Natural Breast Cancer Treatment, Thyroid Cancer Treatment, and Reproductive Organ Cancer Treatment
Most Americans believe that if they’re eating iodized salt, their iodine needs are being met. But salt is a poor carrier for iodine. As soon as the box of salt is opened, the iodine begins to vaporize. Within days, less than 20% of the iodine remains. And to add to the lack of iodine in people’s diets, bromide and fluoride can all compete with iodine. Most Americans are exposed to far more bromide than they are to iodine which causes a build-up of bromide in the body. Bromide sedates people, causing “brain fog” as well as psychiatric problems and it causes weight gain. Women’s iodine needs are much higher than men’s so the iodine deficiency epidemic in the U.S. is particularly concerning for females. A lack of iodine can lead to breast cancer and cancers of the reproductive organs in both men and women. By supplementing with iodine topically and by mouth, many people can enhance their overall health and vitality as well as recover from or prevent cancer.Iodine as a Cure for Cancer
In order to really understand iodine therapy for cancer, it’s helpful to take a look at the periodic table of the elements. Iodine is the 53rd element. It’s one of the halogens along with fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and astatine. The halogen elements are extremely reactive, so reactive in fact, that they always pair up with something in nature, even if that means pairing up with themselves.
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We all know that iodine is essential for thyroid health, but iodine is essential for other aspects of well-being as well [1].
Bromine (often in its reduced form, “bromide”), the element that sits just above iodine on the periodic table competes with iodine for receptor sites in the body. What this means is that if a person consumes a low amount of iodine but is exposed to bromine or bromide on a regular basis, the bromide can move into the body and mimic iodine by occupying iodine’s receptors. Bromide isn’t iodine and high levels of bromide can cause a variety of physiological problems in the body. [1].
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Disorientation
- Auditory hallucinations
- Visual hallucinations
- Brain Fog
- Loss of control of body movements
- Short-term memory loss
- Drooping eyelids (ptosis)
- Neurological impairment
- Psychosis
- Seizures
- Gastrointestinal impairment
- Somnolence
- Delirium [1][5][6][7]
There have been reported cases of bromism developing as a result of high consumption of bottled drinks that contain brominated vegetable oils. Patients may experience only one or all the symptoms of bromide detoxification. Once exposed to bromine, it can take 9 to 12 days for it to be eliminated from the body which means that it accumulates over time. Doses of 0.5 to 1 gram per day can lead to bromism. [5][6].
Methyl bromide (an insecticide that's often used as an alternative to organophosphates) is toxic to human cells. Its toxicity can be mitigated by glutathione (an antioxidant that’s essential for a healthy immune system). The bromine ions can displace both iodine and chlorine ions in the body. Chlorine ions are essential for nerve transmission. Bromine can temporarily displace chlorine ions which can therefore lead to impaired nerve transmission [8][9][10]. The problem of bromide / bromine toxicity is therefore relevant to anyone who is working with chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) / miracle mineral supplement (MMS) for cancer. CDS / MMS is a reactive oxygen species medicine that works by releasing oxygen from a molecule that contains chlorine. Many people who are deficient in iodine, in initially see spectacular results with chlorine dioxide solution, in part because it has the ability to kick bromide / bromine out of receptors that should be occupied with iodine. However, without Lugol’s iodine supplementation, there are limits to what chlorine / chloride can do. Though the chlorine dioxide solution doesn’t damage receptor sites for iodine, it also can’t function as iodine, or act as a substitute for iodine in the body. To fully overcome cancer, patients can work with CDS / MMS, but they’ll also need to do the Lugol’s iodine protocol at some point to restore iodine to proper levels in the body.

Click here to buy The Iodine Bible.
