Ozone Therapy - An Oxygen-Based Cure for Cancer

Ozone therapy is related to other Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy, among others. All of these medicines work through a similar mechanism of action that involves the application of healing Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS); therefore, these are termed “oxidant” medicines. There are, in fact, even a few herbal remedies for cancer that get rid of tumors by releasing ROS that are attracted to cancer cells and able to kill cancer naturally without causing any harm to human cells. One of these herbal medicines is Artemisia annua; Click here to read more about Artemisia annua / Sweet Wormwood / Qing Hao herbal cancer cure. While it’s generally wise to work with only one oxidant medicine at a time, because these are powerful medicines and it’s common to incite a significant detox reaction when working when more than one simultaneously, readers should note that switching between these different oxidant medicines can sometimes be an effective method for treating major disease. Alternating between oxidant and antioxidant therapies according to a specific cycle can also be effective for treating certain pathogenic infections, like COVID-19 and Long COVID, as we discuss in this article.

Click here to buy Artemisia annua / Qing Hao tincture.
Like other oxidant therapies, when ozone is administered to the body, it releases Reactive Oxygen Species. To understand how ozone therapy works to cure cancer, you only need to know that oxygen exists in several different chemical forms, not just the molecular form that we breathe. Some of these "charged" forms of oxygen, like ROS species, are naturally attracted to cells that have a pH and electrical charge that's different from our normal, healthy human cells. This attraction between a Reactive Oxygen Species and a particular cell or grouping of cells happens with cells that have a strong opposite charge. Pathogens (like viruses and bacteria), for example, have a pH that differs from human cells and from bacteria and other microorganisms that make up our healthy gut flora. This difference in terms of pH and positive charge makes it easy for negatively charged reactive oxygen species to seek out and destroy cancer cells and pathogenic bacteria that don't belong in the body. Cancer cells have a more acidic pH than normal healthy cells, as well as a positive electrical charge, which thus also make these unhealthy cells targets to Reactive Oxygen Species like those released into the body with ozone therapy treatments.

Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.
Detailed Information
Many people are familiar with atmospheric ozone and ground-level ozone in smog, but fewer people realize the potential health benefits of medical ozone in cancer treatment and the treatment of other serious diseases including:- AIDS/HIV
- Herpes
- Hepatitis
- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
- Cytomegalovirus
- COVID-19
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Herpes zoster / Chickenpox / Shingles
- Osteoarthritis
- Chronic wounds
- Multiple sclerosis
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Lyme disease
- Herniated disks
- Heart disease
- And more...
Ozone or O3 is produced from pure medical oxygen via silent electrical discharge; then it can be administered in various forms based on each individual patient’s preferences and needs. While human cells thrive in a high-oxygen environment, pathogens that cause disease are only able to thrive in lower-oxygen environments. So, by administering ozone, the oxygen levels in the patient’s body increase and pathogenic organisms as well as cancer cells are then not only at a significant disadvantage, but can also be targeted and killed by Reactive Oxygen Species that are released into the body. Healthy cells also receive extra oxygen to give them a kind of “boost”. Indeed, ozone is known to release some of the most powerful ROS species currently used in Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine to cure cancer and kill infectious pathogens.
Readers may be interested to know that many alternative cancer researchers have observed a mycobacterium that is responsible for causing normal, healthy cells to turn into cancer cells. Thus, this suggests that cancer actually has pathogenic origins. Ozone therapy can be used to eradicate these cancer-causing pathogens while also targeting the unhealthy cancer cells themselves, since cancer cells dislike an oxygenated environment and are infected with a mycobacterium that has hijacked the cell’s DNA. In other words, ozone therapy and other ROS therapies work on multiple levels to target and eliminate cancer from the body.

