How to Cure HIV (Part 6)
PLEASE READ ALL OF THE EMAILS IN THIS SERIES THROUGH PART 7 BEFORE STARTING ON THE CHLORINE DIOXIDE HIV TREATMENT DESCRIBED HERE. ROBERT: Hello Jennifer:It's been a while since I wrote to you and I'm still doing the solution. I bought an in-home HIV test kit and it came out positive. I'm disheartened and disillusioned. I'm thinking I need to do a couple of intravenous treatments as I now don't think the solution works effectively orally. I think I'm just gonna stop kidding myself and leave well enough alone ... Anyhow this will probably be my last post to you considering its not working. Thanks for all your input anyway. Hugs
JENNIFER: Hi Robert,
It's so good to hear from you! :) :) :)
Listen, I'm so sorry to hear about your test results, but here's the thing:
Since the time we were young, we've been taught that if you're sick, you go to the doctor and you get a pill. And then you take the pill. And the pill will make you better. This isn't true, but nonetheless, it's what we've been taught.
When we're young and we're taught to believe something, we believe it on an unconscious level. It's really really hard to un-teach ourselves these things. They sit in our brain in these hidden locations like boogie men and they jump out at us and you put it...disillusionment. Our beliefs can either buttress our faith in healing or they can eat away at it. But I think you and I both know, in our guts, that the body CAN heal.
But while SOME people are able to cure HIV with only MMS and CDS, SOME people need to do more than that to get past this infection. You mentioned, for example, that you have gout. that tells me that you have some health issues that you may need to peel away at in layers to finally cure yourself. BUT THIS THOUGHT GOES AGAINST WHAT YOU WERE TAUGHT AS A CHILD. So you have this internal conflict that's happening on deep levels. And that makes you feel like giving up. I completely understand that!
Even as I type this, I have an "elbow problem". This problem has been there for maybe a month? Maybe two months? (I'm in the UAE now, by the way, waiting on pins and needles for my son-in-law to arrive here on a relief flight, having recovered, as far as I can tell from a meth addiction using something I'd never heard about a year ago). Intuitively, it makes sense to me that this problem is caused by stress. Because I've got this scary, nagging event coming up tomorrow. I only just tuned into my problem about 2 weeks ago because I've been trying to ignore it, ya know? Trying to get on with my life. And once I started tuning into it, I noticed that my shoulder and my wrist on that same arm also hurt sometimes...and that I have this nagging little headache because my upper back is all tight and sore too. So I started paying attention to the problem and the more I've paid attention to it, the more it CHANGES. The word "arthritis" pops into my head every now and then, but I'm lucky because I don't fully believe in arthritis anymore. I mean, I believe in joint pain, but I believe that people can heal themselves. So...mostly, at this moment, I'm just watching/observing my elbow because I have this stressful stuff and...I'm curious about how the pain will CHANGE when/if my son-in-law and my daughter get reunited tomorrow (please pray/think positive thoughts for them, btw!!!--we need all the good vibes we can get!!!)
Improbability is not the same as Impossibility, but people get those two things confused all the time. So the thing is, Robert, I think you're going to need to work on your overall health more and you may need to take a break from the MMS and then go back to it. With cancer, one of the most difficult things to explain to people is that they have to do a PROTOCOL!!! In other words, they can't really rely on just one thing to get them past the problem. And HIV is like that.
I've been waiting to hear from you. There are other treatments to try and to add to your existing CDS protocol when you're ready.
My first question to you after having gone through this protocol is:
1) Do you feel like your health has improved since you started taking the CDS? In what ways has it improved?
2) If you don't feel like your health has improved, then...have you noticed any changes in your health?
These are not rhetorical questions. I would honestly like to know the answers to these questions.
I need to add that in terms of healing and curing HIV, that for you, up until you resolved the conflict about receiving disability payments, you had some "secondary gains" that you were benefiting from by HAVING the disease. And this is a powerful thing on an unconscious level! I mean, those secondary gains stop people in their tracks all the time! The disease becomes like a friend or an ally that you work with and around and you incorporate it into your personality. Disentangling yourself from HIV is a spiritual thing as well as an emotional and a physical one, right?
So, I have a plethora of suggestions, but I'll try to hone in and send you just a few...otherwise this message will be like a book., beyond these two questions, I'm also curious about whether you're eating apricot kernels (for the vitamin B17) and taking Lugol's Iodine supplements or not? Are you taking pancreatic enzymes?
I'm going to list on some HIV treatments that come to mind off the top of my head, without prioritizing them (each one links to an article at AlivenHealthy about each of these, by the way):
Rife Therapy (I have a Rife Machine and you could send me a piece of your hair or fingernail and I could put it in this machine and use the "Spooky" setting once I get back to Mexico, if you're interested in that--no charge).
