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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Cancer Cure via Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | May 27, 2019


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The Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Cancer Cure

Quick Summary

Oxygen can promote healing in the body. Every cell needs oxygen, after all. This is common knowledge. But Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy works through several different mechanisms of action, all of which involve the use of oxygen to cure cancer. One mechanism of action through which Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy works is by increasing the amount of oxygen in the body which makes it harder for cancer cells to survive. But Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy works through another, lesser known mechanism of action that has recently become more well-known due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It works by releasing reactive oxygen species medicines into the blood which are electrically charged and able to seek out oppositely charged cancer cells and pathogens that are living deep inside the body, beyond the reach of chemotherapy medications and antibiotics. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can be used with conventional cancer treatments including some types of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery though its effectiveness is much higher when it is used outside of conventional medicine.


Detailed Introduction

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy works to cure cancer by increasing the amount of dissolved oxygen in blood plasma. This increases the amount of oxygen delivered to cells and tissues in the body. Other types of Reactive Oxygen Species Medicines have the ability to deliver additional oxygen to ailing cells too. By delivering more oxygen to the body as a whole, cancer cells are also exposed to more oxygen. Since cancer cells don’t like an oxygen-rich environment, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can kill cancer cells naturally [1][2].

Click here to learn about other famous reactive oxygen species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide Solution that can be administered as at home cancer treatments.

But even more important than raising oxygen levels in the body is the release of reactive oxygen species medicines such as singlet oxygen species into the blood as a result of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. These singlet oxygen species are identical to the singlet oxygen species that are released into the blood supply by our own white blood cells when they come upon a cancer cell or a pathogen. Of course, cancer patients often develop cancer because their immune system is not working properly and often, patients need pancreatic enzyme therapy because their pancreatic enzymes are very low (which is why pancreatic cancer is such a serious diagnosis). Cancerous tumors typically have a special "sheath" that covers them, making them invisible to the immune system and white blood cells. Normally, when pancreatic enzymes are circulating in the blood, they eat away at this sheath to reveal the ailing, acidic cancer cells underneath. Then, these cells are exposed to white blood cells and singlet oxygen species that are produced by the body’s immune system. But if we have a diet that's high in animal products, our pancreatic enzymes may be in short supply. Enzymes take a lot of energy for the body to manufacture. If your body uses up all of your pancreatic enzymes digesting animal products such as meats and dairy products, there may be very few of these enzymes circulating in the blood. Cancer cells can then form a protective sheath and white blood cells won't notice these cells and thus will not release singlet oxygen species to kill them. An anticancer diet that includes a low level of animal products and specific nutrients is recommended for this reason, to support the pancreas.

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Other types of Reactive Oxygen Species such as Chlorine Dioxide and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide are often combined with Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to ensure that the singlet oxygen species can get past this protective "sheath" that surrounds cancer cells, ensuring that the cancer cells die naturally, as they would if the body's own immune system had sought them out to kill them.

Hyperbaric oxygen has been used for centuries to improve health in patients with disorders related to hypoxia or ischemia. For example, a patient who has recently had a stroke could benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy to enhance healing in the brain. Clinically, hyperbaric chambers have been in use since the 1850’s with further development by the U.S. military following World War I. Oxygen promotes healing and hyperbaric oxygen therapy saturates the bloodstream and tissues with 10 to 13 times the amount of oxygen that humans can normally breathe in [1][3]. 

Nearly every hospital in the United States has a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, though most of them are rarely used for any reason. None of the mainstream hospitals with hyperbaric oxygen chambers use them as a cure for cancer, though there are alternative oncology centers that use natural therapies like hyperbaric oxygen to cure cancer [3].

