Introduction to Parasites in Conventional Medicine: Big Pharma
I guarantee that once you understand how our medical industry works in the United States, you’ll never blindly trust your doctor again. If you want to fully understand why the U.S. has the worst healthcare system in the developed world, I recommend that you read just one book that contains the most comprehensive discussion of the healthcare problems in the U.S. and the politics that keep them from changing: World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin. But below is a story about my own experiences with the medical system: Let me begin this story by talking about my university days as a pre-med student back in the 1990’s when HMO’s were a hot topic and we were all worried about socialized healthcare. To build my resume and increase my chances of getting into med school, I decided to work as a teacher’s assistant for Human Anatomy at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. I worked under Dr. Woodman with about 10 other students dissecting cadavers and teaching the lab portion of the class two times each week. It was a challenging class and a lot of students struggled through it. There were two students in my lab section that did particularly well. There was one student who couldn’t even spell the word “arm”. All three of these students applied to medical schools around the same time. Guess which student got in?You guessed it…my “D” student who knew someone who knew someone at Creighton University.
And guess which students were rejected – the two A students who were intelligent, driven, and compassionate individuals with a real passion for medicine.
The day that I heard this news about which student got into med school, I had a crisis. I didn’t “know” anyone who knew anyone. I wasn’t good at schmoozing. I’d been under the impression that good grades and demonstrable enthusiasm for medicine would get me “in”. This news about my D student was the straw that broke the camels back, so-to-speak. I was doing well in terms of my grades and I understood the material being taught in my classes, but something told me that it was time to go a new direction. I dropped back to half-time studies and started a band. I decided that I couldn’t do this whole “medicine thing” anymore.
A few years later, I got married. A few years after that, I had a kid. The problem of doctors and medicine became more important once I had a family. I wondered, Are all doctors the stupidest ones out of a batch of promising undergrad students? Are they all just “people who knew people who knew people”? I’d watched doctors do so many stupid things over the years. One doctor poked a “cyst” in my mom’s face with a needle thinking it was a pimple (it was actually a tumor that was, luckily, benign). I’d been personally diagnosed with fibromyalgia and a disease called Reiter’s syndrome (I had had neither, in the end–or rather, I cured these diseases through natural treatments). My husband had been diagnosed with IBS and he was prescribed anti-depressants for it (he declined the offer, and we changed his diet instead with excellent results). My daughter was diagnosed with asthma and given steroids that we never used (she didn't have asthma... ten years later she's still "asthma-free"). Rather, we cured her “asthma” with Lugol’s iodine treatments. I've been given birth control pills to control a menstrual irregularity problem that actually had to do with parasites (I never took the pills). My mother was once bleeding to death via her digestive system and had to wait 36 hours without food just to have a doctor look at her (though I stood out in the hall yelling that I would sue if someone didn't come to see her soon). Like so many other Americans, II have many horror stories! When we first met, John had been taking loratadine (Claritin) for years to "treat" allergies. But over time, Claritin can cause chronic high blood pressure (even after you stop taking the medication) and it can also cause Erectile Dysfunction (ED). His doctor never told him that, but thankfully, we ditched the Claritin early in our coupledom and went to an acupuncturist instead for allergies (once again, we had excellent results). We did ONE visit to an acupuncturist for allergies and his symptoms were relieved using the NAET system and they stayed gone for the entire year (he had to go back each year to be needled for about 3 years in a row before the allergies left permanently--as I update this story in 2020, I can hardly believe he ever even suffered from allergies).

I’ve learned to steer clear of “doctors” and medical clinics unless 1) I’m injured and I need stitches or surgery 2) I already know what’s wrong with me (or my family) and I know exactly how I want the problem to be treated using conventional medicine or 3) I have no other option AT ALL. I’ve received so many bleak prognoses for myself even though I’m a remarkably healthy person. I jog 25 miles a week. I spend several hours each week doing yoga. I’m strong. I’m flexible. I’m a health-conscious eater. I have normal blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. And yet, despite this, I know that if I go to my doctor with symptoms of something that is not really obvious, they’ll give me a bleak forecast for the future (they always mention cancer, for example..the Cadillac Disease of our time). Why is that?
