High Heat and Fever as a Cure for Cancer

The herbal remedy for cancer known as Viscum album / Mistletoe also works in part by inducing a fever to cure cancer. Cancer has an optimal pH and an optimal temperature within which it is most likely to grow. Patients can use heat and pH to cure cancer. As a general rule, high alkalinity (pH above 7.5 or 8) and cold temperatures work to kill cancer naturally while low pH (below 4.5) and high temperatures also work to kill cancer. High pH cancer therapies can be done at home using natural cancer remedies like baking soda. Low pH therapies, in contrast, must be administered at an alternative cancer treatment hospital.
Click here to learn more about no chemo, no radiation cancer hospitals (and low-chemo oncology hospitals).
Click here to learn how to do the baking soda remedy for cancer.
Click here to read more about the mistletoe cancer cure.
Click here to buy Mistletoe for cancer.
Detailed Information
Coley Therapy was developed by Dr. William Coley in the 1890’s as a cancer vaccine for bone cancer and blood cancer (leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and other bone and blood cancer types). Other names that Coley Therapy goes by include Coley’s Treatment, Mixed Bacterial Vaccine, Endotoxin Treatment, and Issel’s Fever Treatment for cancer [2]. Because of his discoveries, Coley is now known as the “Father of Immunotherapy".Click here to learn about vitamin K2 as a nutrient cure for myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma, and other forms of bone and blood cancer.
In 1867, Dr. Wilhelm Busch, a German surgeon working at the hospital at the University of Bonn, discovered that the malignant tumor of one of his patients had disappeared after the patient came down with an erysipelas infection caused by the Streptococcus bacteria (the cause of the erysipelas infection wouldn’t be discovered until 1881). Another doctor by the name of Bruns tried injecting a cancer patient with the streptococcal organism to induce an infection. As with Busch’s patient, the malignant tumor got noticeably smaller. Coley based his initial experimentation off reports like these in his search for a natural cure for cancer [1].
A number of other doctors have noted that certain bacteria and viruses and other types of pathogens provide mutual support for each other while other pathogens compete in the body in a manner that can be exploited to cure diseases like cancer. Dr. Isaac Goiz is a doctor, for example, who based an entirely new system of medicine known as the "biomagnetic pair" (which was inspired by scientific research results done by NASA doctors) on this idea of pathogens supporting each other or working against each other in the body.
Click here to learn more about biomagnetism as a natural cure for cancer.
Coley Therapy induces a fever. As with hyperthermia treatment for cancer (which involves administration of high heat to warm the body and create and artificial fever), by increasing the temperature of the body, cancer cells are killed.

William Coley was a surgeon operating at the Bone Tumor Service at Memorial Hospital in New York who focused on finding a natural cure for bone sarcoma cancer. After much research and many personal observations (e.g. patients who developed infections after surgery had higher survival rates than those who didn’t), Coley decided in 1891 to do an experiment where he injected streptococcal organisms into a patient with inoperable bone cancer in an effort to cure bone sarcoma naturally, using this ecological approach to cancer and the body's own mechanisms of immune defense. The 1891 experiment was successful, and Dr. Coley continued working with bacteria to even overcome stage 4 bone sarcoma.However, despite being having success treating bone sarcoma (and other diseases as well), Dr. Coley was harshly criticized by his peers. Many doctors practicing in the same hospital didn’t believe his results. Chemotherapy and radiation were far less successful at treating cancer, but they were marketed much more heavily by Big Pharma. As a result, this cure for bone sarcome was almost completely ignored.
