How to Use Marijuana to Cure Stage 4 Cancer: Use of CBD, THC, and Whole-Plant to Treat Cancer
Update 2023:
Rick Simpson Oil / CBD for Cancer
This client then used nicotine patches to stop Sezary symptoms again that reappeared months later after he got talked into doing another course of chemotherapy. In addition to the use of Rick Simpson oil, clients should also do the Lugol’s iodine protocol for cancer and do some form of trauma-release therapy, a topic that we discuss in-depth in our article about Ayahuasca for cancer.I Have Cancer and My Doctor Sent Me Home to Die: What Do I Do Now?
Believe it or not, many people cure stage 4 cancer after their doctors send them home to die. How can a person cure stage 4 cancer if the doctor can't do it? The answer is simple: the modern, conventional healthcare system is designed to be profitable. It is not designed to cure disease. If you cure patients of their disease, they will not need to come back to the doctor again and again. So curing diseases is not a profitable endeavor for Big Pharma. If you have been sent home to die with no treatments left for cancer, this is actually an opportunity. If you're reading this article now, believe it or not, you're now in position to heal your cancer using the only treatments that actually work and that won't cause you to be totally debilitated both in terms of healthcare and in terms of finances.Medical marijuana is just one of many anticancer herbs, but it is important that you choose the right type of medical marijuana for cancer because some formulations work better than others. Click here to read about other anticancer herbs for stage 4 cancer.
As we noted above in the story about our experience health coaching for mycosis fungoides, baking soda and high pH therapy is a vital component of any cure for cancer. High pH therapy was discovered by Dr. Keith Brewer, a microbiologist who discovered by accident that increasing a mammal's pH level caused cancer to go away within 24-48 hours of achieving the higher pH level. Baking soda therapy, was in fact, the first treatment that I ever used on my husband's melanoma when I was writing The Cancer Cure Catalog series with my daughter. My husband's melanoma dried up and fell off within about 36 hours after we first started applying to the tumor. Anyone who is desperate to find a cure for stage 4 cancer should begin full-force with baking soda therapy. This treatment works fast, but just remember -- you should not do baking soda therapy halfway! Get your pH levels up above 7.5 as quickly as possible to put stage 4 cancer into remission.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
In patients who want to use baking soda for stage 4 cancer, we often recommend the topical application of baking soda with a vitamin B17-containing oil at least 5 times per day until the patient is able to easily consume food again (if eating is a problem as it often is for patients who have been through chemo and radiation treatments). Administer baking soda along with medical marijuana oil and organic apricot kernel oil or grapeseed oil. If you don't have any of these oils initially, you can have the patient soak in a baking soda bath for an hour 3 times per day or simply use coconut or olive oil as an alternative until you can obtain another type of oil.
When we do health coaching for stage 4 cancer patients, we always recommend starting with high pH baking soda therapy along with the Lugol's iodine protocol and herbal cures for stage 4 cancer like medical marijuana, Tabebuia impetiginosa, and frankincense essential oil with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
The Medical Marijuana Cancer Cure
Marijuana has shown great promise in treating a number of serious diseases from cancer to epilepsy. The pharmaceutical industry has been racing to develop patentable synthetic drugs to mimic marijuana, but unfortunately, these drugs have an unnatural molecular formula that differ substantially from the chemical make-up of the natural substances found in marijuana. The goal for pharmaceutical companies is to be able to charge patients a huge sum of money to get the synthetic marijuana drug when, in fact, the natural form of marijuana that actually cures cancer works for a much lower cost. Big Pharma may also choose to shelve their marijuana-inspired drugs by claiming that they have serious side effects or claiming that they don't work. Pharmaceutical companies that develop synthetic marijuana can tell doctors to avoid using these marijuana-derivative drugs unless all other “conventional” chemotherapies have been tried first. Doctors believe these warnings about the marijuana derivatives. They think the warnings are meant to protect their patients from serious side effects so cancer patients are never given the medicine that will cure cancer in oncology centers that specialize in using conventional medicine treatments. In other words, it is best that patients seek out cannabis, especially Rick Simpson oil, at a store that specializes in offering CBD and THC products. When we first wrote this book, the word on the street was that marijuana itself was dangerous and addictive…a so-called “gateway drug”. Perhaps in certain contexts marijuana may be addictive and dangerous (when operating heavy machinery, for example). Things have shifted a lot in terms of marijuana and how it’s perceived by the general public over the past 10 years and that’s good news. A lot of people who might resist working with herbal remedies for cancer, might still consider working with CBD. If you have a loved one who’s suffering from cancer, but who’s resistant to working with natural cancer remedies, they may still consider Rick Simpson oil to prevent nausea from chemotherapy. As far as cannabis addiction goes, most addictions can be easily overcome using the plant medicine known as Mucuna pruriens, which happens to contain vitamin b17 along with amino acids that buffer the brain against the formation and maintenance of addictive behaviors. But despite the fact that you can get rid of a marijuana addiction using Mucuna pruriens should such an addiction take shape, many cancer patients today are ambivalent about marijuana for cancer because of the propaganda that Big Pharma has put out there to brand this plant medicine as a “gateway-drug". Patients aren’t really sure what to think. But marijuana has benefits in terms of mood and the reduction of nausea and this can be a major selling point for cancer patients who have developed chemo side effects that make them willing to try anything to restore a sense of “okay” in their lives. At the time of this writing, synthetic pharmaceutical derivatives of marijuana compounds are either “dangerous" or "worthless" according to Big Pharma. This is a changing political landscape, but patients should be wary of any marijuana derivative that Big Pharma promotes actively. Big Pharma has worked hard to weave a web of misinformation to convince people to forfeit using this medicinal herb for serious diseases like cancer and epilepsy . This is unfortunate because marijuana not only helps patients endure the awful side effects of chemotherapy, but when used outside of conventional medicine as a stand-alone therapy or as a natural herbal remedy for cancer, marijuana has powerful medicinal effects that can lead to a total recovery from cancer.
