Revici Therapy: A Vitamin and Mineral Based Cancer Cure

Detailed Information
The Revici treatment is a pH-based treatment that uses individual elements and elemental compounds, and unique combinations of these, to treat cancer. Emanuel Revici saw cancer as a problem of high acidity in the body. According to his perspective, increasing the alkalinity of the body would cure the cancer. Dr. Revici used a combination of elements, elemental compounds, and lipids to increase the alkalinity of the body.Revici’s treatment for cancer came under much scrutiny in the early to mid 20th century. Dr. Revici had his medical license revoked numerous times and was taken to court for his treatment methods. Originally from Romania, Dr. Revici emigrated to France briefly during World War II and later to Mexico City in 1941. In Mexico City he established a clinic where he treated cancer patients free of charge. In 1946 he moved to the United States and practiced/taught about his methods in both Chicago and New York, where he eventually established another clinic.
The Revici treatment is sometimes referred to as “biologically-guided chemotherapy” because of its use of certain chemical components in treating cancer, however, readers should note that it is still not the same as conventional chemotherapy. Dr. Revici used concepts based on the periodic table and the body’s metabolic states and pH levels to cure cancer, thus invoking the term “chemotherapy” because his treatment method uses some chemical compounds (which we’ll discuss more below; these are not synthetic, toxic substances, unlike chemotherapy agents). One of the core elements that he used in the treatment of cancer was selenium. Other elements that Dr. Revici used included zinc, copper, calcium, and nickel. These chemical compounds that he used had a dramatically diminished toxicity level, thus making it possible to use them in higher quantities to treat cancer.
Today, this treatment is controversial and difficult to find despite its success at treating cancer. Two treatment centers in the United States offer the Revici treatment (see additional information below in the Other Important Information section).
The Revici treatment has faced a lot of criticism because of its success at treating cancer. Dr. Revici started practicing medicine in France between 1935 and 1941, and eventually decided to move to Mexico City in 1941 to open his own clinic and research facility, the Instituto de Biologia Aplicada, where he would provide cancer treatments for free. A group of American physicians visited Revici’s clinic in Mexico to review his work and look into his new, successful form of cancer treatment. The physicians stated that Revici’s work was “extraordinary”. After this visit, attempts were made by multiple American organizations to document and study Revici’s work, but unfortunately, none were able to agree on research methods or procedures, so no formal studies were able to be carried out.In 1946, Revici moved to the United States and started educating others about his method for cancer treatment (as well as for the treatment of other diseases). In New York, Revici founded the Institute of Applied Biology to conduct research on cancer and other diseases; the institute was funded by the Cancer Research and Hospital Foundation until 1957 when this organization withdrew their support due to political pressure. However, the Cancer Control Research Foundation and the Gertrude Lawrence Foundation maintained their support of the Institute of Applied Biology.
In 1963, a clinical study was finally done on Dr. Revici’s cancer treatment methods. An initial agreement was laid out for how the study would be conducted, but the agreement was violated multiple times and participating scientists and doctors didn’t follow the treatment methods, so again, the study wasn’t completed. To add to the issues with this attempt at a clinical study, Dr. Revici himself was not included in group discussions regarding the study. Though Revici had great, documented success at treating cancer in his own patients, the clinical study was thus hijacked to make it look as though patients showed no improvement.
This situation is similar to what Dr. Gonzalez experienced when studies were done on his cancer treatment protocol. Researchers dramatically altered the protocol during the study and also failed to properly screen patients involved in the study (some patients were even put into the study without informed consent). There were numerous avoidable setbacks that made the scientific documentation of Dr. Gonzalez’s protocol be delayed for far longer than necessary. And, similar to Dr. Revici, Dr. Gonzalez’s effective cancer treatment was suppressed and viewed with much criticism by leaders in conventional medicine.
