Discovering the Real Causes of Cancer...
pH therapies in particular can be used to treat Candida albicans infections as well as other health conditions that may coexist with or complicate cancer. The coexistence of Candida albicans with cancer is ubiquitous for good reason and many scientists regard fungal infections and cancer as the same disease because they are the same disease. How is that possible? The answer is complicated. It requires that the reader think about both cancer and Candida using an entirely different model of medicine and disease, which we'll discuss below.

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Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory and Somatids
Most of the people today who live in developed countries of the world ascribe to the Germ Theory of Disease: the idea that specific germs cause specific symptoms and infectious disease states. We also believe in the idea of degenerative diseases: diseases that involve premature degeneration of the body without known causal agents. In conventional medicine, degenerative diseases are treated using drugs that cover up the symptoms like a band-aid (often causing other unpleasant symptoms of disease known as “side effects”). But over 100 years ago, scientists discovered causal agents for degenerative disease; in other words, degenerative diseases like cancer and autoimmune disease weren’t viewed as random malfunctions of the body, but rather as health problems with a root cause, such as a pathogen or toxin (read more about the pathogenic origins of autoimmune disease in this article).While Louis Pasteur was becoming known for his Germ Theory of Disease another man named Antoine Bechamp set forth a different theory: that disease is not caused by germs, but that germs are always present when the body is diseased. In other words, Pasteur believed germs were the sole cause of disease. Bechamp believed that disease was the sole cause of germs (or at least their presence in the human body).
Ascribing to a new theory about germs and disease is a big task that requires an open mind. What we believe to be true about health and disease is basic to our worldview, and although challenging one’s own worldview while battling a major disease can be difficult, it can also be rewarding on many levels. It’s a worthy challenge, especially if it leads to better health and a sense of confidence about how to care for oneself after the cancer (or other major disease) goes away.

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In conventional medicine, only a few types of cancer have been ascribed to infection. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is an excellent example of an infectious organism that’s been blamed for the development of cervical cancer. Patients willingly go to get vaccinated against HPV to avoid developing cervical cancer later in life (read more about the risks of HPV vaccination here). But yet, conventional medicine still readily denies that other types of cancer are caused by microorganisms. The idea of such a thing approaches heresy in the conventional medical model, and many patients find the concept of cancer-as-an-infection to be challenging. If this is true, can you catch cancer from another person? Is there an antibiotic or some other type of pill that you could take, then, to get rid of it if it’s just an infection?
These are good questions. Logical questions. But the line of seemingly “heretical” thinking doesn’t stop at infection. For scientists and cancer doctors working outside of conventional medicine, the theory about what causes cancer (and disease in general) goes one step further beyond Bechamp’s model of disease…

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The Somatidian Theory of Cancer was originally developed over a century ago by several different doctors working in different countries, during different eras, who all observed the same phenomenon. Dr. P. W. Von Brehmer identified a tiny microorganism in blood that he named Siphonospora polymorpha. This microorganism had the ability to change shape depending on the pH of the blood. Dr. Brehmer identified 42 different shapes that S. polymorpha could take. In fact, Antoine Bechamp also observed these microorganisms and called them microzymas. Later, after World War II, Dr. Gaston Naesson observed the same pleomorphic/shape-shifting organisms and called them somatids. Dr. Royal Rife developed a machine called the Rife Machine to combat a large array of microscopic, pathogenic organisms (many of them unnamed) and the diseases they caused using only vibrational frequencies. His treatments were so successful that the machine was exiled from the United States. Dr. Livingston-Wheeler also observed these same microorganisms, but didn’t realize it at the time. She did however note that cancer seemed to be related in some way to tuberculosis, leprosy, and scleroderma. Her ideas were rejected by the newly emerging Cancer Industry and she was never able to follow her research far enough to discover somatids, even though she was successful at developing a cancer cure using immunotherapy. Finally, Dr. Isaac Goiz, a Mexican doctor, discovered something he called the biomagnetic “pair”. He observed the behavior of blood cells and noted that they became “stacked” when a patient was sick. His contribution to the Somatidian Theory had to do with the fact that one microorganism often facilitates and supports the presence of a different organism with an electrically opposite charge. It is only by reversing the electrical charge of both of these organisms that health can be restored.
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There is a great deal of support for Somatidian Theory, but accepting this new view of cancer and disease, while it has a lot of potential to help people heal from major diseases, also challenges the very basics of biology as a science, at least according to what most readers will be familiar with. For example, biology textbooks today teach students that the cell is the basic unit of life. But since somatids can morph into a variety of different structures some benign (like red blood cells), some malignant (like Candida or cancer), and since their presence is ubiquitous in all living things from vegetables to elephants to humans, scientists who are studying these tiny microorganisms believe that they are actually the basic unit of life. Not only that, but these scientists say that somatids translate energy into matter. If this is true, somatids also challenge or expand on physics and chemistry.
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Cancer patients who encounter this information about somatids may feel relieved by it or completely repulsed and overwhelmed by it. Those scientists and doctors who ascribe to the Somatidian Theory tend to be passionate about it because it provides a framework for developing treatment strategies that actually work to cure incurable diseases like cancer – diseases that conventional medicine can’t explain or treat. But for readers who have never heard of such a thing as somatids and shape-changing microorganisms that can cause cancer and a variety of other diseases like diabetes or cardiovascular disease, Somatidian Theory can be so overwhelming as to make patients feel like giving up rather than trying to understand it.
How most of the treatments in this series work can be explained using Somatidian Theory, but most of the treatments can also still be explained using Germ Theory (though the Germ Theory explanations have some blind spots and they lack the elegance and simplicity of Somatidian Theory). Germ Theory and Somatidian Theory are not mutually exclusive concepts, after all. There’s overlap between the two. But rather than overwhelm readers at every turn with Somatidian Theory, we’ve decided to stick to the traditional Germ Theory and other theories that are more widely accepted to discuss the cancer treatments unless it’s necessary to talk about Somatidian Theory in order to fully understand certain concepts or treatments.