Using ozone therapies, cancer can be cured, especially if ozone therapy is administered in combination with other suitable cancer treatments that pair well with oxidant therapies. After ozone therapy, tumors stop growing, and metastases no longer occur. A variety of mainstream scientific studies have shown that ozone can indeed be beneficial in treating cancer (this is a rare thing and worth noting, since most of these powerful and effective cancer treatments are at best covered up and “shelved”, and at worst ridiculed by the media). Inside the body, ozone turns into molecular oxygen as well as singlet ROS oxygen species that are extremely powerful against unhealthy, acidic human cells as well as pathogenic microorganisms.
While ozone therapy is certainly an important and effective cancer treatment, other ROS medicines like food-grade hydrogen peroxide may be more accessible for some people. Both ozone and hydrogen peroxide are oxidant treatment strategies that can complement each other, but that should never be used with antioxidant cancer treatments because antioxidants will cancel out the oxidant effects of ozone therapy.
Click here to read more about food grade hydrogen peroxide as an alternative to ozone therapy for cancer.
Chemistry of Ozone
Ozone is an unstable molecule made up of 3 oxygen atoms. This is unique since, normally, oxygen atoms prefer to live in pairs. So, when ozone is injected into the blood or body, that third oxygen atom is liberated, leaving one single oxygen atom (a singlet oxygen, ROS species) and one paired molecule made up of 2 oxygen atoms. The single oxygen atom is bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal, and works in a manner very similar to Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. It helps activate the body’s own natural antioxidants and free-radical scavengers and enhances blood circulation by oxidizing plaque in the arteries. Ozone also reduces the amount of prostaglandins in the body, which means that it can not only target the cause of pain and sickness in the body, but it can also help reduce pain without pharmaceutical drugs and bring down inflammation throughout the body.Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Ozone therapy was first developed in Germany by Werner von Siemens in 1857. In 1870, also in Germany, C. Lender used ozone to therapeutically purify blood to treat disease. During World War I, ozone was being regularly used to treat battle wounds, trench foot, the effects of poison gas, and gangrene. It was also used again to treat war wounds and other similar issues during World War II. Finally, In 1915, Dr. Albert Wolff of Berlin used ozone to treat the following types of cancer:Today, ozone therapy is in common use as a treatment for cancer and other major health problems in Germany, Italy, France, Romania, Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Israel, Cuba, Japan, and Mexico. Though not in widespread use in the United States, it is also available as a therapeutic treatment in five US states at the time of this writing. The development of ozone resistant materials and better data as to the ideal concentration of ozone for use in medicine has made ozone therapy more popular throughout the world.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Safety and Effectiveness
In 1980, the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy polled 644 therapists about their work with 384,755 patients. The doctors reported only 40 cases of side effects that occurred over the course of administering a staggering 5,579,238 ozone therapy treatments.Ozone has been researched and used with excellent results to specifically diminish pain for patients who suffer from the following diseases:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Scleroderma
- Pyrophosphate arthropathy
- Polymyositis/fibromyositis
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Chrondrocalcinosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Reiter syndrome
- Psoriasis
- Synovitis
- Intervertebral disc prolapse
- Gout
Ozone has also been particularly noteworthy in terms of its ability to cure AIDS/HIV, as well as memory, nerve, and mood issues, including conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Ozone injections are also used to treat slipped vertebral discs, as we’ll discuss later in this article.