In 1920, Coley’s treatment for cancer encountered resistance from the Bone Sarcoma Registry. Coley had a difficult time getting accepted as a member of the registry, since many members doubted his success and denied Coley’s cases where patients had recovered using the treatment. The Registry eventually stated that the treatment wasn’t an actual cure for cancer, and that the patients who recovered from the treatment must have been misdiagnosed. This is a common tactic that Big Pharma uses to politically cover up cancer cures. Previously, the Park Davis Company had been producing Coley’s product, but in 1952 they stopped producing and distributing the treatment. In 1962, the FDA discredited Coley’s Toxins as an illegitimate treatment/medication, and the method became illegal in the United States [1]. Cancer patients who wish to cure stage 4 bone sarcoma at home should know that other patients have successfully used natural cancer protocols to cure cancer. Baking soda therapy is usually the first treatment that our health coaching clients work with to get rid of bone sarcoma and the pain of cancer. Baking soda works quickly to provide cancer cure results, which gives patients confidence that there are cures for bone sarcoma and these cures can be administered at home by people who are not doctors and patients can recovery their health fully. If you are going to self-treat bone sarcoma at home, be sure to click here to read about vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a nutrient cure for bone cancer.
Also click here to read about how to do the Lugol's iodine protocol using nutrient supplements that cure cancer.
Finally, click here to do our cancer cure video course at AlivenHealthy Academy.
Today, Coley Therapy can be found in the United States as a cancer treatment, but it’s not widely used or recognized because the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer was able to acquire the Coley Pharmaceutical Group in 2007 and suppress it’s distribution. This is another common Big Pharma tactic used to cover up cures for cancer. This strategy is called "shelving" and it has been used to cover up cancer cures for decades. Salinomycin is a drug that cures breast cancer and malaria, that has been covered up using "shelving" and warnings encouraging doctors to avoid this medicine in cancer patients. There are hundreds of stories similar to the story of Coley's toxins that explain why the masses never learn about cures for cancer. Most of the clinics today that use the Coley treatment are smaller groups of practitioners or individuals operating in their own offices, often in hospitals offering natural treatments for cancer [3]. The Cancer Research Institute (https://www.cancerresearch.org/about-cri) was started by William Coley’s daughter as a way to distribute reliable information to the public about cancer cures, specifically immunotherapy for cancer.

Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Safety and Effectiveness
Coley’s therapy is a form of immunotherapy that works by stimulating and encouraging the patient’s immune system to fight cancer cells on its own. In the beginning stages of development, Coley injected live bacteria (specifically streptococcus bacteria) into his patients to stimulate erysipelas, which is an immune reaction to the bacteria that often results in swelling or redness/rash in the body’s limbs and face in addition to a high fever. After a time, he started using dead versions of the bacteria to achieve the desired results without the health risks that exposing cancer patients to the live bacteria posed [1]. With Coley’s therapy, the body’s temperature is raised to create a state of hyperthermia to stimulate cancer cell death. Coley discovered that cancer cells are unable to survive in environments above 42°C (107.6°F), which is why the high fever that he induced in his patients resulted in cancer cell death [5].
Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.
Today, the original formula for Coley’s Toxins is unavailable in conventional medical environments. This original formula consisted of two different bacteria, which were a gram-positive Streptococcus pyogenes and a gram-negative Streptococcus pyogenes and Serratia marcescens [6]. The cancer-killing result of Coley Therapy is attributed to a few different possible factors:
- The bacteria boosts the patient’s immune system to kill cancer cells naturally.
- The bacteria causes the body to naturally produce a protein called tumor necrosis factor (TNF) that produces a healing inflammatory response in the body.
- The bacteria stimulate the body to produce a different protein, interleukin 12, that create an inflammatory response to trigger healing while also increasing cytotoxicity by activating T-lymphocytes and the body’s natural killer cells.
- An enzyme called streptokinase (a combination of the streptococcal organism and the patient’s own plasminogen) is responsible for the death of cancer cells. This possibility is based off of the success of streptokinase in treating thromboangiitis obliterans.
- The bacteria are anti-angiogenic, meaning that they stop the development of blood vessels that feed cancer cells.
- The bacteria result in a PAMP (“pathogen associated molecular pattern”) that activates and incites growth of the body’s dendritic cells to fight cancer. One PAMP that is often considered in this hypothesis is the CpG motif found in bacterial DNA (like the DNA that would be found in the bacteria in Coley’s Toxins) [7].
The CHIPSA Hospital in Mexico explains that the body’s resting dendritic cells are activated in response to the Coley therapy, which then causes anergic T cells to become activated as well in the fight against the cancer. After some cancer cells are damaged/killed, cancer antigens are supplied to dendritic cells to give them more strength in fighting the cancer [7].

