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Intravenous Phosphatidyl Choline: Cure for Cancer and Atherosclerosis

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | May 27, 2019


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Phosphatidyl Choline as an At-Home Cure for Cancer and Atherosclerosis

Phosphatidylcholine is used to treat cancer as well as arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. It has been shown to have an effect on programmed cell death. Cancer cells are particularly vulnerable to this substance because phosphatidylcholine is able to penetrate through the fatty membrane sheath that surrounds cancerous tumors.    Phosphatidylcholine is also used in anti-aging medicine. It contains choline, a nutrient that the body uses to build acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that’s involved in nerve transmission to muscles as well as to organs.

NOTE: If you suffer from heart disease or if you suffer from both heart disease and cancer, please note that in addition to phosphatidyl choline treatment, you should also be sure to take 200-400 mcg of vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7 / MK-7, a nutrient that works as a natural nutrient cure for lymphoma, leukemia, myeloma, and other types of bone and blood cancers as well as reproductive organ cancers like ovarian cancer. As a nutrient that can naturally target bone and blood cancer, vitamin K2 works to reconfigure where the hard calcium plaques are being placed in the body such that they are no longer deposited in soft tissues such as blood vessels. Vitamin K2 / MK-7 ensures that calcium ends up where it belongs, in bones, to make them strong and healthy. Vitamin K2 is also essential as a nutrient that can prevent or get rid of breast calcification and decalcify soft tissues such as the pineal gland.


Click here to read more about how to use vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a nutrient cure for arteriosclerosis.

Click here to read more about how to use vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a nutrient cure for cancer.

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Detailed Information

Phosphatidylcholine is the primary phospholipid component in human cell membranes. It’s a component in lecithin and a precursor in the creation of acetylcholine (an important neurotransmitter that plays a role in arousal, memory, attention, and motivation). Orthodox medicine has made use of phosphatidyl choline as a treatment for fatty embolisms as well as to reverse plaque build-up in patients with arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. An IV treatment known as Plaque-X makes use of phosphatidyl choline to treat a variety of circulatory problems [1][6]. 

Choline is produced as a by-product of the synthesis and metabolism of phosphatidylcholine. Choline and phosphatidyl choline have an effect on cell growth and programmed cell death [1][6]. Phosphatidylcholine supports the growth of healthy endothelial cell membranes. As a fat emulsifier, it can remove plaque from arterial walls [6].  Choline is also an essential nutrient for gallbladder and liver health and a deficiency of choline along with folate has been implicated as a possible cause of autism / ASD development. Choline is essential for heart health and taking choline supplements after a heart attack can be a life-hack with a big impact on the trajectory of healing.

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Phosphatidylcholine is used to penetrate the fatty membrane that surrounds cancer cells in order to visualize metabolic processes using specialized technologies in orthodox medicine [4][5], but phosphatidylcholine can also be used to heal unhealthy cells. The use of certain substances for diagnostic purposes often occurs when Big Pharma is trying to find ways to bury a given cure under data about its diagnostic use.

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Safety and Effectiveness

Phosphatidyl choline is used to slow the aging process, improve brain functioning and memory, and stabilize cell membranes. It’s also used to treat the following health issues:

Intravenous phosphatidyl choline combined with intravenous curcumin is especially useful as a natural cure for breast cancer. When these two substances are combined together, they are five times more effective at combating cancer naturally [2]. Anyone who is looking for natural cancer treatments with a high cure rate should look into phosphatidyl choline, intravenous curcumin, vitamin K2 / MK-7, the Lugol's iodine protocol, vitamin B17 / amygdalin, and the baking soda protocol. If you are suffering from breast cancer, also be sure to learn about intravenous salinomycin as a medicine with a very high effectiveness rate against breast cancer.

How Intravenous Phosphatidyl Choline Is Administered

The protocol for administering phosphatidyl choline is called the “PK Protocol” after Patricia Kane PhD, the originator of this treatment modality. Injectable glutathione (a powerful detoxifying substance) is often given in conjunction with phosphatidyl choline. These are the primary components of the therapy [6].

Phosphatidyl choline treatment includes an IV push of lower doses known as Essentiale-N. The maximum amount of Essentiale-N is 2 vials or 10cc given up to two times per day. Usually, this treatment is only offered twice weekly. The IV is administered as a short IV push [6].

Success with phosphatidyl choline can be measured as a drop in serum CPK and improvement in the F.A.C.T. (Functional Acuity Contrast Test) vision test. This is an in-office vision test that simply measures a patient’s ability to discriminate between different shades of gray. Patients read a chart at a set distance [6].

Retinal cells are neuronal cells that emerge directly from the brain. As a result, weakness on the F.A.C.T. correlates with central nervous system toxicity. Weakness could result from interference in the nerve impulse transmission due to fatty acid abnormalities, from a lack of fluidity in the membrane, or from the presence of intracellular toxins from infectious agents or heavy metals. When heavy metals are at fault, EDTA IV treatments may also be warranted. 

When a patient’s F.A.C.T. indicates that there are toxicities in the nervous system, this means that a foreign object may be sitting on the cell membrane, blocking its fluidity, or it could just indicate that the natural aging process has led to a shift away from cell membrane fatty acids made of phosphatidylcholine to sphingomyelin. A poor score on the F.A.C.T. indicates that IV treatment with phosphatidyl choline is needed with improvements in test scores seen within 30 minutes of a single dose of IV treatment [6]. 

Possible Negative Effects

When taken orally, phosphatidyl choline can cause sweating, stomach upset, and diarrhea. As an injection, it can cause irritation, swelling, redness, itching, burning, bruising, and pain at the site of injection. Typically these symptoms resolve within a couple of days [7].

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Other Important Information

Clinics That Offer Intravenous Phosphatidyl Choline

Holistic Bio Spa Plaza Marina, Local B-10 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 48335 [email protected] +52-322-221-1607

An Oasis of Healing 210 North Center Street Suite 102 Mesa, AZ 85201 [email protected] 480-834-5414

Sunshine Health Care Center 13660 N 94th Drive Ste. C-4 Peoria, AZ 85381-4841 623-266-1722

Orthomolecular Nutrition and Wellness Center 9225 Ulmerton Rd., Suite 312 Largo, FL, USA 33771 727-518-9808

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[1] Ridgeway, N. D. (2013). The role of phosphatidylcholine and choline metabolites to cell proliferation and survival. Retrieved March 15, 2018 from

[2] An Oasis of Healing (2017). Phosphatidylcholine. Retrieved March 16, 2018 from

[3] Holisitc Bio Spa (2018). Phosophatidylcholine. Retrieved March 16, 2018 from

[4] Ide, Y., Waki, M. Hayasaka, T., Nishio, T. et al (2013). Human breast cancer tissues contain abundant phosphatidylcholine (36:1) with high stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1expression. Retrieved March 16, 2018 from

[5] Beloribi-Djefaflia, S., Vasseur, S., Guillaumond, F. (2015). Lipid metabolic reprogramming in cancer cells. Retrieved March 16, 2018 from

[6] Dr. Dekel (2010). Essentiale-N IV’s: Phosphatidylcholine Is Life. Retrieved March 16, 2018 from

[7] WebMD (2005-2018). Phosphatidylchonline. Retrieved March 16, 2018 from

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