Well, for starters, western doctors are not trained to heal patients. It’s a common myth that medical school is a noble pursuit. A variety of television programs like ER or Gray’s Anatomy help instill the belief that doctors are schooled in cures for disease. And it isn't hard for people to believe in doctors like they're gods because thousands of years ago, we trusted in our shaman as the doctor (as well as the spiritual leader) of our tribe. And the shaman was special in some way (usually shaman were chosen because they had some physical deformity or an ailment like epilepsy that was viewed as a source of inspiration, rather than as a weakness). The shaman not only had contact with The Other Side and Higher Powers, but they also cared for the members of the tribe. And we expect for today's doctors to care for us in the same way that a shaman would. But the reality is, doctors are trained to do what they’re told by insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry. Drugs and surgical procedures are for sale at the doctor’s office. In fact, in the United States, you can’t get ahold of pharmaceuticals or surgery without going to a western doctor. Doctors dispense these tools to patients and it never occurs to most people that there could be something other than a pill or a surgical procedure to fix what ails them. The U.S. is, without a doubt, the most difficult place in the world to be sick or injured. I speak from experience, having traveled to over 50 countries of the world. Currently, I'm living full-time in Myanmar and I find it to be much easier to go to the western-trained doctor here than it is to go to wester doctor in the United States. The doctor here is definitely more skilled and less prone to advise me to undertake an unnecessary treatment or diagnostic test than any of the doctors I've worked with in the U.S.

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Pharmaceutical companies are at the top of the medical food chain in developed countries. And Big Pharma is a shady business. Reps are carefully chosen to represent drug companies to doctors. If your doctor favors a blonde, busty female, the pharmaceutical companies will send in a girl with these characteristics to sell things like arthritis medication. And the blonde, busty female will take special perks and bling with her to get your doctor excited about arthritis – to get your doctor excited about selling arthritis pills. If he sells enough arthritis pills, he’ll be able to get other special gifts from the busty blonde. Do you think your doctor is above this sort of thing? Take a moment to really consider how far this kind of corruption could go and how hard it would be to try to practice medicine as a doctor without falling prey to it. Now think again. Do you really think your doctor is above this sort of thing?(HINT: Take a look around the doctor's office at the clock on the wall, the pens on the counter...literally everything there likely came from a Pharmaceutical representative peddling the latest and greatest prescriptions. The clock and the pen remind your doctor to offer those diagnoses to you along with the advertised prescription medications for "treatment".)
And Big Pharma is like a fuzzy bunny rabbit in comparison with the Medical Device Industry which is basically the industry behind the sale of surgery. For example, if you've never heard of Essure, the contraceptive device that's all the rage right now, count yourself lucky! Anyone who is considering having the Essure coils put in should visit the Essure problems Facebook page first and watch the documentary The Bleeding Edge. Another spectacular example the Medical Devices Industry has to do with hernia mesh, a surgical tool that ruins people's lives and costs them tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you think you have a parasite infection and you're upset that your doctor hasn't embraced the idea and written out a prescription treatment for parasites for you, just count yourself lucky that you don't have a hernia or that you haven't just walked out of the hospital with Essure coils for contraception. As I see it, if you're lucky enough to end up with an infection of some kind like parasites that sends you down this rabbit hole that you're embarking on right now as you read this article, and you haven't already bought into Big Pharma or the Medical Device Industry in a way that has caused you or a loved one permanent damage, your parasite infection may very well be a blessing in disguise...
The first thing you need to do is not freak out about parasites! I know it can be hard to stay cool about parasites especially if there's itching, exhaustion, nausea, and other major issues happening to your body right now, but your first step with parasites is to become an expert on your disease. If you cannot personally become an expert on the disease, ask someone who loves you (a friend or relative perhaps?) to become the expert. Curing parasites takes time because parasites reproduce in cycles, which is different than how bacteria and viruses reproduce. The cyclical nature of how parasites reproduce makes them somewhat immune to certain types of treatment for a periods of time that recur cyclically. The period of time varies depending on the parasite and how long their lifecycle is.
Doctors sell illness and then they treat the illness with…you guessed it! DRUGS! I mean, surgery is a similar issue. For example, most people don’t need back surgery. Lower back issues are common (did I mention that some lower back pains are a symptom of parasite infection?) and studies have shown definitively that most lower back pain will resolve itself within 8 weeks. So why do doctors still recommend surgery on the lower back? It’s because doctors make more money by doing the surgery than by recommending that you take yoga classes or do a parasite cleanse.