Bromide is toxic to human cells. Its toxicity can be mitigated to some extent by glutathione (an antioxidant that’s essential for a healthy immune system), however. One of the best supplements that you can take to increase glutathione levels in the body is L-Cysteine or N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC). Take up 4000 mg per day in 4 divided doses of 1000 mg each. Salt loading and salt flushing are also important in promoting quicker detoxification from bromide exposure. The bromine ions can displace both iodide and chloride ions in the body. Chloride ions are essential for nerve transmission. Indeed, at any given moment in the body, there’s about a pound of chloride circulating as an essential electrolyte that keeps our cells and nerves functioning optimally. Bromine / bromide can temporarily displace chlorine ions which can therefore lead to impaired nerve transmission [8][9][10], a fact that deserves some attention by anyone who suffers from multiple sclerosis (MS) or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). We’ve worked with clients who have been able to overcome these nervous system diseases by following the iodine therapy protocol.
Click here to learn more about the CDS / MMS Protocols Database.
Click here to read about how to do the Iodine Therapy Protocol to cure cancer naturally.
Click here to read about salt-loading and salt-flushing to diminish symptoms of bromine / bromide detoxification.
Click here to read about how to remove fluoride as well as bromide from the body.
The historic movements that have led to the iodine deficiency epidemic in the United States can be easily traced to broad-sweeping decisions made by food industry leaders in the 1970’s. At this time, products like bread and flour were no longer fortified with iodine. And when iodine was removed, bromine / bromide (which competes with iodine for receptor sites) was added to these food products. Brominated vegetable oils became common at this time [1]. Though brominated vegetable oils have, at the time of this writing, been removed from some soft drinks in the United States, bromide and bromine exposure is nearly ubiquitous. Bromide and bromine exposure is more controlled in other developed countries where subsidized healthcare is the norm, but in the United States, a toxin like bromide / bromine is still legal because citizens are responsible for the health effects caused by this toxins. The government does not have to pay the repercussions for having administered bromide-containing insecticides that pollute the air and drinking water.In addition to changes in the food industry, bromine and bromide-containing chemicals began to be used as flame retardants on mattresses, furnishings, children’s pajamas and in other consumer products during the 1960’s and 1970’s. Bromine replaced chlorine in pools. Ethylene bromide was added to gasoline in the 1960’s. Poisonous bromomethane and ethylene bromide has been used as an agricultural pesticide as well as to fumigate homes by the tenting method [1][3][4].

Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
Bromine and bromide exposure is especially toxic during pregnancy. It can cause fertility issues. Click here to read more about why Lugol’s iodine is essential during pregnancy. Click here to read more about how Lugol’s iodine deficiency can lead to infertility and reproductive organ issues (including prostate cancer and breast cancer) in those are are being exposed to bromine / bromide.
Bromine / bromide is an effective and common pesticide used in fruit growing as well as to prevent insects and pests from attacking stored grain and other types of produce. Methyl bromide is the most common bromide-based pesticide currently in use throughout the world, but it’s use is in a decline due to the 1987 Montreal Protocol which classified it as an ozone-depleter and called for the bromine-pesticide use to stop. The United States, however, has received annual exemptions to go ahead and keep using it as a broad-spectrum pesticide on crops such as: peppers, strawberries, and tomatoes [4].

Click here to buy Root Cause: Common Environmental Toxins and How to Protect Yourself from Them.
In our book, Root Cause: Common Environmental Toxins and How to Protect Yourself from Them, we go into greater detail on insecticide use. In an effort to better understand some of our clients health problems, specifically Myasthenia Gravis, Autism / ASD, and Gulf War Syndrome, we ended up doing in-depth research into the relationship between organophosphate exposure and bromide insecticides. Essentially, these two insecticides cause similar health problems, but through very different mechanisms of action. People need to protect themselves from both organophosphates and bromide-containing insecticides in countries that use these toxins on agricultural products (including livestock).
About 50% of bromine is used in brominated flame retardants. Brominated flame retardants are used in a wide variety of domestic and industrial appliances such as computers, insulation boards, furniture, mattresses, mobile phones, televisions, textiles, children’s pajamas, and more. It is estimated that 90% of all electrical components contain brominated flame retardants [4].