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Detailed Introduction
Marijuana as a cancer cure is a complex topic. Since many Americans, especially those in the Baby Boomer generation and some Gen Xers have been socialized to believe that marijuana is a “gateway drug”, an illegal substance that leads to no good, there are important prejudices to surmount before discussing this plant’s value as a cancer treatment. State legalization of marijuana demonstrates that people’s minds are opening to this herbal medicine, but federal resistance to legalization demonstrates that there are still obstacles to overcome. For cancer patients who are struggling with pain either from the cancer itself or from a range of side effects from chemotherapy treatments, marijuana is a palatable option. Few people realize that this plant also has curative properties that can help prevent and treat cancer. In any case, the legalization of marijuana has opened the discussion about herbs that cure cancer and it can, in fact, be a gateway herb that leads cancer patients from a total sense of hopelessness about their disease to a sense that indeed, maybe there is hope yet. Medical marijuana, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, has definitely caught on in anticancer circles. It’s famous for helping patients deal with the awful side effects of chemotherapy, but patients also say that cannabis can cure cancer. Though conventional medicine refuses to embrace the use of marijuana-the-plant, the FDA and pharmaceutical companies have been racing to come up with their own synthetic version of marijuana in the form of man-made, specially-designed molecules that roughly mimic the action of THC. And while there’s research showing that cannabis does have anti-cancer properties, drugs that are developed to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting don’t make use of a wide-range of the cancer-killing molecules known as cannabinoids, many of which work synergistically to heal the body from a variety of ailments. Synthetic drugs (renditions of THC and CBD) on the other hand are made to mimic the action of only one cannabinoid: THC. Drug companies have then sought approval for these synthetic drugs by the FDA but for use only as a last-resort antiemetic for chemotherapy patients after all other anti-emetic options have failed to produce positive results [1][6][11][15][16]. THC is the part of the Cannabis plant that causes psychoactive effects. This substance has been restricted in certain situations because Big Pharma knows that it has important effects in treating cancer and other serious diseases. The rhetoric often focuses on the psychoactive effects of THC, but in fact, the reasons behind this “spin” are much more insidious. As the marijuana industry has grown, the naturally-occurring hallucinogenic molecules in the plant have been separated from naturally-occurring molecules that have other effects on the body which has made it possible for patients to experience the benefits of marijuana without having to experience the psychological “high” caused by the plant. While THC has mind-altering abilities, CBD does not produce these effects. The separation of THC from CBD has made it possible for patients to choose the right plant-derived molecules to treat whatever ails them [17][18]. As mentioned above, while THC and CBD are the two cannabinoids that have been researched the most, the cannabis plant itself produces over 100 different cannabinoids. Some of these cannabinoids enhance or modulate the effects of THC and CBD inside the body. This is known as the “entourage effect”. Plants often contain substances that appear to be inert, but that actually enhance or otherwise regulate the behavior of the other “active” molecules. Whole-plant medicine that does not remove the additional cannabinoids is a vitally important thing to consider when doing at-home cancer treatment [19][20]. Studies with animals in laboratories have shown that cannabinoids CBD and THC do in fact kill cancer cells. According to a study completed in 2014 and published in Oncotarget, the cannabinoids have an anti-proliferative effect on cancer cells. Another study undertaken in 2013 by Italian scientists demonstrated that non-psychoactive CBD was able to prevent migration, adhesion, and invasion of cancer cells [1][3][10][11][12][13][15][16]. Research has shown that marijuana has an anti-cancer effect via CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptor sites located on cancer cells. As such, marijuana can regulate important cellular signaling pathways that affect a cancer cell’s survival, invasion, the development of a blood supply, as well as its ability to spread to other areas of the body (metastasis). THC causes an increase in ceramide synthesis that leads to the death of the cancer cell. Ceramide is a molecule that can induce multiplication, growth, and migration of cells, but it also induces apoptosis or cellular death. Normal cells don’t produce ceramide in response to being exposed to THC so they aren’t affected by the use of marijuana [11][13][14]. It might be valuable to note here that those extra ceramides produced by THC can play a major role in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. The skin is particularly responsive to treatment with THC and other cannabinoids. Our experience working with health coaching clients has taught us that melanoma is significantly easier to treat at home than basal cell carcinoma specifically. Basal cell carcinomas often behave more like fungal infections than cancer and in fact, this type of cancer is often a misdiagnosis. Nonetheless, it’s important for people with basal cell carcinoma to work with the Lugol’s Iodine protocol, the baking soda protocol, and Rick Simpson oil, or a type of Cannabis treatment that includes both CBD and THC [22]. Drugs like Marinol (dronabinol) and Cesamet (nabilone), synthetic versions of cannabinoids, have been approved by the FDA to treat the lack of appetite in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Patients need to know that synthetic versions of chemicals are not identical to their naturally-occurring counterparts and thus, they have different, less curative effects. Slight variations in the chemical formula of a given molecule can significantly alter its effect on the human body and cause dangerous effects (such as death). While a given plant like marijuana may contain a naturally-occurring molecule that’s extremely safe and effective, molecules that are manipulated in the laboratory are synthesized to be slightly different. These molecules are not synthesized in the lab into slightly different forms because the different versions are more effective but because it’s more profitable to sell a product that can be patented because it does not occur in nature. Naturally occurring molecules can’t be patented and therefore are not profitable to Big Pharma, after all. Marinol and Cesamet are no exception to this rule [5][11][20]. In surveys, only 1.8% of 953 patients preferred synthetic marijuana over natural versions of THC. The pill-form of THC can take hours to provide any kind of relief while inhaled or infused natural plant-marijuana treatment takes effect immediately [20]. Even drug companies typically don’t recommend synthetic forms of marijuana, but it’s likely that the synthetic THC in Cesamet and Marinol does not interact with the body’s cells in exactly the same way as naturally-occurring THC. It’s hard to tell whether the safety profile of the synthetically produced Marinol and Cesamet are really as bad as the drug companies make them out to be or not. Is Big Pharma trying to “shelve” these marijuana derivatives? If these drugs might actually be useful in curing cancer, then this is what “shelving” looks like. The long list of negative effects attributed to these two drugs (see below) may have been written to scare doctors as well as patients from using this drug too frequently, lest it be discovered that they have anti-cancer properties similar to marijuana-the-plant. The use of linguistic tricks to overstate or understate “facts” derived from questionable research or statistics is common.For example, the pharmaceutical company write-up about the drug salinomycin severely understates its global health-giving potential since studies have shown that salinomycin can cure both cancer and malaria. It’s possible that the FDA clinical trial write-ups for Marinol and Cesamet conceal their value underneath carefully chosen words with negative connotations. Both the Marinol and Cesamet write-ups seem intent on encouraging doctors to only prescribe the drugs for patients who are taking chemotherapy and beyond that, for patients who have tried all other antiemetics with no success. Valeant, the producer of Cesamet, stresses the addictive properties of nabilone, but Valeant also produces Wellbutrin, an anti-depressant that causes epileptic seizures (seizures that could, in theory, be treated with synthetic marijuana derivatives it produces or naturally-occurring marijuana) and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. So conscience is not part of the equation when these companies summarize the research they’ve done on these drugs. Solvay Pharmaceuticals, the producer of Marinol, also manufactures Androgel (a drug which significantly increases the risk of prostate cancer - be aware, however, that the actual cure for prostate cancer and other reproductive organ cancers is Lugol’s iodine). So while it seems clear that the pharmaceutical industries intend to use these drugs to compete with marijuana industries across the nation, it’s hard to say whether these synthetic marijuana-derived drugs themselves are dangerous to consumers or if they actually represent a danger profit-wise to Big Pharma should their true value be discovered someday [8].