It’s easy for doctors to sell an illness, any illness to trusting patients. We’re socialized to really trust our doctors. Again, think of the television programs that teach us how to think about doctors. Think of all the pharmaceutical ads on TV that recommend that we should “ask our doctors” about whatever troubles us. And think about how convincing your doctor is and probably how convinced he or she is about whatever he/she is selling to you. I have to go back to my undergrad days and pose the question one more time: Is it possible that your doctor was not the smartest in his or her class, but instead the student least likely to think outside of the box? Is it possible that your doctor was the stupidest kid in class? (Not all doctors are stupid, by the way--this is just a hypothetical exercise.) Was he/she the one who was least likely to argue with the professor (and the Big Pharma-sanctioned curriculum) and win? I can’t tell you exactly why the medical industry has actively avoided diagnosing parasites. I’m extrapolating from personal experience and research I’ve done on other medical issues for clients to formulate a theory about it, but here it is: Parasites cause IBS symptoms or fibromyalgia symptoms. They cause headaches, reproductive issues and menstrual problems, back problems, allergies, and food sensitivities. Often, a severe, untreated infection with parasites will lead to cancer. Imagine how much money pharmaceutical companies make every year by selling people drugs to treat the symptoms that parasites cause. And how much they make on the people who end up with cancer? I mean, just imagine how many over-the-counter drugs are purchased to deal with headaches or prescription medications for headaches that are actually die-off reactions from parasites? It’s a gold mine for the medical industry. There are plenty of parasites like hookworms, pinworms, and roundworms and more that won’t kill a person right away. These worms just slowly erode away at a person’s health and well-being. If you go to a doctor to treat the symptoms associated with this type of parasitic infection, you’ll likely end up on the drug treadmill treating an “incurable, untreatable” illness. You may even get a super-gloomy diagnosis like diabetes or lupus.
But many people still prefer to go to the doctor even though they know their doctor has hurt other people because going to the doctor is easy. And I’m not saying that people are lazy, but just that it’s hard to learn what you need to know about health in order to treat yourself, especially if you’re sick already. A lot of people don’t trust themselves as much as they trust their doctors because the doctor is the one with the Big Fat Education. But I know a lot of educated people who lack intuition, empathy, and ethics, don’t you? No amount of education can make up for these things. I trust my acupuncturist and my Rolfer because the treatments they’re offering me are unlikely to cause me harm, but I would never trust my doctor without double-checking the information he gives me.
I’ve read stories written by a lot of angry people whose children were ill because of parasites. I’ve read about people who suffered needlessly for decades because of parasites. These people were angry because their doctors told them that parasites couldn’t be causing their problems. And sadly, the people believed their doctors unconditionally. I mean, people WANT to believe their doctors. They want for their doctors to be what those television dramas make them out to be. But they’re not. Doctors are Sales People. They are people who are especially knowledgeable about healthcare products like drugs and surgeries and they have a license to sell these products to you. So you can be angry with your doctor for not diagnosing your actual problem, but it isn’t your doctor’s fault. It’s a much bigger problem than that. We live in a culture defined by consumerism and as part of the culture, people “consume” healthcare as though it were a product to be bought and sold. But unfortunately, what sells is illness, not good health. You can only sell good health to someone who doesn’t already have it. At the bottom of it all, this is where the problem with our healthcare system lies: The only way for the healthcare system to make a profit is to make people sick and then sell them products that don’t quite make them completely healthy again.
If you’re angry, then take action. Boycott the healthcare industry by becoming healthy! Don’t eat fast food. Avoid sugar and dairy products as well as red meats and pork. Find a good acupuncturist, an herbalist, and a chiropractor or a Rolfer. Take vitamin B17, pancreatic enzymes, and iodine supplements. Use alternative medicine, but expect to visit a few kooks before you find someone you can work with. And if you get sick enough to use western medicine, at least try to understand what’s going on with your body and the possible diagnoses for yourself before you go to a doctor. And if you’re reading this because you’ve recently realized that you or someone you love has a serious health problem that may be caused by parasites, start taking the appropriate herbs or over-the-counter medications (pyrantel pamoate is a good choice) and in a few days or maybe weeks, you/they will start to feel better.
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UPDATE 2020: Please take the time to read the information about iodine for breast and reproductive cancers as well as the information about vitamin B17/amygdalin/laetrile. Vitamin B17 , pancreatic enzymes, and iodine are nutrients that parasite sufferers can benefit from in terms of enhancing their general health and well-being as they treat themselves for parasites at the same time. I have not yet had time to write on about iodine and vitamin B17 as they related specifically to parasites so I'm leaving this note to simply encourage people to read these links even though they're written for cancer patients.