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
After Coley’s death in 1936, his daughter Helen Coley Nauts (1907-2001) documented his work and established the Cancer Research Institute to preserve her father’s work in immunotherapy. One table displayed in an extra from the documentary “Second Opinion: Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering” shows the following cancer treatment results from a group of 896 patients who had been given Coley’s Toxins to cure their various cancers. The 5-year survival rates for these patients were the following for:- Ewing’s sarcoma – 21% (11/52) for inoperable cancer, 29% (18/62) for operable cancer
- Osteogenic sarcoma – 13% (3/23) for inoperable cancer, 31% (43/139) for operable cancer
- Reticular cell sarcoma – 18% (9/49) for inoperable cancer, 57% (13/23) for operable cancer
- Multiple myeloma – 50% for inoperable cancer (4/8) and operable cancer (2/4)
- Giant cell tumor – 79% (15/19) for inoperable cancer, 87% (33/38) for operable cancer
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma – 49% (42/86) for inoperable cancer
- Hodgkin’s disease – 67% (10/15) for inoperable cancer
- Soft tissue sarcomas – 57% (78/138) for inoperable cancer, 73% (36/50) for operable cancer
- Breast cancer – 65% (13/20) for inoperable cancer, 100% (13/13) for operable cancer
- Ovarian cancer – 67% (10/15) for inoperable cancer, 100% (1/1) for operable
- Cervical carcinoma – 67% (2/3) for inoperable cancer
- Uterine sarcoma – 73% (8/11) for inoperable cancer
- Testicular cancer – 34% (14/43) for inoperable cancer, 71% (15/21) for operable cancer
- Malignant melanoma – 60% (10/17) for inoperable, 71% (10/14) for operable cancer
- Colorectal cancer – 46% (5/11) for inoperable cancer, 100% (2/2) for operable cancer
- Renal cancer (adult) – 43% (3/7) for inoperable cancer, 100% (1/1) for operable cancer
- Wilms tumor – 33% (1/3) for operable cancer
- Neuroblastoma – 17% (1/6) for inoperable cancer, 67% (2/3) for operable cancer
In total, 46% (238/523) of patients for inoperable, 51% (190/374) for operable were still alive 5 years after treatment [4]. As a stand-alone therapy, this is a cancer treatment with a high survival rate in comparison with chemotherapy as a stand-alone treatment for cancer which has only a 2-3% survival rate after 5 years. Patients who combine alternative treatments for cancer like Coley's toxins or baking soda therapy with something like the Lugol's iodine protocol would have even higher cancer survival rates still. Vitamin B17 / amygdalin, for example, is a cancer treatment with high survival rates of 70-90%. Like Coley's Toxins, vitamin B17 was discovered by a famous cancer doctor at a big oncology hospital (Sloan Kettering Memorial), but it was covered up and as a result, never became known to the masses.
Coley therapy would not be recommended for brain cancer or cancer in the skull, since the treatment causes an inflammatory reaction that could be damaging and result in seizures, blackouts, or other severe reactions. If you're looking for a cure for brain cancer, click here to read about frankincense essential oil and DMSO as an at-home cancer treatment for brain cancer, thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, testicular cancer, and all other reproductive organ cancers. As a treatment for cancer at home, frankincense and DMSO should be used in tandem with the Lugol's iodine protocol.

How Coley Therapy is Administered
Coley therapy is offered in the form of an injection. The injection may be given into a vein or directly into the tumor; patients continue to have daily injections of the treatment until they maintain a constant high temperature, which can take a few months.Coley therapy can cause temporary side effects in its patients during the treatment that include:
- Headaches
- Back pain
- Chest pain
- Shock-like reactions
- Fever-like symptoms, like chills, shakes, and achiness [2]
At the Saisei Mirai Clinics in Japan, Coley therapy is generally administered between 3-5 times per week (sometimes up to every day) with 1 injection each day the treatment is administered. The clinic analyzes each patient’s condition and reaction to the treatment and makes adjustments as needed. The treatment results in a body temperature between 103°F-106°F (39.5°C-41°C) and lasts for about 5-6 hours, during which time the patient’s vital signs are constantly monitored and a member of medical staff is present.
