without causing bacterial or viral mutations that lead to antibiotic-resistant strains. It works by oxidizing (releasing oxygen) bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, and other types of pathogens that are living inside the body.To “drink bleach” sounds scary and stupid. It does! Why would you do that? Well, you shouldn’t drink bleach in mega-high doses. But the fact is, this “bleach” (sodium hypochlorite) is often used along with other chemicals to purify our drinking water. So we regularly drink CDS (which was made from the sodium hypochlorite) without realizing it. Indeed, the use of sodium hypochlorite as well as sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid (or other acids), is ubiquitous throughout the world in drinking water because these substances are some of the only water purifying agents that can not only kill Helicobacter pylori (a bacteria that causes a variety of digestive issues including heartburn, GERD, indigestion, stomach ulcers, stomach cancer, and more), but that also bind with heavy metals and other unhealthy substances in the water supply to remove them safely. Inside the body, CDS does a very similar thing. It kills bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites, fungi, and more while binding to chemical agents that don’t belong in the body so that they can safely be removed via the kidneys and intestines.
But I hope by this point, you’ve realized that Big Pharma is taking people for a ride by preying on the fact that most people don’t understand chemistry well enough to push past the propaganda and really understand sodium hypochlorite (an agent that can bleach things), sodium chlorite (another agent that can bleach things), and chlorine dioxide (yet another agent that can bleach things) are also powerful disinfectants that are regularly used in municipal water supplies that masses of people across the globe consume every day. They’ve made sure that you were educated in public schools about how you shouldn’t ever drink bleach. And now they just have to push this button to make you feel scared and/or stupid for considering a broader, more powerful use for something that you likely already consume every day in every glass of water you drink.
Proper Dosing of CDS
So the vast majority of us have consumed this chlorine dioxide “bleach” in our drinking water. We also bathe in it. Sodium hypochlorite and sodium chlorite in lower doses is used to clean and keep water supplies healthy too. Is it really so hard to believe that in just slightly higher doses, these same substances can be used as a medicine. And in much higher doses still, they become toxic to human tissues, but at these high doses, they’re still a valuable non-medicinal substance in that they can be used to bleach fabrics and disinfect interior spaces safely.Nearly all substances that are used as medicines are non-toxic and non-medicinal at very low doses. At slightly higher doses (which are typically determined in a laboratory), these substances have medicinal properties. And these same substances that are medicinal at a particular dose are often lethal (deadly) at a higher dose. Anyone who has taken a class in pharmaceuticals knows this.
For example, most people are familiar with Tylenol. At a very low dose, Tylenol does almost nothing noticeable in the human body. But if an adult takes 325 mg of Tylenol for a fever or a headache, they may notice a pain-relieving, fever-reducing medicinal effect. But that same person who experienced relief from fever and headache at 325 mg may die if they take 12 times that amount (3,250 mg) within a 24 hour period. Tylenol can kill you in doses that are too high.
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) and Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) are like Tylenol in that a low dose produces almost unnoticeable effects on the body (thus it can safely be added to the water supply and almost no one, not children or infants, not pregnant women, not sick people, with the possible exception of dialysis patients-- notices or experiences negative health effects due to the presence of CDS in the water supply). But in slightly higher doses, CDS and MMS (when used properly) can fight infection, remove heavy metals from the body, and stimulate the immune system in important ways that really challenge conventional medicine and The Establishment that prefers to make a profit off of patients rather than curing them of disease. But like Tylenol, there is a lethal dose of CDS and MMS. It’s possible to take too much. But if you follow Jim Humble’s instructions for using MMS and CDS, (which typically recommend less than 6 drops or less of CDS in ½ cup of water per dose), you’ll be using this product at its medicinal dose and you should therefore notice medicinal (non-lethal) effects from using it.
What Happens in the Body When You Take CDS / Chlorine Dioxide Solution?
When you add hydrochloric acid, citric acid, or vinegar to your sodium chlorite solution, chlorine dioxide gas bubbles are suspended in the watery solution that you’ve created.The chemical reaction inside the body looks like this:
2NaClO2 + 4HCl2 = 4ClO2 + 5NaCl + 2H2O2 2 Sodium + 4 Hydrochloric Acids become 4 Chlorine Dioxide (gas) + 5 table salt + 2 water
When you take the activated MMS or CDS, the medicine is broken down into little bubbles of chlorine dioxide, table salt, and water when it goes into the body. The medicinal molecule in the above reaction is the chlorine dioxide gas which remains in solution until it encounters a bacteria, virus, or other types of infectious agent. When the CDS gas is exposed to an infectious microorganism, it releases a single oxygen atom. Our natural cellular immune system (in particular white blood cells) use a similar mechanism of action against infectious microorganisms. White blood cells release highly reactive oxygen species (also known as free radicals or single oxygen atoms) to combat foreign invaders. So CDS basically works in the body by behaving much the way white blood cells behave. In the elderly or in people who are ill or immunocompromised, CDS can provide an important immune system boost to give other aspects of our natural immune response time to respond to foreign invaders with a full on attack. Conventional medicine has embraced reactive oxygen species, including chlorine dioxide as legitimate forms of medicine and the name for this specialty in conventional medicine is: Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine. But because oxygen is naturally occurring and therefore cannot be patented, this system of medicine (which uses free radicals and oxygen in various formats including chlorine dioxide) is well hidden from the public view. Scientists who are studying the behavior of free radicals and oxidants like chlorine dioxide are tasked with finding ways to make patentable medicines that will release the necessary oxygen as a free radical that can somehow be patented. If it can be patented, the medicine can be sold at inflated prices. But chlorine dioxide isn't patentable. It's cheap and it's accessible to the public. Big Pharma attempts to prevent the public from embracing this medicine by using propaganda like the idea that chlorine dioxide is bleach. There's an element of truth in the propaganda, which is how propaganda works. Chlorine dioxide can in fact bleach clothing and other items. But chlorine dioxide is also used to purify water and people consume it daily. Why doesn't the propaganda mention that fact or the fact that chlorine dioxide is used extensively in dentistry?
