Lose Weight: Use Lugol's Iodine to Strengthen the Thyroid Gland and Drop Pounds EASILY.
I tell everyone about iodine. That’s right. Iodine. But not the iodine that you buy at the pharmacy. I tell people about Lugol’s Iodine and Iodoral. These are two products that contain both potassium iodide and molecular iodine. The thyroid gland and reproductive organs each require slightly different configurations of iodine to be healthy which is why you can’t just go buy some Betadine and expect to see weight loss results.Most of the time, when I talk about iodine with people, I’m telling them about how I used it to cure melanoma when John was first diagnosed. And how it helped Lydian and I have easier and less painful menstrual periods. Sometimes I tell people about how it was able to cure Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis in my stepdaughter. I talk about Lugol’s iodine every time I give a talk about cancer because almost everyone in the U.S. is low on iodine and almost everyone can benefit from supplementing with it. I can say this with confidence because Americans were deficient in iodine back in the early 1900’s when doctors prescribed Lugol’s iodine as a medicine that could cure a variety of diseases that were caused by a lack of it. Back in those days, some intelligent people decided to fortify bread products with iodine because bread was a good carrier for iodine and it made the population of the American people healthier overall. But in the 1980’s, some different, less intelligent people decided to remove iodine as a fortifier in bread and replace it with...bromide.

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
Bromide Detoxification to Improve Metabolism
If you’re American and you’re reading this article because you want to lose weight, you must learn more about bromide and how bromide can cause unexplainable weight gain. Bromine is in the same chemical family as iodine and bromide competes with iodine in the body. What this means is that if you’re already deficient in iodine (most Americans are) due to low iodine content in soils and then you are exposed to bromide, you will likely experience uncontrolled weight gain along with a wide variety of other serious health issues such as, for example: autoimmune disease, cancer, diabetes, infertility, painful menstruation, reproductive organ diseases such as PCOS or endometriosis, but also prostate cancer or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), low libido, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, any thyroid disease including thyroid cancer or thyroid nodules, nervous system disorders and diseases, and more.You might be surprised when I tell you where you’re being exposed to bromine. This toxic substance is outlawed in many countries because of the weight gain and health problems that it creates, but in many of these other countries, the healthcare system is at least partially subsidized. What this means is that the government has to pay for some of those health issues that are caused by bromide in the food, in the water, in the air, and in our clothing, furnishings, and electronics. So it’s more profitable for those governments to outlaw substances like bromide that cause the population to become sicker overall, but in a country like the U.S., where the healthcare system is entirely capitalistic, profitability is all about keeping people sick. The U.S. is the only developed nation in the world with a 100% capitalistic healthcare system (at the time of this writing) which should give Americans pause as they consider the implications of this problem. The government of the United States is more likely to make laws about health that serve corporate interests. Essentially, bromide makes the population sicker and fatter in the U.S. and this equates to Big Profits as far as the healthcare industry is concerned.
Click here to read more about government sponsored nutrient deficiencies.
So where might you be exposed to bromide? See below:
- Bromide is a component of certain pesticides. As such, it is in the air and sprayed on fruits and vegetables for sale at the grocery store. It is even sprayed on so-called “organic” fruits and vegetables during their transport from the fields where they’re grown to the grocery store where they’re sold.
- It is currently put into swimming pools in place of chlorine because bromide doesn’t “sting the eyes” as much as chlorine.
- Bromide is added to the water supply in some areas in place of chlorine dioxide as a water purification agent.
- It is used as bromated vegetable oil (BVOs) in soft drinks as an emulsifying agent.
- It is in commercial bread products. Many flours are bromated as part of processing. And bromide is used to make bread products softer.
- Bromide is sprayed on children’s pajamas as well as other clothing materials as a fire retardant.
- Bromide is sprayed on furnishings as a fire retardant.
- Bromide is used in fire extinguishers to put out fires.
- Bromide is found in electronics and computer keyboards.
Click here to find out how to remove bromide from the body and avoid exposure as much as possible. One of the only ways to protect yourself from the onslaught of bromide is to take daily iodine supplements in the form of Lugol’s Iodine 2% or Iodoral. I live in Mexico and I take Iodoral 50 mg daily. Initially, when I started taking iodine though, I used Lugol’s 2% and I put liquid drops either on my wrist or in drinking water. I started with 3 or 4 drops per day and worked up to 20 drops total.