How Ozone Is Administered
Ozone can be administered via infusion bottle, the ozone RHP technique, as rectal ozone, intravenously, or as an injection to treat slipped discs. All of these methods of administration for ozone must be administered by a trained medical practitioner. Typically, ozone is administered on a regular basis when being used to treat cancer or other major disease; it may be given anywhere from twice weekly to twice daily depending on how advanced the patient’s cancer or health problem is. Ozone treatments are given over the course of several weeks or months.Ozone has a half-life of 55 minutes in a 50 mL disposable ozone-resistant, siliconized injection syringe. Because of its short half-life, it must be prepared on site for its specific use.
Ozone therapy should only be done under the direction and supervision of experts who are experienced at working with this treatment strategy. Ozone is a delicate substance that needs to be administered at the correct concentration. Find a knowledgeable and skillful practitioner to administer ozone, or take the time to study in-depth how to administer this Reactive Oxygen Species medicine safely. It has a much higher oxidation potential than Chlorine Dioxide Solution or Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide so it must be used with extra care. Readers should also note that ozone therapy is often administered as part of a comprehensive treatment plan/protocol that involves several different therapeutic approaches in order to treat cancer more effectively.
Ozone Infusion Bottle / Ozone Autohemotherapy
This treatment protocol involves removing some of the blood from the patient’s body (usually 1 pint), saturating it with oxygen in the form of ozone, and then returning the ozone-saturated blood back to the body.Intravenous Ozone (Ozone I.V.)
Intravenous ozone involves the administration of ozone into the body via a fluid that’s been saturated with it. Rather than removing the blood from the body to use as a transport vehicle for the ozone, a fluid that already contains the ozone is instead administered intravenously.
Ozone RHP Technique
Pure molecular oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) are both administered directly into the bloodstream using a device that’s similar to a dialysis machine. The patient’s blood is infused with oxygen and ozone and then reintroduced back into the body in repeated cycles during the same treatment session. Treatment sessions typically last 60 to 120 minutes and are repeated regularly according to the patient’s needs.The RHP Technique is lauded as an improved form of conventional ozone therapy. It is widely accepted that this technique works as a full body and blood purification system.
Rectal Ozone Therapy
In this method of administration, ozone is administered into the rectum in gas form to specifically target organs such as the colon and to oxygenate the entire bloodstream.Ozone Injection for Slipped Discs
Ozone can be injected into prolapsed intervertebral discs (slipped discs) to relieve pressure by breaking down the proteo-glycan bridges in the jelly-like material inside the disc. This makes it difficult for the jelly-like substance to hold water, which causes the environment inside the disc to dry and the disc size and shape to return to normal. Research has indicated that up to 85% of slipped disc surgeries could be avoided by using ozone therapy instead to remedy the problem.Possible Negative Effects
The German Medical Association of Ozone Application in Prevention and Therapy says that ozone is contraindicated in the following situations:- Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (favism, acute haemolytic anaemia)
- Pregnancy in the first trimester
- Leukemia
If you have one of these diseases or disorders, consider instead using Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) and DMSO. These two substances (CDS and DMSO) are safe for use in pregnant women, lactating women, infants, and leukemia patients to cure cancer.
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Ozone Therapy - An Oxygen-Based Cure for Cancer

Ozone therapy is related to other Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy, among others. All of these medicines work through a similar mechanism of action that involves the application of healing Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS); therefore, these are termed “oxidant” medicines. There are, in fact, even a few herbal remedies for cancer that get rid of tumors by releasing ROS that are attracted to cancer cells and able to kill cancer naturally without causing any harm to human cells. One of these herbal medicines is Artemisia annua; Click here to read more about Artemisia annua / Sweet Wormwood / Qing Hao herbal cancer cure. While it’s generally wise to work with only one oxidant medicine at a time, because these are powerful medicines and it’s common to incite a significant detox reaction when working when more than one simultaneously, readers should note that switching between these different oxidant medicines can sometimes be an effective method for treating major disease. Alternating between oxidant and antioxidant therapies according to a specific cycle can also be effective for treating certain pathogenic infections, like COVID-19 and Long COVID, as we discuss in this article.

Click here to buy Artemisia annua / Qing Hao tincture.
Like other oxidant therapies, when ozone is administered to the body, it releases Reactive Oxygen Species. To understand how ozone therapy works to cure cancer, you only need to know that oxygen exists in several different chemical forms, not just the molecular form that we breathe. Some of these "charged" forms of oxygen, like ROS species, are naturally attracted to cells that have a pH and electrical charge that's different from our normal, healthy human cells. This attraction between a Reactive Oxygen Species and a particular cell or grouping of cells happens with cells that have a strong opposite charge. Pathogens (like viruses and bacteria), for example, have a pH that differs from human cells and from bacteria and other microorganisms that make up our healthy gut flora. This difference in terms of pH and positive charge makes it easy for negatively charged reactive oxygen species to seek out and destroy cancer cells and pathogenic bacteria that don't belong in the body. Cancer cells have a more acidic pH than normal healthy cells, as well as a positive electrical charge, which thus also make these unhealthy cells targets to Reactive Oxygen Species like those released into the body with ozone therapy treatments.

Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.
Detailed Information
Many people are familiar with atmospheric ozone and ground-level ozone in smog, but fewer people realize the potential health benefits of medical ozone in cancer treatment and the treatment of other serious diseases including:- AIDS/HIV
- Herpes
- Hepatitis
- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
- Cytomegalovirus
- COVID-19
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Herpes zoster / Chickenpox / Shingles
- Osteoarthritis
- Chronic wounds
- Multiple sclerosis
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Lyme disease
- Herniated disks
- Heart disease
- And more...
Ozone or O3 is produced from pure medical oxygen via silent electrical discharge; then it can be administered in various forms based on each individual patient’s preferences and needs. While human cells thrive in a high-oxygen environment, pathogens that cause disease are only able to thrive in lower-oxygen environments. So, by administering ozone, the oxygen levels in the patient’s body increase and pathogenic organisms as well as cancer cells are then not only at a significant disadvantage, but can also be targeted and killed by Reactive Oxygen Species that are released into the body. Healthy cells also receive extra oxygen to give them a kind of “boost”. Indeed, ozone is known to release some of the most powerful ROS species currently used in Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine to cure cancer and kill infectious pathogens.
Readers may be interested to know that many alternative cancer researchers have observed a mycobacterium that is responsible for causing normal, healthy cells to turn into cancer cells. Thus, this suggests that cancer actually has pathogenic origins. Ozone therapy can be used to eradicate these cancer-causing pathogens while also targeting the unhealthy cancer cells themselves, since cancer cells dislike an oxygenated environment and are infected with a mycobacterium that has hijacked the cell’s DNA. In other words, ozone therapy and other ROS therapies work on multiple levels to target and eliminate cancer from the body.

Using ozone therapies, cancer can be cured, especially if ozone therapy is administered in combination with other suitable cancer treatments that pair well with oxidant therapies. After ozone therapy, tumors stop growing, and metastases no longer occur. A variety of mainstream scientific studies have shown that ozone can indeed be beneficial in treating cancer (this is a rare thing and worth noting, since most of these powerful and effective cancer treatments are at best covered up and “shelved”, and at worst ridiculed by the media). Inside the body, ozone turns into molecular oxygen as well as singlet ROS oxygen species that are extremely powerful against unhealthy, acidic human cells as well as pathogenic microorganisms.
While ozone therapy is certainly an important and effective cancer treatment, other ROS medicines like food-grade hydrogen peroxide may be more accessible for some people. Both ozone and hydrogen peroxide are oxidant treatment strategies that can complement each other, but that should never be used with antioxidant cancer treatments because antioxidants will cancel out the oxidant effects of ozone therapy.
Click here to read more about food grade hydrogen peroxide as an alternative to ozone therapy for cancer.
Chemistry of Ozone
Ozone is an unstable molecule made up of 3 oxygen atoms. This is unique since, normally, oxygen atoms prefer to live in pairs. So, when ozone is injected into the blood or body, that third oxygen atom is liberated, leaving one single oxygen atom (a singlet oxygen, ROS species) and one paired molecule made up of 2 oxygen atoms. The single oxygen atom is bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal, and works in a manner very similar to Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. It helps activate the body’s own natural antioxidants and free-radical scavengers and enhances blood circulation by oxidizing plaque in the arteries. Ozone also reduces the amount of prostaglandins in the body, which means that it can not only target the cause of pain and sickness in the body, but it can also help reduce pain without pharmaceutical drugs and bring down inflammation throughout the body.Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Ozone therapy was first developed in Germany by Werner von Siemens in 1857. In 1870, also in Germany, C. Lender used ozone to therapeutically purify blood to treat disease. During World War I, ozone was being regularly used to treat battle wounds, trench foot, the effects of poison gas, and gangrene. It was also used again to treat war wounds and other similar issues during World War II. Finally, In 1915, Dr. Albert Wolff of Berlin used ozone to treat the following types of cancer:Today, ozone therapy is in common use as a treatment for cancer and other major health problems in Germany, Italy, France, Romania, Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Israel, Cuba, Japan, and Mexico. Though not in widespread use in the United States, it is also available as a therapeutic treatment in five US states at the time of this writing. The development of ozone resistant materials and better data as to the ideal concentration of ozone for use in medicine has made ozone therapy more popular throughout the world.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Safety and Effectiveness
In 1980, the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy polled 644 therapists about their work with 384,755 patients. The doctors reported only 40 cases of side effects that occurred over the course of administering a staggering 5,579,238 ozone therapy treatments.Ozone has been researched and used with excellent results to specifically diminish pain for patients who suffer from the following diseases:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Scleroderma
- Pyrophosphate arthropathy
- Polymyositis/fibromyositis
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Chrondrocalcinosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Reiter syndrome
- Psoriasis
- Synovitis
- Intervertebral disc prolapse
- Gout
Ozone has also been particularly noteworthy in terms of its ability to cure AIDS/HIV, as well as memory, nerve, and mood issues, including conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Ozone injections are also used to treat slipped vertebral discs, as we’ll discuss later in this article.

