The Livingston-Wheeler Diet: A Simple and Effective Basic Cancer Cure Diet Protocol

Click here to read more about cancer vaccines that have already been developed and used against cancer.
The Livingston-Wheeler cancer vaccine had a 90% cure rate against cancer and it used the patient's own natural cells. This vaccine against cancer has existed for many years, but despite its success at treating cancer, it was hidden from the public by Big Pharma.
Click here to read about the Coley cancer vaccine as another option that has been studied for many years as a powerful remedy against cancer.
The Livingston-Wheeler cancer protocol is based on the idea that cancer is caused by a microorganism known as Progenitor cryptocides. This is similar to the theory set forth by Royal Rife, who developed a special microscope to view microbes while they were still alive and moving around on the slide. He was able to view living cancer-causing organisms under his microscope and developed a vibrational therapy to combat these organisms. Royal Rife believed that there were pleomorphic organisms called somatids that could change shape and turn into cancer-causing agents. Dr. Isaac Goiz, the developer of biomagnetism also discovered microorganisms that fit Livingston-Wheeler’s description in his research. These researchers were working independently and didn’t know about each other’s discoveries. The Livingston-Wheeler approach became popular in the 1970’s and was used to combat these organisms using a vaccine along with lifestyle changes. In addition to the vaccine, Livingston-Wheeler also had patients follow an anti-cancer diet as an integral part of her treatment program [1][3][4][5].
Detailed Introduction
Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler was an American physician and cancer researcher. She discovered a microorganism called Progenitor cryptocides that's responsible for the development of cancer and she created a therapeutic approach to combat the disease by combating the microorganism associated with it [1][2].Prior to pursuing a degree in medicine, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler earned three B.A. degrees in English, economics, and history. Both her father and her grandfather were physicians. She was one of only four other women who graduated with a degree in medicine from New York University, Bellevue Medical College in 1936. Dr. Livingston-Wheeler had more than forty years of experience in medicine when she began presenting her findings and successes working with cancer patients. She was listed in the Who’s Who of science and medicine and her research had been applauded by the University of San Diego when she worked as professor of microbiology at Rutgers University. She was a recognized leader in medicine in Rome, Paris, and New York [1][2].

In 1947, Virgina Wuerthele-Caspe (later Livingston-Wheeler), published the scientific paper “Etiology of Scleroderma" that detailed the observations of several researchers. These researchers had discovered a mycobacterium that seemed to be the cause of scleroderma. Their findings, however, were not widely reported by the media or by other scientific journals and still to this day, despite Dr. Wheeler-Livingston’s findings that scleroderma is caused by a mycobacterium, few doctors know about this fact. Her findings about cancer-causing bacteria were unpopular in mainstream medicine most likely because they threatened orthodox approaches to treating cancer. Today, her treatment approach has been dubbed “unproven” by the American Cancer Society. The word “unproven” is used by the ACS to describe cancer treatment approaches that have not received funding for research because if they were researched, they would threaten Big Pharma and The Cancer Industry [6][7].Click here to read more about how to cure for scleroderma.

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.
To really understand the politics of cancer cures, one must understand the role that non-profit, so-called “philanthropic” organizations play in influencing what treatments are used and which ones are discarded. Certain foundations relevant to cancer treatment and cancer cures are heavily influenced by wealthy families who have an important stake in making sure the American public remains disillusioned about healthcare. Because the these families have a financial stake in the continuing use of pharmaceuticals and surgical interventions, they wish to encourage the American public to continuing to seek out conventional medical treatments for cancer (e.g. surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation). Foundations such as the American Cancer Society are organizations that function as tax shelters for families such as the Rockefellers (who engineered many of the current healthcare practices today to protect their business-interests and extreme wealth). These organizations espouse the views of these families in order to protect the wealth of these families and to continue to receive generous donations. In fact, many of these organizations were created more as a way to protect the financial interests of the Rockefellers and other dynastic families whose wealth influences major players in government [8].
According to G. Edward Griffin, the author of World Without Cancer, the Rockfellers, Morgans, Carnegies, and the Mellons use a special approach to cleverly misinform the American public while maintaining the appearance of being philanthropic:
“The plan was both simple and ingenious. They would transfer the bulk of their visible assets to something called foundations. They would appoint hand-picked and loyal underlings to administer these foundations. They would require a portion of their assets to be dispersed under the appearance of charity or philanthropy. They would design most of those gifts, however, to benefit themselves, their business enterprises, or to further their political objectives. They would retain full control of their assets and use them just as freely as if they remained directly in their name. They would avoid the payment of any significant inheritance tax upon the death of the ‘donor’, thus insuring that the fortune remained intact and in the hands of family or corporate control in perpetuity. And they would use the supposedly charitable nature of the foundation as a means of avoiding the payment of most, if not all, of the income tax they then were advocating to be paid by everyone else” [8].
To shed more light on how the work of foundations like the American Cancer Society are puppeteered by certain powerful players to put a spin on “scientific” data that’s fed to the American public, Ferdinand Lundberg explains the process in the following way in The Rich and the Super Rich: “Recipients of the money must be ideologically acceptable to the donors. There is a positive record showing that, by these means purely corporate elements are able to influence research and many university policies, particularly in the selection of personnel” [9].
He goes on to explain that the foundations, in turn, are “staunch supporters of the “physical sciences” because scientific findings (even spurious scientific findings) can be used to influence the public and therefore generate profits [9].