If you’ve been struggling with weight gain or obesity and you start taking iodine supplements for weight loss, you’ll likely experience some detoxification reactions as the bromide is pushed out of the thyroid gland and reproductive organs and iodine moves back into the places where it belongs. The main detoxification symptom is the Bromoderma Rash. Many people apply Lugol’s iodine to their wrists and then develop a rash on the arm where they apply the iodine. Or they take Iodoral and they get a full-body rash. This is NOT an allergic reaction, but rather bromide being released from storage in your glands into the bloodstream. The rash will go away throughout the day and eventually, over time, you’ll stop getting rashes when bromide is no longer being stored in your body.
Click here to learn which supportive nutrients are needed to ensure that iodine is properly absorbed and bromide is removed from the body.
Click here to read about how to do salt flushing and salt loading to diminish bromide and fluoride detoxification symptoms.
Symptoms of Bromide Detoxification:
Below are symptoms of bromide detoxification. In other words, you may experience the symptoms below for the first few weeks of supplementing with iodine, but these symptoms are not caused by iodine. They are caused by the removal of bromide from the glands and organs as the bromide is working its way through the bloodstream and out of the body.- Eyelid twitching
- Foot twitching
- Disturbance of color perception
- Mood issues such as anxiety or mood swings
- Depression (e.g. “there is no reason to get out of bed”)
- Dark thoughts (e.g. “there is no reason to live”)
- Tingling in the extremities
- Skin “cuts”
- Dry mouth
- Mouth and tongue sores and cuts, a sore mouth
- Metallic taste in the mouth
- Body odor
- Odd swallowing sensation (“swollen glottis”)
- Bromide acne (the use of zinc can help counteract bromide acne)
- Brain fog
- Hair loss
- Leg and hip ache that resembles arthritis
- Sinus pain
- Rash (bromoderma)
- Runny nose
- Cherry angiomas
- Headache
- Sedation/lethargy
- Urethral spasm and frequent urination (can be mistaken for a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection))
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Unusual urine odor or color
- Irritability
- Vision changes
- Increased salivation
- Impaired memory/concentration
- Dream changes
- Tremor
- Kidney pain
- Breast tenderness (this transient symptom typically resolves quickly)
- Hormone changes
Being exposed to bromide makes me “feel fat”. I know that may sound strange or even hard to believe, but when I’m in a place where there’s bromide in the water supply, I feel my metabolism slow down. Getting iodine back into the body in high enough doses can help your thyroid gland produce the hormones necessary to raise your metabolism so that you can lose weight. Of course, it’s important that you stop exposing yourself directly to bromide whenever possible. Don’t drink those soft drinks or eat breads that contain bromide, for example. And taking iodine supplements can be a real paradigm-changer in terms of weight loss.
Women who experience breast swelling and hardening during periods (or all the time, in the form of fibrocystic breast disease) are likely to find that this problem goes away quickly with proper supplementation with Lugol’s 2% or Iodoral. In fact, menstruation issues and fertility issues may be resolved along with weight loss after you start taking this supplement. Indeed, if you are religious in taking Lugol’s iodine, over the course of about 1 year you can expect to see major improvements in most of the systems of your body, but it does take time for this nutrient to work especially in people who are both iodine deficient and bromide / fluoride-toxic.

For Best Results Administer These Supportive Nutrients with Lugol's Iodine:
There are several supporting nutrients that are recommended below. If you don't take these supportive nutrients, your iodine weight loss protocol may not work and you may experience bromide / bromine detoxification symptoms.- Vitamin C – 2000 to 5000 mgs/day – take this supplement 4 to 6 hours AFTER iodine
- Selenium – 200 to 400 mcg/day – (assists with detoxification and thyroid secretion)
- Unrefined salt / Celtic or Himalayan sea salt – ½ tsp/day in ½ c. water followed by 12 oz. of water – the salt binds to bromine and assists in detoxification
- Magnesium – 400 - 600 mg/day
- Vitamin B3 - 500 mg per day - This nutrient is also essential for those with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. It is also very beneficial for those without a known thyroid issues.
- Vitamin B2 - 400 mg per day - This nutrient dosage is absolutely essential for anyone with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. It can be extremely beneficial to those without thyroid problems.
- Zinc / Copper - 15 mg / 2 mg
- Optional – ATP Cofactors – 1 tablet 2 times per day
- Sea Water Supplement - 1 tsp. per 8 ounces of water
- Vitamin K2 / MK-7- 200 mcg per day (note that without vitamin K2, the body will not be able to properly absorb iodine).
Click here to read more about supportive nutrients to enhance the body's ability to use Lugol's iodine properly.
Click here to read about how to use salt loading or salt flushing to reduce bromide detoxification symptoms during the initial stages of iodine supplementation.
Of course, changing your diet so that you avoid trans fats is also essential for weight loss. And if you have a tendency toward addictive eating, you might consider taking Mucuna pruriens to combat some of those behaviors. Many people who are struggling to lose weight are actually battling an addiction to sugar or to addictive ingredients in highly processed foods. I had a friend who ate a whole bag of hard candies every day just to keep herself "level", but she broke this addiction within days of starting to take Mucuna pruriens. If you think you have an addiction to sugar or to any kind of food, read this article about sugar addiction to learn more about how to use Mucuna and other supplements to do an at-home protocol that will help you easily kick your addiction. Losing weight starts with a healthy diet, of course, but if your thyroid gland and your reproductive hormones aren’t functioning properly, your diet won’t help as much as it should. When we moved to Mexico and I learned about Iodoral and Lugol’s and with supplementation, I lost 10 pounds without trying. In fact, I’d been jogging 40 to 50 miles every week with my husband, and I suddenly just felt like I didn’t need to do that anymore. I didn’t “feel fat” anymore. Still, the weight dropped off. And this can happen to you too.

