How Colonics Can Help Cure Cancer and Other Diseases
Enemas and colonic hydrotherapy have been in use for millennia as a part of various healing traditions from across the globe. The first mention of an enema was made in ancient Egypt, where pharaohs regarded enema treatments as essential for good health. Each pharaoh had a “Guardian of the Anus” to keep the southern border safe from invaders. The ancient Greeks were similarly preoccupied with rectal and colonic cleanliness. In these ancient cultures, colonic procedures such as hydrotherapy and enemas were considered somewhat sacred due to their general health-conferring properties. A number of the anti-cancer diets in this book require patients to use coffee enemas, citing the fact that organic coffee enemas specifically can spur bile production, detoxify the liver, and clean fecal impactions out of the lower colon. The coffee enema in particular can enhance the body’s ability to absorb nutrients while detoxifying the liver so that the liver can continue to remove toxins throughout the healing process. While there are a few different types of enema options, and each does confer its own set of health benefits on the recipient, coffee enemas reign supreme when it comes to effectively treating (and preventing) serious health problems like cancer.Click here to do our 1 hour QUICK START VIDEO COURSE TO CURE CANCER AT HOME.
Colonic hydrotherapy is a related treatment that can also have profound health benefits. Unlike enemas, which can be done up to 3 times daily to treat health problems, colonics are administered much less often. Many cancer patients initially feel repulsed by the idea of enemas and colonics because culturally, these treatments have been spurned, especially in conventional medicine. Doctors would be more likely to do surgery to remove fecal impactions than an enema and many patients accept surgical removal of fecal impactions for lack of knowledge about other options. Enemas are so much gentler and less expensive than surgery and their impact is detoxifying versus surgery which introduces toxicities as well as insults from which the body then needs to heal.Click here to schedule a health coaching call with us.
There’s a reason why enemas were once regarded with such high esteem in ancient cultures – they not only improve physical, but also mental and emotional health. The liver-and-gallbladder-clearing abilities of enemas often has an immediate, or almost immediate head-clearing and also heart-lifting effect on the emotions. As such, enemas can be administered alongside treatments that are geared at trauma-release for cancer patients such as German New Medicine, for example though trauma release for cancer can be accomplished using a variety of trauma-informed therapies such as craniosacral therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessin / EMDR, or brain entrainment and guided meditation. Sacred indigenous medicines like Ayahuasca for cancer work in part by purging the liver and gallbladder of toxicities similar to what happens with regular enemas. Ayahuasca has been studied thoroughly by scientists to determine how it works to cure cancer. The liver-purgative effects of this sacred medicine can be used as a model to explain why cleansing and detoxifying the liver and the gallbladder is so important. Click here to learn how Ayahuasca cures cancer.Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with cancer, following an anticancer diet while doing 1-3 organic coffee enemas per day (no matter what type of diet you choose) can make a huge difference in health trajectory. But as you begin to work to cure cancer naturally at home, be sure to seek out trauma-informed therapies as cancer is also rooted in trauma. If you work simultaneously to release trauma using somatic therapies (as opposed to talk therapies which are practically useless in terms of trauma release) that use the body’s natural movement and embodiment mechanisms of action to release trauma, you’ll open up space for hope which, in turn, can lead you in important new directions for healing.