How to Use Juicing to Cure Cancer and Other Diseases

- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Arthritis
- Migraine Headaches
- Tuberculosis
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Diseases of the digestive system and liver
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Quick Summary: How Gerson Therapy Works for Cancer
On the Gerson diet, patients consume up to 13 fresh fruit juices daily. Patients also take a variety of supplements and flush the intestines using coffee enemas on a prescribed basis (usually 2-3 times per day). The Gerson protocol is difficult (but not impossible) to implement as an at-home cancer treatment. Juices must be produced throughout the day because they must be made fresh. As such, it’s essentiall to have someone help the cancer patient with this protocol. There are Gerson Clinics in both Mexico and Hungary and clinics throughout the United States that offer modified versions of the diet. Modifications are justified because the latest nutrition research has demonstrated that certain aspects of the classic Gerson diet could benefit from modifications to achieve better cure rates. The Gerson diet is also a cure for autoimmune disease. For those who have a dual diagnosis of cancer and some form of autoimmunity, the Gerson diet is a good choice. Click here to learn about the Gerson diet for autoimmune disease.Detailed Introduction to the Gerson Diet for Cancer
The Gerson diet is a well-known cancer diet that helps improve the general health of cancer patients while simultaneously targeting the root cause of the cancer to kill cancer cells and stop their growth. Dr. Max Gerson developed this treatment based off his observations of how diet affected cancer cell growth and death. The basic concept is that cancer is caused by toxicities and nutritional deficiencies in the body, and that eating a diet of fresh and organic foods in combination with juicing, natural supplements (along with the use of coffee enemas) can cure cancer by hypernourishing the body while quickly and efficiently removing toxicities that cause cancer at the same time. Many diseases are caused by toxicity and nutritional deficiency, and thus the Gerson Diet has worked to cure diabetes, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and other common ailments in addition to cancer [1]. Initially developed by the early 20th century as a cure for Dr. Gerson’s own severe migraine headaches, the Gerson Diet was used successfully to treat a bile duct cancer patient in 1928. Dr. Gerson then treated 12 more patients (7 successfully) shortly afterward. Dr. Gerson treated individuals with various types of tuberculosis, asthma, allergies, and diseases of the digestive system, and liver [8].
The Gerson diet is similar to “juicing” for cancer in that patients consume primarily fresh juice during the day, but they also take supplements that ensure that the nutrients are properly digested and absorbed. Though Gerson advocated for a salt-free diet, in fact, later it was discovered that salt, in particular Himalayan sea salt (as opposed to table salt) is essential in the diet.

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When my husband had cancer, we followed a salt-free version of the Gerson diet for 2 months and found that citric acid can sometimes substitute for salt, however, later I found information about how cancer patients need trace minerals / electrolytes for a variety of reasons, the most important being to restore proper electrical voltage to human cells so that they can heal themselves. Click here to learn more about trace minerals / electrolytes and why you need them to cure cancer.
Electricity and voltage is important when you’re trying to cure a serious disease. A number of doctors have developed powerful systems of healing that are based on the use of either electricity or biomagnetism. Click here to learn more about the importance of electrifying human cells to cure cancer. Note also that the Budwig diet involves a very simple smoothie recipe (as opposed to juices) that include fats and oils. Fats and oils are used by human cells produce the external cellular membrane that protects the interior of the cell and that also communicates with other cells in the body. Fats and oils are naturally electrical and conductive in nature when they have not been heated or overly processed. When we eat heated and processed oils and exclude unheated, cold-pressed, organic oils (that are stored in darkly colored GLASS bottles to prevent the light exposure from degrading them) from our diets, our cells lose their voltage and become sick. To recharge them, we need healthy, unheated, organic fats and oils. A good choice in the diet is cold-pressed, organic flaxseed oil, unheated, cold-pressed, organic grapeseed oil, for example, or organic, hexane-free apricot kernel oil. If the Gerson diet seems to complicated for you, consider instead, working with the Budwig diet as an anticancer diet.