Cannabis is still a Schedule I controlled substance which makes it difficult for scientists to gain the necessary support to conduct clinical trials on human subjects in order to get FDA approval. What this means is that it’s hard for scientists to prove experimentally that marijuana kills cancer cells in patients who are suffering from cancer. Scientists who would like to study marijuana’s effects on cancer find it difficult or impossible to get funding to do the kind of research that would produce statistics proving its efficacy. But statistics required by the FDA by their nature must include a control group, and the marijuana industry isn’t interested in depriving patients of the plant in order to create a control group and get FDA approval. Statistics are often used to buttress questionable information anyway. It’s a well-known fact that statistics are easily manipulated for political purposes [1][3][6][7]. The prohibition on marijuana began with a ban placed on the sale, cultivation, and use of the plant by the federal government 80 years ago. At the time of this writing, the federal government still prohibits Americans from prescribing, possessing, or selling marijuana. But, despite a lack of federal support or legalization at the federal level, states have begun legalizing marijuana for medical use (and in some cases for recreational use as well). In fact, today, the majority of states have legalized marijuana for medical use and in 2017, marijuana sales increased by 33% over the year prior [2][3]. Because marijuana and cannabinoids are naturally-occurring substances, they cannot be patented. And the FDA hasn’t approved marijuana (as a plant or as an oil derived from the plant) for medicinal use. But recently, a drug called Marinol and another known as Cesamet, pharmaceutically synthesized forms of THC and cannabinoids, were developed and approved by the FDA. Both drugs were approved by the FDA as an appetite stimulant for people suffering with HIV / AIDs as well as for patients who are receiving chemotherapy [3][4]. By developing a synthetic cannabinoid, the pharmaceutical companies can now proceed to put a negative spin on its perceived effectiveness by encouraging patients to undergo chemotherapy while adding this drug to the regimen. Marinol and Cesamet are drugs that compete with the marijuana industry while promoting the use of chemotherapy to treat cancer (despite the fact that studies have shown that chemotherapy has a “cure” rate somewhere between 2.1% and 2.3%). The politics surrounding medical marijuana is complex and constantly changing. The federal government still regards marijuana as illegal, but 29 states (at the time of this writing) have legalized it for medical use. The states and territorieslisted below have all legalized medical marijuana as of 2024:- Colorado
- Washington
- Alaska
- Oregon
- Washington, D.C.
- California
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Nevada
- Michigan
- Vermont
- Illinois
- Arizona
- Montana
- New Jersey
- New York
- Virginia
- New Mexico
- Connecticut
- Rhode Island
- Maryland
- Missouri
- Delaware
- Minnesota
- Ohio
- Guam
Safety and Effectiveness
The relationship between man and marijuana goes back several hundreds of years. Our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids which work within a system known as the endocannabinoid system. Marijuana-the-plant contains over a hundred cannabinoids that work on the human body via the endocannabinoid system. Through this system they act as neuromodulators, affecting the release of a variety of neurotransmitters. They also play a role in reducing inflammation. They affect insulin sensitivity, fat and energy metabolism, mood, appetite, pain, and memory among other things [11][15][17].
Buy Essiac Tea as an herbal cure for cancer here.
Marijuana-the-Plant and Its Derivatives: Safety and Effectiveness
Marijuana-the-plant, has an excellent safety profile. An annual report issued by the Drug Awareness Warning Network contains a statistical compilation of all drug deaths that happen in the United States. According to this report, there has never been a death from the use of cannabis, despite the administration of huge dosages of it [21].In 1988, DEA Chief Administrative Law Judge, Francis Young said,
“In strict medical terms, marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care” [21].
The lethal dose of cannabis is equivalent to smoking about 1,500 pounds in 15 minutes, which is physically impossible. This lethality has never been demonstrated [21].

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In an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Grinspoon commented on marijuana’s addictive properties:
“Marijuana is also far less addictive and far less subject to abuse than many drugs now used as muscle relaxants, hypnotics, and analgesics. The chief legitimate concern is the effect of smoking on the lungs. Cannabis smoke carries even more tars and other particulate matter than tobacco smoke. But the amount smoked is much less, especially in medical use, and once marijuana is an openly recognized in medicine, solutions may be found; ultimately a technology for the inhalation of cannabinoid vapors could be developed” [21].
Vaporizing devices have since been developed to mitigate the risk of inhaling cannabis smoke [21].
The relationship between man and marijuana goes back several hundreds of years. Our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids that work within a system known as the endocannabinoid system. Marijuana-the-plant contains over a hundred cannabinoids that work on the human body via the endocannabinoid system. Through this system the cannabinoids act as neuromodulators, affecting the release of a variety of neurotransmitters. The system seems to regulate and balance the body’s other neurotransmitter systems. They play a role in reducing inflammation. They also affect insulin sensitivity, fat and energy metabolism, mood, appetite, pain, and memory among other things [11][15][17].
Marinol: Safety and Effectiveness
Marinol (dronabinol), the synthetic cannabinoid produced in a laboratory, is less safe than marijuana-the-plant and its derived products. According to the clinical trial summary written for the FDA, Marinol can have a negative effect on mood, cognition, memory, and perception, as well as appetite. Tolerance develops to the drug within 12 days. The pharmaceutical companies claims that all other side effects are said to disappear within 12 days and appetite stimulation continues indefinitely [5].
