Introduction to At-Home Antiparasitic Treatment
There are a number of at-home parasite treatment options available for people who think they may have parasites. When my family and I first realized that we might have parasites, we took herbs. No regrets on this because a "heavy worm load" can sometimes cause an impaction in the intestines if you kill too many parasites all at once. The herbal treatments offered slow and steady progress, but when I say slow I mean SLOW. After using herbs for about 2 months to work on our infection, we decided to order Pyrantel Pamoate, a drug we were able to get online easily.
Click here to buy Pyrantel Pamoate as an at home treatment for parasites in humans.
Pyrantel Pamoate for Parasites in Humans The pyrantel pamoate worked much more quickly, but we would have die-off symptoms for about 5 days during each treatment. We always took 3 doses (there's a dosing guide on the bottle) over the course of 3 consecutive days because we suspected that we had a hookworm infection and the hookworms will only die after 3 doses over 3 consecutive days. Each month, the die-off symptoms got less and less and we felt better and better. It took about a year of doing monthly treatments before we felt like we'd totally gotten over the problem.Albendazole or Mebendazole for Parasites in Humans In addition to using pyrantel pamoate, we would use Albendazole on alternating months. We actually took a sheep/goat medication called Valbazen. Like the pyrantel pamoate, we took a dose of the Valbazen for 3 consecutive days once a month. Valbazen produced a different die-off experience, but often, we would feel sick-ish for 4 to 5 days after taking it. Valbazen isn't as tasty as the pyrantel so it is not as kid-friendly. In Mexico, where we currently live, Mebendazole is available over-the-counter and it sits right next to the aspirin. Mebendazole is a drug in the same family as Albendazole. There's a pink, chewable kids' tablet as well as adult tablets called Vermox here. The anti-parasitics are sold over-the-counter here because people regularly deworm themselves in other places outside of the United States.
UPDATE 2024: I haven't given a second thought to parasites for many years at the time of this update. Since I wrote this article, I've relocated to Mexico and I lived with 9 parasite-infested baby kittens in a 300 square foot cabin for 6 months. I spent part of this time in Myanmar, a third world country living in a cement shack. And I've done a lot of gardening. So how is it that I could be parasite-free and unconcerned about parasite infection? Mostly, I credit Lugol's iodine as well as vitamin B17 (which is part of the Lugol's iodine protocol that you can read about at this link), two nutrients that have been systematically removed from the food supply. An iodine or vitamin B17 nutrient deficiency can predispose people to developing parasite infections as well as cancer and autoimmune disease. Click here to read more about how these nutrients have been removed from the food supply and why you should tune into this problem if you're looking for a cure for parasite infection .

Click here to buy Lugol's Iodine.
Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) for Parasite Infection: Since that time I've learned about some other things that would work to treat a parasite infection. Jim Humble's Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) kills parasites by oxidizing them. MMS (also known as Chlorine Dioxide or CDS and scandalized on the web as a form of "bleach". It's actually a water purifier) works on a lot of different pathogenic organisms, but you have to learn a little bit about MMS before you use it. I would recommend downloading a book and learning about the MMS Protocols to decide how to use it for your particular situation. MMS has been used to cure cancer, herpes (both genital herpes and herpes simplex) as well as HIV/AIDs. It works at the molecular level against organisms that have an acidic nature (our healthy human cells are alkaline) which is why it's effect against a variety of pathogens and a variety of diseases. But again, to use MMS properly, you have to learn about it and FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. This medication is extremely safe, but it doesn't work like antibiotics or other drugs that most people are familiar with. It will make you feel worse before you feel better which is confusing and can cause people to decide to stop the treatment right when it's doing the most good.Often, MMS / CDS is used with Dimethylsulfoxide (also known as DMSO) to treat parasites. DMSO is an over-the-counter medicine that's FDA approved and non-toxic. It can do amazing things including regenerating nerves and curing infections that have been deemed incurable.
People often combine the use of Chlorine Dioxide Solution with Dimethylsulfoxide and a special diet to treat parasites naturally at home.