Bob Beck Micropulser (this is a little electrical device that you wear on your wrist that electrocutes pathogens--Bob Beck was a doctor who worked on regenerating human limbs--he's a genius and I actually brought his biotuner and TENs machines with me on this trip because they really do work).
Entelev/Protocel/Cancell/Jim's Juice - Jim Sheridan (a different Jim than that guy who developed MMS) created this chemical concoction that you use BY ITSELF to cure different diseases. It basically (if I remember correctly), steals the energy from pathogens.You would take this stuff for a period of time and then take a break from it and then do some rejuvenating therapies (like Laetrile therapy, etc.). This stuff is fairly powerful. I think you can buy Cancell on Amazon, but if not, you can contact a Protocel distributor in the U.S. to find out how to get it. There's not a lot written about it for HIV, so you wouldn't really find it on a search online, but as far as I understand it, it would work against HIV.
Humic Acid/Fulvic Acid/Shilajit - Right before I left Mexico, I started researching this stuff for HIV. This is something that's really interesting. It enhances overall health and it works by making it so viruses can't get into cells to reinfect them. So, as I understand it, it's not the kind of thing that will kill the HIV, but rather it would make it hard for the virus to replicate. So, it seems to me that it would combine well with something like CDS because the CDS would kill the HIV and then whatever stragglers were left would have a really hard time multiplying because the Shilajit makes it hard for them to gain access to the cells.
Ozone Therapy - I think there's ozone therapy available in Mexico for a reasonable cost. Basically ozone therapy works exactly like MMS/CDS--it oxidizes the pathogens except it does it by removing the blood from your body, ozonating it through a machine and then putting it back in (if that makes sense).
Kambo - This is a traditional indigenous medicine that I can administer in Mexico. It's the venom of an Amazonian frog and it causes your body to amp up its immune defenses. They call it the Jungle Vaccine.
Ayahuasca - I have a good friend in Mexico who administers Ayahuasca at an affordable cost and the Ayahuasca is really good. It's hard to find Ayahuasceros you can trust, but I trust Karolina! Ayahuasca can treat HIV and it can help you disentangle things like inner conflicts, spiritual intrusions, and issues with secondary gains. It can also help you understand your illness better so you can cure it yourself.
Diet Therapy - So the thing is...making diet changes is probably the most important thing you can do, but it's also the most complex and the easiest thing to accidentally screw up. I'm a big believer in diet therapies, but it's important that people make diet changes they can live with, literally, for the rest of their lives. It might be valuable for you to do a full-on Gerson type of diet or something extreme like that. I know you mentioned juicing before, but man...juicing is a lot of work and it would be easy to accidentally inactivate your CDS if you're juicing at the same time because the vitamin C in the juices would deactivate the oxygen and...if you're doing a 13-juice-a-day type of thing you'd have little time to do both juicing and MMS see the problem. But I think that a juice fast might be a good thing to maybe do next (if you're open to it) along with 40 apricot kernels a day, 12 drops of Lugol's 2% on the wrist every morning, and pancreatic enzymes 3 times per day. If you did a 2 week juice fast (with some 100% tart cherry juice daily) and watched your gout to see if you notice any changes and just work on your general health and then maybe do the Cancell protocol next, that would be...I don't know...worth considering.
Budwig Diet - This is not a diet per se, but rather a recipe for one thing. You take cold-pressed, extra virgin flaxseed (linseed) oil and mix it with cottage cheese in a blender. Then, you drink it in the sun. I know this sounds strange and personally, I loathe the taste of this stuff, but Dr. Budwig was one of few experts on fats and oils and she has been able to cure all kinds of diseases by having her patients follow this protocol of drinking this stuff several times a day. It works because, over time, if you eat certain types of unhealthy fats, your cells start to use these unhealthy fats to build their membranes, which makes their membranes weak. Weak cell membranes then lead to weak immunity. When you drink the Budwig Quark Recipe, your cells slowly replace the bad fats with the healthy flaxseed fats (the cottage cheese and exposure to sunlight/vitamin D makes the flaxseed more bioavailable). As your cells replace their cell membrane fats with these healthy oils, their voltage goes up (because the healthy fats make the cells more electrically conductive and communicative with the other cells around them). Sick cells have a low electrical voltage. Healthy cells have a higher voltage.
Okay, so, in the spirit of not overwhelming you, I'll stop there.
I really think that if you approach the cure for HIV like peeling an onion, that you'll eventually get to the core of it all.
I look forward to hearing from you soon! (I will hopefully be traveling to Tanzania and then Kenya in the next week, so if you don't hear back from me immediately, that's why.)