According to FDA trials, Marinol can cause the following side effects:
- Drowsiness
- Euphoria (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Vision difficulties
- Dry mouth
- Flushing
- Tachycardia
- Lethargy
- Somnolence (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Abnormal thinking (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Depression
- Nightmares
- Conjunctivitis (red eyes)
- Decreased motor coordination
- Slurred speech
- Hypotension
- Dizziness (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Depersonalization
- Confusion
- Anxiety/nervousness
- Heart palpitations
- Diarrhea
- Fecal incontinence
- Myalgia
- Chills
- Headache
- Malaise
- Hepatic enzyme elevation
- Cough
- Runny Nose
- Sinusitis
- Sweating
- Anorexia
- Paranoia (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Abdominal pain (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Nausea (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Vomiting (experienced by up to 10% of patients) [5]
Note: Marinol may cause the symptoms it is prescribed to treat. Also, patients receiving treatment withMmarinol to treat vomiting and nausea are more likely to experience the following symptoms:
- Amnesia
- Ataxia (lack of muscle coordination, a neurological symptom that signals that there is a dysfunction in the cerebellum)
- Hallucinations [5]

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Cesamet: Safety and Effectiveness
Cesamet (nabilone) is listed in Schedule II of the Controlled Substances because, according to the research, it has a high potential for abuse. The pharmaceutical company that produces this drug recommends that doctors only prescribe a limited amount of Cesamet at a time—enough for a single cycle of chemotherapy [8].
Cesamet (nabilone) side effects include:
- Elevated heart rate
- Postural hypotension
- Psychiatric symptom exacerbation
- Addiction
- Drowsiness
- Vertigo
- Dry mouth
- Euphoria [8]
How Medical Marijuana Is Administered
Marijuana Whole-Plant Administration
In states where marijuana is legal, doctors can prescribe the treatment. The dosage varies, but doctors will prescribe a specific amount to be taken at certain times of the day [6]. There are a wide variety of different ways in which a patient might self-administer a marijuana treatment including:- Capsules
- Inhaling vapors
- Consuming marijuana in food
- Oils (topical application)
- Smoking
- Tinctures [6][9]
Marinol Administration
Marinol is given to patients 3 to 4 times daily in 5 milligram doses to prevent vomiting that’s caused by chemotherapy. It is not to be prescribed unless the doctor has tried giving the patient other antiemetics that didn’t work [5].Cesamet Administration
Cesamet is given in 1 to 6 milligram dosages twice to three times daily. Doctors are cautioned to only provide patients with enough of the drug for one cycle of chemotherapy at a time. Patients are advised to take Cesamet 1 to 3 hours before their chemotherapy is administered [8].Natural Marijuana for Stage 4 Cancer
Natural, herbal marijuana, especially Rick Simpson Oil works much better as a cure for stage 4 cancer (and cancers at other stages) than synthetic marijuana. Medical marijuana is better because it doesn't cause the dangerous side effects caused by Marinol or Cesamet. Also, and most importantly, both Marinol and Cesamet were designed specifically to not be able to cure cancer because to cure cancer would destroy Big Pharma's cancer industry. If you want to get rid of stage 4 cancer and restore your health, seek out natural anticancer herbs and nutrients like the ones we recommend in the Lugol's iodine protocol and at this link to anticancer herbs. Combine these treatments along with the baking soda protocol with Rick Simpson Oil for a powerful at-home treatment for cancer.
Negative Effects
An overdose of Marinol, the synthetic pill-version of THC, can cause the following negative effects [5]:- Emergency hospitalization requiring supportive care, benzodiazepines, and fluid replacement
- Cardiotoxicity
- Psychosis
- Death [5]
Chronic users of dronabinol experience withdrawal symptoms [5].
Overdosage with Cesamet is expected to produce the following signs and symptoms (though overdosage was never observed during the clinical trials):- Psychotic episodes
- Hallucinations
- Anxiety reactions
- Respiratory depression
- Coma [8]
Other Information
Other Important Information
In addition to being used by cancer patients, Cannabis has been used to treat the symptoms associated with a number of diseases including:
- Crohn’s disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Psoriasis
- Epilepsy
- Huntington’s disease
- Glaucoma
- Multiple sclerosis
- Anorexia
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Diabetes
- Gout
- Doose syndrome
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Dementia
- Parkinson’s disease
- Asthma
- Chronic pain
- Head trauma
- Dravet syndrome
- Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack
- Opioid dependence
- Spinal cord injury
- Atherosclerosis
- Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
- Hypertension
- Obesity/Metabolic syndrome
- Osteoporosis
- Schizophrenia
- Migraines
- ADHD [11][13][17][18]
Final Words: Medical Marijuana for Cancer Trauma
In closing, I want to talk briefly about the use of medical marijuana for cancer trauma and how trauma due to chemotherapy and radiation treatments causes depression, anxiety, and other forms of mental illness. Medical marijuana is used to reduce anxiety caused by cancer trauma, which can persist in an ongoing fashion even after chemotherapy and radiation treatments end. Indeed, depression caused by cancer is common, in part because of the way that trauma hijacks the autonomic nervous system. If you are experiencing cancer-related depression or anxiety, be sure to click here to take a look at German New Medicine and how this system look at the trauma-cancer connection. According to German New Medicine, cancer is always associated with some kind of emotional trauma that happened in the patient's life. This trauma actually hijacks the autonomic nervous system to cause cancer and as a root cause of cancer, the trauma must be released through one of many different trauma-informed therapies. Releasing trauma is actually a very simple process and it does not involve talk-therapy, as a general rule. Please click here to see a video of how a polar bear releases the fight-or-flight trauma response naturally. If you have experienced a trauma (which can be anything from a very difficult dental appointment to the death of someone close to you) and you did not experience a violent trembling response, then the trauma may still literally be inside of your autonomic nervous system causing pain and disease on a physical level. Below is a link to a hypnotherapy guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that was developed to help people naturally release cancer trauma at home:
Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
Other therapies that address cancer treatment trauma that we highly recommend include:
EMDR is an eye-movement that your body normally makes naturally during REM sleep. REM sleep is a time when your body is processing the material from your waking life to keep your body and your mind healthy. Many people who have been through a cancer diagnosis and trauma due to chemotherapy and radiation treatment often have insomnia and difficulty sleeping. As a result, they cannot process and release their cancer trauma through sleep. The EMDR tool for releasing trauma was developed by psychologists who noted that patients who closed their eyes and experienced bursts of rapid eye movement during a discussion of trauma during therapy made progress much more quickly than patients who did not use eye movements to release trauma. If you have never worked with EMDR, click here to do a free trial of EMDR to release trauma.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
Psilocybin Mushroom Therapy (which works very well with CBD for cancer anxiety)
Click here to buy psilocybin mushroom capsules for microdosing.