The United States is the world’s leading market for bromine. Israel is a major supplier of bromine / bromide [4].
At the time of this writing, it is difficult to find information about potassium iodide and molecular iodine (the two iodine-containing molecules found in Lugol’s iodine) in the treatment of cancer. Google searches reveal only search results about radioactive iodine. By promoting research on radioactive iodine online, the cancer industry is able to cover up information about non-radioactive iodine for cancer treatment. A discussion of Google ranking and SEO strategies to cover-up information is beyond the scope of this book, but suffice it to say, iodine’s role in preventing and curing cancer has been usurped online by articles and information about “radioactive iodine”. Indeed, as artificial intelligence / AI takes hold, a subtle censorship is beginning to become extremely common. Over time, AI will certainly begin to accidentally provide people with the information that they actually need and want, but right now, AI is muddling things in healthcare and medicine. The more people use unique search terms and go ahead and search for the information they really want, rather than accepting first page results, the more likely it is that people will find the information they’re looking for, namely cures for cancer (and other diseases).
People who are trying to figure out the truth about iodine / iodide and bromine / bromide might be tempted to discuss the issue with their doctors. If you decide to discuss iodine with your doctor, be aware that doctors are taught in medical school about something called “The Wolff-Chaikoff Effect”. This so-called effect is preached in AMA medical schools as though it is gospel, though it has never been proven and in fact, has been disproven many times in scientific studies. Nonetheless, doctors are not given the full story on The Wolff Chaikoff Effect. Rather they’re taught to believe that higher doses of iodine are potentially toxic even though the opposite (where high doses of iodine are essential to health in the modern world) is actually what science has shown to be true. Lower doses of iodine were the most prescribed medicine by doctors in the 1900s (as iodine cured many diseases), but today, people need higher doses of iodine to be able to ward off the toxicity of bromine / bromide and also organophosphate exposure. Further, the genetic modification (GMO) of staple plant-foods to make them stop going through the shikimate pathway has created additional nutrient deficiencies that worsen iodine deficiency and make the problem of iodine deficiency seem complicated, if not insurmountable. The Lugol’s Iodine Protocol was developed specifically to address the nutrient deficiencies that develop as a result of eating a diet that includes genetically modified (GMO) foods. Click here to read more about whether the Wolff-Chaikoff Effect is real or fake?

Dr. Guy Abraham, an iodine expert and proponent of iodine therapy, offers wry comments on the modern doctor’s fears of prescribing iodine to patients while radioactive iodine is heavily promoted and pushed on patients:
“[Doctors] suffer from: A) a split personality which results in iodophobia within the orthoiododsupplementation range previously used safely and successfully in medical practice and iodophylia for megadoses of iodide (up to 12 grams per day); B) double standards which render those physicians intolerant to the minor side effects of the inorganic forms; C) amnesia pertaining to the inorganic, non-radioactive forms when making therapeutic decisions; D) confusion, attributing the severe side effects of organic iodine-containing drugs to inorganic iodine/iodide; and E) an altered state of consciousness, allowing doublethink, doublespeak, and contradictory logic to become acceptable. Although factors involved in medical iodophobia are still unknown, decreased cognition seems involved. Since low iodine intake is associated with intellectual impairment, deficiency of this essential element cannot be ruled out, and if present, would create a self-perpetuating phenomenon. Needless to say, medical iodophobia is contagious and can be transmitted to patients and other physicians (iatrogenic iodophobia). Medical iodophobia will remain a syndrome until the causes are discovered and effective therapy implemented. It is very likely however, that medical iodophobia will eventually be classified as an iodine-deficiency disease.”
Dr. Abraham’s commentary is particularly relevant in regard to The Wolff-Chaikoff Effect and the fact that this “effect” does not make sense in light of the logic of how the body works.
