German New Medicine: A System That Works with the Emotional and Physical Aspects of Disease
German New Medicine views cancer as a disease that can be spurred by a traumatic event in the patient’s life. According to the laws of German New Medicine, cancer treatment proceeds through two phases: a cold phase and a hot phase. Different cancer types may indicate underlying spiritual or emotional issues. As these issues are resolved, healing takes place. These philosophies are radically different from those of most other alternative cancer treatment models in that they establish disease first and foremost as originating from mental/emotional/spiritual problems rather than from purely physical sources. However, some other cancer treatment options, such as Ayahuasca, Kambo, and even some vibrational medicines all acknowledge the absolute necessity to treat diseases, including cancer, not only from a physical standpoint, but also from an emotional and spiritual perspective, in order to promote complete healing on all levels.The theory that trauma and cancer are related is much easier to validate scientifically today than it was in the past. Today, the concept and definition of "trauma" has been established as any situation in which the body feels threatened even if the conscious mind doesn't feel like the threat is legitimate. The body experiences trauma via the autonomic nervous system which includes both the sympathetic, fight-or-flight branch, as well as the two branches of the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is the part of the body that governs over whether the blood vessels are open or constricted. Open blood vessels would cause the body to experience and release heat while constricted blood vessels would cause the periphery of the body to feel cold.

Detailed Information
German New Medicine (GNM) is based off of the interactions between three components: the psyche, the brain, and the organs. The treatment works with the idea that diseases aren’t “mistakes” or “accidents”, but rather that they relate directly to psychological and/or biological events that spur disease as part of a coping/selection mechanism.Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (a medical doctor, scientific researcher, and member of a Munich oncology clinic) developed German New Medicine after realizing that his wife’s death and his own cancer diagnosis could be linked to the recent shooting and death of his son. He eventually determined that a traumatic physical event can cause a biological conflict shock in the body that sets off a chain reaction of events (starting with a change in brain activity and structuring) that results in physical disease.
This way of viewing trauma as a disease-causing event is consistent with the way trauma is viewed by today's trauma-informed therapies. The brain is restructured and dramatically altered by trauma, but the brain is also able to change to incorporate and integrate traumatic events such that these events become a source of strength once they've been fully integrated. Trauma-informed therapies like cranio-sacral therapy or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) are two powerful forms of treatment that are able to release trauma without any kind of talk therapy. EMDR works through the conscious production of back-and-forth eye movements mimicking the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep wherein trauma and memories are consolidated and integrated. EMDR is simple and elegant as a treatment for trauma that can be self-administered at home. In addition to promoting integration of traumatic memories by encouraging communication between the right and left sides of the brain, EMDR also causes the eye muscles to pull against the cranial bones to reseat them. The cranial bones "float" over the brain and have the ability to move just slightly in response to positive or negative thoughts. When the cranial bones move out of place far enough, they can put pressure on the cranial nerves at the foreamen where they pass out of the skull on their way to innervation of the rest of the body (the organs, muscles, etc.). This pressure on the nerves hijacks their normal function. EMDR relieves this cranial nerve pressure, which in turn, allows for trauma to be released and integrated by the body in a more normal way.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine
In curing himself of cancer and working with his patients, Dr. Hamer uncovered 5 biological “laws” that cover the core principles of German New Medicine:- The shock that starts the disease process must be an unanticipated one. The subsequent damage caused by the shock is called the “Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS)”, after Dr. Hamer’s son.
- The second law states that every disease has two phases: a cold phase and a hot phase. In the cold phase the body is under stress from the previous shock as well as from the developing disease. So long as the patient is conflicted in regard to the shock, this cold phase continues, and ultimately manifests in the form of disease (the disease may be relatively immediate or it may develop over time). The hot phase is the healing process where the conflict has been resolved and the patient is recovering.
- This law suggests that the individual’s unique reaction to the shock and their personal beliefs, perceptions, and life experiences can change which organ or tissue that is or will be affected by the shock. So for example, in the context of cancer treatments, one person's body might respond to a traumatic event by developing a blood cancer, while another person's body may develop a reproductive organ cancer.
- This law indicates which microbes should be used to target the disease. According to Dr. Hamer, microbes are directed by the brain and, when not called upon, retreat into a part of the body where they don’t “interfere.” However, these microbes that are a part of our immune system can be called upon to attack disease during the healing phase. (NOTE: This law resembles the more widely known and studied concept of somatids, which regularly "cycle" through different microbe shapes in the body in order to stimulate the immune system to be ready to fight disease. Read more about somatidian theory in this article.)
- This law is the culmination of the other 4 laws, and encourages understanding of the reason(s) behind the development of the previous illness. This is supposed to help patients come out of their illness stronger than before and to help them avoid future similar diseases.

Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
Dr. Hamer faced extensive persecution for his discoveries with German New Medicine and even served an 18-month prison sentence in Germany and a part of a 3-year sentence in France. Additionally, after presenting his work to a German university, he was asked to deny his discoveries despite not even having been allowed to do any studies or execute any other measures toward proving his treatment. Dr. Hamer refused to deny his discoveries and his medical license was subsequently revoked permanently. His prison sentence was related to the fact that he offered free medical advice to three individuals after his license was revoked. The University of Tübingen was ordered by a court of law to formally test Dr. Hamer’s theories, but this action was never taken.During Dr. Hamer’s trial following his imprisonment, a prosecutor was forced to admit that 6000 of 6500 patients over 5+ years had recovered from primarily terminal cancers under Dr. Hamer’s care using German New Medicine. The conventional medical system continues to not acknowledge German New Medicine as a valid form of medical treatment despite numerous verifications by various associations. Dr. Hamer was also extradited to France from his home in Spain where he faced a 3-year prison sentence under the charges of “fraud and the complicity in the illegal practice of medicine.” He didn’t end up serving the full sentence and eventually moved to Norway where he was able to continue his work without governmental or law-related interventions.
Particularly within the group of individuals who work with German New Medicine, there is much controversy and conflict. The official website for German New Medicine was established in 2001 and contains a statement regarding the website and publications of a woman named Caroline Markolin, who also has a website which she claims is endorsed by the official German New Medicine website. The official website states that Markolin is unqualified to be teaching/practicing German New Medicine or to be certifying others to teach/practice German New Medicine and that she has stolen much of Dr. Hamer’s work and visual materials without permission while claiming prominently on her website that she had been given permission.

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Safety and Effectiveness
In September 1998 seven patients with 20+ different diseases who had been or were being treated with German New Medicine were investigated to obtain scientific proof of GNM’s effectiveness. The investigation took place at the University of Trnava in Slovakia. Exact statistics for this investigation are unavailable. At one of Dr. Hamer’s trials regarding his practice of German New Medicine, the opposing side admitted that he had cured 6000 of 6500 individuals of mostly terminal cancer cases over the course of 5+ years.The following link provides testimonials from patients who were treated for cancer (and other diseases) using German New Medicine: http://www.newmedicine.ca/testimonials.php