[22] Toth, K. F. et al. (2019). Cannabinoid Signaling in the Skin: Therapeutic Potential of the “C(ut)annabinoid” System. Retrieved January 6, 2025 from
Be sure to take a look at a few of our e-Books titles below that might pertain to your health search:
How to Use Marijuana to Cure Stage 4 Cancer: Use of CBD, THC, and Whole-Plant to Treat Cancer
Update 2023:
Rick Simpson Oil / CBD for Cancer
This client then used nicotine patches to stop Sezary symptoms again that reappeared months later after he got talked into doing another course of chemotherapy. In addition to the use of Rick Simpson oil, clients should also do the Lugol’s iodine protocol for cancer and do some form of trauma-release therapy, a topic that we discuss in-depth in our article about Ayahuasca for cancer.I Have Cancer and My Doctor Sent Me Home to Die: What Do I Do Now?
Believe it or not, many people cure stage 4 cancer after their doctors send them home to die. How can a person cure stage 4 cancer if the doctor can't do it? The answer is simple: the modern, conventional healthcare system is designed to be profitable. It is not designed to cure disease. If you cure patients of their disease, they will not need to come back to the doctor again and again. So curing diseases is not a profitable endeavor for Big Pharma. If you have been sent home to die with no treatments left for cancer, this is actually an opportunity. If you're reading this article now, believe it or not, you're now in position to heal your cancer using the only treatments that actually work and that won't cause you to be totally debilitated both in terms of healthcare and in terms of finances.Medical marijuana is just one of many anticancer herbs, but it is important that you choose the right type of medical marijuana for cancer because some formulations work better than others. Click here to read about other anticancer herbs for stage 4 cancer.
As we noted above in the story about our experience health coaching for mycosis fungoides, baking soda and high pH therapy is a vital component of any cure for cancer. High pH therapy was discovered by Dr. Keith Brewer, a microbiologist who discovered by accident that increasing a mammal's pH level caused cancer to go away within 24-48 hours of achieving the higher pH level. Baking soda therapy, was in fact, the first treatment that I ever used on my husband's melanoma when I was writing The Cancer Cure Catalog series with my daughter. My husband's melanoma dried up and fell off within about 36 hours after we first started applying to the tumor. Anyone who is desperate to find a cure for stage 4 cancer should begin full-force with baking soda therapy. This treatment works fast, but just remember -- you should not do baking soda therapy halfway! Get your pH levels up above 7.5 as quickly as possible to put stage 4 cancer into remission.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
In patients who want to use baking soda for stage 4 cancer, we often recommend the topical application of baking soda with a vitamin B17-containing oil at least 5 times per day until the patient is able to easily consume food again (if eating is a problem as it often is for patients who have been through chemo and radiation treatments). Administer baking soda along with medical marijuana oil and organic apricot kernel oil or grapeseed oil. If you don't have any of these oils initially, you can have the patient soak in a baking soda bath for an hour 3 times per day or simply use coconut or olive oil as an alternative until you can obtain another type of oil.
When we do health coaching for stage 4 cancer patients, we always recommend starting with high pH baking soda therapy along with the Lugol's iodine protocol and herbal cures for stage 4 cancer like medical marijuana, Tabebuia impetiginosa, and frankincense essential oil with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
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The Medical Marijuana Cancer Cure
Marijuana has shown great promise in treating a number of serious diseases from cancer to epilepsy. The pharmaceutical industry has been racing to develop patentable synthetic drugs to mimic marijuana, but unfortunately, these drugs have an unnatural molecular formula that differ substantially from the chemical make-up of the natural substances found in marijuana. The goal for pharmaceutical companies is to be able to charge patients a huge sum of money to get the synthetic marijuana drug when, in fact, the natural form of marijuana that actually cures cancer works for a much lower cost. Big Pharma may also choose to shelve their marijuana-inspired drugs by claiming that they have serious side effects or claiming that they don't work. Pharmaceutical companies that develop synthetic marijuana can tell doctors to avoid using these marijuana-derivative drugs unless all other “conventional” chemotherapies have been tried first. Doctors believe these warnings about the marijuana derivatives. They think the warnings are meant to protect their patients from serious side effects so cancer patients are never given the medicine that will cure cancer in oncology centers that specialize in using conventional medicine treatments. In other words, it is best that patients seek out cannabis, especially Rick Simpson oil, at a store that specializes in offering CBD and THC products. When we first wrote this book, the word on the street was that marijuana itself was dangerous and addictive…a so-called “gateway drug”. Perhaps in certain contexts marijuana may be addictive and dangerous (when operating heavy machinery, for example). Things have shifted a lot in terms of marijuana and how it’s perceived by the general public over the past 10 years and that’s good news. A lot of people who might resist working with herbal remedies for cancer, might still consider working with CBD. If you have a loved one who’s suffering from cancer, but who’s resistant to working with natural cancer remedies, they may still consider Rick Simpson oil to prevent nausea from chemotherapy. As far as cannabis addiction goes, most addictions can be easily overcome using the plant medicine known as Mucuna pruriens, which happens to contain vitamin b17 along with amino acids that buffer the brain against the formation and maintenance of addictive behaviors. But despite the fact that you can get rid of a marijuana addiction using Mucuna pruriens should such an addiction take shape, many cancer patients today are ambivalent about marijuana for cancer because of the propaganda that Big Pharma has put out there to brand this plant medicine as a “gateway-drug". Patients aren’t really sure what to think. But marijuana has benefits in terms of mood and the reduction of nausea and this can be a major selling point for cancer patients who have developed chemo side effects that make them willing to try anything to restore a sense of “okay” in their lives. At the time of this writing, synthetic pharmaceutical derivatives of marijuana compounds are either “dangerous" or "worthless" according to Big Pharma. This is a changing political landscape, but patients should be wary of any marijuana derivative that Big Pharma promotes actively. Big Pharma has worked hard to weave a web of misinformation to convince people to forfeit using this medicinal herb for serious diseases like cancer and epilepsy . This is unfortunate because marijuana not only helps patients endure the awful side effects of chemotherapy, but when used outside of conventional medicine as a stand-alone therapy or as a natural herbal remedy for cancer, marijuana has powerful medicinal effects that can lead to a total recovery from cancer.