Leftover Chloride After CDS Treatment
After you consume CDS for COVID or for any other disease like cancer, diabetes, or influenza, the CDS changes form through chemical reactions with the invading microorganisms. Singlet oxygen atoms oxidize and kill the infectious microorganism, leaving behind chloride ions and sodium chloride (also known as “table salt”). Chloride (molecular chlorine) is an important electrolyte in the body and 5.3 grams of chloride is needed for every liter of human plasma in the body for proper physical functioning. That’s a lot of chloride! In fact, some scientists call chloride the “queen” of electrolytes for this reason. So the negligible amount of chloride that’s generated by the use of CDS as a medicine is much more likely to be beneficial as a human electrolyte rather than being harmful in some other way.
Chlorine Dioxide as a Medicine
Using CDS to Get Rid of Biofilm
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) can be used in a variety of ways as we’ve already discussed. Scientific studies have shown that CDS can prevent and remove biofilm. It’s effective even against a spore-forming bacteria like Anthrax. Many experts believe that biofilm may contribute in a big way to the development of Long COVID and other chronic diseases. There are only a few medicinal substances that can easily penetrate biofilm to help people regain their health even after serious disease: chlorine dioxide, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), and modified citrus pectin.Using CDS to Cure COVID-19
Today, most people want to know if CDS works against COVID-19? And the answer is yes. If you’ve been exposed to COVID, you can follow the following CDS Protocol for COVID Exposure below to prevent the disease. Combine the following ingredients in a glass container once every 12 hours (take 1 dose, wait 12 hours, take another dose, wait 12 hours, take the last dose). Take 3 doses of the following over the course of 24 hours: 6 drops of CDS (activated, meaning 6 drops of 28% sodium chlorite solution and 6 drops of citric acid mixed together - let these ingredients mix and “activate” for 30 seconds to 1 minute)AFTER THE CDS HAS ACTIVATED (IT WILL TURN ORANGE OR YELLOW) ADD THE FOLLOWING:
⅛ to ¼ cup of filtered water
ADD 18 drops of DMSO AFTER THE WATER HAS BEEN ADDED. CDS has the ability to inhibit virus infectivity in four different ways making it extremely effective against viral infections. NOTE: CDS should not be used during a cytokine storm. In other words, once the COVID-19 cough starts, you should stop using the CDS because it can worsen the cytokine storm (which is caused by an overactive immune response). CDS boosts the immune system response and during a cytokine storm, you actually want to calm the immune response using different medicines that are listed here.
Using CDS to Cure Cancer or Diabetes
Remember, if you have cancer or diabetes, you can also take CDS to cure your disease. This may seem hard to believe, but the simple explanation of how CDS works to combat cancer or diabetes is that once the body becomes debilitated to a certain degree (specifically by a lack of the B17 vitamin that is found primarily in certain seeds), some very subtle infectious organisms that are hard to detect under normal light-field microscope (they can be detected under a dark-field microscope) are able to infect human cells and “take over” the DNA, causing different types of diseases like cancer or diabetes. CDS, as an Oxidant Therapy that uses oxygen against microorganisms is able to combat the infectious agents that cause many types of cancer and other diseases that seem “incurable” even if conventional medicine does not readily recognize these diseases as originating from an infection. How to Make MMS and CDSHow to Make MMS and CDS
Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) can be made into Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) through the addition of an acid (such as hydrochloric acid, vinegar, or citric acid). The most important ingredient in Miracle Mineral Solution is sodium chlorite which typically is packaged as flakes or a powder. Most sodium chlorite products contain 80% sodium chlorite. The rest of the product is made of NaCl (common table salt) and a variety of trace minerals. To make MMS (which can then be activated by an acid to become Chlorine Dioxide or CDS), you must create a solution of distilled water and sodium chlorite. You’ll need a scale to weigh the sodium chlorite so that you can add the proper proportion of flakes to the water. Though you’ll add 28% sodium chlorite to the solution, the total amount of sodium chlorite in the water will be 22.4% after the recipe has been prepared. The remaining 5.6% of the flakes/powder that dissolves in the water consists of table salt (NaCl) and trace minerals. It is possible to purchase sodium chlorite in water (MMS) with a food-grade activator solution such as 50% citric acid or 4% hydrochloric acid. To make a Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) out of the MMS, put 1 drop of the MMS (the sodium chlorite solution) with the activator (either the 50% citric acid solution of 4% hydrochloric acid). Wait for 30 seconds to 1 minute. If you don’t have 50% citric acid or 4% hydrochloric acid to activate your MMS, purchase "The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution" to get the correct proportion and activation time for using lemon juice, lime juice, or vinegar as the activator. If you don’t have distilled water available, use bottled or filtered water, but never use tap water. Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) and Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) are famous for being able to attach to heavy metals to transport them out of the body. In fact, they’re used in industrial water purification in the same way (to attach to chemicals, metals, and other substances that create turbidity in the water) to clean municipal water supplies. For this reason, you should never store your MMS or CDS in a bottle with a metal lid. Nor should you ever mix MMS or CDS in a metal container or with a metal spoon. Always use glass containers for storage and mixing. Choose a brown-colored glass bottle with a plastic lid to store your MMS or CDS in the refrigerator. For more detailed instructions regarding how to make your own CDS or MMS from basic sodium chlorite or sodium hypochlorite, check out our book, "The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution", where we detail all of the various protocols for using MMS correctly!
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