Introduction to Baking Soda Cancer Treatment Basics
NOTE: This article about sodium bicarbonate / baking soda focuses primarily on the treatment of cancer, but the sodium bicarbonate / baking soda protocol can be used to treat a number of different health issues including:- Heartburn
- Psoriasis
- Heavy metal detox
- Dioxin and furan detox
- Flu
- Common Cold
- Candida and other fungal infections
- Autism
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Excessive ear wax
- Itch relief
- Bee/wasp sting relief
- Digestive issues
- Sore throats (as a gargle)
- Pancreatic issues
- Diabetes
- Gout
- Wounds
- Hiccups
- Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections (particularly when sodium bicarbonate is used in conjunction with iodine and magnesium)
- Colic and teething in babies
- Lessen symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder / PTSD

Click here to do our 1 hour QUICK START VIDEO COURSE TO CURE CANCER AT HOME. (This course contains detailed instructions on how to do the Baking Soda Protocol for cancer at home!)
UPDATE 2023: Note that Lydian used baking soda therapy during pregnancy with no adverse effects to treat a kidney infection. She combined baking soda baths, enemas, and 1-2 doses of oral baking soda daily (for a total of 5 doses) with herbal remedies for kidney infection during pregnancy. Cranberry juice and blueberry juice (1 liter of each per day) along with D-Mannose powder were vital for her to stay off the antibiotics and still treat the kidney infection. I wanted to note that the baking soda protocol during pregnancy produced no adverse effects for her and it relieved the pain of the kidney infection pretty quickly. Read more about how she treated a UTI during pregnancy at home here. Note that baking soda therapy can be life-saving at any stage of life, but especially as a natural treatment for cancer during pregnancy.
Quick Summary: Baking Soda for Cancer
Sodium bicarbonate is widely available in almost every country in the world, and is extremely affordable. It’s also a cancer treatment with a high level of efficacy that can be used in people of literally any age or life situation, making it an ideal treatment option for most cancer patients (including for children, pregnant women, and the elderly). Baking soda can be used to increase the cancer patient’s pH to make the body more alkaline. A highly alkaline environment kills cancer cells; we discuss the healing powers of alkalinity in terms of both cancer and other major diseases in more detail in this article.
Click here to buy Aluminum-Free Baking Soda.
Detailed Information
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a surprisingly useful tool for curing cancer. That being said, this isn’t a treatment protocol to be used alone as the sole treatment for cancer, but this is true of all but a few cancer treatments that we discuss on this website (Entelev, for example, should only be used alone, even dietary changes should be avoided with that particular cancer treatment). Still, sodium bicarbonate can quickly and safely turn the tide on a cancer diagnosis, especially when combined with other powerful treatments like an anticancer diet, herbal medicines, and nutrient-based medicines, among others. It’s widely available, affordable, and effective, and works under the same basic principles of Cesium and other High pH Therapy treatment methods.According to Mark Sircus (a medical doctor who wrote an entire book on Sodium Bicarbonate as a medicine, especially for cancer), sodium bicarbonate solutions are regularly used to lower the toxicity of chemotherapy treatments. Without the sodium bicarbonate solution to mitigate the toxicity of chemotherapy, most chemotherapy agents wouldn’t even be useful as “treatments” because they would kill patients right away. Chemotherapy has a remarkably low cure rate when used as a stand-alone treatment for cancer, with its effectiveness at causing cancer remission ranging from 2.1 to 2.3% (a woefully low rate considering that other nontoxic, simple treatments like Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy has a 13% cure rate when used by itself without any other treatment method; the addition of other therapies, like Baking Soda Therapy, substantially increases this percentage, of course). But in reality, this effectiveness rate for chemotherapy statistically portrays the efficacy of not just chemo, but chemo + sodium bicarbonate treatments. Without sodium bicarbonate, the chemotherapy cure rate would be 0%, which effectively illustrates just how important and medicinal sodium bicarbonate can be in terms of curing not only cancer, but also other health problems.
Cesium, an alkali metal, is another substance that can be used to raise a person’s overall pH. By raising pH levels in the body, cancer cells are unable to continue fermenting glucose (their sole source of energy), which ultimately means that they'll die or revert back into normal, healthy cells. Cesium is a powerful tool for increasing human pH levels, but so is sodium bicarbonate. In contrast with Cesium, however, sodium bicarbonate is widely available in grocery stores and pharmacies all over the world, and can be safely administered at home. Sodium bicarbonate and its cousins, magnesium bicarbonate, calcium bicarbonate, and potassium bicarbonate, all have the ability to release bicarbonate ions in the blood thereby raising pH. These bicarbonate ions can create an alkaline environment throughout the body within 2 to 3 days, which quickly leads to the death of cancer cells throughout the body.
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Dr. Brewer, the man who developed Cesium Therapy, cited the Warburg Effect when he developed his cancer treatment plan. In the 1920’s, Otto Warburg and his colleagues had noticed that cancer cells take up a tremendous amount of glucose in comparison with healthy cells. The Warburg Effect is a cancer cell phenomenon that involves an altered cellular metabolism whereby cancer cells increase their glucose uptake and ferment it in order to produce lactate, even in spite of there being plenty of oxygen present for them to “breathe”. Even though there’s plenty of oxygen present for the cancer cell to use to produce as much energy as normal, healthy cells do, cancer cells opt to ferment glucose. All cancer cells ferment glucose, though some still breathe a little bit of oxygen. Normal, healthy cells do not ferment glucose but rather breathe oxygen as an integral part of the process of changing glucose into energy for the body to use. This altered cancer cell metabolism creates an acidic environment inside and around the cancer cells which leads to the degradation of the cancer cell DNA in the nucleus of the cell. The loss of DNA controls, in turn, leads to uncontrolled cell growth.
By alkalizing the environment surrounding cancer cells, the fermentation of glucose is brought to a screeching halt. An acidic environment is absolutely essential for the fermentation process that must continue inside of cancer cells in order for them to survive and continue to replicate. Without fermentation, a cancer cell is not a cancer cell. This is one of the main reasons why restoring alkalinity to the body and to the interstitial fluids surrounding cancer cells causes the cancer cells to stop metastasizing, die, and/or revert back to a normal cellular metabolism. Best of all, this treatment method only affects cancer cells and other unhealthy cells or pathogens in the body; healthy cells and other healthy bacteria (like probiotics) are left completely unaffected, and in fact healthier, as a result of High pH therapy with sodium bicarbonate.