Click here to buy Mucuna pruriens.
Mucuna pruriens Dosage for Herbal Weight Loss:
Administer 6000 mg of Mucuna pruriens daily. You can buy Mucuna pruriens as a powder and put it in foods like soups or tacos. It's a staple food product in a number of countries. Take 1500 mg of Mucuna every 4-6 hours. Note that it takes 4-6 hours for the Mucuna to take effect.Lugol's Iodine
Lugol’s is more affordable than Iodoral, but both are worth it in terms of overall savings in terms of healthcare. In addition to helping you lose weight, this is a mineral that will easily save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars every year in unnecessary doctor visits. Having adequate levels of iodine will protect you from breast cancer, cervical cancer, and prostate cancer as well as autoimmunity, diabetes, and more. And your general health will just be better.If you decide to take Iodoral instead of using the Lugol's liquid, use the smaller 12.5 mg doses at first for 1-2 months and then start taking the full 50 mg dose after you've had some time to detoxify.
Start by taking one 12.5 mg Iodoral pill per day. Increase the dose by 1 pill / 12.5 mg every week. Take up to 4 pills per day particularly if you are actively being exposed to bromide / bromine or buy the 50 mg Iodoral product and take 1 pill per day.
Kudzu: Weight Loss Herb
Kudzu, also known as Pueraria lobata, is another legume that's used in East Asian food as a thickening agent. The starchy powder of the roots are used to make arrowroot tea that can be used as medicine or as a thickener for gravies or sauces. Kudzu is famous for its ability to cure alcoholism even in alcoholics who don't intend to quit drinking but it is also valuable as a natural treatment for diabetes. This herb naturally lowers blood sugar levels and helps the body process calories more efficiently.Kudzu Dosage: Take 1600 mg doses up to 3 times dailiy for weight loss. If you are also taking Mucuna pruriens, lower your Mucuna dose to 4000 mg per day.

Click here to buy Kudzu as a weight loss supplement.
The kudzu plant has a number of uses, primarily to control blood sugar levels . Although there aren’t many, one study seems to confirm that flavonoids in the flower of the plant can be used to cause browning of white adipose tissue.
In the study, the researchers concluded that flavonoids induced the browning of white adipose tissue and activated brown adipose tissue to increase energy consumption. A process called thermogenesis also happens where heat is produced and this causes the inhibition of weight gain and the prevention of metabolic diseases.
The pueraria flower is very rich in isoflavones which have been studied to show that it has anti-obesity effects. It is for this reason why the pueraria flower extract is used in weight loss supplements like Exipure.
The weight loss effects of kudzu can be attributed to a few things:
- flavonoids in pueraria flower extract causes activation of brown adipose tissue
- rich isoflavone content has anti-obesity effects
- antioxidant rich content increases oxygen which is needed to counter harmful metabolic conditions such as excess visceral fat, insulin resistance, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
L-Tyrosine with Lugol's Iodine to Improve Metabolism and Increase Weight Loss Naturally
The two primary ingredients that the body needs in order to produce thyroid hormones are:- Iodine
- L-Tyrosine
Also, click here to learn more about trace minerals to electrify your cells and improve iodine metabolism and overall physiological metabolism naturally.
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Below are additional articles about iodine and how iodine deficiency affects your health: