Can you cure disease using only your breath?

The Frolov Breathing Device is an at-home cancer treatment method that helps guide patients through special breathing exercises that act to alkalize the body. By changing the pH level of the body through healthy breathing, cancer patients develop an internal environment that's alkaline, even to a cellular level, which ultimately kills cancer cells or encourages them to revert back into healthy cells. The Frolov Breathing Device can not only treat cancer directly, but can also help prevent cancer from recurring or developing in the first place by increasing and maintaining the alkalinity of the body naturally.
Note, however, that if you are trying to alkalize the body to cure cancer, you need to monitor your alkalinity levels using pH paper and make sure that your saliva stays above 7.5 pH for at least 3 weeks at a time. If you use the Frolov Breathing Device and your breath goes down to 5.5 to 6.5 pH, then you may actually be increasing cancer cell growth rather than suppressing it. To ensure that this doesn't happen, always combine the use of the Frolov Breathing Device with other alkalizing treatments such as baking soda for cancer, cesium therapy, or even alfalfa as an herbal alkalizer. Combine these alkalizing treatments with the Frolov Device and an anti-cancer diet for best results; while the Frolov Device has had excellent results on its own, it works much better when included as part of an alkalizing treatment protocol along with other cancer treatments like those mentioned above.

Click here to buy a Frolov Breathing Device.
Detailed Information
Vladimir Frolov was a Russian researcher who was studying life-extension research when he noticed that the societies with the longest-living people were those that existed at very high altitudes. The Hunzas and the Vilcabambas in the Andes, for example, are both known for living long lives, and lived at 3,200 feet to 6,500 feet (respectively) above sea level, where oxygen levels are significantly reduced in comparison to those at lower elevations. Frolov also observed that dolphins, sea turtles, whales, and other oxygen-breathing animals that lived on both the land and in the sea were known for their longevity. The sperm whale, for example, can dive to a depth of 1,000 feet and remain submerged for up to an hour and a half. Researchers believe that the sperm whale specifically is unique in that it is able to produce both endogenous oxygen (from within the body) in addition to being able to use exogenous oxygen (from outside the body); other animals, including humans, can produce endogenous oxygen in the same way if they practice the correct breathing methods over time. Based on his research, Frolov believed that these unique and healthy human communities and animal species were using oxygen differently, and perhaps more efficiently, in order to sustain health and promote long life spans.People and animals that have less oxygen at their disposal seem to be able to get more energy from a single breath of air. There are many advantages to the efficient use of oxygen, but one of the most important is the tendency to produce fewer toxic oxygen free radicals, meaning that breathing itself can be antioxidant when done correctly. This type of “antioxidant medicine” is unique, however, in that it can be used with oxidant medicines like chlorine dioxide, which utilize short-lived, non toxic Reactive Oxygen Species to target cancer cells, toxins, and pathogens in the body. Indeed, breathing methods like the Frolov breathing techniques pair well with CDS/MMS and other similar oxidant medicines like hydrogen peroxide and Artemisia annua.

Click here to buy pH test strips.
In addition to the Frolov Breathing Device, there are also several other known breathing exercises that have been used to enhance health in various systems of medicine. These other breathing exercises include:
- Hypoxic breathing exercises
- The Buteyko method or hypercapnic exercises
- Eastern restorative breathing techniques (which are based primarily on the reduction of the rate of breathing)
- Breathing techniques that aim to reduce the per-minute breath volume
- Breathing exercises with breath resistance
- Wim Hof Method breathing
- Breathing exercises using additional breath volume
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Safety and Effectiveness
Positive results from using the Frolov Breathing Device typically start to manifest within four to six months. With practice using the device, patients begin to produce endogenous oxygen to make up for the lack of exogenous oxygen. By reducing exogenous oxygen levels and increasing endogenous oxygen using the Frolov Breathing Device, patients are eventually able to manufacture more red blood cells. With more red blood cells, the patient’s body is able to transport the available oxygen in the body more efficiently in order to restore health to tissues throughout the body. The most dramatic results from the treatment generally take place in the lungs and circulatory system, where the most blood vessels are located.
In 1995, Frolov himself was diagnosed with cancer of the rectum. His breathing therapy alone stopped the cancer from growing, but it was not able to effect a full cure. For this reason, we advise our clients to combine alkalizing breathing methods like the Frolov techniques with other powerful alkalizing medicines like sodium bicarbonate, Cesium therapy, and an alkalizing, therapeutic anticancer diet.
The Russian Ministry has officially declared that the Frolov Breathing Device is an effective cure for tuberculosis. Beyond cancer and tuberculosis, some other diseases that have been effectively treated or improved using the Frolov Breathing Device include:
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Allergies
- Cancer
- Candida albicans
- Migraines
- Colitis
- Arteriosclerosis
- Hemorrhoids
- Hypertension
- Ulcers
- Psoriasis
- Arthritis
- Herpes
- Diabetes
- Gastritis
- Fungal diseases
- Impotence
- Stroke recovery
- Heart attack recovery
- Chronic leukemia
- Sarcoidosis
Cancer patients, as well as patients with other major diseases, often use the Frolov Breathing Device as part of a comprehensive treatment protocol for best results. Patients who are trying to lose weight have also used the Frolov Device to hasten the process.

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.
Positive Effects
The Frolov Device creates a brief state of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) in the body in order to encourage the body to produce its own endogenous oxygen and to use exogenous (external) oxygen resources more efficiently. Hypoxic breathing like this has been shown to have the following positive effects:- Mood improvement
- Mental and physical work enhancement
- Opens the reserve capillaries
- Increases the number of red blood cells in the body
- Increases the amount of circulating blood and the amount of blood that is circulated per minute
- Improves blood supply to the tissues and cells [3]

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How Frolov Breathing Treatments Are Administered
The ideal, healthy breathing pattern is slow and light and originates from the diaphragm and abdomen. Because of this slower breathing pattern, healthy people breathe less than sick people. On average, healthy people breathe 6 Liters of air/minute while sick people breathe much faster, taking 12 to 15 breaths (or more) per minute. The more breaths a person takes over 12 per minute, the less oxygen their tissues are receiving. The Frolov Breathing Device is used to decrease exogenous oxygen levels available to the body by gradually increasing the amount of time it takes for the patient to exhale, thus slowing the patient’s breathing pattern to a healthier rhythm. Respiratory training is an important aspect of restoring health at any age and due to any illness, and can be used by practically anyone, regardless of age or health situation (pregnant women and children should work with a breathwork expert, but should note that modified breathing techniques can be very safe and highly effective at this life stages).Frolov’s unique breathing device has a tube through which a person breathes in and out. The tube is submerged in a container with water through which the air must pass. The water creates breathing resistance that gradually lengthens the time it takes for a patient to exhale. The device therefore teaches the patient to use the diaphragm and lower abdominal muscles for breathing as opposed to expanding the upper chest, which is inefficient and ultimately damaging to health.
Frolov breathing exercises are meant to be done for 10 minutes per day at first. Over time, the patient should increase the exercise time to 40 minutes per day.
