Introduction to B-Vitamin Therapy for Dementia
The B vitamins are water-soluble which means that they aren’t stored in fat tissues and you can’t overdose on them. This also means that you must get a certain amount of each of these vitamins every day in order to avoid becoming deficient in them. They all play an important role in cellular metabolism and some scientists have discovered that deficiencies of certain B vitamins may worsen symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and Lewy body dementia. Indeed, getting the proper amount of B vitamins can help prevent Parkinson’s as well. So, if you're doing research to try to find a Lewy body dementia cure or a cure for Parkinson's Disease or any of the other related diseases, start with vitamin supplementation and diet changes. Though it may seem unlikely that taking a few B vitamins could clear up symptoms of dementia, it is possible that B vitamins are at the top (or even in the middle or at the bottom) of a cascade of issues or imbalances in the body that ultimately result in the manifestation of Lewy body dementia symptoms or any of the other diseases that result in dementia [1][2][3][5].
Vitamin B3 - Nicotinamide/Niacin
Niacin is a necessary component in several metabolic processes in the body. Recently, research has demonstrated that eating a diet rich in niacin can help people with early-onset Parkinson’s disease (PD), Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and perhaps Lewy body dementia as well to boost levels of NAD, a compound that keeps the mitochondria in cells healthy. One of the reasons why PD develops is because the mitochondria in the cells are not healthy. Having higher levels of NAD from niacin supplementation can make the cells healthier and increase the energy level or voltage of the cells [1][5][8].Niacin is found in tuna, mushrooms, avocados, and green peas.
Vitamin B6- Pyroxidine
Pyroxidine is a co-enzyme that assists with healthy metabolic functions. In one study, vitamin B6 had preventative effects on the development of Parkinson’s and Lewy body dementia [1][6].Vitamin B12- Cyanocobalamin
Cyanocobalamin is a co-enzyme that takes part in the metabolic functions of every cell in the body. It has a particularly strong impact on the synthesis and regulation of DNA as well as fatty acid and amino acid metabolism [1].Studies have shown that a deficiency of vitamin B12 can hasten the onset of Parkinson’s and Lewy body dementia symptoms. Indeed, a deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause a variety of neurological symptoms including:
- Instability
- Neuropathy (numbness and tingling)
- Cognitive problems
This study demonstrated that vitamin B12 levels decline over the course of the disease so scientists have speculated that vitamin B12 deficiency can contribute to an overall decline in Parkinson’s and Lewy body dementia patients. Scientists at the Michael J. Fox Foundation recommend vitamin B12 treatment to slow the onset of disability from PD [4].
Some scientists believe that a significant number of cases of Alzheimer’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis are caused by a Vitamin B12 deficiency. It’s important that patients know that tests performed by doctors to detect vitamin B12 deficiency may be wrong. In other words, a test that says that a patient is not deficient in vitamin B12 may be incorrect! Vitamin B12 supplements are unlikely to hurt the patient, so patients who are suffering from diseases like Parkinson’s, Lewy body dementia, multiple sclerosis, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis should consider the benefits of getting a vitamin B12 injection or taking vitamin B12 supplements whether they test “deficient” in this vitamin or not. Patients who take vitamin B12 orally should choose a brand that’s taken sublingually [6][7].
If your doctor refuses to give you a vitamin B12 supplement, which has become a trendy thing to do lately (probably because a deficiency of vitamin B12 causes all kinds of disorders that are extremely profitable for Big Pharma), consider traveling to a city to seek out a Myer's Cocktail or some other version of Intravenous Therapy that delivers a high dose of vitamins (including vitamin B12) as part of the treatment. Non-medical intravenous therapies have started becoming popular throughout the U.S. in bigger cities and people often notice the health benefits almost immediately. If you're looking for a cure for Lewy Body Disease, a Myer's Cocktail or intravenous therapy that specifically includes vitamin B12 is definitely in order! Those in search of a cure for Parkinson's Disease (or any of the other related diseases) can benefit from this type of therapy as well.
Vitamin B17 - Laetrile/Amygdalin
Vitamin B17 has not officially been recognized as a vitamin because, according to the FDA it does not play a role in any vital functions in the body. This is a political statement and not a scientific one. A substantial body of research has shown that consuming adequate levels of vitamin B17 can prevent the development chronic degenerative diseases like cancer and diabetes, as well as dementia, certain infections, and a variety of neurological diseases. Vitamin B17 is illegal in the United States because if people were to take vitamin B17 supplements or start to consume foods that are high in this vitamin (which is found in raw, bitter, organic apricot kernels, apple seeds, grape seeds, pear seeds, etc.), many chronic degenerative diseases would be prevented and sometimes cured. If these diseases were cured, big pharmaceutical companies would go out of business. Degenerative diseases are extremely profitable for the U.S. medical industry which is why most patients have never heard of vitamin B17. For more information about the political history of vitamin B17 in the United States, read World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin [3].