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Detailed Introduction
Marijuana as a cancer cure is a complex topic. Since many Americans, especially those in the Baby Boomer generation and some Gen Xers have been socialized to believe that marijuana is a “gateway drug”, an illegal substance that leads to no good, there are important prejudices to surmount before discussing this plant’s value as a cancer treatment. State legalization of marijuana demonstrates that people’s minds are opening to this herbal medicine, but federal resistance to legalization demonstrates that there are still obstacles to overcome. For cancer patients who are struggling with pain either from the cancer itself or from a range of side effects from chemotherapy treatments, marijuana is a palatable option. Few people realize that this plant also has curative properties that can help prevent and treat cancer. In any case, the legalization of marijuana has opened the discussion about herbs that cure cancer and it can, in fact, be a gateway herb that leads cancer patients from a total sense of hopelessness about their disease to a sense that indeed, maybe there is hope yet. Medical marijuana, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, has definitely caught on in anticancer circles. It’s famous for helping patients deal with the awful side effects of chemotherapy, but patients also say that cannabis can cure cancer. Though conventional medicine refuses to embrace the use of marijuana-the-plant, the FDA and pharmaceutical companies have been racing to come up with their own synthetic version of marijuana in the form of man-made, specially-designed molecules that roughly mimic the action of THC. And while there’s research showing that cannabis does have anti-cancer properties, drugs that are developed to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting don’t make use of a wide-range of the cancer-killing molecules known as cannabinoids, many of which work synergistically to heal the body from a variety of ailments. Synthetic drugs (renditions of THC and CBD) on the other hand are made to mimic the action of only one cannabinoid: THC. Drug companies have then sought approval for these synthetic drugs by the FDA but for use only as a last-resort antiemetic for chemotherapy patients after all other anti-emetic options have failed to produce positive results [1][6][11][15][16]. THC is the part of the Cannabis plant that causes psychoactive effects. This substance has been restricted in certain situations because Big Pharma knows that it has important effects in treating cancer and other serious diseases. The rhetoric often focuses on the psychoactive effects of THC, but in fact, the reasons behind this “spin” are much more insidious. As the marijuana industry has grown, the naturally-occurring hallucinogenic molecules in the plant have been separated from naturally-occurring molecules that have other effects on the body which has made it possible for patients to experience the benefits of marijuana without having to experience the psychological “high” caused by the plant. While THC has mind-altering abilities, CBD does not produce these effects. The separation of THC from CBD has made it possible for patients to choose the right plant-derived molecules to treat whatever ails them [17][18]. As mentioned above, while THC and CBD are the two cannabinoids that have been researched the most, the cannabis plant itself produces over 100 different cannabinoids. Some of these cannabinoids enhance or modulate the effects of THC and CBD inside the body. This is known as the “entourage effect”. Plants often contain substances that appear to be inert, but that actually enhance or otherwise regulate the behavior of the other “active” molecules. Whole-plant medicine that does not remove the additional cannabinoids is a vitally important thing to consider when doing at-home cancer treatment [19][20]. Studies with animals in laboratories have shown that cannabinoids CBD and THC do in fact kill cancer cells. According to a study completed in 2014 and published in Oncotarget, the cannabinoids have an anti-proliferative effect on cancer cells. Another study undertaken in 2013 by Italian scientists demonstrated that non-psychoactive CBD was able to prevent migration, adhesion, and invasion of cancer cells [1][3][10][11][12][13][15][16]. Research has shown that marijuana has an anti-cancer effect via CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptor sites located on cancer cells. As such, marijuana can regulate important cellular signaling pathways that affect a cancer cell’s survival, invasion, the development of a blood supply, as well as its ability to spread to other areas of the body (metastasis). THC causes an increase in ceramide synthesis that leads to the death of the cancer cell. Ceramide is a molecule that can induce multiplication, growth, and migration of cells, but it also induces apoptosis or cellular death. Normal cells don’t produce ceramide in response to being exposed to THC so they aren’t affected by the use of marijuana [11][13][14]. It might be valuable to note here that those extra ceramides produced by THC can play a major role in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. The skin is particularly responsive to treatment with THC and other cannabinoids. Our experience working with health coaching clients has taught us that melanoma is significantly easier to treat at home than basal cell carcinoma specifically. Basal cell carcinomas often behave more like fungal infections than cancer and in fact, this type of cancer is often a misdiagnosis. Nonetheless, it’s important for people with basal cell carcinoma to work with the Lugol’s Iodine protocol, the baking soda protocol, and Rick Simpson oil, or a type of Cannabis treatment that includes both CBD and THC [22]. Drugs like Marinol (dronabinol) and Cesamet (nabilone), synthetic versions of cannabinoids, have been approved by the FDA to treat the lack of appetite in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Patients need to know that synthetic versions of chemicals are not identical to their naturally-occurring counterparts and thus, they have different, less curative effects. Slight variations in the chemical formula of a given molecule can significantly alter its effect on the human body and cause dangerous effects (such as death). While a given plant like marijuana may contain a naturally-occurring molecule that’s extremely safe and effective, molecules that are manipulated in the laboratory are synthesized to be slightly different. These molecules are not synthesized in the lab into slightly different forms because the different versions are more effective but because it’s more profitable to sell a product that can be patented because it does not occur in nature. Naturally occurring molecules can’t be patented and therefore are not profitable to Big Pharma, after all. Marinol and Cesamet are no exception to this rule [5][11][20]. In surveys, only 1.8% of 953 patients preferred synthetic marijuana over natural versions of THC. The pill-form of THC can take hours to provide any kind of relief while inhaled or infused natural plant-marijuana treatment takes effect immediately [20]. Even drug companies typically don’t recommend synthetic forms of marijuana, but it’s likely that the synthetic THC in Cesamet and Marinol does not interact with the body’s cells in exactly the same way as naturally-occurring THC. It’s hard to tell whether the safety profile of the synthetically produced Marinol and Cesamet are really as bad as the drug companies make them out to be or not. Is Big Pharma trying to “shelve” these marijuana derivatives? If these drugs might actually be useful in curing cancer, then this is what “shelving” looks like. The long list of negative effects attributed to these two drugs (see below) may have been written to scare doctors as well as patients from using this drug too frequently, lest it be discovered that they have anti-cancer properties similar to marijuana-the-plant. The use of linguistic tricks to overstate or understate “facts” derived from questionable research or statistics is common.For example, the pharmaceutical company write-up about the drug salinomycin severely understates its global health-giving potential since studies have shown that salinomycin can cure both cancer and malaria. It’s possible that the FDA clinical trial write-ups for Marinol and Cesamet conceal their value underneath carefully chosen words with negative connotations. Both the Marinol and Cesamet write-ups seem intent on encouraging doctors to only prescribe the drugs for patients who are taking chemotherapy and beyond that, for patients who have tried all other antiemetics with no success. Valeant, the producer of Cesamet, stresses the addictive properties of nabilone, but Valeant also produces Wellbutrin, an anti-depressant that causes epileptic seizures (seizures that could, in theory, be treated with synthetic marijuana derivatives it produces or naturally-occurring marijuana) and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. So conscience is not part of the equation when these companies summarize the research they’ve done on these drugs. Solvay Pharmaceuticals, the producer of Marinol, also manufactures Androgel (a drug which significantly increases the risk of prostate cancer - be aware, however, that the actual cure for prostate cancer and other reproductive organ cancers is Lugol’s iodine). So while it seems clear that the pharmaceutical industries intend to use these drugs to compete with marijuana industries across the nation, it’s hard to say whether these synthetic marijuana-derived drugs themselves are dangerous to consumers or if they actually represent a danger profit-wise to Big Pharma should their true value be discovered someday [8].