Politics of the Gerson Diet: Why No One Knows about This Anticancer Diet
The complete Gerson Therapy is illegal to administer in the United States. Some treatment centers offer a variation on the Gerson Diet, but they’re not permitted to call the treatment “The Gerson Therapy/Diet.” The Gerson Protocol has not been approved by the FDA. The Gerson Institute’s Mexico location is in Tijuana, close to the Mexico-US border, making it possible for Americans to easily access the treatment center. There is also a Gerson Treatment Center in Hungary [2][6].For those who are interested in the Gerson protocol in Tijuana, Mexico, note that many patients shuttle back and forth to San Diego at night when they receive treatment in this city. There are a number of low-chemo, or no-chemo, no-radiation alternative oncology hospitals that administer natural anticancer treatments like Gerson therapy and more in Tijuana. Click here to read about other no-chemo, no-radiation alternative cancer treatment hospitals throughout the world. The Gerson Therapy has been referred to as an “unproven,” treatment [7]. Though the Gerson Protocol hasn’t been studied extensively, many patients have been healed by it nonetheless. There are numerous anecdotal reports describing excellent results using the Gerson Protocol [8].
A large part of the reason why the Gerson Diet has been ridiculed in the modern medical world has to do with the low priority that is placed on nutrition by medical schools and establishments. Early in the 20th century, the Rockefeller and Carnegie families offered the top medical schools in the United States grants so long as they agreed to only teach an allopathic medicine-based curriculum with little to no discussion of subjects like healing plants and nutrition. Today, although doctors do sometimes encourage patients to eat healthy, very few doctors receive even the minimum of 25 hours of nutritional training during their schooling. For example, cardiology doctors aren’t required to take any classes in nutrition counseling. Additionally, on the board examination requirements for the internal medicine certification, the word “nutrition” does not appear anywhere. [8].
Because of this minimal education in nutrition, doctors today who tell their patients that the Gerson Diet isn’t an effective cancer treatment or who claim that diet and detox isn’t effective in fighting cancer are often making an uneducated statement. Doctors are taught a very specific set of ideas in medical school and if they deviate from what they’ve learned, they risk losing their license. Even without the lack of nutritional education in medical schools, Big Pharma has taken active steps toward suppressing instruction of alternative therapies (like the healing power of plants) in schools. This lack of education in medical schools has made it very difficult for patients to get the information they need to heal themselves by making diet and lifestyle adjustments [8]. However, there are many alternative models of medicine like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda that aim to cure cancer, not just treat temporarily. Additionally, there are a number of treatment facilities throughout the world, in different countries, that administer an array of cancer treatments that can cure cancer using time-tested strategies like the use of anticancer herbs or high-tech strategies like Rife Therapy.
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Safety and Effectiveness: Gerson Therapy Cure Rate
The Gerson Institute website recommends that patients work under the supervision of a Certified Gerson Practitioner to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety (visit the Gerson Institute website to find a practitioner). Some individuals or people with particular ailments may require modifications to the standard Gerson protocol, and thus they may need a professional working with them. The following cancer-relevant situations require certain modifications to the standard protocol [4]:- Acute Leukemia: This is a fast moving cancer that negatively affects the immune system. Because the Gerson Diet requires a longer time period to work and depends on the immune system’s ability to function, the standard Gerson protocol doesn’t work for this cancer and requires modification. Below are alternative treatments for leukemia and other forms of blood or bone cancer.
- Click here to learn more about vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a cure for leukemia.
- Click here to learn more about hematoxylin and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a cure for childhood leukemia and adult leukemia.
- Click here to learn more about the Lugol’s iodine protocol, which was designed to cure cancers, including leukemia. Note that this protocol includes vitamin K2 / MK-7 as one of the supporting nutrients.
- Also note the use of Bidens pilosa and Houttuynia cordata as an herbal cure for leukemia.
