Why You Should Take Pancreatic Enzymes for Cancer
Quick Summary
In the early 1900’s, doctors experimented with pancreatic enzymes and found that these substances were able to dissolve the outer fibrin sheath that usually protects cancer cells from the body’s immune system. People rarely develop cancer in the first part of their duodenum where pancreatic juices are dumped into the digestive tract with the risk of cancer increasing as the distance from this location increases. Pancreatic enzymes that aren’t used to digest food are re-absorbed into the bloodstream and they travel throughout the body, seeking out cancer cells and dissolving their outer fibrin sheaths to make the cancer cells vulnerable to the body’s immune system. Unfortunately, the typical American diet that includes a lot of animal products requires a lot of pancreatic enzymes to break these animal products down into nutrients and that leaves no pancreatic enzymes for re-absorption into the bloodstream to travel through the rest of the body, searching for cancer cells. Taking pancreatic enzyme supplements can be extremely beneficial as part of a cancer protocol to make cancer cells vulnerable to attack by the immune system.
NOTE: In diabetic patients, alpha-amylase, a pancreatic enzyme digests carbohydrates and sugars and for diabetics, it may be beneficial to seek out a pancreatic enzyme product that does not contain amylase. At the same time, diabetic patients with cancer would benefit from learning more about harmine and other herbs that cause pancreatic beta cells to begin replicating and growing again.
UPDATE 2023: Note that pancreatic enzyme therapy is not safe during pregnancy because pancreatic enzymes play a role in softening the cervix before birth. As a natural treatment for cancer during pregnancy, pancreatic enzymes should generally be avoided until the 38th week of gestation.

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Detailed Introduction
Enzymatic cancer therapy is a helper-therapy that’s usually combined with other cancer treatments. Enzymatic treatments for cancer originate from Dr. John Beard, an embryologist who noted the incredible similarities between pre-embryonic trophoblasts and cancer cells. His theories regarding the similarities between trophoblasts and cancer cells date back to 1906. Essentially, he saw cancerous tumors as false placentas. Dr. Beard’s thinking was known as the Trophoblast Theory of Cancer. Dr. Beard’s theories about pancreatic enzymes and cancer cells as false placentas can help explain why sacred medicines and herbal remedies for cancer like Ayahuasca work to cure this disease and other diseases like diabetes that originate in the pancreas. Click here to learn about how Ayahuasca works to cure cancer by healing the pancreas and releasing trauma. Another piece of information lending credibility to the value of pancreatic enzymes for cancer is the fact that cancer almost never occurs in the first segment of the small intestine (the duodenum) where pancreatic juices are secreted via the pancreatic duct. The relative prevalence of cancer increases as one moves further down the digestive tract, away from the region where pancreatic juices are secreted suggesting that pancreatic enzymes in sufficient quantities can prevent cancer from developing [1][2][21].
Click here to buy pancreatic enzyme supplements.
Dr. Beard believed that enzyme therapy would be a valuable treatment for all types of cancer because pancreatic enzymes have the ability to dissolve the protective protein coating on cancer cells throughout the body. They circulate in the bloodstream and all cancer cells must connect to the blood supply in order to survive. As such, when pancreatic enzymes are circulating at high enough levels, cancer cells are weakened by these enzymes and they become more vulnerable to the body’s immune system.Medical literature from the early 1900’s documented tumor regression in terminal cancer patients who were treated using enzyme therapy [1][2][3][4][5]. Since that time, cancer research has shown that pancreatic enzymes can break down the protein-coating that normally protects cancer cells from attack by white blood cells and the patient’s own immune system.
Throughout the 20th century, most scientists believed that pancreatic enzymes were produced in the pancreas, delivered to the small intestine for use and then deactivated and excreted from the body in the feces. But recently, research has shown that in fact, pancreatic enzymes are re-circulated via the blood supply in a manner similar to how bile salts are recirculated via enterohepatic circulation. Since pancreatic enzymes are among the most difficult biomolecules for the body to manufacture it makes sense that unused pancreatic enzymes would be recirculated in the body [6]. What has surprised scientists, however, is the fact that while circulating in the blood supply, pancreatic enzymes can weaken cancer cells and make them susceptible to the body’s immune system.
The recirculation of pancreatic enzymes is important because their presence in the blood demonstrates that they can reach and have an impact on all areas of the body. Foods that use too many of these enzymes deplete the pancreas of its stores which can lead to a variety of disease states, demonstrating the important role of diet in preventing cancer and other diseases. [6]. Indeed, Dr. Beard’s pancreatic enzyme protocol explains why The China Study Diet, for example, works so well to stop cancer growth. The China Study Diet was able to show that when people eat less than 5% animal products in their diet (in proportion with fruits and vegetables), cancer stops growing. Eating less than 5% of the diet as animal products allows the body to increase levels of pancreatic enzymes that can then circulate through the body to make it much more difficult for cancer cells to continue growing unchecked.
