Introduction to pH Therapy as a Cure for Cancer and Other Diseases: How It Works
The pH therapies can be used along with an anticancer diet that advocates for low or no animal proteins since animal proteins substantially increase the acidity of the body (always take a vitamin B12 supplement if you are not eating animal proteins). All of the anticancer diets require strict avoidance of all refined sugars which also increase the acidity of the body. (NOTE: Following an anti-cancer diet is good for people who suffer from any chronic disease.) By following an anticancer diet such as the Binzel Diet or the China Study Diet, patients can increase their pH (to become more alkaline) and stabilize their pH to make their bodies uninhabitable by cancer cells. Understanding pH therapies in general can help you make sense of how and why a number of the natural cancer cures work. Even Biomagnetism and other vibrational therapies make use of pH changes to cure cancer and other diseases; pH, after all, plays a role in the electricity of the body’s cells and tissues and general health and well-being.NOTE: Baking soda therapy is a safe pH cancer treatment during pregnancy. Not all of the pH therapies are safe for use during pregnancy, but baking soda therapy is. Indeed, baking soda therapy can also be used to support the kidneys, some of the most important organs that support and maintain a healthy pregnancy. If you're looking for a natural way to overcome cancer during pregnancy, please click here to learn more about the Lugol's Iodine Protocol. For more information about natural cancer treatment during pregnancy, click here to read about Trifolium pratense, an herbal remedy for cancer during pregnancy that contains high levels of vitamin B17.
Also note that baking soda therapy is also a safe, natural treatment for childhood cancer. Please also see the Lugol's Iodine Protocol as a form of nutritional support for child with cancer. Also read about Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Dimethyl Sulfoxide as a safe, at home treatment for childhood cancer and Hematoxylin and Dimethyl Sulfoxide as yet another powerful herbal remedy for childhood cancer.
Individuals who are looking for an at home treatment for stage 4 cancer or any type of terminal cancer should begin by working with the Lugol's iodine Protocol as well as the baking soda protocol to make progress quickly at treating cancer.

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The pH (power of Hydrogen) scale is used to measure the alkalinity and acidity of a water-based solution. Solutions that don’t contain water can’t be measured on the pH scale. You can’t, for example, measure the pH of vegetable oil because vegetable oil doesn’t contain water. The human body, of course, is made up of 70% water and all of the chemical reactions in the body take place in water. The liquid part of blood, the plasma, is made up of 92% water. The brain and heart are made up of about 73% water. So pH levels are extremely relevant to human health. The pH of water determines how many nutrients can be dissolved in the water and it also determines the degree to which heavy metals are soluble. Heavy metals, for example, tend to be more toxic in a lower pH (acidic) environment because they’re more soluble.
The normal pH of a cell is 7.4 (which is slightly alkaline). The normal pH of blood is between 7.35 and 7.45 (also slightly alkaline). The only cells that have an acidic pH between 6.5 and 5.5 are cancer cells and pathogens (infectious organisms). Only cancer cells have this acidic pH because the acidity of their internal environment melts the DNA in the nucleus of the cell, which is the cell’s control center. The DNA tells the cell when to stop reproducing and when to die. When a cell loses its control center, it reproduction continues unabated, which leads to the development of a tumor and an acidic pH.
The acidic pH of cancer cells was discovered in the 1920’s by Otto Heinrich Warburg, a German physiologist and medical doctor. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for discovering the nature and mode of respiration in the cancer cell. What he discovered was that cancer cells ferment glucose as a form of energy metabolism, which causes them to develop an acidic pH. Healthy cells, in contrast, do not ferment glucose. The acidity of cancer cells and their fermentation-based metabolism makes them vulnerable to an alkaline pH. This vulnerability of cancer cells to an alkaline pH has been targeted by several different treatment approaches that have been developed by various scientists over the years such as baking soda therapy and Cesium Therapy.