- Click here to learn more about the connection between organophosphate exposure, bisphosphonate drugs, and bone and blood cancers and what you can do to protect yourself and overcome toxicities.
- Click here to learn how to use molecular hydrogen as a natural treatment for acute graft vs. host disease.
- Use of Prescription Medications: The Gerson Diet may interfere with the functioning of some medications or with how the body responds to them. In this case, a practitioner will look at the patient’s medications to determine which medications the diet may interfere with and how to modify it to work for the patient’s situation [4].
Our experience working with the Gerson Diet was that it was incredibly safe, though very regimented. The lack of salt in the diet made it hard to stick to the diet (though we did stick to it religiously). I never worried about its safety because, it was simply about eating healthy things and consuming juices in large quantities. Because of its safety profile, it’s ludicrous that the Gerson diet is “illegal” in the United States (at the time of this writing).

Click here to buy The Iodine Bible.
Cancers That Don’t Respond to the Gerson Diet
The following cancers don’t respond well to the Gerson Diet:-
- Brain Tumors or Metastasis to the Brain: The Gerson Diet causes inflammation and swelling at the site of the tumor as the cancer cells begin to die and be removed from the body. This swelling, also referred to as “edema” indicates that the immune system is working as it should be. However, swelling in the brain or in the skull can cause seizures, blackouts, and other serious effects. The Gerson Diet should only be carefully used in these cases, and always under the observation of a Gerson practitioner. The nutritional guidelines may help the patient manage their cancer, but it’s not expected that the reduced protocol will cure the cancer [4].
- If you or a loved on is suffering from brain cancer, click here to learn how to use a high-quality frankincense essential oil for brain cancer.
- Click here to learn more about the Lugol’s iodine protocol for cancer.
- Click here to learn more about the use of molecular hydrogen as an at-home treatment for brain cancer.
- Multiple Myeloma: The Gerson Diet has not been effective against this type of cancer; multiple myeloma patients often experience initial benefit from the treatment, but the benefits aren’t sustained. The Gerson Institute recommends that patients with this cancer who want to use the Gerson Diet work with a practitioner who will help them incorporate other beneficial alternative therapies in addition to certain conventional medications (like bisphosphonates) to slow the breakdown of bone tissue [4].
- Click here to learn more about vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a cure for myleoma.
- Click here to learn more about hematoxylin and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a cure for multiple myeloma.
- Click here to learn more about the Lugol’s iodine protocol, which was designed to cure multiple myeloma.
- Click here to learn more about the connection between organophosphate exposure, bisphosphonate drugs, and bone and blood cancers and how to protect yourself from these toxins.
- Pancreatic Cancer After Chemotherapy: Damage to the pancreas causes decreased digestive function, thus reducing the effectiveness of the Gerson Diet and its food-based treatment. In some cases, it may be possible for these patients to work with a reduced/modified version of the Gerson Diet, but they should always work with a practitioner to ensure safety. The effectiveness of the treatment with chemotherapy-treated pancreatic cancer may be low [4].
- Click here to learn more about Ayahuasca, a sacred indigenous medicine that has been scientifically studied for its ability to cure pancreatic cancer and also diabetes.
- To better understand the role of the pancreas in the development of cancer, click here.
- Note that not only pancreatic enzymes, but also insulin plays a role in the development of cancer. Both insulin and pancreatic enzymes are produced in the pancreas. Click here to learn about insulin potentiation therapy (IPT), a type of low-chemo treatment administered in alternative cancer treatment hospitals.
- Click here to learn more about other natural treatments and how to cure pancreatic cancer.
- Brain Tumors or Metastasis to the Brain: The Gerson Diet causes inflammation and swelling at the site of the tumor as the cancer cells begin to die and be removed from the body. This swelling, also referred to as “edema” indicates that the immune system is working as it should be. However, swelling in the brain or in the skull can cause seizures, blackouts, and other serious effects. The Gerson Diet should only be carefully used in these cases, and always under the observation of a Gerson practitioner. The nutritional guidelines may help the patient manage their cancer, but it’s not expected that the reduced protocol will cure the cancer [4].

