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Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide: Kill Cancer Using At Home Treatments

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | May 27, 2019


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How to Use Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to Cure Cancer

Food grade hydrogen peroxide 3% is a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) medicine that can be administered orally to cure cancer. Though it’s relatively well-known in the alternative medicine community for its ability to treat cancer, hydrogen peroxide also has powerful effects that can be used to cure a number of other major diseases. For example, this ROS medicine is used as a cure for Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and colorectal cancer, among other health problems. Readers should note however that Chlorine Dioxide Solution / CDS (a different ROS medicine) may be easier to work with during the initial stages of treatment if digestion is really poor, regardless of the health issue being treated. 

Click here to read more about how to use CDS for colorectal cancer. 

Click here to read more about other Reactive Oxygen Species medicines that are used to cure colorectal cancer.

Click here to buy The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine DioxideThe Complementary Medicines Guide (which details how to use DMSO), and The CDS Diet and Recipe Book.

Food grade hydrogen peroxide 3% can be used in combination with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to produce stronger effects on the body. DMSO, of course, is another powerful cure for cancer that can be used in combination with a variety of medicinals (including tiny doses of chemotherapy agents, for patients who want a blended approach to cancer treatment) to target cancer cells more directly while leaving healthy cells alone. That being said, DMSO’s potentiating effects and its ability to carry the substances it combines with even to difficult-to-reach areas of the body (like the brain and liver, for example) mean that it must be used respectfully and with care. For more in-depth information on how to use DMSO, download our book, “The DMSO Guidebook”.

Click here to read more about the use of DMSO with low-dose chemotherapy to treat cancer without side effects. DMSO and low-dose chemo is known as "DMSO-Potentiation Therapy" or "DPT”. It is a good option particularly for people who want to avoid working with high doses of toxic chemotherapy drugs, since the use of DMSO in this context makes it possible to dramatically reduce the overall dosage of the chemo medicines while still achieving the same results.

NOTE: Antioxidant cancer therapies (of which there are many) cancel out the positive effects of food grade hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide works by releasing Reactive Oxygen Species and singlet oxygen species (these are therapeutic oxidants) into the body to kill pathogens and cancer cells. These pathogens and unhealthy, cancerous cells have an acidic pH that is lower than the pH of healthy human cells, which is what attracts the ROS medicines. Hydrogen peroxide therapy also functions to increase the oxygen levels around cancer cells, which ultimately can cause them to revert back into healthy cells.

Also note that high-dose, intravenous vitamin C therapy works as an alternative medicine for cancer that kills cancer cells naturally through the release of hydrogen peroxide molecules. While high-dose vitamin C technically works to treat cancer through the release of oxidants in the body, it’s still an antioxidant medicine, so it should not be combined with the ROS medicines directly.  Click here to learn more about how IV vitamin C for cancer works chemically in the body to produce hydrogen peroxide that can kill cancer cells. 

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.

Detailed Information

One of the reasons why human cells change from healthy cells into cancer cells is because they’re low on energy. Food grade hydrogen peroxide increases the availability of oxygen in the body, and some scientists and researchers believe that by increasing the availability of oxygen, cancer cells can thus manufacture more energy in a more efficient way, and become healthy again. Other ROS medicines like CDS, ozone therapy, or even Artemisia annua, an herbal ROS medicine, generally work in a similar way.

Food grade hydrogen peroxide can be used in a manner similar to Chlorine Dioxide Solution as a core treatment for cancer. When combined with Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), food grade hydrogen peroxide has even more targeted action, especially as a colorectal cancer cure. This hydrogen peroxide + DMSO combination also works to treat other types of cancer. DMSO is an FDA-approved medicinal substance with a toxicity level similar to that of water; it naturally combines with certain types of medicines, like hydrogen peroxide, in order to seek out and destroy cancer cells through a magnetic attraction to cancer cells and other pathogens (which have a highly positive charge). DMSO is an ideal medicine to combine specifically with hydrogen peroxide and CDS/MMS as a cancer treatment (as well as for the treatment of other health problems) since it enhances the efficacy of these medicines in addition to having its own medicinal benefits.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide treatments can be administered orally, intravenously (with the help of a skilled health professional), or via a nebulizer (click here to learn about how to administer this medicine as a nebuilzer treatment). Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is an affordable treatment that’s easy to obtain in most places throughout the world, but be aware that the FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide that is used orally or intravenously is very different from the hydrogen peroxide you buy over-the-counter. Over-the-counter hydrogen peroxide that you buy at a pharmacy contains stabilizers that should not be ingested or injected. Double check and make sure that you’re 100% confident that the product you’re working with is food grade and safe for human consumption.  Cancer cells can’t survive in a highly-oxygenated environment, so the use of hydrogen peroxide to infuse the body with oxygen can work to shrink tumors through this mechanism. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide has other powerful effects against cancer, too, in that this substance can be "cleaved" into singlet oxygen species that seek out and kill the mycobacterium that causes cancer (read more about this cancer-causing pathogen in this article). Additionally, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide plays an important role as a signaling molecule that can activate the immune system to behave appropriately in the context of cancer development, toxin buildup, or pathogenic infection.

