Nutrients That Cure Cancer
For most Americans, it might be tempting to skip over this aspect of cancer treatment. The importance of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals seems theoretical in mainstream society, if not whimsical, because doctors are not trained in the necessity nutrients and a healthy diet. They know little about the value of vitamins, minerals, and other supplements because doctors aren’t taught anything about nutrition in medical school. Sometimes, medical students are required to take one nutrition class as part of their undergraduate degree, but some of them don’t have to take even one class on the subject in order to become a doctor. I remember my nutrition class from my own pre-med experience at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. It was a distance-education course and the textbook featured lots of photos of junk-food instead of photos of healthy foods. So even as the book was saying with words that, "junk food is bad and healthy food is fresh and it comes from nature", the photos were reminding me to satisfy my addiction to Coca Cola or french fries. Lydian's nutrition textbooks that she studied in college are not any different from that. If anything, they're even more sophisticated in terms of how they use NeuroLinguistic Programming, the subtle art of suggestive persuasion, to tell young students what to care about as they read their nutrition textbooks. Click here to learn how to overcome fast food addiction with nutritional supplements.
The value of herbal supplements, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in combating cancer should not be underestimated. These substances are widely available and accessible to everyone in the world. They are far more affordable than chemotherapy and radiation and their cure rates are higher. Most people can find what they need in terms of herbal and nutritional supplements in health food stores. But while Americans and Europeans have been taught to believe in the magic of prescription drugs, often, the most accessible “medicines” that are the most available to us without a prescription have the greatest potential to help patients heal cancer. The system of medicine that’s most familiar to English-speaking patients is one where patients must go to a doctor in order to receive a “magical prescription for health”. This prescription is written down and then transported with care to the pharmacy where the patient often pays dearly for a potion, usually in pill-form. We’ve been taught to believe that this prescription-based formula is the magic one: the one that leads to health. But how often does prescription medicine actually heal people? (Take a moment now to try to think of someone you know who was cured of any disease by a prescription drug other than an antibiotic).

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The statistics regarding the number of people who are healed by prescription drugs are hard to find. But it’s not hard to find stats on the number of deaths that result from prescription drug mistakes. About 106,000 people in the United States died from prescription drug mishaps in 2016 according to the CDC. So maybe prescription-based magic isn’t that magical after all.

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On the other hand, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals can lead to all kinds of agony and, yes -- nutrient deficiencies cause cancer. A deficiency of vitamins and minerals can be insidious and it can go unnoticed. Think of scurvy, the vitamin C deficiency that once plagued sailors. No one could figure out what was wrong with the sailors. Or I should say, almost everyone was confused about what was wrong with them. Several people came forward to offer their view that oranges or pine needles could heal those afflicted with scurvy, but alas, the medical establishment is sometimes slow to accept new theories about disease. Today, some of the most innovative thinkers in science and medicine have realized that vitamin and mineral deficiencies occur along a spectrum. People with a mild vitamin C deficiency may not develop scurvy, but their immune system may become compromised and their gums might bleed whenever they brush their teeth. Correcting this deficiency can help the body correct other nutritional imbalances. For example, vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron, a mineral that our bodies need in order to build healthy blood. Without vitamin C, iron may become deficient because it may not be absorbed very well. Sometimes the profound healing effects of correcting nutritional deficiencies is surprising.
When it comes to cancer, vitamin B17 deficiency (and related deficiencies that we discuss below) can change the course of a person's cancer treatment trajectory.

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At this point, I need to direct readers to click here for an overview of the Lugol's iodine protocol of nutrient supplements for cancer. For nearly a decade, we've been providing health coaching for terminal cancer patients who contact us because their doctors have sent them home to die without any options left in terms of conventional medicines. The Lugol's iodine protocol is a nutrient supplementation plan for terminal cancer and other serious, life-threatening diseases that have been dubbed "untreatable" by doctors of conventional medicine. The nutrients for cancer that we list at this link lay the foundation for healing for terminal cancer patients. Anyone who is hoping to cure stage 4 cancer should start with baking soda therapy to increase the pH of the body to over 7.5 as quickly as possible and begin administering the Lugol's protocol / nutrient therapy for cancer as soon as possible. If you're new to these therapies, consider doing our quick cancer cure video course at this link to learn how to administer them properly.
Click here to buy The Iodine Bible.
Both vitamin B17 (amygdalin) and iodine have been implicated as extremely important in the prevention and treatment of cancer. In fact, many experts believe that cancer is primarily a deficiency of these two nutrients. But nutrition is complicated. If you ascribe to the Vitamin B17 or Iodine Deficiency Theory of Cancer, don’t be fooled into thinking that you can take one or the other (or even just both) of these nutrients and cure cancer without doing any thing else. Both vitamin B17 and iodine need other nutrients like zinc, vitamin E, and vitamin K2 / MK-7 to be present in the body in order to be absorbed and function properly. And you can't just use the iodine at the local pharmacy for iodine supplementation. You need both iodine and potassium iodine which is in Lugol's Iodine or Iodoral. Both iodine and potassium iodide are NOT present in products like nascent iodine or povidone iodine (which should never taken internally). These products are different they won't have the same curative effect against cancer. In some cases, if your body isn’t properly nourished, it won’t be able to make use of certain essential nutrients. This is why you need to take such a long list of supportive nutrients to ensure that iodine and vitamin B17 can be used by the body to heal from cancer. If you or a loved one has cancer and you truly want to heal from this disease become an expert on no chemo, no radiation cancer cures. Lifestyle changes, such as eating an anti-cancer diet and alkalizing the body, are some of the most important curative actions that you'll take.
Click here to buy Lugol's Iodine 2%.
There are certain types of supplements that are not nutrient supplements or herbal supplements that can cure cancer. Pancreatic enzymes, for example, are always important in at-home cancer treatments. Though pancreatic enzymes are neither herbs nor nutrients, they are still sold as pills in supplement form because they supplement the enzymes released naturally by the human pancreas. Pancreatic enzymes are an essential part of healthy digestion and research has shown that most of us are deficient in these enzymes because we consume large quantities of animal proteins. Pancreatic enzymes were used in the early 1900’s to cure cancer, but due to the emerging power of big pharmaceutical companies, certain organizations, and wealthy individuals with a stake in keeping people sick, pancreatic enzyme therapy never received the attention it deserved. Recent research has shown that pancreatic enzymes are not only released into the digestive system but they also circulate in the blood. These enzymes, when we have them in sufficient quantities, have the power to digest the outer coating of cancer cells to make them vulnerable to the immune system. If you're trying to cure terminal cancer, be sure to take pancreatic enzymes with every meal.Nutritional supplements must be approached with studious attention. Supplements need to be balanced, taken at appropriate times during the day, and combined with sound nutrition. If you're unsure about how to proceed, contact us to set up a health coaching session or go to one of many alternative cancer treatment hospitals that offer no chemo, no radiation treatments.