Some cancer cells rely exclusively on glucose fermentation in order to produce energy while others breathe a little bit of oxygen like normal, healthy cells. But in all cases, the fermentation process leads to the degradation of DNA in the nucleus of cancer cells. Bombarding cancer cells with an alkaline environment makes it impossible for the cell to continue to ferment glucose. Higher alkalinity (a higher pH) in the body can also relieve cancer pain naturally.
pH Cancer Therapies

Terrain Theory / Somatidian Theory
There are a number of pH therapies that can be used to cure cancer naturally. One of the most powerful and accessible is the Bob Wright Protocol, which bases its methods directly on killing the cancer-causing microorganism that has been identified by many cancer researchers throughout history, including Drs. Livingston-Wheeler, Royal Rife, Isaac Goiz, and Dr. Naessens. According to the Bob Wright theory, pH therapies stop cancer growth and cause sick cancer cells to revert back into healthy normal cells by either 1) killing the cancer-causing microorganism, along with the damaged cell, or 2) causing the cancer-causing microorganism to go dormant, thus allowing cancer cells to revert back into healthy cells.Similarly, The China Study, the largest nutritional study ever undertaken in the world, was able to demonstrate that by not eating animal products, cancer patients could literally “switch off” their cancer. The scientists working on the China Study were baffled by the results. Eating a diet that included less than 5% animal products made cancer “stop” and regress. The China Study scientists weren’t able to determine exactly why this was the case, but studies done by other researchers, the Somatidian Theory of disease, and Dr. Kelley’s research into pancreatic enzymes can explain the phenomena. By not eating animal products or refined sugars, patients’ bodies become more alkaline, which ultimately causes the cancer-causing microorganism to revert back to a healthy type of cell. Eating lower quantities of animal products also supports pancreatic enzyme production and recycling. Having plenty of pancreatic enzymes, in turn, makes it possible for the body to dissolve the fibrin sheath that protects cancerous tumors from being discovered by the immune system. Then, the body’s own immune system can go to work getting rid of damaged, cancerous cells so that the body can begin to heal.
The cancer-causing microorganism (the somatid) reliably comes out of dormancy every 6 months. In healthy people, this isn’t a problem. The somatid will cycle through several shapes (between 4-6 total) that stimulate the immune system to increase the person’s immunity before it goes back into a dormant state. But, recovered cancer patients who are not following an alkaline diet at this time, when the somatid comes out of dormancy, may see their cancer return or another disease state develop. This is one of the reasons why Dr. Binzel and other cancer treatment experts believed that cancer patients needed to stick to a cancer diet for life . Dr. Binzel believed that cancer could be managed, but that cancer patients always needed to be vigilant about following a nutrient-rich, toxin-free, alkaline diet in order to ensure that the cancer wouldn’t return.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
High pH and Low pH Therapy
How is it possible that both high pH therapy and low pH therapy could work to cure the same disease? The answer is simple: cancer cells thrive at a pH somewhere between 6.5 and 5.5. If you're trying to cure an infection, the same principle applies: if a pathogen thrives at a certain pH (usually referred to as an "optimum pH range") and you make your pH lower or higher than the pH the pathogen prefers, the pathogen will become fragile and vulnerable. In the same way, changing the pH of a cancer cell can render it vulnerable and susceptible to things like high temperature (which is used in tandem with low pH therapy), or it can kill the cancer cell by depriving it of an acidic environment in which to thrive (as in high pH therapies like baking soda therapy or Cesium therapy). By changing the pH of the environment surrounding the cancer cell, the pH of the cancer cell itself is altered. And by changing the pH of the cancer cell, you can disrupt its delicate internal balance. Again, the same concept applies to pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious diseases like influenza or colds. If you change your pH to a level that's still healthy for you as a human, but that makes your body chemistry inhospitable to the pathogen, the pathogen will die.While low pH treatments need supervision by someone who’s knowledgeable about working with them, high pH therapy is something that many people can manage themselves as an at-home treatment for cancer. That’s because if you’re working with low pH, you need to be mindful of possible pitfalls and have someone who knows how to take care of you to provide guidance and treatment support, if necessary. Indeed, low pH Therapy involves not just an alteration in the body’s pH levels, but also the careful application of high levels of heat using high-frequency electrical currents to kill the cancer cells. For this, you need the help of an experienced healer or doctor who works with this type of treatment on a regular basis. High pH therapy, in contrast, works very well in tandem with coldness and can be administered along with healing systems like those developed by Wim Hof which involve treatment methods like cold showers or ice baths in addition to alkalizing breathing techniques.