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
To demonstrate how the intermingling of dynastic wealth and power has come to influence supposedly patient-centric organizations such as the American Cancer Society, consider some of the people who have been on its board of directors:- Alfred P. Sloan (General Motors)
- Charles D. Hilles (AT&T)
- Monroe Rathbone (Standard Oil)
- Frederich Ecker (Metropolitan Life) [9]
Also consider the unfortunate conflict-of-interest that the American Cancer Society holds half ownership in the patent rights to one of the major chemotherapy drugs known as 5FU or 5 fluorouracil. Fluorouracil, by the way, is manufactured by Hoffmann-LaRoche Laboratories, a company under the influence of I.G. Farben and the Rockefellers. Patients who donate to and seek out supposedly “trustworthy” information from the American Cancer Society might be more inclined to steer clear of this organization if they knew the vested interest that it has in selling them chemotherapy medications [9].
The American Cancer Society has categorically denied Dr. Livingston’s theories about the origins of cancer. The ACS published a position paper in 1990 urging cancer patients not to use Livingston-Wheeler treatments perhaps because a cure for cancer would eliminate the need for the organization [2][4][7].

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Safety and Effectiveness
Dr. Livingston-Wheeler achieved a 90% cancer cure success rate treating patients using her immunotherapy approach to cancer treatment along with a special cancer diet [1]. As a general rule, any treatment that is able to cure 80% of patients is considered a "cure" even though today, the word "cure" is censored by Google, Facebook, and other entities.Dr. McClelland, who offers the Livingston-Wheeler protocol at a clinic in San Diego says that he’s had great success treating the following types of cancer:

How the Livingston-Wheeler Diet and Protocol Is Administered
The Livingston-Wheeler Diet is not a stand-alone treatment for cancer. It was developed to be used with other cancer treatments, in particular, Livingston-Wheeler’s vaccine and immunotherapy treatments [1].The Livingston-Wheeler immunotherapy cancer treatment is administered as an autologous, anti-tuberculosis vaccine (BCG) which is designed to boost the immune system naturally. The vaccine is prepared from a culture of the patient’s own P. cryptocides microbes. Several administrations of this vaccine are required to stimulate the immune system to combat cancer. The P. cryptocides vaccine is made from the patient’s own urine.
Dr. McClelland regards the BCG (tuberculosis) vaccine as the cornerstone of the Livingston-Wheeler treatment. He uses this vaccine to enhance the immune system so that the autogenous vaccine is optimized. Patients are then tested every 3 months to make sure that their immune titers remain high. Patients may receive BCG therapy for up to a year [1][3][4][12].
Though Livingston-Wheeler believed that while it is ideal for patients to receive all their nutrients from food, a supplement protocol is recommended. The Lugol's iodine protocol is the supplement protocol that we recommend to cancer patients. In addition to vaccines, patients today who undergo the Livingston-Wheeler cancer approach adhere to a vegetarian diet, consume foods that are high in antioxidants, and detoxify using coffee enemas. Patients take high doses of vitamin C (up to 100 grams per day) and vitamin E along with a peptide + amino acid supplement, and vitamin B-12 injections. Patients also take various mineral supplements along with an immune-boosting diet to promote general health during the vaccine treatment. A modified version of the Gerson Diet is recommended for patients using this protocol as the Gerson diet has a number of characteristics in common with Livingston-Wheeler’s dietary approach [1][4][12].
Click here to learn more about coffee enemas for cancer.
In some cases, Dr. McClelland of the Livingston Foundation Medical Center also prescribes antibiotics to cancer patients depending on their specific health profile [12].