Cannabis is still a Schedule I controlled substance which makes it difficult for scientists to gain the necessary support to conduct clinical trials on human subjects in order to get FDA approval. What this means is that it’s hard for scientists to prove experimentally that marijuana kills cancer cells in patients who are suffering from cancer. Scientists who would like to study marijuana’s effects on cancer find it difficult or impossible to get funding to do the kind of research that would produce statistics proving its efficacy. But statistics required by the FDA by their nature must include a control group, and the marijuana industry isn’t interested in depriving patients of the plant in order to create a control group and get FDA approval. Statistics are often used to buttress questionable information anyway. It’s a well-known fact that statistics are easily manipulated for political purposes [1][3][6][7]. The prohibition on marijuana began with a ban placed on the sale, cultivation, and use of the plant by the federal government 80 years ago. At the time of this writing, the federal government still prohibits Americans from prescribing, possessing, or selling marijuana. But, despite a lack of federal support or legalization at the federal level, states have begun legalizing marijuana for medical use (and in some cases for recreational use as well). In fact, today, the majority of states have legalized marijuana for medical use and in 2017, marijuana sales increased by 33% over the year prior [2][3]. Because marijuana and cannabinoids are naturally-occurring substances, they cannot be patented. And the FDA hasn’t approved marijuana (as a plant or as an oil derived from the plant) for medicinal use. But recently, a drug called Marinol and another known as Cesamet, pharmaceutically synthesized forms of THC and cannabinoids, were developed and approved by the FDA. Both drugs were approved by the FDA as an appetite stimulant for people suffering with HIV / AIDs as well as for patients who are receiving chemotherapy [3][4]. By developing a synthetic cannabinoid, the pharmaceutical companies can now proceed to put a negative spin on its perceived effectiveness by encouraging patients to undergo chemotherapy while adding this drug to the regimen. Marinol and Cesamet are drugs that compete with the marijuana industry while promoting the use of chemotherapy to treat cancer (despite the fact that studies have shown that chemotherapy has a “cure” rate somewhere between 2.1% and 2.3%). The politics surrounding medical marijuana is complex and constantly changing. The federal government still regards marijuana as illegal, but 29 states (at the time of this writing) have legalized it for medical use. The states and territorieslisted below have all legalized medical marijuana as of 2024:- Colorado
- Washington
- Alaska
- Oregon
- Washington, D.C.
- California
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Nevada
- Michigan
- Vermont
- Illinois
- Arizona
- Montana
- New Jersey
- New York
- Virginia
- New Mexico
- Connecticut
- Rhode Island
- Maryland
- Missouri
- Delaware
- Minnesota
- Ohio
- Guam
Safety and Effectiveness
The relationship between man and marijuana goes back several hundreds of years. Our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids which work within a system known as the endocannabinoid system. Marijuana-the-plant contains over a hundred cannabinoids that work on the human body via the endocannabinoid system. Through this system they act as neuromodulators, affecting the release of a variety of neurotransmitters. They also play a role in reducing inflammation. They affect insulin sensitivity, fat and energy metabolism, mood, appetite, pain, and memory among other things [11][15][17].
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Marijuana-the-Plant and Its Derivatives: Safety and Effectiveness
Marijuana-the-plant, has an excellent safety profile. An annual report issued by the Drug Awareness Warning Network contains a statistical compilation of all drug deaths that happen in the United States. According to this report, there has never been a death from the use of cannabis, despite the administration of huge dosages of it [21].In 1988, DEA Chief Administrative Law Judge, Francis Young said,
“In strict medical terms, marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care” [21].
The lethal dose of cannabis is equivalent to smoking about 1,500 pounds in 15 minutes, which is physically impossible. This lethality has never been demonstrated [21].

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In an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Grinspoon commented on marijuana’s addictive properties:
“Marijuana is also far less addictive and far less subject to abuse than many drugs now used as muscle relaxants, hypnotics, and analgesics. The chief legitimate concern is the effect of smoking on the lungs. Cannabis smoke carries even more tars and other particulate matter than tobacco smoke. But the amount smoked is much less, especially in medical use, and once marijuana is an openly recognized in medicine, solutions may be found; ultimately a technology for the inhalation of cannabinoid vapors could be developed” [21].
Vaporizing devices have since been developed to mitigate the risk of inhaling cannabis smoke [21].
The relationship between man and marijuana goes back several hundreds of years. Our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids that work within a system known as the endocannabinoid system. Marijuana-the-plant contains over a hundred cannabinoids that work on the human body via the endocannabinoid system. Through this system the cannabinoids act as neuromodulators, affecting the release of a variety of neurotransmitters. The system seems to regulate and balance the body’s other neurotransmitter systems. They play a role in reducing inflammation. They also affect insulin sensitivity, fat and energy metabolism, mood, appetite, pain, and memory among other things [11][15][17].
Marinol: Safety and Effectiveness
Marinol (dronabinol), the synthetic cannabinoid produced in a laboratory, is less safe than marijuana-the-plant and its derived products. According to the clinical trial summary written for the FDA, Marinol can have a negative effect on mood, cognition, memory, and perception, as well as appetite. Tolerance develops to the drug within 12 days. The pharmaceutical companies claims that all other side effects are said to disappear within 12 days and appetite stimulation continues indefinitely [5].