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
How German New Medicine Works
The diagnoses/analyses in German New Medicine may be made starting from either the psychic, cerebral, or organic level. In cases where the patient already has a cancer diagnosis, German New Medicine practitioners are encouraged to start at the organic level. Dr. Hamer recommended that practitioners spend equal amounts of time in all of these areas of the disease, not spending too much time in any one area, so as to be able to develop a complete “picture” of the disease from multiple angles. He also recommends that a CT scan with standard layers (lasting about 4 minutes) be done in most cases so that the brain activity and structure can be observed. This scan may reveal scar tissue or some sort of lasting physical remnant in the brain of a previous trauma.When the conflict is resolved in the psyche and in the brain, the body may experience a healing response characterized by a fever or flu-like symptoms (much like a Herxheimer reaction). Reaching this resolution is different for each patient since each individual’s trauma is different, as is the way that they overcome it. Dr. Hamer noted the importance of carefully handling patients who have just passed into the conflict resolution phase (or the “hot” phase) or who have formally overcome their disease and are having a healing response. He advised that patients remain as calm and relaxed as possible (so as to avoid a new trauma) and also for there to be minimal physical interference such as that of blood transfusions (especially in children). If transfusions are necessary, Dr. Hamer recommended that they be done at night before sleep.
In German New Medicine, different locations of cancer and disease are related to the nature of the shock that affected the progression to a diseased state. Dr. Hamer believed that cancer metastases were connected to fear of the cancer itself and/or fear of death. Some other examples of this relationship between disease and emotional/physical shock are the following:
- Bone cancer may be connected to feelings/shock relating to lack of self-worth or feelings of inferiority.
- Breast cancer may be related to feelings/shock having to do with care/disharmony in relationships or separation conflicts.
- Pancreatic cancer may be connected to feelings/shock related to an anger/anxiety directed toward or around family members/inheritance.
- Melanoma may be related to feelings/shock having to do with being dirty, soiled, or defiled.
Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Other Important Information
German New Medicine is a copyrighted name by Dr. Hamer. There are other treatment methods that go by “Total Biology” and “Meta-Medicine” that have said that they practice and have knowledge and training in German New Medicine despite not being affiliated with the German New Medicine community of practitioners. Of the practitioners who are licensed to practice and teach, Ilsedora Laker, is a German New Medicine educator and medical consultant whose education was acknowledged by Dr. Hamer. She resides and practices in Toronto, Canada. Dr. Douglas Price is another verified German New Medicine educator and consultant who travels teaching others about German New Medicine. The following is a link to suggested resources and books: http://www.newmedicine.ca/book.phpResources:
Be sure to take a look at a few of our e-Books titles below that might pertain to your health search:

German New Medicine: A System That Works with the Emotional and Physical Aspects of Disease
German New Medicine views cancer as a disease that can be spurred by a traumatic event in the patient’s life. According to the laws of German New Medicine, cancer treatment proceeds through two phases: a cold phase and a hot phase. Different cancer types may indicate underlying spiritual or emotional issues. As these issues are resolved, healing takes place. These philosophies are radically different from those of most other alternative cancer treatment models in that they establish disease first and foremost as originating from mental/emotional/spiritual problems rather than from purely physical sources. However, some other cancer treatment options, such as Ayahuasca, Kambo, and even some vibrational medicines all acknowledge the absolute necessity to treat diseases, including cancer, not only from a physical standpoint, but also from an emotional and spiritual perspective, in order to promote complete healing on all levels.The theory that trauma and cancer are related is much easier to validate scientifically today than it was in the past. Today, the concept and definition of "trauma" has been established as any situation in which the body feels threatened even if the conscious mind doesn't feel like the threat is legitimate. The body experiences trauma via the autonomic nervous system which includes both the sympathetic, fight-or-flight branch, as well as the two branches of the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is the part of the body that governs over whether the blood vessels are open or constricted. Open blood vessels would cause the body to experience and release heat while constricted blood vessels would cause the periphery of the body to feel cold.