The Wolff-Chaikoff Effect was set in motion by Big Pharma for the first time in 1948, just after World War II, when Wolff and Chaikoff at UC-Berkley published a study that scared doctors and the public into believing that iodine was a dangerous and toxic substance that could cause hypothyroidism in high doses. Iodine had been in wide use in the medical profession up until that time for many generations, but The Wolff-Chaikoff study was used by Big Pharma to justify the removal of iodine from the American food supply as well as from medical practice. Doctors today are taught that iodine is toxic and a very dangerous substance. And by creating a perpetual iodine deficiency in the general public, belief in The Wolff-Chaikoff Effect created a massive new market in treating cancer and newly emerging disease-models like autoimmunity [1]. Though autoimmune disease had been spurned as an impossible health problem by doctors prior to the American Medical Association / AMA proposing this model of disease, and though in fact, most autoimmune disease diagnoses have been shown to be caused by pathogens that can be killed by reactive oxygen species medicines that are readily available over-the-counter, the propaganda and lack of adequate information about nutrition that's presented in medical schools sets doctors up to believe that diseases like cancer and autoimmunity are incurable, when in fact, both of these disease-states were often cured by iodine and other natural supplements like pancreatic enzymes back in the early 1900s.
During this time, while doctors were readily accepting and promoting the idea that Lugol’s iodine is toxic and dangerous to human health (despite the fact that it had been used for generations and people buy iodized salt knowing that iodine is a necessary mineral for health), they were also readily accepting the use of radioactive iodine for the treatment of cancer and other diseases [16].
On top of that, Symbollon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has developed a Lugol’s iodine product called IoGen™ to treat breast cancer. The product is being marketed as an “adjuvant” to be used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments. This is a smart move by Big Pharma. Often, pharmaceutical companies will try to patent well-known natural cures and absorb them into conventional treatments by creating synthetic analogs that are just slightly different on a molecular level in order to “shelve” them or to create expensive, potentially profitable products that lure patients away from affordable, natural treatments. For example, though vitamin A is readily available in carrots and/or supplement form as beta-carotene, pharmaceutical companies have developed a synthetic form of the vitamin that causes “side effects”. These “side effects” are essentially identical to vitamin A deficiency. Synthetic vitamin A, like bromide / bromine can occupy vitamin A receptors in the body to cause vitamin A deficiency. At first, the body absorbs and tries to use the synthetic vitamin A, but after a month or two, the drug stops working, patients return to their doctor and the doctor tells them that they’re suffering from “side effects” of the drug. Similarly, a synthetic version of iodine will cause iodine deficiency symptoms (which can be treated with other synthetic drugs, such that Big Pharma profits doubly from the patient’s iodine deficiency). Further, by pairing a very effective and affordable natural cure like iodine with conventional treatments like chemo and radiation, patients only experience the effects of natural iodine in the context of toxic conventional cancer treatments. This strategy is used by Big Pharma to make a natural substance like Lugol’s iodine seem less effective than it actually is (because it has been paired up with toxic, ineffective cancer treatments), while also encouraging people to pair the idea of iodine with the idea of toxicity and danger (because in conventional medicine the iodine is “radioactive). Big Pharma uses basic Pavlovian psychology to reduce importance, heighten fear, and generally confuse the public in regard to naturally occurring readily available substances like Lugol’s iodine, vitamin B17, or vitamin A [12][13].

Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
Often, Big Pharma will try to patent well-known natural cures and absorb them into conventional treatments by creating synthetic analogs that are just slightly different on a molecular level in order to “shelve” these curative treatments or to create expensive, potentially profitable products that lure patients away from the affordable, natural treatments. For example, though vitamin A is readily available in carrots and/or supplement form, pharmaceutical companies have developed a synthetic form of the vitamin that causes “side effects” that are essentially the same as the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency. This synthetic vitamin A interacts with the body’s vitamin A receptors which makes it impossible for natural vitamin A to interact with those same receptors, essentially causing a vitamin A deficiency. Patients have no idea that this is happening and when they become sicker after a few months of treatments, doctors simply prescribe more meds. The patient’s health becomes perpetually worse while Big Pharma continues to make bigger and bigger profits from more and more prescriptions. Similar to synthetic vitamin A, a synthetic version of iodine will cause iodine deficiency symptoms (which can be treated with other synthetic drugs, such that Big Pharma profits doubly from the patient’s iodine deficiency). Further, by pairing a very effective and affordable natural cure like iodine with conventional treatments like chemo and radiation, patients only experience the effects of natural iodine and in the context of the toxicity of conventional cancer treatments. This strategy is used by Big Pharma to make a natural substance like iodine seem less effective than it actually is (because it has been paired up with toxic, ineffective cancer treatments), while also encouraging people to pair the idea of iodine with the idea of toxicity and danger (because in conventional medicine the iodine is “radioactive). Big Pharma uses basic Pavlovian psychology to reduce importance, heighten fear, and generally confuse the public in regard to naturally occurring readily available medicinal nutrients like iodine, vitamin B17, or vitamin A. [12][13].
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Safety and Effectiveness
Iodine is an essential nutrient in the human diet. Studies have demonstrated that areas of the world where iodine deficiency is common have a higher rate of goiter and breast cancer. Japan has the highest dietary intake of iodine at 13 mg per day. Japan also has the lowest rates of goiter and breast cancer in the world. However, if a Japanese woman immigrates to the United States, and she follows a U.S. diet, consuming 150 mcg/day (the recommended daily allowance in the U.S. and the amount of molecular iodine - without any potassium iodide - that’s included in multivitamins), her risk of breast cancer increases substantially. Iceland also has high iodine intake and low goiter and breast cancer rates [1][16].Lugol’s iodine supplementation is essential for all Americans because bromine / bromide is ubiquitous in the United States, but for patients who live in the “Goiter Belt” in the United States, iodine is even more important. Patients can do an “Iodine Loading Test” to determine the extent of their iodine deficiency (see below for information on where to purchase the Iodine Loading Test), but it isn’t really necessary to do this test, which costs money and takes people’s time. Lugol’s is safe at doses up to 50 or even 100 mg per day. Excess iodine is simply released in the urine. The Iodine Loading Test can also help patients determine if they have problems absorbing iodine. Iodine absorption issues can lead to more pronounced deficiency issues [14][17].
Americans currently consume only 3% of the iodine that mainland Japanese residents consume each day. And the Japanese have a very low rate of cancer, particularly of the reproductive organs. You can’t overdose on iodine. If your body doesn’t use the iodine, it is simply excreted in the urine [16][17]. That being said, however, if you have hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, “autoimmune thyroiditis” or any other thyroid disease or disordered thyroid hormones, you need to begin the Lugol’s iodine protocol by taking ONLY THE SUPPORTIVE NUTRIENTS FOR 2 MONTHS. After 2 months of taking the supportive nutrients, you can then begin at the lowest dose of 1 drop per day of Lugol’s iodine 2%. Increase the dose by 1 drop every 3-4 days as long as your thyroid gland continues to absorb the iodine properly. Work with salt loading and salt flushing if you experience side effects.
How Iodine Therapy Is Administered
How iodine therapy is administered depends on the product that is being used for administration. The body needs both elemental iodine as well as potassium iodide. Note that the thyroid gland plays a role in heart rate and heart function and the potassium in potassium iodide plays a huge role in keeping the heart rhythm in sync with heart rate.Click here to read more about potassium.