One of the important things that research into pH therapies has demonstrated is that cancer cells don’t breathe like healthy cells do (the cellular respiration of a cancer cell is radically different from that of a healthy cell). Instead of using oxygen to breathe and make energy like healthy cells do, cancer cells ferment sugar (in the form of glucose). Indeed, cancer cells love sugar. (or rather, for those who ascribe to Terrain Theory—the microorganisms infecting the cells love sugar). Their favorite type of sugar is refined sugar, but any type of sugar can be used to feed cancer cells. Actually, cancer cells don’t just love sugar, they absolutely require it in order to survive.
A scientist and Nobel laureate named Otto Warburg first demonstrated that cancer cells don’t breathe oxygen, but instead ferment glucose. This discovery was important for a number of reasons. For one thing, it helped to explain why cancer cells can move or “metastasize” to other parts of the body so easily. Cancer cells don’t need a constant supply of oxygen so they don’t have to remain stationary. Yet, the cancer cell’s ability to ferment glucose is a poor use of resources in comparison with healthy cells. For each unit of glucose it consumes, the cancer cell can only produce 1/18th of the energy that a healthy cell can produce by transporting oxygen into the cell. But while cancer can’t ferment as much energy from one unit of glucose as a healthy cell, it can produce energy much faster. In other words, the cancer cell eats a lot of sugar and produces all kinds of energy really fast so that it can build more and more and more cells quickly (thus, the growth of a tumor). In other words, cancer cells suck up a person's vital force, their energy reserves, quickly, but the energy is used in a maladaptive way.
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Most people know what metastasis is, but many patients describe the phenomenon of reverse metastasis, a lesser-known concept, when they are recovering from cancer or Candida infections. Their symptoms “cycle” backward historically; this is also sometimes known as “reverse cycling”. Patients re-experience disease states they’ve had in the past, or the original tumor will get bigger before finally going away as cancerous cells from other metastasized tumors gather at the original site of the disease/infection. Essiac tea is a treatment that’s well-known for causing a reverse metastasis. The tumor at the original site grows bigger before it begins to disintegrate and fall apart. Somatidian theory can again explain this phenomenon well. Somatids go through two cycles of development: 1) a healthy cycle, and 2) an abnormal, extended cycle. The healthy cycle stimulates the patient’s immune system and consists of 4-6 stages. The abnormal, extended cycle involves the development of dozens of more serious somatid-forms that infect the body. In order to restore health, some cancer treatments cause the somatids to cycle backward toward dormancy. In doing so, the patient experiences symptoms of infections they’ve had in the past and sometimes, original tumors grow larger. As such, treatments like Essiac that are characterized by reverse metastasis are not recommended for patients with certain organ cancers since growing tumors located inside organs can put squeeze the blood supply or cause damaging pressure other important functional components which can lead to death (a good example of this is brain cancer; reverse metastasis of cancer cells back into the brain can cause severe damage to the brain due to increased pressure and other factors, and indeed, Essiac tea is not recommended for brain cancer specifically).

As an example of this, Cesium Therapy, a powerful high pH anticancer treatment, works because Cesium, Lithium, Rubidium, and Potassium share certain chemical characteristics inside the human body. Cesium sits in the same column, two rows below Potassium on the periodic table. This is significant because when elements are located in the same column on the periodic table, they often share similar characteristics. The Alkali Metals (which is the name of the column that includes Hydrogen, Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, and Francium; note that molecular hydrogen is another powerful treatment for not only cancer, but also other major diseases), are especially famous for sharing physical and chemical characteristics. Because Cesium, Lithium, Rubidium, and Potassium in particular share chemical characteristics, human cells, which regularly transport Potassium across the cellular membrane, also eagerly transport Cesium across the cell membrane. But unlike Potassium, Cesium doesn’t transport glucose into the cells. So the cancer cell that admits Cesium across its membrane instead of Potassium can’t continue the fermentation process. And on top of that, Cesium allows Oxygen to enter the cell more readily, which raises the cell’s pH level. The cell, as a result, becomes more alkaline, and then it either dies or becomes healthy again.