In the 1800’s and early 1900’s (and beyond) hydrogen peroxide was widely used to successfully treat a variety of diseases including:

Colostrum (the first batch of breast milk produced by new mothers) contains a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide (1000 times more than what’s found in human blood) which could explain why this first batch of milk is so powerful at activating a newborn infant’s immune system and in protecting them from disease early on. Some plants, such as Artemesia annua / Qing Hao, also contain high quantities of naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide, just like the hydrogen peroxide that’s naturally produced in our bodies. When these herbs are freshly prepared as tea and taken while being exposed to sunlight, can infuse the body with extra oxygen and target and eliminate cancerous cells, pathogens, and other toxins.

Click here to buy Artemisia annua / Qing Hao tincture.


After pharmaceutical industries began developing profitable new drugs, the popularity of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide as a treatment option diminished because it is a widely accessible, naturally occurring substance, and therefore, not profitable to pharmaceutical companies. In addition, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide has an extremely broad spectrum of action against a wide variety of pathogens that can't be killed using conventional medicines. More specifically, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide can kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other types of pathogens in order to protect the body from supposedly incurable diseases like COVID-19, malaria, cancer, and Crohn's Disease. If people learn to use Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to cure cancer or other major health problems, Big Pharma will go out of business. So a lot of money is invested in covering up this information; hydrogen peroxide in pharmacies also has been developed to contain "stabilizers" and "additives" in order to prevent the public from gaining access to this medicine too easily. 

Safety and Effectiveness

Don’t combine hydrogen peroxide treatment with antioxidants or amino acid therapies because these two treatment methods will cancel each other out (remember, hydrogen peroxide is an oxidant medicine). Antioxidants and amino acid proteins are prolific in nature and include or may be found in the following:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin A
  • Multivitamin supplements
  • Herbal supplements (the vast majority of herbs contain powerful antioxidants; while there are exceptions, its wise to avoid taking too many, or any, herbal medicines while you’re working directly with hydrogen peroxide)
  • Most foods contain either antioxidants or amino acids so wait for at least 30 minutes before and after eating to take Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide as a cancer cure.
  • Many chemotherapy drugs (and other pharmaceutical drugs) that patients take to treat cancer may cancel out the effects of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. If you’re receiving chemo treatments or taking pharmaceutical medications, wait for an hour before and after taking these other substances to take Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide should be taken at least 30 minutes before and/ 30 minutes after eating food (in other words, there should be a full hour of “space” buffering each dose of hydrogen peroxide). Ideally, you should take the hydrogen peroxide on an empty stomach at least 1 hour after ingesting other supplements; so, if you take Lugol’s iodine, for example, you should wait an hour after taking this important cancer-curing nutrient before taking hydrogen peroxide.

How Hydrogen Peroxide Is Administered

Oral Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

Do not ingest the hydrogen peroxide that you buy at the grocery store or pharmacy; most of the products found in these two places contain harmful additives designed to make them unsafe for internal human consumption. Find 30-35% food grade hydrogen peroxide; you will be most likely to find this online or at a health food store. The 30-35% food grade hydrogen peroxide will need to be diluted with water before you use it (we describe the method for diluting this medicine for use below). 

Dilute the peroxide down to about 3% for use by adding 1-part Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to 10-parts filtered water (at first, only fill a small, glass dropper bottle to use for dosing, and store it in the fridge; renew on an as-needed basis). Start by taking 1/4 of a drop of this diluted, 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in water each day and increase the dose up to one teaspoon, taken up to four times per day before meals and at bedtime. Follow this protocol until the cancer is under control and then reduce daily intake to only one, 1-teaspoon dose taken before breakfast.

Click here to buy food grade hydrogen peroxide 3%. 

Start with a low dose of hydrogen peroxide and increase the dose very slowly over time. Consider downloading the Laypersons' Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution as a blueprint for how to proceed with a Reactive Oxygen Species medicine treatment protocol. Though this book provides guidance and protocols on how to use Chlorine Dioxide specifically, the mechanism of action of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is almost the same. However, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide should be used at approximately 1/4 of the dose of Chlorine Dioxide because it has an oxidation potential that is about 4 times that of Chlorine Dioxide. Also keep in mind that you will not take hydrogen peroxide the same number of times as you would take CDS (you’ll take only about 4 doses per day of hydrogen peroxide, maximum).