How Ozone Is Administered
Ozone can be administered via infusion bottle, the ozone RHP technique, as rectal ozone, intravenously, or as an injection to treat slipped discs. All of these methods of administration for ozone must be administered by a trained medical practitioner. Typically, ozone is administered on a regular basis when being used to treat cancer or other major disease; it may be given anywhere from twice weekly to twice daily depending on how advanced the patient’s cancer or health problem is. Ozone treatments are given over the course of several weeks or months.Ozone has a half-life of 55 minutes in a 50 mL disposable ozone-resistant, siliconized injection syringe. Because of its short half-life, it must be prepared on site for its specific use.
Ozone therapy should only be done under the direction and supervision of experts who are experienced at working with this treatment strategy. Ozone is a delicate substance that needs to be administered at the correct concentration. Find a knowledgeable and skillful practitioner to administer ozone, or take the time to study in-depth how to administer this Reactive Oxygen Species medicine safely. It has a much higher oxidation potential than Chlorine Dioxide Solution or Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide so it must be used with extra care. Readers should also note that ozone therapy is often administered as part of a comprehensive treatment plan/protocol that involves several different therapeutic approaches in order to treat cancer more effectively.
Ozone Infusion Bottle / Ozone Autohemotherapy
This treatment protocol involves removing some of the blood from the patient’s body (usually 1 pint), saturating it with oxygen in the form of ozone, and then returning the ozone-saturated blood back to the body.Intravenous Ozone (Ozone I.V.)
Intravenous ozone involves the administration of ozone into the body via a fluid that’s been saturated with it. Rather than removing the blood from the body to use as a transport vehicle for the ozone, a fluid that already contains the ozone is instead administered intravenously.
Ozone RHP Technique
Pure molecular oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) are both administered directly into the bloodstream using a device that’s similar to a dialysis machine. The patient’s blood is infused with oxygen and ozone and then reintroduced back into the body in repeated cycles during the same treatment session. Treatment sessions typically last 60 to 120 minutes and are repeated regularly according to the patient’s needs.The RHP Technique is lauded as an improved form of conventional ozone therapy. It is widely accepted that this technique works as a full body and blood purification system.
Rectal Ozone Therapy
In this method of administration, ozone is administered into the rectum in gas form to specifically target organs such as the colon and to oxygenate the entire bloodstream.Ozone Injection for Slipped Discs
Ozone can be injected into prolapsed intervertebral discs (slipped discs) to relieve pressure by breaking down the proteo-glycan bridges in the jelly-like material inside the disc. This makes it difficult for the jelly-like substance to hold water, which causes the environment inside the disc to dry and the disc size and shape to return to normal. Research has indicated that up to 85% of slipped disc surgeries could be avoided by using ozone therapy instead to remedy the problem.Possible Negative Effects
The German Medical Association of Ozone Application in Prevention and Therapy says that ozone is contraindicated in the following situations:- Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (favism, acute haemolytic anaemia)
- Pregnancy in the first trimester
- Leukemia
If you have one of these diseases or disorders, consider instead using Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) and DMSO. These two substances (CDS and DMSO) are safe for use in pregnant women, lactating women, infants, and leukemia patients to cure cancer.
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We're currently giving away the first volume of The Cancer Cure Catalog, the first of a 4 volume reference set of scientifically proven cancer cures complete with a resource list of scientific articles and testimonials for each treatment listed.