The Saisei Mirai clinics also offer a low-dose Coley therapy option, which uses low doses of the infusion and takes about 1-2 hours. They recommend that some patients start with this therapy before moving to the traditional Coley therapy.
Other Important Information
Clinics that offer Coley therapy:- The Saisei Mirai Clinics with locations in Osaka, Tokyo, and Kobe. The cost for 30 treatments is about $9,400USD; 1 treatment is $93USD and 10 treatments are $750USD
- The Hufeland Klinik in the town of Bad Mergentheim, Germany (northeast of Stuttgart) offers a fever therapy for patients along with a variety of other holistic cancer treatments. Fever treatment for cancer link: https://www.hufeland.com/wp-content/uploads/fevertherapy.pdf
- The CHIPSA Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico founded by Dr. Charlotte Gerson (Dr. Max Gerson’s daughter), and Dr. Josef Issels worked at the hospital to develop its immunotherapy protocols. It's extremely accessible at only 30 minutes from the US-Mexico border, and their website states that they can arrange a private shuttle from the San Diego Lindbergh Airport to their facility. There are “companion stay” facilities at the hospital so that loved ones of patients can stay close by. The CHIPSA hospital offers Coley therapy as well as other treatments for cancer (specifically the Gerson treatments).
The following link instructs on how individuals can make their own Coley’s Toxins treatment, but these instructions should be used with great care: http://www.second-opinions.co.uk/coleys_instructions.html#.WuopadMvzOQ
Wayne Martin wrote the article above and instructed individuals on how to use Coley therapy, but he passed away in 2006. Patients who want to do this at home treatment for cancer should consult with a practitioner at a clinic that supports alternative therapies to ensure that they work safely with the treatment.
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High Heat and Fever as a Cure for Cancer

The herbal remedy for cancer known as Viscum album / Mistletoe also works in part by inducing a fever to cure cancer. Cancer has an optimal pH and an optimal temperature within which it is most likely to grow. Patients can use heat and pH to cure cancer. As a general rule, high alkalinity (pH above 7.5 or 8) and cold temperatures work to kill cancer naturally while low pH (below 4.5) and high temperatures also work to kill cancer. High pH cancer therapies can be done at home using natural cancer remedies like baking soda. Low pH therapies, in contrast, must be administered at an alternative cancer treatment hospital.
Click here to learn more about no chemo, no radiation cancer hospitals (and low-chemo oncology hospitals).
Click here to learn how to do the baking soda remedy for cancer.
Click here to read more about the mistletoe cancer cure.
Click here to buy Mistletoe for cancer.
Detailed Information
Coley Therapy was developed by Dr. William Coley in the 1890’s as a cancer vaccine for bone cancer and blood cancer (leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and other bone and blood cancer types). Other names that Coley Therapy goes by include Coley’s Treatment, Mixed Bacterial Vaccine, Endotoxin Treatment, and Issel’s Fever Treatment for cancer [2]. Because of his discoveries, Coley is now known as the “Father of Immunotherapy".Click here to learn about vitamin K2 as a nutrient cure for myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma, and other forms of bone and blood cancer.
In 1867, Dr. Wilhelm Busch, a German surgeon working at the hospital at the University of Bonn, discovered that the malignant tumor of one of his patients had disappeared after the patient came down with an erysipelas infection caused by the Streptococcus bacteria (the cause of the erysipelas infection wouldn’t be discovered until 1881). Another doctor by the name of Bruns tried injecting a cancer patient with the streptococcal organism to induce an infection. As with Busch’s patient, the malignant tumor got noticeably smaller. Coley based his initial experimentation off reports like these in his search for a natural cure for cancer [1].