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Baking soda is one of the biggest threats to the pharmaceutical industry because it’s affordable, accessible, and effective. But it’s also widely used in baking, as a deodorizer, and as an all-purpose cleaner, so given that it’s such a multipurpose substance that’s ubiquitous in most households, it would be difficult to completely eliminate it from the shelves of grocery stores and pharmacies.To illustrate some of the bad press that this particular cancer treatment gets, a Google search for “sodium bicarbonate cancer” provides a quick blip from the website “Science Blog” proclaiming that high doses of sodium bicarbonate can kill you. Indeed, this is technically true, but even water can kill you in high enough doses. Information about sodium bicarbonate as a cancer cure is actively suppressed by the mainstream media and medical establishments. “Science Blog”, for example, is inflating the situation with baking soda to try and deter cancer patients from giving Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy a try. Whenever The Cancer Industry poses the argument that a particular, potentially curative substance will kill a cancer patient in high doses, one has to consider how lethal chemo, radiation are in even the most minute doses. All substances have a lethal dose. Sodium bicarbonate is no different (except for the fact that, in this context, it is dramatically less lethal as a cancer treatment than chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery).
Safety and Effectiveness
When you do the sodium bicarbonate protocol, bicarbonate ions detach from the sodium bicarbonate to facilitate glucose transport into cancer cells. This process helps the mineral magnesium to reach the cells’ mitochondria, and also creates alkaline conditions inside the cell, which can stop cancer cell growth. In addition, the presence of bicarbonate in the digestive system helps pancreatic enzymes work more efficiently in the intestines. It also raises the pH of acidic inflammatory reactions in the body to reduce pain and swelling.
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A study published in Cancer Research, demonstrated that, by alkalizing the pH of fluids surrounding cancer cells, metastases and tumor growth can be curtailed. In the study, every tumor treated with High pH Therapy stopped growing and metastasizing when the fluids surrounding it were alkalinized. According to the researchers, alkalinizing the fluids surrounding cancer cells can easily be accomplished through oral administration of sodium bicarbonate.
In another study published in the Journal of Palliative Care, researchers used an infusion of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) and sodium bicarbonate along with oral supplementation with ademetionine (S-adenosyl-L-methionine, also known as SAMe) to treat 9 patients with advanced biliary adenocarcinoma. All nine patients experienced 6-months of cancer progression-free survival, improved pain control, improved quality of life, and no adverse reactions. Using conventional medical treatment, advanced non-resectable biliary tract carcinomas have a poor prognosis with a poor response to chemotherapy, so the results from this study demonstrate the potential healing power of sodium bicarbonate as well as DMSO in terms of treating cancer.