The breast tissue needs iodine while the thyroid is only able to make use of iodide. Lugol’s iodine (which is sold at both a 2% and 5% concentration) contains both elemental iodine and potassium iodide. Iodoral is an iodine-product in pill form that also contains both iodine and iodide but Iodoral prices have skyrocketed over the past 5 years. Most experts recommend beginning iodine therapy by taking 12.5 mg of Lugol’s or Iodoral per day, but based on our experiences with health coaching clients, we recommend starting with 1 drop of Lugol’s iodine administered with the supportive nutrients, which is about 2.5 mg of iodine and iodide per day [18][17]. People who have any form of thyroid disease or disordered thyroid hormones, should take ONLY the supportive nutrients for 2 weeks to 2 months before beginning to dose with Lugol’s iodine. At 1 drop of Lugol’s iodine 2% every 3-4 days until you are taking 20 drops per day.
The Lugol’s iodine protocol can be administered at home topically or orally. Put it on your skin and let it soak into the bloodstream or put it in drinking water each day. It is best to take iodine supplements early in the day, before 2:00 PM to avoid evening wakefulness. Patients can also take Iodoral in pill-form, though this is extremely expensive at more than $1.00 per pill in the United States. When taking Lugol’s iodine orally, it should be taken with food [18].

Buy Lugol's Iodine 2% here.
The most important supporting nutrients are listed below. For a full discussion and a more comprehensive list of supportive nutrients along with data about about why each of these nutrients is essential for patients with iodine deficiency and reproductive organ cancers, click here:
- Vitamin C – 2000 to 5000 mgs/day – take this supplement 4 to 6 hours AFTER iodine
- Vitamin B17 / Amygdalin - Take 500 mg per day in capsule form. If capsules are unavailable, eat 4-5 apricot kernels hourly up to 40 kernels per day as a high-vitamin B17 alternative.
- Selenium – 200 to 400 mcg/day – (assists with detoxification and thyroid secretion)
- Unrefined salt / Celtic or Himalayan sea salt – ½ tsp/day in ½ c. water followed by 12 oz. of water – the salt binds to bromine and assists in detoxification
- Magnesium – 400 - 600 mg/day
- Vitamin B3 - 500 mg per day - This nutrient is also essential for those with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. It is also very beneficial for those without a known thyroid issues.
- Vitamin B2 - 400 mg per day - This nutrient dosage is absolutely essential for anyone with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. It can be extremely beneficial to those without thyroid problems.
- Zinc / Copper - 15 mg / 2 mg
- Optional – ATP Cofactors – 1 tablet 2 times per day OR Cod Liver Oil - 1 teaspoon twice daily
- Sea Water Supplement - 1 tsp. per 8 ounces of drinking water (add this to drinking water throughout the day)
- Vitamin K2 / MK-7- 200 mcg per day (note that without vitamin K2, the body will not be able to properly absorb iodine).
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Bromine Toxicity Symptoms
At the beginning of the iodine protocol, when iodine is taken in high doses, a number of negative effects can be observed as bromine / bromide leaves the body. These effects include:- Eyelid twitching
- Disturbance of color perception
- Foot twitching
- Tingling in the extremities
- Dark thoughts (e.g. “there is no reason to live”)
- Depression (e.g. “there is no reason to get out of bed”)
- Mood issues such as anxiety or mood swings
- Mouth and tongue sores and cuts, a sore mouth
- Dry mouth
- Metallic taste in the mouth
- Odd swallowing sensation (also known as “swollen glottis” in the old medical literature)
- Body odor
- Bromide acne which is coniform (the use of zinc can help counteract bromide acne)
- Skin “cuts”
- Hair loss
- Brain fog
- Leg and hip ache that resembles arthritis
- Rash (bromoderma)
- Sinus pain
- Runny nose
- Headache
- Cherry angiomas
- Sedation/lethargy
- Unusual urine odor or color
- Urethral spasm and frequent urination (may be mistaken for a urinary tract infection)
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Vision changes
- Irritability
- Increased salivation
- Dream changes
- Impaired memory/concentration
- Tremor
- Hormone changes
- Kidney pain
- Breast tenderness (this transient symptom typically resolves quickly) [1][17]
Other Important Information
Calcium supplementation interferes with the iodine protocol. There is a great deal of calcium in nearly every food we eat. It is rare for people to need a calcium supplement. On the other hand, taking excess calcium can lead to SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS if the patient is not also taking vitamin K2 / MK-7. If you do not know exactly why you’re taking a calcium supplement, or if you have calcium in a multi-vitamin, you need to stop taking that supplement immediately and begin taking vitamin K2 instead as a natural nutrient that promotes the movement of calcium to the bones and teeth for storage.Vitamin K2 deficiency, as such, can worsen the problem of iodine deficiency by making it impossible for the body to move calcium from the blood supply into the bones and teeth. Note that Big Pharma does regular vitamin D media campaigns to make sure that the general public takes massive doses of vitamin D, which in turn, causes the body to absorb calcium that then cannot move from the blood supply into the bones and teeth. Calcium lingering in the blood supply leads to heart disease, atherosclerosis, and osteoporosis.