A number of other doctors have noted that certain bacteria and viruses and other types of pathogens provide mutual support for each other while other pathogens compete in the body in a manner that can be exploited to cure diseases like cancer. Dr. Isaac Goiz is a doctor, for example, who based an entirely new system of medicine known as the "biomagnetic pair" (which was inspired by scientific research results done by NASA doctors) on this idea of pathogens supporting each other or working against each other in the body.
Click here to learn more about biomagnetism as a natural cure for cancer.
Coley Therapy induces a fever. As with hyperthermia treatment for cancer (which involves administration of high heat to warm the body and create and artificial fever), by increasing the temperature of the body, cancer cells are killed.

William Coley was a surgeon operating at the Bone Tumor Service at Memorial Hospital in New York who focused on finding a natural cure for bone sarcoma cancer. After much research and many personal observations (e.g. patients who developed infections after surgery had higher survival rates than those who didn’t), Coley decided in 1891 to do an experiment where he injected streptococcal organisms into a patient with inoperable bone cancer in an effort to cure bone sarcoma naturally, using this ecological approach to cancer and the body's own mechanisms of immune defense. The 1891 experiment was successful, and Dr. Coley continued working with bacteria to even overcome stage 4 bone sarcoma.However, despite being having success treating bone sarcoma (and other diseases as well), Dr. Coley was harshly criticized by his peers. Many doctors practicing in the same hospital didn’t believe his results. Chemotherapy and radiation were far less successful at treating cancer, but they were marketed much more heavily by Big Pharma. As a result, this cure for bone sarcome was almost completely ignored.
In 1920, Coley’s treatment for cancer encountered resistance from the Bone Sarcoma Registry. Coley had a difficult time getting accepted as a member of the registry, since many members doubted his success and denied Coley’s cases where patients had recovered using the treatment. The Registry eventually stated that the treatment wasn’t an actual cure for cancer, and that the patients who recovered from the treatment must have been misdiagnosed. This is a common tactic that Big Pharma uses to politically cover up cancer cures. Previously, the Park Davis Company had been producing Coley’s product, but in 1952 they stopped producing and distributing the treatment. In 1962, the FDA discredited Coley’s Toxins as an illegitimate treatment/medication, and the method became illegal in the United States [1]. Cancer patients who wish to cure stage 4 bone sarcoma at home should know that other patients have successfully used natural cancer protocols to cure cancer. Baking soda therapy is usually the first treatment that our health coaching clients work with to get rid of bone sarcoma and the pain of cancer. Baking soda works quickly to provide cancer cure results, which gives patients confidence that there are cures for bone sarcoma and these cures can be administered at home by people who are not doctors and patients can recovery their health fully. If you are going to self-treat bone sarcoma at home, be sure to click here to read about vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a nutrient cure for bone cancer.
Also click here to read about how to do the Lugol's iodine protocol using nutrient supplements that cure cancer.
Finally, click here to do our cancer cure video course at AlivenHealthy Academy.
Today, Coley Therapy can be found in the United States as a cancer treatment, but it’s not widely used or recognized because the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer was able to acquire the Coley Pharmaceutical Group in 2007 and suppress it’s distribution. This is another common Big Pharma tactic used to cover up cures for cancer. This strategy is called "shelving" and it has been used to cover up cancer cures for decades. Salinomycin is a drug that cures breast cancer and malaria, that has been covered up using "shelving" and warnings encouraging doctors to avoid this medicine in cancer patients. There are hundreds of stories similar to the story of Coley's toxins that explain why the masses never learn about cures for cancer. Most of the clinics today that use the Coley treatment are smaller groups of practitioners or individuals operating in their own offices, often in hospitals offering natural treatments for cancer [3]. The Cancer Research Institute (https://www.cancerresearch.org/about-cri) was started by William Coley’s daughter as a way to distribute reliable information to the public about cancer cures, specifically immunotherapy for cancer.

Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Safety and Effectiveness
Coley’s therapy is a form of immunotherapy that works by stimulating and encouraging the patient’s immune system to fight cancer cells on its own. In the beginning stages of development, Coley injected live bacteria (specifically streptococcus bacteria) into his patients to stimulate erysipelas, which is an immune reaction to the bacteria that often results in swelling or redness/rash in the body’s limbs and face in addition to a high fever. After a time, he started using dead versions of the bacteria to achieve the desired results without the health risks that exposing cancer patients to the live bacteria posed [1]. With Coley’s therapy, the body’s temperature is raised to create a state of hyperthermia to stimulate cancer cell death. Coley discovered that cancer cells are unable to survive in environments above 42°C (107.6°F), which is why the high fever that he induced in his patients resulted in cancer cell death [5].
Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.
Today, the original formula for Coley’s Toxins is unavailable in conventional medical environments. This original formula consisted of two different bacteria, which were a gram-positive Streptococcus pyogenes and a gram-negative Streptococcus pyogenes and Serratia marcescens [6]. The cancer-killing result of Coley Therapy is attributed to a few different possible factors:
- The bacteria boosts the patient’s immune system to kill cancer cells naturally.
- The bacteria causes the body to naturally produce a protein called tumor necrosis factor (TNF) that produces a healing inflammatory response in the body.
- The bacteria stimulate the body to produce a different protein, interleukin 12, that create an inflammatory response to trigger healing while also increasing cytotoxicity by activating T-lymphocytes and the body’s natural killer cells.
- An enzyme called streptokinase (a combination of the streptococcal organism and the patient’s own plasminogen) is responsible for the death of cancer cells. This possibility is based off of the success of streptokinase in treating thromboangiitis obliterans.
- The bacteria are anti-angiogenic, meaning that they stop the development of blood vessels that feed cancer cells.
- The bacteria result in a PAMP (“pathogen associated molecular pattern”) that activates and incites growth of the body’s dendritic cells to fight cancer. One PAMP that is often considered in this hypothesis is the CpG motif found in bacterial DNA (like the DNA that would be found in the bacteria in Coley’s Toxins) [7].
The CHIPSA Hospital in Mexico explains that the body’s resting dendritic cells are activated in response to the Coley therapy, which then causes anergic T cells to become activated as well in the fight against the cancer. After some cancer cells are damaged/killed, cancer antigens are supplied to dendritic cells to give them more strength in fighting the cancer [7].

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
After Coley’s death in 1936, his daughter Helen Coley Nauts (1907-2001) documented his work and established the Cancer Research Institute to preserve her father’s work in immunotherapy. One table displayed in an extra from the documentary “Second Opinion: Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering” shows the following cancer treatment results from a group of 896 patients who had been given Coley’s Toxins to cure their various cancers. The 5-year survival rates for these patients were the following for:- Ewing’s sarcoma – 21% (11/52) for inoperable cancer, 29% (18/62) for operable cancer
- Osteogenic sarcoma – 13% (3/23) for inoperable cancer, 31% (43/139) for operable cancer
- Reticular cell sarcoma – 18% (9/49) for inoperable cancer, 57% (13/23) for operable cancer
- Multiple myeloma – 50% for inoperable cancer (4/8) and operable cancer (2/4)
- Giant cell tumor – 79% (15/19) for inoperable cancer, 87% (33/38) for operable cancer
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma – 49% (42/86) for inoperable cancer
- Hodgkin’s disease – 67% (10/15) for inoperable cancer
- Soft tissue sarcomas – 57% (78/138) for inoperable cancer, 73% (36/50) for operable cancer
- Breast cancer – 65% (13/20) for inoperable cancer, 100% (13/13) for operable cancer
- Ovarian cancer – 67% (10/15) for inoperable cancer, 100% (1/1) for operable
- Cervical carcinoma – 67% (2/3) for inoperable cancer
- Uterine sarcoma – 73% (8/11) for inoperable cancer
- Testicular cancer – 34% (14/43) for inoperable cancer, 71% (15/21) for operable cancer
- Malignant melanoma – 60% (10/17) for inoperable, 71% (10/14) for operable cancer
- Colorectal cancer – 46% (5/11) for inoperable cancer, 100% (2/2) for operable cancer
- Renal cancer (adult) – 43% (3/7) for inoperable cancer, 100% (1/1) for operable cancer
- Wilms tumor – 33% (1/3) for operable cancer
- Neuroblastoma – 17% (1/6) for inoperable cancer, 67% (2/3) for operable cancer
In total, 46% (238/523) of patients for inoperable, 51% (190/374) for operable were still alive 5 years after treatment [4]. As a stand-alone therapy, this is a cancer treatment with a high survival rate in comparison with chemotherapy as a stand-alone treatment for cancer which has only a 2-3% survival rate after 5 years. Patients who combine alternative treatments for cancer like Coley's toxins or baking soda therapy with something like the Lugol's iodine protocol would have even higher cancer survival rates still. Vitamin B17 / amygdalin, for example, is a cancer treatment with high survival rates of 70-90%. Like Coley's Toxins, vitamin B17 was discovered by a famous cancer doctor at a big oncology hospital (Sloan Kettering Memorial), but it was covered up and as a result, never became known to the masses.