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is approved by the FDA to treat the following conditions:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been used as a form of after-care for cancer patients who have already received toxic radiation treatments. Osteoradionecrosis, or delayed bone damage caused by radiation therapy, can be off-set slightly by the enhanced oxygen levels in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Soft tissue damage caused by radiation is similarly off-set Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Lugol's iodine is a nutrient medicine that contains molecular iodine and potassium iodide, a substance that is known to prevent radiation burns and radiation damage caused by nuclear fallout (potassium iodide is the medicine that's distributed to the masses when nuclear war or nuclear radiation exposure is possible in a population of people). Both molecular iodine and potassium iodide are powerful anti-cancer nutrients that can cure cancer, but also prevent cancer from returning in patients who have already received chemo and radiation. Click here to read how to do the Lugol's iodine protocol as a nutrient cure for cancer or to reduce the risks associated with cancer radiation treatments.

Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%. 

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is another substance that is a powerful treatment to prevent radiation damage. DMSO is often used in alternative medicine cancer treatment hospitals that offer low-dose chemotherapy. The DMSO is the substance combined with chemo to strengthen chemotherapy's effects against cancer while protecting healthy human cells (and as a way to reduce chemotherapy side effects). Click here to read more about DMSO-Potentiation Therapy (DPT).

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a cancer treatment that straddles the political line in conventional medicine. Oncologists are wary of using it for cancer care because they believe (wrongly, according to the research) that it can be harmful rather than helpful. But Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been applied in a variety of ways to a number of disease states to produce extremely positive results. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has an extensive body of research backing up its use in a wide range of health situations in large part because it is a Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine with a wide medicinal spectrum of action.  The FDA has approved the use of hyperbaric oxygen for these 13 different disease states, but for cancer treatment itself, it remains controversial in conventional medical circles because it has the ability to cure the disease and as such, it threatens the Cancer Industry [3]. Integrative medicine doctors who treat cancer, on the other hand, tend to embrace Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy because of its ability to oxygenate the body, kill cancer cells, and create a healthy environment that’s hostile to cancer cells.

NOTE: Patients who are receiving radiation therapy for cancer should consider using DMSO and Lugol's iodine to protect their body from radiation damage. DMSO has the ability to protect healthy cells from radiation. It also has the ability to cause cancer cells to revert back into healthy cells. And it is FDA approved. 

Click here to buy pharmaceutical grade DMSO to prevent radiation burns. 


Because oxygen is required for healthy tissue growth, for years, oncology doctors were concerned that hyperbaric oxygen treatment would promote the growth and recurrence of tumors. However, a number of studies over the past decade and a half have shown that hyperbaric oxygen does NOT promote the development or recurrence of cancer and that actually, hyperbaric oxygen “has tumor-inhibitory effects in certain cancer subtypes” [1]. According to our research at AlivenHealthy, other types of Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine may be more effective than Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy mostly because orally administered Chlorine Dioxide Solution or Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide can be combined with Dimethylsulfoxide, (an FDA approved medication that is sold over-the-counter) which ensures that singlet oxygen species will reach their intended target (cancer cells). Also, both Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide can be administered hourly to continously treat cancer at home, rather than receiving treatments periodically with hyperbaric oxygen.

Some oncologists following the conventional medical model have also avoided hyperbaric oxygen therapy because they feel that when the therapy is used in tandem with the administration of certain chemotherapy drugs such as Cisplatin, patients could experience renal failure [2]. But if you have been diagnosed with cancer and you are absolutely convinced that you need chemotherapy medication, consider doing DMSO-Potentiation Therapy, rather than avoiding the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy or other Reactive Oxygen Species on the advice of your doctor, who is a part of the capitalist system of medicine that would, of course, advise patients to do therapies that cost the most and that will ensure that patients will need to return in the future due to additional healthcare problems. DMSO Potentiation Therapy or DPT uses microdoses of chemotherapy along with DMSO. DMSO has the ability to seek out cancer cells directly in the body while bypassing normal, healthy human cells. Because of this characteristic of DMSO (a tree medicine that has a toxicity level similar to that of water), doctors are able to use much smaller doses of chemotherapy so that patients don't experience serious side effects from the chemotherapy. 