Click here to learn about the harmful effects of supplementing with vitamin D without also supplementing with vitamin K2 / MK-7.
Click here to learn about how exposure to insecticides like organophosphates and bromides can cause serious health problems when a patient is deficient in both vitamin K2 and iodine.
The Iodine Loading Test
The Iodine Loading Test can be purchased at the web site below: the Hoxsey Treatment Center (aka Biomedical Center) and the Gerson Clinic include iodine therapy as part of their cancer protocol.
Intravenous therapy that combines phosphatidyl choline with intravenous curcumin is particularly toxic to breast cancer cells. The combination of intravenous phosphatidyl choline with intravenous curcumin is five times more effective at combating cancer than either treatment administered alone.
Salt Loading / Salt Flushing Protocol
[1] Farrow, L. & Brownstein, D. (2013). The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life. Devon Press.
[2] Kaczor, T. (2014). Iodine and Cancer: A summry of the evidence to date. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from
[3] Alaeea, M., Arisb, P., Sjodinc, A., Bergman, A. (2003). An overview of commercially used brominated flame retardants, their applications, their use patterns in different countries/regions and possible modes of release. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from
[4] Lyday, P. A. (2006). 2006 Minerals Yearbook: Bromine. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from
[5] Galanter, M., Kleber, H. D. (2008). The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment, 4th Ed.: American Psychiatric Publishing Inc.: United States.
[6] Horowitz, B. Z. (1997). Bromism from excessive cola consumption. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from
[7] Frances, C., Hoizey, G., Lamiable, D., Millart, H., Trenque, T. (2003). Bromism from daily over intake of bromide salt. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from
[8] Nishimura, M., Umeda, M., Ishizu, S., Sato, M. (1980). Cytotoxicity of methyl bromide: effect of methyl bromide on cultured mammalian cells. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from
[9] Armstrong, D. & Schep, L. (2009). Comparing bromism with methyl bromide toxicity. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from
[10] Dr. Axe (n.d.). 9 Ways to Boost Glutathione. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from
[11] Dach, J. (2018). Iodine Treats Breast Cancer, Overwhelming Evidence. Retrieved May 28, 2018 from
[12] Desjourdy, P. C. (2006). Research Calls for Use of Molecular Iodine to Treat Breast Cancer. Retrieved May 28, 2018 from
[13] Griffin, G. E. (1974). World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17, 3rd Ed. American Media.
[14] Farrow, L. (2007-2018). Iodine and the Breast. Retrieved May 28, 2018 from
[15] Abraham, G. E. (2018). The Safe and Effective Implementation of Orthoiodosupplementation In Medical Practice. Retrieved May 28, 2018 from
[16] Abraham, G. E. (2018). The Wolff-Chaikoff Effect: Crying Wolf? May 28, 2018 from
[17] HealingSolutionsHealth (2018). The Iodine Protocol. Retrieved May 28, 2018 from
[18] Lugol’s Iodine (2018). Iodine Supplementation Guide. Email communication.