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.
The Livingston-Wheeler Diet Basics
The Dr. Livingston-Wheeler diet focused heavily on abscisins, substances found in plants that help the plant know when to flower, when to go dormant, when leaves should turn color, etc. Abscisins are high in plants that are ready to flower (e.g. sprouted seedlings not over 7 days old, and the green tips of broccoli). Approximately 50% of the diet should be raw. Often patients stay on this diet for 1 year or longer [1].Below are additional dietary instructions:
- During the day, fresh juices and homemade soups are given in place of water.
- Fluoridated water and chlorinated water should be strictly avoided for drinking as well as for cooking.
- Food should be cooked in stainless steel, waterless cookware such as ironstone steamers, stainless steel steaming baskets, or vapor cookers (steamers). Pressure cookers, microwave ovens, and aluminum pots and utensils should be avoided.
- Avoid alcohol and soft drinks.
- Avoid iced drinks.
- Do not smoke and avoid being in a room with a smoker.
- Avoid refined and processed foods.
- Eat organically grown, unsprayed, unfumigated fruits and vegetables. Livingston-Wheeler regarded the soil as the patient’s “external metabolism”.
- Avoid wilted, pale, flabby, soft, or spotted fruits and vegetables that lack vitality.
- Use biodegradable detergents with a vegetable base for dishwashing, laundry, and produce washing.
- When gas, bloating, and indigestion occur immediately after eating, this may be an indication that there is a lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. To alleviate the problem, take HCL supplements with meals.
- Eat foods high in potassium such as greens, potatoes, nuts, lima beans, and most fruits and vegetables.
- Read all food labels. Avoid artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and sugar substitutes. Avoid preservatives such as BHT and BHA, even when they’re used in the containers.
- Get 8 hours of sleep each night and regular relaxation.
- Exercise daily.
- Sunbathe.
- Take hot baths to increase circulation.
- Cultivate a positive mental attitude.
- Avoid toxic beauty products, shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, and other personal care products, and cosmetics, that contain chemicals and fragrances.
- Add one heaping teaspoon of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to juices, soups, and teas as tolerated
- Add nuts to any recipe to increase the protein content, choosing nuts you most enjoy (avoid peanuts and peanut products).
- Limit yourself to one to two pieces of citrus fruits per day because of the high sugar content. Eat citrus fruits whole. Don’t juice them.
- Drink milk only if it is raw, unpasteurized, and certified organic.
- Combine legumes, grains, and leafy vegetables.
- Eat at most 1 to 2 dates or figs per day.
- Eat carrot sticks, celery, and other raw vegetables, nuts, or dried foods as snacks [1].
Dr. Livingston-Wheeler adjusted the patient’s diet according to the patient’s needs:
- Diet #1 – for acutely ill cancer patients
- Diet #2 – for recuperating cancer patients
- Diet #3 – for recovering patients on a maintenance program
Patients who are often nauseated are given vegetable juices because they are easy to digest and beneficial to health. Patients who cannot tolerate vegetable juices are given grain meal water added to the juice to soothe the digestive system [1].
Once patients are able to tolerate the vegetable juice in this anticancer diet, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler added about ¼ of a ripe avocado to the juice. The avocado aided in the breakdown of carotene in the carrot juices. The avocado also contains a substance found in plants known as “abscisin” which can help cancer cells stop dividing [1].
After patients are tolerating the vegetable juice and avocado, Livingston-Wheeler adds Basic Muesli into the cancer diet as a breakfast food and a snack [1].
Details regarding the Livingston-Wheeler Diet along with recipes are available in the book The Conquest of Cancer.
Other Important Information
The idea that cancer is caused by an infectious organism is unfamiliar to a lot of American and European patients, but in fact, a number of scientists have stumbled across this infectious cancer-causing organism in their research. These scientists have all described seeing something similar: an infectious organism that changes shape and characteristics in response to an environmental stimulant or irritation. Scientists who have observed the cancer-causing organism have all said that at times it looks like a fungus, at other times it looks like a virus, and at yet other times it looks like a bacterium.Dr. Isaac Goiz also described seeing a mycobacterium as the cause of cancer under dark field microscopy.
Dr. Royal Rife also observed a mycobacterium that causes cancer with his dark field microscope.
Other Theories Supported by Livingston-Wheeler’s Research
According to Dr. Livingston-Wheeler, the infective agent that causes cancer is able to hybridize genetically with the host’s healthy cells which ultimately causes the healthy cells to develop into cancer cells. This line of reasoning is consistent with the views set forth by Dr. Keith Brewer, the developer of Cesium Therapy, a biologist whose primary field of interest was the behavior of cellular membranes. Dr. Brewer believed that healthy cells developed cancerous behaviors in response to chronic irritation by a toxin or a pathogenic microorganism. Dr. Livingston-Wheeler demonstrated through her research, that the microorganisms that cause cancer are able to genetically engineer their hybridization with the host cell to cause specific changes in cellular biology that leads to cancer [3][10].
Dr. Livingston-Wheeler also noted that the P. cryptocides were able to act as a kind of fertilizing organism of human cells. When the P. cryptocides “fertilized” the human cell, it was able to initiate abnormal cellular replication/cancer. Her observations are consistent with Dr. John Beard’s Trophoblast Theory of Cancer. Dr. Beard observed that a trophoblast (the early stages of cellular replications that take place immediately after a sperm fertilizes an ovum), has important characteristics that are identical to a cancer cell: both trophoblasts and cancer cells are invasive, metastatic, they both form new blood vessels, and both have the same specific chemical composition. Dr. Gonzalez developed an important and highly specialized treatment protocol based off of Beard's Trophoblast Theory of Cancer [3][7].
As a result of her research, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler believed that cancer was a disease that was transmissible to man from animals, a theory which lends additional credibility to The China Study, the most comprehensive nutritional research project ever conducted. According to the findings of The China Study, the over-consumption of meat and animal products can lead to the development of cancer and other diseases such as osteoporosis [11].