COVID Vaccine: Natural Alternatives That Are Scientifically Proven
What is Kambo?
Kambo, also known as the “frog medicine”, is a venom derived from the giant monkey frog native to the Amazon rainforest. Indigenous tribes use Kambo to treat infection, certain chronic diseases like Parkinson’s Disease or Alzheimer’s, emotional disorders like depression, and addictions. The Kambo venom contains an array of different peptides that impact the physiology of the human body in various ways, but one of the most relevant peptides in today’s world are those in the dermaseptin family. These peptides have antimicrobial properties against bacteria, yeasts, fungi, protozoa, and viruses.
Though Kambo has not been extensively studied scientifically, it has effects that are similar to bee venom, which has been scientifically observed in China as an effective vaccine that renders local beekeepers immune to COVID-19 and other serious diseases.
An “Ordeal Medicine”
Kambo is an “ordeal medicine” because it produces unpleasant effects when it’s administered. People often vomit profusely and experience symptoms similar to anaphylactic shock. But these effects last only between 10 and 40 minutes and when they wear off, many people report an overwhelming sense of calm as well as enhanced health overall. This medicine isn’t for everyone. Patients should check with their doctors before signing up for a kambo retreat.“The Forest Vaccine”
Kambo is known as “the forest vaccine” because tribes in the Amazon often use it to treat infection. The dermaseptin family of peptides contained in kambo venom has a broad antimicrobial action against bacteria, fungi, yeasts, protozoa, and viruses such as the coronavirus. And dermatoxin peptides take the antimicrobial effects of kambo one step further by exerting bactericidal properties against mollicutes as well as both Gram-positive, and to a lesser extent, Gram-negative bacteria."The Bee Venom Vaccine"
Beekeepers in China have been observed by scientists as people who are immune to COVID-19 and other illness. The use of bee venom acupuncture to prevent and treat a variety of diseases including H1N1, influenza, HIV, cancer (particularly to prevent metastasis), cytomegalovirus, and more is worth noting. People who are looking for a natural alternative to vaccines in general might consider the annual use of either bee venom or Kambo or even scorpion venom as potential candidates. However, be aware that anaphylactic shock can occur when using these substances in the patient is allergic. The antidote for anaphylactic shock is epinephrine in the form of an epi-pen. More than one injection of epinephrine may be necessary if a person develops anaphylactic shock syndrome.If you want to find someone who administers bee venom therapy, start by searching online for "apitherapy" in your area.
NOTE: Kambo treatment typically involves an anaphylactic shock response that eventually subsides without treatment.
How could Kambo and Bee Venom help prevent COVID-19?
Kambo is a naturally-occurring substance that contains over 70 peptides that have been synthesized into patented derivatives by Big Pharma. Peptides like dermaseptin can help people enhance their overall immunity, not just against coronavirus but also against influenza or measles. Bee venom has been tested over time, not just for its ability to prevent disease, but also as a treatment for chronic pain, infertility, HIV, and more. NOTE: Lydian and I administer Kambo and other sacred indigenous medicines such as Ayahuasca, Sapito, Sananga, psilocybin mushrooms, and more in Mexico. We have a facility located about an hour northwest of Mexico City. Contact us for more information at [email protected]
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