It is extremely important that cancer patients start with a very low dose of orally administered Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and slowly increase the dose over time based on how they feel each day. Essentially, if the patient feels overall better than he/she did before beginning treatment with Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, increase the dose by 1/4 of a drop daily (day 1 - ¼ drop; day 2 - ½ drop; day 3 - ¾ drop; day 4 - 1 drop, etc.). On the other hand, if the patient develops detoxification symptoms or a Herxheimer Reaction, the dose should be halved until the detoxification symptoms resolve (so if the patient develops uncomfortable detox symptoms while taking 10 drops, they should drop back to taking only 5 drops). This allows the body to remove toxins, which can build up quickly when pathogens and cancer cells are being killed rapidly. When using Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to cure cancer, you must give the organs of detoxification time to catch up with the removal of toxins, dead pathogens, or dead cancer cells. This is why the dose of this medicine should be increased very slowly over time.

Click here to buy the Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution, The Complementary Medicines Guide to CDS / MMS (which includes all the information you need to know to use DMSO safely), and the CDS Diet and Recipe Book. 

Keep in mind that using Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to cure cancer or an infection is different than taking a pharmaceutical drug prescribed by your doctor. Oral Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide releases singlet oxygen species that pathogens cannot develop a resistance against. In other words, you don't need to worry about drug-resistant pathogens when you take Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. Though there are just a few human pathogens that won't respond to treatment with Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, most pathogens can be killed using this type of therapy and they can't develop a resistance to it because their relationship and attraction to singlet oxygen species is fundamental to their biology.

Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.

Oral Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and Sunlight

Exposing your skin to sunlight (without sunscreen) after taking doses of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide helps potentiate this medicine. This is because the photons captured by the skin from sunlight exposure "cleave" the hydrogen peroxide molecules into a different type of singlet oxygen species that are even more powerful than the singlet oxygen species that are released when the body is not exposed to sunlight after taking hydrogen peroxide. Thus, if possible, take the hydrogen peroxide in the sun and continue exposing your skin to the sunlight for at least 30 minutes after administration of this medicine for best results. You should aim to expose as much of the skin as possible to the sunlight while dosing with Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (in fact, if you have a private place where you can be fully or mostly nude while sunbathing, this is ideal!).

We specialize in health coaching for cancer patients. Click here to schedule a health coaching session with us.

When Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is taken at a time when the skin is exposed to sunlight, the Ultraviolet/Hydrogen Peroxide System is activated inside the body. Through this system, hydrogen peroxide molecules and UV light interact and powerful hydroxyl radicals (a type of singlet oxygen species) are created. These are oxidants that are electrically charged in a particualr way that allows them to effectively seek out and kill pathogens and cancer cells that are present in the body. These hydroxyl radicals literally behave like magnets that are attracted to cancer cells and pathogens.

To illustrate the power of sunlight in terms of curing disease, it has long been known, for example, that psoriasis patients can sometimes cure their disease permanently by using nothing but sunlight and seawater. This fact is so well established, in fact, that there are a variety of alternative treatment centers for psoriasis in different areas of the world that offer nothing but sunlight and seawater treatments; many patients who go to these facilities and follow their protocols are permanently cured of psoriasis. But how is this possible? Psoriasis, after all, is considered a chronic, incurable disease. Sunlight causes the body to naturally produce hydroxyl radicals, which can target the underlying pathogenic causes of psoriasis in addition to oxygenating healthy (though possibly struggling) cells and neutralizing toxins in the body. And then, when the healthy human cells in the body are further alkalinized by daily exposure to seawater (pH 8.1) the pathogens (and cancer cells) that have been hiding in the body begin to stand out like red blinking lights to the hydroxyl radicals released by hydrogen peroxide, making them easier targets not only for this ROS medicine, but also for the body’s own, natural immune defenses.

 Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.

Sunlight exposure is something that people have been taught to avoid especially to prevent cancer, but in fact, you need sunlight exposure to heal if you have cancer. When my husband developed melanoma, Lydian and I (and my husband) had just finished our worldwide tour of almost 50 countries to find cures for disease and we'd just settled down to start writing the Cancer Cure Catalog 4-volume series. We first used baking soda for melanoma on my husband's face and the dark spot dried up and fell off within 3 days. After that, we began experimenting with the numerous other treatments for cancer we'd gathered through our research and our travels, and we finally discovered the Budwig Protocol, which includes a special recipe for a smoothie that must be consumed while sitting in the sunlight. Dr. Johanna Budwig (a Nobel prize candidate for her work with fats and oils) developed this smoothie because she knew that sunlight plays a role in how our bodies metabolize nutrients. As such, she recommended that her patients sit in the sun while drinking the smoothie in order to activate the healing compounds in this smoothie and to make her treatment more powerful as a cure for cancer. She was very successful in her work at curing stage 4 cancer with her treatment protocols, and also with patients who had been told that their cancer was "terminal" and "incurable”.