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Safety and Effectiveness Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is not without risks and side effects, but for the most part, these are mild and self-limiting. However, some side effects can be severe and life-threatening. Below are common side-effects experiences by patients undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy [4]:

  • Visual Refractive Changes
The pressure in the hyperbaric chamber can temporarily cause changes in the shape of the lens of the eye. After the patients complete the full course of hyperbaric treatments, vision typically returns to normal [4][5].

  • Cataract Maturation
Research has NOT shown that hyperbaric oxygen therapy causes cataracts to grow, but some doctors still believe that pre-existing cataracts might be worsened with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy [4].

  • Claustrophobia
Some patients feel claustrophobic in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber. In some cases, patients can be sedated if claustrophobia symptoms are severe enough [4].

  • Hypoglycemia
Diabetic patients may experience a drop in blood sugar during hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Blood glucose levels may need to be monitored to avoid the development of hypoglycemia [4].

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How Hyperbaric Oxygen Is Administered

Patients undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy receive treatment inside a chamber. Hyperbaric chambers may be “monoplace” or “multiplace”. Monoplace chambers are designed to treat one person at a time. Multiplace chambers are designed to treat multiple people at a time. In a multiplace chamber, the oxygen is delivered through a mask or a hood [5].

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Possible Negative Effects

The risks of doing hyperbaric oxygen therapy are low. Below are some of the possible negative outcomes that can occur as a result of hyperbaric oxygen therapy [4]:

  • Barotrauma of the Ear
Eardrum injury or round or oval window rupture resulting from increased pressure and manipulation of the internal environment of the chamber. This is the most common complication of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. [4][5].

  • Sinus Squeeze
Severe pain and bleeding sinuses can result when the sinuses are not allowed to equalize with the external environment [4][5].

  • Tooth Squeeze
Patients who have had recent dental work may experience pain or cracking of the teeth due to the increased pressure in the air-filled voids in the dental work [4].

  • Pneumothorax or Pulmonary Barotrauma
Lung tissue damage can occur as a result of pressure changes in the hyperbaric chamber. This lung tissue damage can cause air to leak from the lung into the chest cavity, causing a dropped lung. Patients with emphysema or asthma are at a higher risk of developing a pneumothorax [4].

  • Oxygen Toxicity Seizures
High levels of oxygen in the blood can be toxic to the central nervous system which can cause seizures. This is a rare event, but it is more likely to occur in people with pre-existing seizure disorders or hypoglycemia. Removing the supplemental oxygen from the patient typically ends the seizure [4].

  • Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity
Prolonged exposure to high oxygen concentration levels can be detrimental for the lungs leading to chest pain, difficulty breathing, or even respiratory failure. This is a rare situation because of the intermittent nature of hyperbaric oxygen treatments, but it is of more of a concern for patients who chronically receive supplemental oxygen [4].

  • Decompression Sickness (the Bends)
Decompression sickness is more of a concern for interior chamber attendants than it is for patients doing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Decompression sickness can cause pain, cardiopulmonary collapse, neurological injury, or even death [4].

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Alternatives to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Other Reactive Oxygen Species Medicines to Cure Cancer

If you are concerned about the side effects of using hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a cancer cure, consider the use of other reactive oxygen species medicines instead such as: All of the above therapies work through a similar mechanism of action and all have a very broad spectrum of action against both cancer cells and pathogens in the body.

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[1] Moen, I. & Stuhr, L. E. B. (2012). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer – a review. Retrieved March 23, 2018 from [2] Oasis of Hope (2015). Oxygen Therapy at Oasis of Hope. Retrieved March 23, 2018 from [3] Health Impact News (2018). FDA Seeks to Restrict Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Used in Cancer Treatment. Retrieved March 23, 2018 from [4] The University of Iowa (2018). Medical Risks of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Retrieved March 23, 2018 from [5] Harch Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (). Retrieved March 23, 2018 from

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