Three Basic Principles of the Gerson Diet
According to Dr. Gerson, the Gerson Diet is based on 3 principles/components:
- Toxin elimination and the return of the sodium-group to those areas where it is supposed to be, and away from those where it doesn’t belong.
- Returning the “lost” potassium-group (along with vitamins, enzymes, ferments, sugars, etc.) back to where it belongs. This principle sees that through this process iodine is made effective again and may be absorbed by the body again.
- Restoring differentiation, tonus, tension, oxidation, and other regular body functions through the use of activated iodine. Tumors and their metastases disrupt these functions and thus struggle to survive in an environment where proper functioning is effectively supported [8]. The Gerson Diet pays special attention to iodine as a cure for cancer. Click here to learn about the Lugol’s iodine protocol, which includes supportive nutrients that also have scientific support for their curative effects against cancer. Note that nascent iodine does not work by itself as a cure for cancer without the careful calibration of other nutrients. Always use Lugol’s iodine for cancer outside of the Gerson diet.
Because these principles apply in a variety of situations with a variety of diseases, Dr. Gerson was able to treat patients not only with cancer, but also with other severe diseases such as tuberculosis [8].

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Anticancer Diet: How the Gerson Protocol Is Administered
The Gerson diet is a complex anticancer diet that requires that patients leave out certain foods from their diet while eating more of other foods. At its core, the foods in the Gerson Diet consist primarily of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are prepared most frequently in soups, salads, and juices (although other recipes can be made as well). The diet is non-toxic, and oxygen, enzyme, and antioxidant rich. It is also an alkaline diet that’s high in potassium, low in sodium, and filled with vitamins and minerals [5].The Gerson diet can be administered along with the baking soda protocol. The baking soda protocol also alkalizes the body so these two therapies complement each other. Baking soda therapy could be administered between the easily digested juices and meals of the Gerson diet. Further, chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) / miracle mineral supplement (MMS) is more effective when the body has been properly alkalized. CDS / MMS is a powerful cure for cancer. Click here to learn more about CDS / MMS.
Click here to learn about alternative reactive oxygen species (ROS) medicines that you could use instead of CDS / MMS if you can’t obtain CDS / MMS in your country.
Click here to learn more about the baking soda protocol. Click here to do a quick video course to see demonstrations of how to work with baking soda, Lugol’s iodine, and more to cure cancer.
Basic Guidelines for the Gerson Diet
Some of the guidelines that patients follow on the Gerson Diet are outlined below:- Patients with collagen-related diseases may not consume citrus fruits or juices on the Gerson Diet, but other patients are allowed to have one citrus juice per day.
- Sweeteners are kept to a minimum; honey, blackstrap molasses, and maple syrup may be used, but only in small quantities (up to 2 tsp/day).
- Grains are limited as well; 1-2 slices of rye bread are allowed each day, and quinoa can be eaten once a week.
- Salt/sodium-rich foods, most fats, fragrant spices (pepper, paprika, oregano, etc.), nuts and seeds, meat, and soy are among the foods that are prohibited during the Gerson Diet treatment. Again, note that trace minerals are essential and one of the main modifications that people make to the Gerson diet is the use of Himalayan pink sea salt.
- No processed/manufactured foods are allowed.
- Meats and animal products are prohibited. Dairy is allowed only in the form of plain, organic, non-fat yogurt after 6-8 weeks of the treatment. Liver is consumed to support liver function.
- Aromatic foods like spicy peppers, pineapples, and berries are prohibited [3].
Consult the following link for more information about the specifics of the Gerson Diet: [3].