Click here to read more about the Budwig Protocol as a cure for stage 4 cancer. (NOTE: The Budwig Protocol can be applied to anyone of any age; infants 6+ months, pregnant/lactating women, and the elderly can all follow this cancer protocol safely and successfully)

Oral Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO

DMSO is FDA approved and it has the broadest medicinal action of any substance currently listed as an FDA-approved medication. It has amazing healing effects and can be used to treat various types of cancer, as well as other major diseases. It can easily pass the blood-brain barrier, which is why it works so well with frankincense as a cure for brain cancer, and in addition, DMSO also has special healing effects on the nerves (it can be used to regrow nerves, in fact, and even heal spinal cord damage). DMSO has a toxicity level that is similar to that of water, which is part of the reason why transplant organs are stored in this substance prior to transplantation. Some oncology centers even use DMSO in combination with chemotherapy to significantly diminish the dose of chemo that is needed to treat cancer cells. In this treatment for cancer, known as  DMSO-Potentiation Therapy (DPT), patients are given DMSO with low-dose chemo to treat cancer. DPT makes it possible for patients to receive cancer treatment with fewer side effects from the chemo drugs.

If you take 1 drop of 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (or diluted 35% hydrogen peroxide; see above for instructions on how to dilute hydrogen peroxide correctly), add about 4 ounces of filtered water, and then right before you intend to take this dose, and 3 drops of DMSO to the water. Drink the mix immediately. The DMSO is technically an antioxidant, but it has special properties that make it possible to use this antioxidant with Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and other ROS medicines without diminishing the medicinal effects of these oxidant medicines. DMSO will make the hydrogen peroxide medicine stronger and more targeted against cancer cells as well as pathogens and toxins present in the body.

Click here to buy DMSO 99.9% pharmaceutical grade.

Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

Used in combination with hyperbaric oxygen and/or other oxygen therapies like ozone, and ultraviolet light (sunlight exposure), intravenous hydrogen peroxide can be a powerful treatment against cancer. Oxidation with the appropriate oxidizing medicines kills cancer, stimulates white blood cell production, and increases delivery of oxygen to the blood and body tissues.

Possible Negative Effects

Hydrogen peroxide at 35% concentration can burn the skin. Flush with clean water if it gets on the skin, and dilute the solution before taking internally.

Food grade hydrogen peroxide taken orally can cause nausea if you take it in high doses without working up slowly from a low dose. Start at a low dose and slowly increase the dosage over time. Cut the dose in half if you begin to experience uncomfortable detox symptoms, and then start working your way back up to a higher dose again once you feel better.

Click here to subscribe to the Chlorine Dioxide Protocols Database. 

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide as a Miracle Mineral Solution / Chlorine Dioxide Alternative

In some countries, such as Australia, consumers can no longer get chlorine dioxide / CDS to treat disease. Big Pharma is trying to keep people from discovering the value of this medicine by limiting consumer access to it. But there are chlorine dioxide alternatives, including Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (among others). Hydrogen peroxide is widely available throughout the world and works through almost the exact same mechanism of action as Chlorine Dioxide Solution. You can use Jim Humble's Miracle Mineral Solution protocols with Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide at about 1/4 of the dose of Chlorine Dioxide Solution.

Herbal Remedy for Cancer That Releases Reactive Oxygen Species

Yet another alternative cancer treatment that works through a similar mechanism of action as food grade hydrogen peroxide 3% is Artemisia annua / Qing Hao, a plant that releases reactive oxygen species after consumption. Like food grade hydrogen peroxide, Artemisia annua works best when patients get plenty of sunlight exposure to cleave molecules into reactive oxygen species that target cancer cells directly. If you can't obtain food grade hydrogen peroxide or chlorine dioxide solution / CDS, consider working with Artemisia annua as an alternative herb for cancer that works through a similar mechanism of action.

Click here to read more about Artemisia annua / Qing Hao as an anti-cancer herb.

Click here to buy Artemisia annua / Qing Hao. 

[1] Bollinger, T. (2018). Is Hydrogen Peroxide a Medical Miracle? Retrieved March 14, 2018 from

[2] An Oasis of Healing (2017). Using Hydrogen Peroxide for Cancer Treatments Is Highly Effective And Part of Our Comprehensive Cancer Care Program! Retrieved March 14, 2018 from

[3] Cancer Tutor (2018). Hydrogen peroxide cancer treatment. Retrieved March 14, 2018 from

[4] MalariaWorld (2009-2017). Hydrogen Peroxide and Its Hidden Power. Retrieved March 15, 2018 from

[5] Last, W. (n.d.). MSM and DMSO: Organic as a Versatile Healer. Retrieved March 15, 2018 from

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