Cure Cancer with Resonant Frequencies, Heat, Light, and Other Forms of Energy
Most patients in the U.S. and Europe are familiar with laser technologies, ultrasound, magnetic resonance, PET, and other sophisticated treatments that use heat, energy, or vibrations for treatment or diagnosis in conventional medicine. Americans in particular, are enamored with technology in medicine (in comparison with Europeans, for example). Though high-tech medical devices are generally regarded by Americans as being "better" than standard or tried-and-true treatments in conventional medicine, in fact high-tech medicine is often dangerous, mostly unregulated, and profit-driven versus being motivated by an intent to cure disease.Click here to read more about popular FDA-approved medical devices that cause serious harm to women.
High-tech in conventional medicine is not marketed using words like “vibrational medicine" or "energy medicine" even when it is vibrational medicine or energy medicine. The only real difference between vibrational medicine tools and the technologies used in hospitals and clinics is a disparity in the amount of advertising dollars spent on them. Surgeons choose which laser to use for surgery based on frequencies and wavelengths of light and what those different light energies can do to human tissues. Not all lasers are the same, of course. Lasers could be classified as “vibrational medicine” or "energy medicine" since they make use of energy and vibrations to treat patients. Unfortunately, however, lasers are rarely (if ever) used to their full capacity in conventional medicine. But that doesn’t stop patients from being awed when the doctor announces that lasers will be used for surgery or some other procedure. Many American patients derive a sense of assurance from a doctor’s use of high-tech instruments like lasers even though these instruments can cause 2nd or 3rd degree burns and often enough, these lasers accidentally fuse patient’s internal organs together. Despite their vibrational and energy nature, lasers are not included in this section of vibrational treatments for cancer because lasers in conventional medicine are used like a chainsaw to remove cancer rather than being used to energetically kill or restore health to cancer cells directly using wavelengths and frequencies of light that can do just that. For this reason, we’ve chosen to discuss laser therapy for cancer in a different article along with a warning to patients about being lulled into treatments on the basis that they’re high-tech and therefore (seemingly) more effective than treatments that have been in use for decades or even centuries to treat cancer.

The vibrational therapies and "energy medicine" are those that have not been absorbed into conventional medicine to be used as “technologies”. In fact, many of these therapies have been actively spurned by conventional medicine and the cancer industry because of their effectiveness. Though vibrational medicine and the therapies may seem obscure and new to a lot of patients, many of them have been in use for centuries because they work.
Energy Medicine for Cancer
Most people think of something like Reiki when they think of energy healing for cancer. Indeed, Reiki for cancer can be extremely valuable which is why Lydian and I are both Reiki certified. However, when we work with cancer patients, we also like to recommend other forms of energy medicine that are, in fact, more down-to-earth. It doesn't matter whether patients are working with chemo and radiation or if they've decided to do cancer treatment at home without chemo and radiation, if we're going to do Reiki for cancer, we like to set our patients up to succeed by making sure that their bodies are electrically charged with trace minerals before we get started.Trace minerals (also known as electrolytes) are nutrients that our bodies need in order to produce electricity. Unfortunately, most people are low on trace minerals because they use table salt instead of Celtic Sea Salt, Himalayan Pink Sea Salt, or Black Sea Salt. A lack of trace minerals in the body leads to a lack of electricity and energy.
Click here to read more about the role of electrolytes and trace minerals for cancer and other serious diseases.