Click here to buy our Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Dimethylsulfoxide Book Bundle.
Click here to sign up for the CDS Protocols App!
Herbs for a Parasite Infection: When we first discovered that we had a parasite infection, we wanted to get rid of parasites as quickly as possible for two reasons 1) we felt truly awful and 2) it’s gross. As soon as we realized what was making us sick, we started treating our infection using the following herbal formula:
NOTE: NEVER TAKE WORMWOOD (OR ANY ARTEMISIA PLANT) IF YOU'RE PREGNANT OR TRYING TO CONCEIVE!!! We used this herbal formula for about 2 months, slowly increasing the dose every two to three days. Be aware that in super-high doses, Wormwood can be toxic.
- Gaia Microbiome Cleanse
- Gaia Wormood and Black Walnut – 20 drops 4 times/day
- Black Walnut Tincture - 0.70 mL (or approximately 7/10th of a dropperful) 4 times per day
- HawaiiPharm Clove 0.40 mL (or 4/10th of a dropperful) 4 times per day
- Wormwood –capsules 4 times per day
- Artemisinin-- one additional dose right before bed
- NOW L-Ornithine Take 3 - 500 mg capsules taken with the final dose of 20 drops of Wormwood taken right before bed. The Ornithine helps you sleep by diminishing the effects of die-off reactions.
We purchased the above items at Vitamin Cottage and Whole Foods, but you can also order them online at Amazon or eVitamins. We had to go to three different stores to get enough to last us for three weeks because their stock was low every place we went (apparently, other people were doing cleanses too). We didn’t eat anything for at least 30 minutes before taking this formula or for 30 minutes after, which wasn’t a problem because we weren’t hungry although sometimes my 15 year old daughter did complain about hunger pains. We occasionally broke the 30 minute rule. It isn't necessary to hold fast to it, if it isn't possible to take the formula without eating at the same time.

Click here to buy Gaia Microbiome Cleanse.
For the first four days, this formula was what we took and all of us noticed changes immediately, but we still felt awful, relatively speaking. On the first night, right after taking our first few doses of the stuff, I could feel squiggling in my arms under my skin. My intestines would “quiver”. Changes were slow and incremental. Each day we felt just slightly better. Or, one day we would notice that we felt A LOT better, but then the next day, we’d feel a little worse. This was frustrating to say the least. The process is not like getting over the flu or a cold. There's a cycle that we went through symptomatically that probably matched the lifecycle of the worms we were killing.I ordered a product called Humaworm from as well as Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth from Amazon (be SURE you buy Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, not the stuff used to clean swimming pools!). It took a few days for these products to arrive so we continued with our original treatment strategy.

Click here to buy food grade Diatomaceous Earth.
Sometime during the first four days after starting our treatment, we were all standing in the kitchen trying to communicate. All of us kept garbling up our sentences. It was funny and we laughed at ourselves, but later, after I sat down and caught my breath (standing was difficult sometimes), I thought about how abnormal it was to not be able to form normal sentences. It occurred to me that the only other time I’d ever experienced anything like that was when our family went to Lake Titicaca in Peru and we stayed in a hotel at an altitude above 14,000 feet. At high altitude, we’d had horrible headaches, we were clumsy, and we couldn’t form the right words to make intelligible sentences.
Click here to buy Artemisinin.