According to FDA trials, Marinol can cause the following side effects:
- Drowsiness
- Euphoria (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Vision difficulties
- Dry mouth
- Flushing
- Tachycardia
- Lethargy
- Somnolence (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Abnormal thinking (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Depression
- Nightmares
- Conjunctivitis (red eyes)
- Decreased motor coordination
- Slurred speech
- Hypotension
- Dizziness (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Depersonalization
- Confusion
- Anxiety/nervousness
- Heart palpitations
- Diarrhea
- Fecal incontinence
- Myalgia
- Chills
- Headache
- Malaise
- Hepatic enzyme elevation
- Cough
- Runny Nose
- Sinusitis
- Sweating
- Anorexia
- Paranoia (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Abdominal pain (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Nausea (experienced by up to 10% of patients)
- Vomiting (experienced by up to 10% of patients) [5]
Note: Marinol may cause the symptoms it is prescribed to treat. Also, patients receiving treatment withMmarinol to treat vomiting and nausea are more likely to experience the following symptoms:
- Amnesia
- Ataxia (lack of muscle coordination, a neurological symptom that signals that there is a dysfunction in the cerebellum)
- Hallucinations [5]

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Cesamet: Safety and Effectiveness
Cesamet (nabilone) is listed in Schedule II of the Controlled Substances because, according to the research, it has a high potential for abuse. The pharmaceutical company that produces this drug recommends that doctors only prescribe a limited amount of Cesamet at a time—enough for a single cycle of chemotherapy [8].
Cesamet (nabilone) side effects include:
- Elevated heart rate
- Postural hypotension
- Psychiatric symptom exacerbation
- Addiction
- Drowsiness
- Vertigo
- Dry mouth
- Euphoria [8]
How Medical Marijuana Is Administered
Marijuana Whole-Plant Administration
In states where marijuana is legal, doctors can prescribe the treatment. The dosage varies, but doctors will prescribe a specific amount to be taken at certain times of the day [6]. There are a wide variety of different ways in which a patient might self-administer a marijuana treatment including:- Capsules
- Inhaling vapors
- Consuming marijuana in food
- Oils (topical application)
- Smoking
- Tinctures [6][9]
Marinol Administration
Marinol is given to patients 3 to 4 times daily in 5 milligram doses to prevent vomiting that’s caused by chemotherapy. It is not to be prescribed unless the doctor has tried giving the patient other antiemetics that didn’t work [5].Cesamet Administration
Cesamet is given in 1 to 6 milligram dosages twice to three times daily. Doctors are cautioned to only provide patients with enough of the drug for one cycle of chemotherapy at a time. Patients are advised to take Cesamet 1 to 3 hours before their chemotherapy is administered [8].Natural Marijuana for Stage 4 Cancer
Natural, herbal marijuana, especially Rick Simpson Oil works much better as a cure for stage 4 cancer (and cancers at other stages) than synthetic marijuana. Medical marijuana is better because it doesn't cause the dangerous side effects caused by Marinol or Cesamet. Also, and most importantly, both Marinol and Cesamet were designed specifically to not be able to cure cancer because to cure cancer would destroy Big Pharma's cancer industry. If you want to get rid of stage 4 cancer and restore your health, seek out natural anticancer herbs and nutrients like the ones we recommend in the Lugol's iodine protocol and at this link to anticancer herbs. Combine these treatments along with the baking soda protocol with Rick Simpson Oil for a powerful at-home treatment for cancer.
Negative Effects
An overdose of Marinol, the synthetic pill-version of THC, can cause the following negative effects [5]:- Emergency hospitalization requiring supportive care, benzodiazepines, and fluid replacement
- Cardiotoxicity
- Psychosis
- Death [5]
Chronic users of dronabinol experience withdrawal symptoms [5].
Overdosage with Cesamet is expected to produce the following signs and symptoms (though overdosage was never observed during the clinical trials):- Psychotic episodes
- Hallucinations
- Anxiety reactions
- Respiratory depression
- Coma [8]
Other Information
Other Important Information
In addition to being used by cancer patients, Cannabis has been used to treat the symptoms associated with a number of diseases including:
- Crohn’s disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Psoriasis
- Epilepsy
- Huntington’s disease
- Glaucoma
- Multiple sclerosis
- Anorexia
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Diabetes
- Gout
- Doose syndrome
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Dementia
- Parkinson’s disease
- Asthma
- Chronic pain
- Head trauma
- Dravet syndrome
- Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack
- Opioid dependence
- Spinal cord injury
- Atherosclerosis
- Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
- Hypertension
- Obesity/Metabolic syndrome
- Osteoporosis
- Schizophrenia
- Migraines
- ADHD [11][13][17][18]
Final Words: Medical Marijuana for Cancer Trauma
In closing, I want to talk briefly about the use of medical marijuana for cancer trauma and how trauma due to chemotherapy and radiation treatments causes depression, anxiety, and other forms of mental illness. Medical marijuana is used to reduce anxiety caused by cancer trauma, which can persist in an ongoing fashion even after chemotherapy and radiation treatments end. Indeed, depression caused by cancer is common, in part because of the way that trauma hijacks the autonomic nervous system. If you are experiencing cancer-related depression or anxiety, be sure to click here to take a look at German New Medicine and how this system look at the trauma-cancer connection. According to German New Medicine, cancer is always associated with some kind of emotional trauma that happened in the patient's life. This trauma actually hijacks the autonomic nervous system to cause cancer and as a root cause of cancer, the trauma must be released through one of many different trauma-informed therapies. Releasing trauma is actually a very simple process and it does not involve talk-therapy, as a general rule. Please click here to see a video of how a polar bear releases the fight-or-flight trauma response naturally. If you have experienced a trauma (which can be anything from a very difficult dental appointment to the death of someone close to you) and you did not experience a violent trembling response, then the trauma may still literally be inside of your autonomic nervous system causing pain and disease on a physical level. Below is a link to a hypnotherapy guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that was developed to help people naturally release cancer trauma at home:
Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
Other therapies that address cancer treatment trauma that we highly recommend include:
EMDR is an eye-movement that your body normally makes naturally during REM sleep. REM sleep is a time when your body is processing the material from your waking life to keep your body and your mind healthy. Many people who have been through a cancer diagnosis and trauma due to chemotherapy and radiation treatment often have insomnia and difficulty sleeping. As a result, they cannot process and release their cancer trauma through sleep. The EMDR tool for releasing trauma was developed by psychologists who noted that patients who closed their eyes and experienced bursts of rapid eye movement during a discussion of trauma during therapy made progress much more quickly than patients who did not use eye movements to release trauma. If you have never worked with EMDR, click here to do a free trial of EMDR to release trauma.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
Psilocybin Mushroom Therapy (which works very well with CBD for cancer anxiety)
Click here to buy psilocybin mushroom capsules for microdosing.
[22] Toth, K. F. et al. (2019). Cannabinoid Signaling in the Skin: Therapeutic Potential of the “C(ut)annabinoid” System. Retrieved January 6, 2025 from
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