Detailed Information
German New Medicine (GNM) is based off of the interactions between three components: the psyche, the brain, and the organs. The treatment works with the idea that diseases aren’t “mistakes” or “accidents”, but rather that they relate directly to psychological and/or biological events that spur disease as part of a coping/selection mechanism.Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (a medical doctor, scientific researcher, and member of a Munich oncology clinic) developed German New Medicine after realizing that his wife’s death and his own cancer diagnosis could be linked to the recent shooting and death of his son. He eventually determined that a traumatic physical event can cause a biological conflict shock in the body that sets off a chain reaction of events (starting with a change in brain activity and structuring) that results in physical disease.
This way of viewing trauma as a disease-causing event is consistent with the way trauma is viewed by today's trauma-informed therapies. The brain is restructured and dramatically altered by trauma, but the brain is also able to change to incorporate and integrate traumatic events such that these events become a source of strength once they've been fully integrated. Trauma-informed therapies like cranio-sacral therapy or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) are two powerful forms of treatment that are able to release trauma without any kind of talk therapy. EMDR works through the conscious production of back-and-forth eye movements mimicking the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep wherein trauma and memories are consolidated and integrated. EMDR is simple and elegant as a treatment for trauma that can be self-administered at home. In addition to promoting integration of traumatic memories by encouraging communication between the right and left sides of the brain, EMDR also causes the eye muscles to pull against the cranial bones to reseat them. The cranial bones "float" over the brain and have the ability to move just slightly in response to positive or negative thoughts. When the cranial bones move out of place far enough, they can put pressure on the cranial nerves at the foreamen where they pass out of the skull on their way to innervation of the rest of the body (the organs, muscles, etc.). This pressure on the nerves hijacks their normal function. EMDR relieves this cranial nerve pressure, which in turn, allows for trauma to be released and integrated by the body in a more normal way.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine
In curing himself of cancer and working with his patients, Dr. Hamer uncovered 5 biological “laws” that cover the core principles of German New Medicine:- The shock that starts the disease process must be an unanticipated one. The subsequent damage caused by the shock is called the “Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS)”, after Dr. Hamer’s son.
- The second law states that every disease has two phases: a cold phase and a hot phase. In the cold phase the body is under stress from the previous shock as well as from the developing disease. So long as the patient is conflicted in regard to the shock, this cold phase continues, and ultimately manifests in the form of disease (the disease may be relatively immediate or it may develop over time). The hot phase is the healing process where the conflict has been resolved and the patient is recovering.
- This law suggests that the individual’s unique reaction to the shock and their personal beliefs, perceptions, and life experiences can change which organ or tissue that is or will be affected by the shock. So for example, in the context of cancer treatments, one person's body might respond to a traumatic event by developing a blood cancer, while another person's body may develop a reproductive organ cancer.
- This law indicates which microbes should be used to target the disease. According to Dr. Hamer, microbes are directed by the brain and, when not called upon, retreat into a part of the body where they don’t “interfere.” However, these microbes that are a part of our immune system can be called upon to attack disease during the healing phase. (NOTE: This law resembles the more widely known and studied concept of somatids, which regularly "cycle" through different microbe shapes in the body in order to stimulate the immune system to be ready to fight disease. Read more about somatidian theory in this article.)
- This law is the culmination of the other 4 laws, and encourages understanding of the reason(s) behind the development of the previous illness. This is supposed to help patients come out of their illness stronger than before and to help them avoid future similar diseases.

Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
Dr. Hamer faced extensive persecution for his discoveries with German New Medicine and even served an 18-month prison sentence in Germany and a part of a 3-year sentence in France. Additionally, after presenting his work to a German university, he was asked to deny his discoveries despite not even having been allowed to do any studies or execute any other measures toward proving his treatment. Dr. Hamer refused to deny his discoveries and his medical license was subsequently revoked permanently. His prison sentence was related to the fact that he offered free medical advice to three individuals after his license was revoked. The University of Tübingen was ordered by a court of law to formally test Dr. Hamer’s theories, but this action was never taken.During Dr. Hamer’s trial following his imprisonment, a prosecutor was forced to admit that 6000 of 6500 patients over 5+ years had recovered from primarily terminal cancers under Dr. Hamer’s care using German New Medicine. The conventional medical system continues to not acknowledge German New Medicine as a valid form of medical treatment despite numerous verifications by various associations. Dr. Hamer was also extradited to France from his home in Spain where he faced a 3-year prison sentence under the charges of “fraud and the complicity in the illegal practice of medicine.” He didn’t end up serving the full sentence and eventually moved to Norway where he was able to continue his work without governmental or law-related interventions.
Particularly within the group of individuals who work with German New Medicine, there is much controversy and conflict. The official website for German New Medicine was established in 2001 and contains a statement regarding the website and publications of a woman named Caroline Markolin, who also has a website which she claims is endorsed by the official German New Medicine website. The official website states that Markolin is unqualified to be teaching/practicing German New Medicine or to be certifying others to teach/practice German New Medicine and that she has stolen much of Dr. Hamer’s work and visual materials without permission while claiming prominently on her website that she had been given permission.