Pancreatic enzymes are an important part of many integrative cancer treatments because they help patients digest their food down to the components that are absorbed readily by the body. They help ensure proper nutrition and absorption of the necessary nutritional components in food since cancer patients are often deficient in a variety of nutrients. As such pancreatic enzymes have an impact on the following physical ailments including:
- Digestive issues
- Cellulitis
- Diabetic ulcers
- Sinusitis
- Bronchitis
- Injury-related disorders (e.g. contusions, lacerations, sprains, strains, muscle injuries)
- Osteoarthritis
- Cancer
Despite its success, unfortunately, after Dr. Beard’s death in 1923, pancreatic proteolytic enzyme therapy was swept under the rug and forgotten until recently [1][7].
Click here to learn about the Lugol’s Iodine protocol which includes pancreatic enzymes as well as a list of nutrients that cancer patients tend to need as supplements in order to regain their health. Though the Lugol’s Iodine protocol includes a long list of supplements, if you are trying to overcome stage 4 cancer, be sure to include as many of these nutrient supplements as possible in your daily supplementation routine.
The use of systemic pancreatic enzyme therapy has been used by doctors since the early part of the 1900’s. The pancreatic enzymes are effective in the treatment of cancer with very low toxicity and few or no side effects. [1][2][8]. By itself, pancreatic enzyme therapy has about a 13% cancer cure rate when used as a stand-alone treatment (where no other treatments are offered). This is incredible given that chemotherapy has only a 2-3% stand-alone cure rate but extremely severe side effects. Generally, however, pancreatic enzyme therapy is combined with a therapeutic anticancer diet along with other cancer-fighting treatments [9].
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Dr. Kelley’s Enzyme Therapy
William Donald Kelley was a doctor who studied Dr. Beard’s theories to cure himself of metastatic pancreatic cancer after he’d been given only two months to live. This therapy uses high doses of pancreatic enzymes and regular coffee enemas. Click here to read more about how to use coffee enemas to reduce pain and enhance the detoxification process when trying to cure stage 4 cancer at home. There are no side effects involved with Dr. Kelley’s Enzyme Therapy and on newly diagnosed, stage 1 or stage 2 cancer patients, this treatment approach had a 93% success rate in a scientific study with the 33,000 patients Dr. Kelley and his practitioners treated [18][19].
Using only pancreatic enzymes, patients who have advanced cancer (stage 3 or stage 4) have a lower chance of survival (about 25-50%) with this treatment but enzymes can be combined with other integrative cancer treatments (a cancer protocol) to raise the cure rate. We usually recommend to our health coaching patients that they work with the Baking Soda Protocol and the Lugol’s Iodine Protocol, in addition to administering pancreatic enzymes. Dr. Kelley believed that having a healthy pancreas was pivotal in fighting cancer, which is consistent with research into Ayahuasca for cancer, an herbal remedy and a sacred indigenous medicine that heals the pancreas and liver while simultaneously helping the body release trauma. The pancreas and the liver work together to regulate insulin and the pancreas produces enzymes that can dissolve protein (including the proteins that protect cancer cells) [19]. Click here to read this discussion about how Ayahuasca cures cancer through a mechanism of action that allows this medicine to clear all of the organs located beneath the rib cage. When a patient has the proper amount of trace minerals in the body along with hormonal balance, their pancreatic enzymes can also be properly balanced. Kelley noted, for example, that high doses of vitamin C can disrupt enzyme function in the body. He didn’t use high doses of vitamin C in his treatment. Rather, he advocated for juicing specific vegetable combinations to support the glands in the body and thus hormonal balance [19]. One of the things that often happens when people decide they want to cure stage 4 cancer at home (or any stage of cancer development), is they try to work quickly without education themselves about which at-home cancer treatments might enhance other at-home cancer treatments and which treatments might cancel other treatments out. It’s important to note, for example that pancreatic enzyme therapy and high-dose vitamin C for cancer can cancel each other out, in a sense. These two protocols should not be used together. Instead, if you wish to work with a reactive oxygen species medicine like the reactive oxygen species produced by high-dose vitamin C, choose chlorine dioxide solution / miracle mineral solution instead. Click here to read more about reactive oxygen species medicines. Chlorine dioxide solution / miracle mineral solution don’t disrupt pancreatic enzyme function but this medicine does have the ability to kill cancer cells. Dr. Kelley believed that cancer and diabetes were correlated. He treated them both in a similar way [19]. Indeed, Ayahuasca is an herbal remedy for cancer and also for diabetes through its healing effect on the liver, gallbladder, and the pancreas. Dr. Kelley’s Enzyme Therapy is often used in conjunction with the Budwig Protocol which combines a specially formulated nutritional powder with a special diet, vegetable juicing, vitamin B 17 supplementation, and electromedicine (e.g. use of a Rife Machine). [20]. Click here to learn more about trace minerals and the role they play in cancer treatment and the restoration of general health.
Click here to buy Pancreatic Enzymes.