At first, it didn’t make sense that we’d be behaving as though we were at high altitude unless we weren’t getting enough oxygen to the brain. I looked up anemia and sure enough, we had many of the symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency. So my husband and I made a “cheese dip” (we don’t eat dairy products so it was vegan) out of brewer’s yeast which is high in B12 (2022 Update - We learned later that this is a myth about brewer's yeast; it does not contain vitamin B12. It's more probable that the supplements and animal products that we started eating were what actually helped). Then, I ordered some B12 supplements from Amazon. Getting enough B12 made a HUGE difference for us. Our headaches went away and so did our foggy thinking. About three days after starting the B12 intensive therapy (we took LOTS of B12 and we ate foods that are rich in B12, like meats and eggs) I started to be able to think clearly again. One night, I remembered that I’d left my eyeglasses on the sink in the bathroom as I walking back to the bed. The memory of something simple like that was so amazing it made me stop and take heed of my progress and recovery. I hadn’t remembered a small detail like that for at least three weeks before starting the treatment. Read more about vitamin B12 deficiency at this link.My husband weighs about 60 pounds more than I do and I realized within about a week that he needed a larger dose of the formula I presented above. I started giving him 1.5x’s the dose and it seemed to help. I was worried about the toxicity of wormwood and I didn’t want any of us to take too much. An overdose of wormwood can cause convulsions and death. It’s not an herb to be trifled with.
On the fifth day of our treatment, I added Diatomaceous Earth to our regime in the following way: MORNING: Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth -- 1 tablespoon with water in the morning (do NOT accidentally inhale it) Bentonite Clay (brand name) drink 1 teaspoon stirred thoroughly into water (it helps to absorb toxins produced during die-off)
EVENING: Diatomaceous Earth --1 tablespoon with water in the evening (do NOT accidentally inhale it) Bentonite Clay drink 1 teaspoon stirred thoroughly into water (it helps to absorb toxins produced during die-off)
Apparently, Diatomaceous Earth could work by itself, but it must be taken religiously without missing a single dose for at least 60 to 90 days. I’ve read that Diatomaceous Earth contains heavy metals, but I don’t know this myself for a fact and from what I’ve read, the heavy metals are chemically inert and pass directly through the body without issue because they’re bound to selenium. It’s difficult to verify any of this information, but what I can tell you honestly is that when we started taking it, it did seem to help. And further, I was able to get my parents to give it try even though they’re taking a variety of blood pressure and cholesterol medications. Diatomaceous Earth doesn’t chemically react with anything inside the body. It just desiccates the parasites (apparently); they die and then they’re flushed out of the body so it's a good choice for people on prescription meds or pregnant women.

Click here to buy L-Ornithine.
One of the reasons why I wasn’t completely sold on Diatomaceous Earth as the sole treatment was because I wasn’t sure if it would rid the body of parasites in the bladder or parasites in the uterus and fallopian tubes. As someone who has suffered with cystitis over the years, I was anxious to treat bladder parasites (Who knew? My bladder IS bigger than an almond!) And since I’d had a lot of menstrual problems, getting my reproductive organs back in working order was definitely a priority (IMMEDIATELY my periods went back to normal…THANK YOU WORMWOOD!)Two weeks into our cleanse, my husband and I were able to start jogging again and we didn’t come back home feeling exhausted. But we also started slowly with 1 to 2 miles at a time. I would imagine that everyone takes a different path to healing and you shouldn’t be discouraged if you don’t have the energy to go jogging 2 weeks into a cleanse. Most important was that we felt BETTER than when we started even though some days we’d still feel “awful” by our normal standards.
We started taking MaryRuth’s Multivitamin formula and MaryRuth’s Mineral formula as soon as it arrived since it was clear that the parasites had been draining nutrients out of our bodies. We stopped eating ALL REFINED SUGAR. We sweetened our foods with stevia instead of agave nectar (what we usually used). Since parasites love sugars, we reasoned that less sugar would make our bodies less habitable. When we snacked, we ate a mixture of tahini, pumpkin seed butter, and Kolat raw almond butter. The tahini and pumpkin seed butter is aversive to parasites and the raw almond butter was high in B12 (2022 Update - Again... this is not a true source of vitamin B12. You can only get vitamin B12 from animal-based foods. The other information IS correct, though, about almond butter) and it helps the body metabolize toxins. My daughter complained a little about the lack of sugar in our diets, but we asked her which she’d rather have: sugar and worms, or stevia and a clear colon. She opted for the clear colon.
Click here to buy MaryRuth's Multivitamin formula.