Coley therapy would not be recommended for brain cancer or cancer in the skull, since the treatment causes an inflammatory reaction that could be damaging and result in seizures, blackouts, or other severe reactions. If you're looking for a cure for brain cancer, click here to read about frankincense essential oil and DMSO as an at-home cancer treatment for brain cancer, thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, testicular cancer, and all other reproductive organ cancers. As a treatment for cancer at home, frankincense and DMSO should be used in tandem with the Lugol's iodine protocol.

How Coley Therapy is Administered
Coley therapy is offered in the form of an injection. The injection may be given into a vein or directly into the tumor; patients continue to have daily injections of the treatment until they maintain a constant high temperature, which can take a few months.Coley therapy can cause temporary side effects in its patients during the treatment that include:
- Headaches
- Back pain
- Chest pain
- Shock-like reactions
- Fever-like symptoms, like chills, shakes, and achiness [2]
At the Saisei Mirai Clinics in Japan, Coley therapy is generally administered between 3-5 times per week (sometimes up to every day) with 1 injection each day the treatment is administered. The clinic analyzes each patient’s condition and reaction to the treatment and makes adjustments as needed. The treatment results in a body temperature between 103°F-106°F (39.5°C-41°C) and lasts for about 5-6 hours, during which time the patient’s vital signs are constantly monitored and a member of medical staff is present.
The Saisei Mirai clinics also offer a low-dose Coley therapy option, which uses low doses of the infusion and takes about 1-2 hours. They recommend that some patients start with this therapy before moving to the traditional Coley therapy.
Other Important Information
Clinics that offer Coley therapy:- The Saisei Mirai Clinics with locations in Osaka, Tokyo, and Kobe. The cost for 30 treatments is about $9,400USD; 1 treatment is $93USD and 10 treatments are $750USD
- The Hufeland Klinik in the town of Bad Mergentheim, Germany (northeast of Stuttgart) offers a fever therapy for patients along with a variety of other holistic cancer treatments. Fever treatment for cancer link: https://www.hufeland.com/wp-content/uploads/fevertherapy.pdf
- The CHIPSA Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico founded by Dr. Charlotte Gerson (Dr. Max Gerson’s daughter), and Dr. Josef Issels worked at the hospital to develop its immunotherapy protocols. It's extremely accessible at only 30 minutes from the US-Mexico border, and their website states that they can arrange a private shuttle from the San Diego Lindbergh Airport to their facility. There are “companion stay” facilities at the hospital so that loved ones of patients can stay close by. The CHIPSA hospital offers Coley therapy as well as other treatments for cancer (specifically the Gerson treatments).
The following link instructs on how individuals can make their own Coley’s Toxins treatment, but these instructions should be used with great care: http://www.second-opinions.co.uk/coleys_instructions.html#.WuopadMvzOQ
Wayne Martin wrote the article above and instructed individuals on how to use Coley therapy, but he passed away in 2006. Patients who want to do this at home treatment for cancer should consult with a practitioner at a clinic that supports alternative therapies to ensure that they work safely with the treatment.
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We're currently giving away the first volume of The Cancer Cure Catalog, the first of a 4 volume reference set of scientifically proven cancer cures complete with a resource list of scientific articles and testimonials for each treatment listed.