Click here to buy Himalayan Sea Salt.
Resonant Frequencies for Cancer
The Rife Machine is one of the most well-tested resonant frequency machines for cancer. A Rife Machine administers resonant frequencies that kill the cancer-causing mycobacterium. These resonant frequencies aren't detectable by our human tissues, but they still kill cancer cells. Click here to read more about Rife Therapy for cancer.How to Use Electricity to Cure Cancer
The Bob Beck Micropulser, in contrast, is a device that emits tiny pulses of electricity into the body to kill the pathogen that causes cancer. It was developed on the basis of ancient historical records from Rome that detailed healing accounts of people who had healing encounters with electrical torpedo fish. But treatment with the Bob Beck Micropulser is also supported by other vibrational therapies such as Biomagnetism, that acknowledges the value of biomagnetic energies to strengthen the blood, alkalize the body, kill microorganisms, and enhance blood flow through the arteries and veins. Red blood cells stack themselves when the body is diseased. And doctors have observed that anticoagulants can prevent metastases though few patients are aware of this fact. Both Biomagnetism and the Micropulser use electricity to energize the tissues and kill pathogenic microorganisms with electrons.Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies / PEMF is another powerful energy-medicine for cancer that opens blood vessels and spurs healing on many levels (including spiritual and emotional levels when PEMF is administered using brain-entrainment pulsations). Our bodies are electrical and electricity can be used to restore health without harming normal, healthy cells. Click here to read more about the use of PEMF for cancer.
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In fact, there are a number of doctors who have used electricity in one form or another as a natural treatment for cancer. There are a number of ways to administer tolerable, health-promoting doses of electricity to overcome cancer. Our bodies and human cells are electrical in nature and if this natural electrical charge diminishes, we end up developing an illness in some form or another.Click here to read about how to use electricity to cure cancer and other diseases.
Note that many medicines including Chlorine Dioxide Solution / CDS for cancer, use electrical polarity and electrical charge to produce a natural attraction between CDS as a medicine for cancer and the cancer cell itself. The electrical attraction between a molecule of CDS and a cancer cells is what makes CDS so powerful, but the electrical explosion that occurs upon contact with the cancer cell is also worth noting. If you are not familiar with Chlorine Dioxide Solution, click here to read more about CDS for cancer. Indeed, baking soda therapy increases pH levels in cancer cells which is what makes it such a powerful natural treatment for cancer. Whenever we talk of pH levels though, we're really talking about opposite electrical charges (of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions) and imbalances in water solutions of these opposite charges. So, once again, we're essentially talking about energizing the body to cure cancer using substances, minerals, or machines to help our cells produce more electricity.

Click here to buy a NeoRhythm PEMF machine with brain entrainment.
Systems of Medicine That Use Spiritual Healing for Cancer
When we talk about energy medicine, we also need to note German New Medicine as a treatment that acknowledges the role of trauma in cancer development. This system of medicine views cancer as a disease that develops out of energetic discord in the autonomic nervous system. Click here to read more about German New Medicine for cancer.Alternative At Home Cancer Diagnosis
Many people who endeavor to treat cancer at home, fear that without high-tech diagnostic instruments that they won't be able to target their cancer properly. In reality though, you can diagnose cancer at home. There ways to do it without even setting foot in a doctor's office. Live Blood Analysis is often used as a diagnostic tool in biomagnetism, though certain forms of body testing / kinesiology are also appropriate and useful to discover the right areas of the body that require treatment. Also note that, if you are treating cancer at home that you can diagnose the presence of cancer in non-pregnant men, women, and children by doing a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test in a non-pregnant individual means that there is cancer present in the body. Click here to find a Live Blood Analysis practitioner online.
Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Doing a pregnancy test for cancer in someone who is not pregnant works because cancer cells share a number of characteristics with the trophoblast cells that are produced in the early stages of pregnancy. The hCG hormone is produced both by cancer cells and by the cells that are produced during the earliest stages of pregnancy. This fact was discovered by Dr. John Beard in the early 1900s. He was an embryologist and he noted that cancer cells and the cells that produce the placenta when an embryo is first developing are nearly identical. They are so similar, in fact, that he referred to cancer cells as false placentas. In normal, healthy people, cancer cells are digested by excess pancreatic enzymes that have been absorbed after digestion of food into the blood supply, thus Dr. Beard reasoned that taking pancreatic enzymes as a supplement could treat cancer naturally. He had a cancer treatment success rate of 13% using only pancreatic enzymes to treat his patients which is noteworthy because chemotherapy has a cancer treatment success rate of only about 2-3%.Click here to read more about the use of pancreatic enzymes as part of a natural cancer treatment protocol.

Click here to buy pancreatic enzymes for cancer treatment.
Summary of Energy Medicine for Cancer
Vibrational therapies are often surprisingly effective at what they claim to do. All of them are non-invasive and in the vast majority of cases they can be used in conjunction with other cancer treatments including conventional medical treatments such as chemo, radiation, and surgery. It's ideal for patients to work on more than one level of the human organism to cure cancer. Reiki can be extremely valuable, but most people can benefit more from Reiki cancer treatments if they are also fully charged nutritionally with plenty of trace minerals. Indeed, people who don't wish to work with Reiki energy healing for cancer, may still be open to the idea of using resonant frequencies for cancer instead. Energy and vibrational medicines can be used to improve chemotherapy and radiation success rates or they can be used as an alternative to chemo and radiation for cancer.
Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.