My husband started having pain in his upper back sometime around the second week. It was especially painful after he ate and eventually we realized that it was probably referred pain from his gallbladder. I had similar pains but not until the end of the second week, approaching the third week. Sometimes ibuprofen would lessen the pain, but cramp bark or valerian root worked better because they made the gallbladder stop spasming. We made sure to avoid fried foods to keep upper back pain to a minimum.
Click here to buy MaryRuth's Mineral formula.
This past week, after the Humaworm arrived, I started creating stronger doses of our formula.I read a story online about a woman who gave herself megadoses of wormwood as a “quick cleanse” but this seems a little risky. The lethal dose, according to my Medical Herbalism reference book is 10 mL. As one gets close to the lethal dose, the likelihood of problems like seizures and convulsions become a reality. Right now, our family it probably taking about 1.5-2.0 mL of wormwood each day and we're definitely feeling better with each day that passes. If you plan to take wormwood for weeks or months, keep in mind that it can build up in the body over time.
Click here to buy Bentonite Clay.
This is our week 2 to week 3 formula:Morning (upon waking):
Gaia (brand name) Wormwood and Black Walnut Supreme – 20 drops Black Walnut 1.5 mL Clove 0.80 mL Wormwood – 20 drops
2 Humaworm capsules 2 Arginine capsules 1 Tablespoon of Diatomaceous Earth Bentonite Clay 1 teaspoon (it helps absorb some of the toxins produced during die-off)
Mary Ruth’s Organic Liquid Multi-Vitamin — 2 Tablespoons
Morning (30 minutes before lunch):
Wormwood and Black Walnut Supreme – 20 drops Black Walnut 1.5 mL Clove 0.80 mL Wormwood – 20 drops
2 Arginine capsules
Afternoon (around 2:00 or 3:00 PM):
Wormwood and Black Walnut Supreme – 20 drops Black Walnut 1.5 mL Clove 0.80 mL Wormwood – 20 drops
HawaiiPharm Grapefruit Seed Extract – 15 drops (It helps detoxify your liver!)
2 Arginine capsules
Evening (30 minutes before dinner):
Wormwood and Black Walnut Supreme – 20 drops Black Walnut 1.5 mL Clove 0.80 mL Wormwood – 20 drops
2 Arginine capsules
Wormwood and Black Walnut Supreme – 20 drops Black Walnut 1.5 mL Clove 0.80 mL Wormwood – 20 drops
2 Humaworm capsules 2 Arginine capsules 1 Tablespoon of Diatomaceous Earth Bentonite Clay 1 teaspoon (it helps absorb some of the toxins produced during die-off)
Gaia (brand name) Milk Thistle – 3 Capsules (for liver cleansing) Mary Ruth’s Organic Liquid Multi-Mineral – 2 Tablespoons
As we approach our third week of doing this treatment we’re still not completely healed but we’re much closer to it. I can wake up easily at a very respectable time of day without feeling like I might die. I’m sleeping much better now although I still have occasional bouts of insomnia. My sleeping patterns are quite a bit different now. I’ve awakened at 3:00 AM every morning for the past decade to lay awake in bed “worrying”. For the past week or so, I haven’t done that and I’ve enjoyed it. My night sweats stopped too. In fact, those stopped almost immediately after we started treating ourselves.
I’ve noticed that we all feel “cold” sometimes during the day. Our fingers will turn icy no matter what the ambient temperatures are. When this happens it seems to help to go for a walk and get our blood moving. I’m not sure why this is the case, but breaking a sweat seems to help the detox reaction pass. Logically, it seems like breaking a sweat and working out would make things worse, but as long as we don’t overdo it, the opposite has actually been true.
In a lot of forums that I’ve read, people are angered by the fact that their doctors don’t mention the possibility of a parasitic infection to them since diseases like lupus or arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, bipolar disorder, Crohn’s disease, and IBS (just to name a few) could actually be caused by an infestation of parasites. As a medical writer, I’ve been lucky enough to get paid to research pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry which has given me insight into this strange problem. But I’ll talk about that more in my next article, Why Your Doctor Never Told You about Parasites.

Click here to buy The Iodine Bible.