Gerson Diet Juices
Patients who are following the Gerson Protocol drink 13 juices each day, which are divided into 2 categories: the carrot-apple juice and the green juice. In the morning, patients may drink an orange/citrus juice as breakfast. Patients do not drink water during the treatment. Rather, they consume only juice to fulfill their liquid needs (some decaffeinated teas may be allowed as well). The Gerson Diet allows 3 meals per day that adhere to the diet requirements of the treatment [5].Supplements
Below is a list of supplements patients must take while following the Gerson Protocol:
- Thyroid supplement
- Acidoll
- Iodine
- Niacin (Vitamin B3)
- Vitamin B12 Drops
- Colostrum Capsules
- Vitamin D3-5000
- CoEnzymeQ10 (CoQ10) 60 mg
- Bovine Defatted Liver
- Milk Thistle Extract
- Vitamin C
- Selenium
- Oxbile Extract Powder
- Pancreatin
- Potassium Compound Powder
- Clay Powder
- Coffee enema
Buy Lugol's Iodine 2% here.
Coffee Enemas for Cancer
Coffee enemas have been used for thousands of years to restore health. The Gerson diet uses coffee enemas to clean out the lower intestines, flushing out heavy metals, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and yeast. By restoring optimal digestive function to both the liver and the colon, coffee enemas help cancer patients through the ongoing process of detoxification while various other aspects of the dietary protocol kill cancer cells. It is vital that detoxification continues unhindered by problems like constipation while cancer patients are killing cancer cells. The coffee in coffee enemas is absorbed into the bloodstream and it travels directly to the liver to detoxify the patient [9]. Click here to learn more about how coffee enemas work to restore health after cancer diagnosis.

Click here to buy a Coffee Enema Kit.
Gerson Diet Goals
The Gerson diet aims to alkalinize the body while hyper-nourishing the body at the same time. Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment, and when the body is made alkaline these toxic cells are unable to survive. Additionally, alkalinity in the body reawakens and reactivates pancreatic enzymes and allows red blood cells to function properly. The immune system functions less efficiently in an acidic environment, so the alkalizing Gerson Diet strengthens the immune system as well [8]. A variety of other pH cancer therapies also aim to alkalinize the body using other, non-dietary methods.In addition to alkalizing the body, the Gerson diet and the supplements included in the diet specifically support the thyroid gland, the reproductive organs, the liver, the gallbladder, and the pancreas. It also support immune system function. The use of coffee enemas directly stimulates the production of glutathione in the liver, the main detoxifying substance in our bodies. Coffee enemas are also alkalizing (though readers should note that drinking coffee by mouth acidifies the body and therefore has an opposing effect to coffee enemas).
At the time when Dr. Gerson created the Gerson diet, Genetically Modified (GMO) foods had not been developed. Staple foods like wheat, corn, and soy were still nutrient-rich in comparison with the GMO versions of these same food items today. Today, it’s important for cancer patients to know that vitamin K2 / MK-7, folate, L-tyrosine, L-tryptophan, Coenzyme Q10, and other important nutrients are not produced by GMO foods anymore. As such, supplementation with vitamin D can be counterproductive in the treatment of cancer as vitamin D without vitamin K2 will make it nearly impossible for the body to absorb iodine. Click here to learn more about the dangers of supplementing with vitamin D. Consider NOT taking vitamin D as a part of the Gerson diet.
Even in the early 20th century, iodine deficiency was common, but since that time, iodine fortification has been removed from the food supply in many countries. This has lead to massive upsurge in reproductive organ cancers, thyroid cancers, thyroid disease, bone and blood cancers, brain cancers, and more. Click here to read more about the government-sponsored nutrient deficiencies that cause cancer and what you can do to prevent cancer and treat it through supplementation.
Frankincense essential oil is an iodine-supporting treatment that is easy to administer as an adjunct treatment along with the Gerson diet. It supports the other aspects of this diet. Click here to learn more about frankincense essential oil.
Additionally, though Dr. Gerson identified some of the major cures for cancer, vitamin B17 / amgydalin had not yet been discovered yet as a cure for cancer. Consider administering frankincense essential oil with either cold-pressed, organic grapeseed oil or organic, hexane-free apricot kernel as an all-over topical treatment for cancer. Click here to read about vitamin B17 / amygdalin as a cure for cancer. This nutrient is not included in the Gerson protocol and it is an important part of curing cancer.