Click here to schedule a health coaching session with us.
Safety and Effectiveness
In September 1998 seven patients with 20+ different diseases who had been or were being treated with German New Medicine were investigated to obtain scientific proof of GNM’s effectiveness. The investigation took place at the University of Trnava in Slovakia. Exact statistics for this investigation are unavailable. At one of Dr. Hamer’s trials regarding his practice of German New Medicine, the opposing side admitted that he had cured 6000 of 6500 individuals of mostly terminal cancer cases over the course of 5+ years.The following link provides testimonials from patients who were treated for cancer (and other diseases) using German New Medicine: http://www.newmedicine.ca/testimonials.php

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
How German New Medicine Works
The diagnoses/analyses in German New Medicine may be made starting from either the psychic, cerebral, or organic level. In cases where the patient already has a cancer diagnosis, German New Medicine practitioners are encouraged to start at the organic level. Dr. Hamer recommended that practitioners spend equal amounts of time in all of these areas of the disease, not spending too much time in any one area, so as to be able to develop a complete “picture” of the disease from multiple angles. He also recommends that a CT scan with standard layers (lasting about 4 minutes) be done in most cases so that the brain activity and structure can be observed. This scan may reveal scar tissue or some sort of lasting physical remnant in the brain of a previous trauma.When the conflict is resolved in the psyche and in the brain, the body may experience a healing response characterized by a fever or flu-like symptoms (much like a Herxheimer reaction). Reaching this resolution is different for each patient since each individual’s trauma is different, as is the way that they overcome it. Dr. Hamer noted the importance of carefully handling patients who have just passed into the conflict resolution phase (or the “hot” phase) or who have formally overcome their disease and are having a healing response. He advised that patients remain as calm and relaxed as possible (so as to avoid a new trauma) and also for there to be minimal physical interference such as that of blood transfusions (especially in children). If transfusions are necessary, Dr. Hamer recommended that they be done at night before sleep.
In German New Medicine, different locations of cancer and disease are related to the nature of the shock that affected the progression to a diseased state. Dr. Hamer believed that cancer metastases were connected to fear of the cancer itself and/or fear of death. Some other examples of this relationship between disease and emotional/physical shock are the following:
- Bone cancer may be connected to feelings/shock relating to lack of self-worth or feelings of inferiority.
- Breast cancer may be related to feelings/shock having to do with care/disharmony in relationships or separation conflicts.
- Pancreatic cancer may be connected to feelings/shock related to an anger/anxiety directed toward or around family members/inheritance.
- Melanoma may be related to feelings/shock having to do with being dirty, soiled, or defiled.
Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Other Important Information
German New Medicine is a copyrighted name by Dr. Hamer. There are other treatment methods that go by “Total Biology” and “Meta-Medicine” that have said that they practice and have knowledge and training in German New Medicine despite not being affiliated with the German New Medicine community of practitioners. Of the practitioners who are licensed to practice and teach, Ilsedora Laker, is a German New Medicine educator and medical consultant whose education was acknowledged by Dr. Hamer. She resides and practices in Toronto, Canada. Dr. Douglas Price is another verified German New Medicine educator and consultant who travels teaching others about German New Medicine. The following is a link to suggested resources and books: http://www.newmedicine.ca/book.phpResources:
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