Pancreatic Enzyme Basics
Throughout the 20th century, most scientists and doctors believed that new pancreatic proteolytic enzymes were manufactured and secreted into the small intestine on demand. These digestive enzymes were not circulated and recycled according to this traditional belief. But recent research has shown that, in fact, proteolytic pancreatic enzymes are recirculated similar to bile salts in enterohepatic circulation [7]. In other words, our bodies absorb pancreatic enzymes into the bloodstream so that they circulate throughout the body before returning to the pancreas for storage. Pancreatic enzymes make up a significant portion of blood. In fact, the second most abundant blood protein after albumin is alpha-antitrypsin, a trypsin inhibitor, suggesting that trypsin and the other pancreatic enzymes are present in high quantities [7].
Click here to buy trypsin and chymotrypsin pancreatic enzymes.
Below is a list of the known pancreatic enzymes and their function in the body:
Proteases digest proteins. They play a role in controlling anxiety and insomnia [12].
There are three proteases:
- Trypsin
- Chymotrypsin
- Peptidase
- Pancreatic Lipase
Pancreatic lipase digests triglycerides (the main constituents of natural fats and oils). They break triglycerides down into two mono-glycerides and two free fatty acids. It is secreted into the small intestine via the pancreatic duct as a component in pancreatic juice. In order for pancreatic lipase to do its work digesting triglycerides, bile salts must be present in the small intestine in sufficient quantities. As such, both the liver and the pancreas play a role in digesting fats [11].
- Amylase
Amylases digest starches or carbohydrates. Starch is the primary storage form of glucose in plants. It is primarily present in the pancreas, but also found in saliva [11].
- Ribonuclease
Ribonuclease breaks RNA down into smaller components.
- Deoxyribonuclease
An enzyme that breaks down DNA.
- Gelatinase
Gelatinase is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks down gelatin into smaller components.
- Elastase
A pancreatic enzyme that breaks down elastin into smaller components.

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Other Important Information
Dr. Beard believed that pancreatic enzymes had to be injected into the bloodstream in order to prevent them from being destroyed by acids in the stomach, but research has shown that oral pancreatic enzymes pass intact into the small intestine where they’re absorbed into the bloodstream for use throughout the body. The enzymes are recycled by the body and returned to the pancreas [1][6].Pancreatic enzymes in supplement form are often derived from pigs [17].
Important Information about Digestive System Cancers and Skin Conditions Including Sezary Syndrome Cures:
We have been working with a number of clients who benefit from not just pancreatic enzymes, but also from the use of several other digestive enzymes such as hydrochloric acid plus betaine and ox bile or bile salts. These enzymes are recommended for anyone with cancer to help ensure that the body is able to digest and properly absorb nutrients. Enzymes like ox bile or bile salts have an 80% cure rate for psoriasis in patients who suffer from this debilitating disease and these enzymes might also help reduce itching in lymphoma rash or Sezary syndrome. To better understand how and why you should use all of these different enzymes for at home cancer treatment, read more here.Psoriasis is a skin disease and Sezary syndrome is also a skin manifestation of disease. Both of these skin manifestations of disease are rooted in the digestive system. Sezary syndrome is like hell on earth, so the first priority is to stop the pain and burning. Use the Baking Soda protocol as a lotion on the skin but also take the baking soda internally at the proper dose to get itching and burning under control, but also note that the baking soda protocol combined with chlorine dioxide solution is one of the most powerful cures for cancer that begins working as soon as the patient's pH is above 7 to kill cancer. Most patients see tumor shrinkage and noteworthy progress within days after beginning to work with baking soda and chlorine dioxide solution.
Coffee enemas are also essential for Sezary syndrome to clear the liver of toxins. The liver and the skin are intimately connected and it's vital that you clear and detoxify the liver if you have a skin manifestation of disease. Coffee enemas reduce skin inflammation and pain to make a patient with Sezary syndrome more comfortable, but also to cure cancer.
At-Home Treatment for Sezary Syndrome
Sezary syndrome is agonizing, but if you understand the value of enzymes in promoting skin health, you can now also consider using baking soda with coconut oil as a lotion to stop the Sezary rash. Click here to read how to use the Baking Soda protocol for Sezary syndrome to overcome lymphoma and other types of cancer. Do our quick video course that gives you all the basic information you need to cure stage 4 cancer at home and to control Sezary syndrome rash symptoms. Note also that nicotine patches (start at the lowest available dose) can reduce Sezary syndrome pain naturally. Start with nicotine patches and later, you can work with vitamin B3 / nicotinic acid in high doses (500-3000 mg per day) as an alternative to the patch. Nicotine is the synthetic form of nicotinic acid, the vitamin that we know as "vitamin B3" (also called Niacin or niacinamide). Niacin is one of the great healers of the digestive system which explains to some extent, it's value in skin manifestations of disease, but also as a cure for colorectal cancer, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. Click here to learn how to use niacin / vitamin B3 / nicotinic acid to cure colon cancer, cancer of the rectum, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
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