It’s also vital to mention that cancer patients must address underlying trauma using trauma-informed therapies like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR, craniosacral therapy, guided meditation or hypnotherapy, or sacred medicines like Ayahuasca. The Gerson protocol addresses the underlying physical causes of cancer, but it does not specifically target the release of trauma. Ayahuasca is a sacred indigenous medicine that is used to cure cancer via its physical healing effects on the pancreas and also because it has the ability to help patients release and integrate trauma. Click here to read more about Ayahuasca for cancer.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
More information about the Gerson Diet can be found at the Gerson Institute website: There are two official Gerson clinics that offer patients the Gerson treatment; one is located in Tijuana, Mexico and the other is in Budapest, Hungary. In Tijuana, the cost is $6000 for 1 week with a 2-week minimum stay. In Budapest the treatment costs around $8000 (plus 27% tax) for two weeks, with an additional $1000 for one companion. In Budapest, the companion is taught about the Gerson therapy so that after the two-week session is over they can continue to support and treat the patient at home using the same guidelines. [2] Other treatment centers that offer the Gerson Diet treatment are:
The Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat – Aloha Wellness Center 239 Haili St. Hilo, HI 96720 808-933-4400
Sedona Wellness Retreat (Hosted at The Lodge at Sedona) 125 Kallof Place Sedona, AZ 86366 [email protected]
NOTE: This center had a disclaimer on its home page saying that they’re not allowed to call their “juice fast” treatment the Gerson Diet/Therapy because they would not be allowed to practice in the United States. The treatment offered at this center is a diet that can help patients heal from cancer.
The Conners Clinic -- Lake Elmo, MN
The Conners Clinic 8519 Eagle Point Blvd. Suite 170 Lake Elmo, MN 55042 651-739-1248 [email protected]
This clinic practices in the United States, but they don’t deliver the full Gerson Therapy. Rather, the Connors Clinic offers its patients a Modified Gerson Program.
The Natural Healing Center-- Myrtle Beach, SC
The Natural Healing Center 4810 N. Kings Hwy. Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 843-839-9996 This clinic offers its patients a wide variety of alternative cancer treatments including IV therapies and more. Coffee enemas and detox diets are also listed, and the site Cancer Tutor mentions this location as one that offers the Gerson Therapy. This is an American clinic so they likely offer a modified version of the Gerson Protocol. Inquire for more information.
Gerson Diet Supplements and Supplies – Midwest Health and Nutrition
Midwest Health and Nutrition Tarpon Springs, FL 1-314-495-5606 [email protected] This company offers all of the supplements and supplies patients need to get started using the Gerson Protocol (except for thyroid). The products are offered at a reduced rate.
Gerson Diet Books and Other Resources
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[1] Gerson Institute (2018). About Us. Retrieved April 25, 2018 from: [2] Gerson Institute (2018). Clinics. Retrieved April 25, 2018 from: [3] Gerson Institute (n.d). Foods For The Gerson Diet. Retrieved April 25, 2018 from: [4] Gerson Institute (2018). Contraindications and Cautions for the Gerson Therapy. Retrieved April 25, 2018 from: [5] Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center (2014). Nutrition in Cancer Treatment. Retrieved April 25, 2018 from:[6] Sedona Wellness Retreat (2019). Non Medical Juice Fasting Retreat Where We Treat the Whole Person and Embrace the Healing Power of Nature. Retrieved April 25, 2018 from:
[7] Gorski, Robert (2008). The (Not-So-)Beautiful (Un)Truth about the Gerson protocol and cancer quackery. Retrieved June 1, 2018 from:
[8] Cross, Duane (2018). Gerson Therapy: Separating fact from fiction. Retrieved June 1, 2018 from:
[9] Dr. Axe (2018). Fight Cancer & Detoxify with a Coffee Enema. Retrieved June 7, 2018 from