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High pH Therapy (like Cesium Therapy) is often combined with specific high-dose vitamin and mineral supplements, as well as with Amygdalin (also known as vitamin B17), in order to kill the cancer cells while also enhancing the patient’s immunity by addressing nutritional deficiencies. Though there are many moving pieces in the Cancer Puzzle, a number of integrative medicine experts today view cancer as a deficiency of vitamin B17 (Amygdalin), as well as of Lugol's iodine and vitamin K2. When a person is deficient in certain essential vitamins and minerals like these (which are almost non-existent in the Western diet), a chain reaction of events can lead to cancer and other major disease states (read more about government-sponsored nutrient deficiencies in this article). Cesium, an alkalizing mineral, can kill cancer cells and make them vulnerable while Amygdalin and Lugol's iodine simultaneously work to fortify the immune system and rebuild the body’s defenses to effect a complete cure of the disease.

Click here to buy vitamin K2 / MK-7.
Click here to learn more about vitamin B17 / amygdalin as a natural cure for cancer.Click here to learn about the Lugol's iodine protocol which includes both amygdalin and vitamin K2 / MK-7.
Click here to learn more about vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a cure for myeloma, lymphoma, leukemia, and other blood and bone cancers.
Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
Low pH therapy can be physiologically more uncomfortable and challenging because it involves creating a highly acidic environment in the body coupled with exposure to high temperatures. As such, this treatment method is more risky and requires more vigilant supervision by a doctor or healer than does high pH Therapy. Low pH therapy is a viable choice, however, for patients who feel drawn to this type of therapy. For example, there are a number of low pH Therapy treatment facilities in Germany, so patients who are located in Germany or nearby in Europe may more readily choose to use this treatment method because it’s accessible to them.Entelev (also known as Protocel, CanCell, Sheridan’s Formula, Jim’s Juice, etc.), is a pH-oriented cancer treatment that works to normalize cancer cell metabolism using similar chemistry basics as described above. The Entelev formula inhibits the production of ATP (energy packets) in cancer cells, similar to the mechanism of action through which high-pH Therapy works.
Entelev should NOT be used with any other type of cancer treatment, however. Unlike other high pH therapies, like baking soda therapy, which are often combined with healing cancer diets and nutritional supplements, Entelev is a strictly stand-alone treatment method and using it in combination with other cancer treatments can diminish its medicinal properties.

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The pH therapies give patients the opportunity to consider how the chemistry of the body as a whole on the atomic and ionic level can have an impact on cellular health. Our ability as humans to change our pH levels (the acidity and alkalinity of our bodies) by changing what we eat is an important thing to consider after a cancer diagnosis, or if you're struggling to overcome an infection that's resistant to other types of therapy. The pH of a cell is related to (and an expression of) its electrical charge. In other articles, we present a variety of treatments that exploit these electrical charges to either find or destroy the cancer cells / infectious organisms. Since electro-medicine is new to a lot of people, but pH is not, it can be helpful to make this connection between the two in order to better understand how much of a role electricity plays in cellular biology. Also, the fact that various treatment modalities have been developed to target pH and the electrical charge of cancer cells lends credibility to their value in treating cancer.
pH Therapy and the Pancreas in Cancer Treatment
The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin to manage blood sugar levels. Insulin Potentiation Therapy, also known as IPT, is a cancer treatment that works by attaching cancer-killing agents to insulin in order to deliver these drugs more directly to cancer cells. Insulin is a substance that works like a key to “open” cells to nutrients and other substances that keep the cells healthy. Without adequate levels of insulin from the pancreas, our human cells close down and can't receive nutrients that they need to survive and thrive. So insulin plays an important role in the development of cancer, but it also plays a vital role in mental and emotional health. Indeed, herbs and herbal remedies like Kudzu, Melissa officinalis, and Ayahuasca help the body heal when insulin levels aren't adequate for one reason or another. Kudzu, for example, is an herbal remedy for alcoholism, a supposed mental health issue that is actually powerfully correlated with insulin sensitivity issues combined with emotional trauma.Click here to read more about IPT for cancer.