A different study used a DMSO and sodium bicarbonate infusion to treat 18 patients with metastatic prostate cancer. After 90 days of treatment with the infusion, all the patients showed significant improvement in terms of their symptoms, blood, and biochemistry tests, and also in terms of general quality of life. And best of all, they experienced no major side effects from the treatment. Given that orthodox medicine would recommend hormone therapy, chemotherapy, radiation, and/or radioisotopes with only the hope being that these treatments would improve the prostate cancer patients quality of life, the DMSO-sodium bicarbonate infusion is, according to the authors of the study, a rational alternative to conventional treatment. Consuming sodium bicarbonate orally (1 level tsp with 1 tsp. of honey 2 times per day) can indeed have a significant impact on the progression of stage IV prostate cancer. . Another, separate study showed that DMSO and sodium bicarbonate infusions can greatly reduce the pain associated with cancers of various kinds. As such, baking soda therapy can be a valuable treatment option for all types of cancer, not only as a curative agent, but also as a method of pain relief.

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How Sodium Bicarbonate Is Administered
We recently developed a Cancer Cure Video Course that details how to do the Sodium Bicarbonate protocol to cure cancer, along with information about the other most powerful at-home cures for cancer. We designed this course to make it easy for people to get started right away working with the most powerful at home cures for cancer that make a difference quickly for just a few dollars per day. If you'd like to really understand how and why these cures work and learn about the scientific research and proof that cancer cures do exist and they do work, click here to buy our 4-volume Cancer Cure Catalog series to complement the material we present in the Cancer Cure Quick Start Video Course.Sodium bicarbonate should always be used with magnesium and iodine supplements (use Lugol’s iodine) for the greatest therapeutic effect. Click here to read more about the Lugol's iodine protocol and supportive nutrients.

There are a variety of sodium bicarbonate protocols that one can follow, based on their individual needs and preferences. Dr. Mark Sircus offers a discussion of the various treatment protocols in his book Sodium Bicarbonate: Nature’s Unique First Aid Remedy. The specific cancer treatment that he offers patients includes sodium bicarbonate along with glutathione, iodine, selenium, vitamin C, light, and heat.

- Orally
- Nasal rinse
- Sore throat gargle
- Mouth rinse/gargle (toothpaste replacer)
- Douche
- Enema
- Transdermally (to the skin)
- In a bath
- Intravenously
- Injection
- Nebulization.

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Sodium Bicarbonate Protocol Basics
Below is a recommended protocol for adult patients. Other valuable sodium bicarbonate protocols are provided in Dr. Sircus’ book:1 level teaspoon of baking soda 1 glass of water + another glass of water
Mix the baking soda in an 8 ounce glass of water. Drink. Then drink another glass of water.
Week 1 – Drink this mixture 3 times a day Week 2 – Drink this mixture 2 times a day Week 3- Drink this mixture 1 time a day
Do this protocol once a month with at least one week off before cycling through it again.
Possible Negative Effects
Patients may experience alkalosis if their pH gets too high. Below are the symptoms of alkalosis:- Nausea
- Numbness
- Muscle spasms and twitching
- Hand tremors
Other Important Information
Avoid consuming baking soda within 30 minutes of a meal to avoid digestive issues.There’s evidence that pH neutral tumors won’t respond to treatment with sodium bicarbonate because their neutral pH does not need to be neutralized by baking soda. However, more research is still being done to find out whether neutral pH tumors respond differently to sodium bicarbonate.
Using pH strips can help patients determine when they’ve achieved the desired pH level in the body.
Below are cancer treatment centers that offer sodium bicarbonate cancer therapy as part of a cancer protocol that also includes ozone therapy and intravenous vitamin C treatments:
Oasis of Hope
Fraccionamiento Playas de Tijuana Terrazas 22504 Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico +1-619-690-8409 +1-888-500-4673 Update:
A client with mycosis fungoides recently discovered that the use of baking soda and coconut oil (in a 50-50 ratio) can be used to get rid of the lymphoma rash known as Sezary Syndrome. This "miracle ointment" as some have called it, is also able to get rid of the steroid cream addiction rash as well. Read more about how to cure steroid cream addiction here. As a Sezary Syndrome cure, or as a cure for mycosis fungoides, be sure to follow the Baking Soda Protocol as outlined above in addition to applying the baking soda plus coconut oil at home remedy for lymphoma rash. Other cancer related rashes may also be similarly treated with the baking soda plus coconut oil recipe. Natural pain relief for lymphoma rash using baking soda and coconut oil often occurs within 24 to 48 hours of beginning treatment.
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