Click here to read more about alcoholism and insulin resistance.
Click here to read more about Kudzu as an herbal remedy for alcoholism.
When the pancreas releases pancreatic enzymes, it also releases sodium bicarbonate juices (baking soda is formally known as "sodium bicarbonate") that alkalize the body via the digestive system. The pancreas also produces pancreatic enzymes, which are designed to circulate in the bloodstream to travel throughout the entire body to digest / break down the fibrin sheaths that cover and protect cancerous tumors. Dr. John Beard was an embryologist who noticed that cancer cells look and behave like false placentas. Cancerous cells are nearly identical to the trophoblast cells that are produced in the early stages of embryonic development as the placenta and umbilical cord start to develop. In other words, a person with cancer essentially has false placentas that are developing in different areas of the body. These false placentas / cancerous tumors consume huge quantities of sugar so as to replicate themselves and grow quickly, and they are able to do this at least in part because the pancreas is not producing or releasing enough pancreatic enzymes to digest the fibrin sheaths that hide cancer cells from the immune system.
This is why pancreatic cancer is such a serious disease. The pancreas is involved in the development and treatment of cancer through several very powerful mechanisms of action. These facts about the pancreas also better explain the connection between cancer and diabetes. Indeed, if we look at Traditional Chinese Medicine, the stomach, spleen, and pancreas are all associated with trust and openness vs. anxiety and vulnerability. These organs store and deal with feelings of safety and/or danger – the extent to which we feel like we trust ourselves and others. As such, these organs relate directly to cancer and trauma. According to German New Medicine, cancer and trauma always coexist and must be approached simultaneously on both physical and emotional levels.
Trauma-informed therapies like those that have been developed by Dr. Peter Levine and Dr. Richard Schwartz acknowledge that trauma causes a split in a person's core Self. This view of the psyche is not just a mind-oriented phenomena, but rather something that takes shape in the autonomic nervous system, which behaves as a mind-body interface. This "split" in the core Self would be viewed as "soul loss" according to shamanic medicine and it would be treated using a "soul retrieval". The soul part that is lost when someone experiences a trauma might be conceptualized as "embryonic" in a metaphorical sense. This embryonic piece of ourselves might, in turn, be viewed metaphorically as something that exists as a mind-body phenomena in the autonomic nervous system, causing the development of false placentas / cancerous tumors as the physical manifestation of this mind-emotion-based experience of having be fractured by trauma.
Click here to learn how to do Wim Hof breathwork.
A number of mental illnesses respond very well to Wim Hof breathwork and cold therapy because Wim Hof therapy alkalizes the body. Alkalizing the body and exposing the body to cold temperatures tones the autonomic nervous system to "bring us back to ourselves". Wim Hof breathwork is an active process that helps us pull those embryonic, fractured soul parts / selves back to the core Self, but baking soda therapy and other alkalizing therapies also help in this process. Pancreatic enzyme therapy for cancer is helpful in that it supports the pancreas, this organ that acts a bit like a prism that absorbs energy from the social and natural environment that makes us feel either anxiety and distrust or trust and safety. Alkalizing the body changes the way that we breathe which changes the way that we feel emotionally. And Lugol's iodine as a nutrient supplement is necessary in order for the body to produce its own pancreatic enzymes.

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Of course, other trauma-informed therapies like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR and psilocybin therapy are also extremely beneficial in the treatment of cancer as a disease that has roots in the pancreas and deep feelings of distrust. Ayahuasca is a therapy that can heal the pancreas to cure diabetes and cancer as well as treating trauma to rid the autonomic nervous system of these "fetal vestiges" of soul parts -- younger versions of ourselves that have gotten frozen in time. We meet those parts through the real experience of being chilled and physically alkalized, but Ayahuasca is a psychoactive sacred indigenous medicine that provides another method through which we can heal the pancreas and resorb these soul parts.