Dr. Revici’s story is also similar to Dr. Suguira’s at Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital. Dr. Suguira was a well-respected doctor with an outstanding resume. He dedicated a substantial amount of time to studying vitamin B17/laetrile, one of the most important cancer cures available (especially when it's combined with other potent healing modalities). While Dr. Suguira was able to demonstrate unequivocally that vitamin B17 effected a healing response in cancer patients and animal models of cancer, when the research was taken over by Sloan-Kettering, the results were completely different because the research protocol was altered, thus allowing Big Pharma to cover up this essential cancer curing nutrient medicine.
The American Medical Association (AMA) has the power to suspend and/or revoke the license of any doctor who mentions or recommends any type of alternative therapy or nutrition protocol to their cancer patients. This practice has been in place for 80+ years, and Dr. Revici unfortunately had his license revoked by the AMA for this reason.
Safety and Effectiveness
Dr. Revici holds 17 US patents on chemical formulations for the treatment of various diseases, including cancer. With all of these 17 patents, the toxicity of the chemicals is one-thousandth less than that of their naturally occurring forms found in nature. For example, Revici was able to administer selenium to his patients at higher doses because he was able to bond selenium to a lipid to enable the body to process and absorb the mineral more efficiently and safely.The Revici treatment is considered to be a safe cancer treatment with few side effects; some patients may experience nausea in certain cases (perhaps due to a Herxheimer/detox reaction), and inflammation or soreness may occur in the area of injections. In one study done with cancer patients who had been given less than 90 days to live, the patients’ survival was increased to an average 172 days with the use of the Revici treatment. The same study showed that 12 out of 53 of these patients who had breast cancer survived for a much longer period of time than patients who hadn’t received Revici therapy.
The results below were taken from Revici’s book on his treatment and abbreviated in order to give readers a sense of how this cancer treatment works:
- A 59-year-old woman who had a mastectomy for adenocarcinoma 3 years prior had metastases to her ribs and liver. She had difficulty breathing, severe pain, and almost continuous vomiting. She was shown to have Offbalance A, and was treated with perselenide (a form of selenium), bixine propanal (an apocarotenoid/form of vitamin A), and epichlorohydrin. Her pain was significantly reduced shortly after the treatment started and eventually disappeared completely. The initially enlarged size of the woman’s liver went back to normal after three months of treatment, and the bone cancer metastases in her ribs were also shown to have completely disappeared. The woman recovered fully from the cancer and was able to continue on with her life with no issue.
- A 56-year-old man with a squamous cell carcinoma that caused severe pain and bleeding was treated using perselenide (by injection), epichlorohydrin, and bixine. Within 24 hours after the start of treatment, the man’s pain had disappeared, and after four days the bleeding had stopped. Ten days after the start of treatment the size of the tumor decreased and continued to decrease until it finally disappeared completely.
- A 60-year-old woman with a gallbladder tumor and liver metastases was experiencing difficulty breathing, pain, and a cough along with deep jaundice and a low body weight. She had complained of pain in the right side below the ribs (related to the possible existence of gallbladder stones) for 30 years. She was also treated with epichlorohydrin, bixine, and perselenide. Her liver returned to a normal size, the fluid in her chest did not reproduce, and her stool color (initially clay colored) returned to normal.
- A 64-year-old man underwent an operation for a hypernephroma in the right kidney, and had metastases to his femur, pelvic bones, and both lungs. He was treated with perselenide, bixine, and epichlorohydrin. After the start of treatment, he was soon able to sit up and walk a little. He was discharged from the hospital and then readmitted after having severe pain, and again was put on the Revici treatment protocol. The man’s pain gradually went away and his femur showed signs of recalcification; many metastases in the lungs disappeared, while some others showed a notable decrease in size.
- A 61-year-old woman had a partial cecostomy for adenocarcinoma. She was admitted to the hospital and put under the Revici protocol a month after the procedure as a treatment for vaginal bleeding and cervical erosion caused by the same adenocarcinoma malignancy. The tumor filled the entire upper portion of the woman’s vagina, and had moved into the recto-vaginal wall. The woman was administered injections of perselenide, epichlorohydrin, and bixine. The vaginal bleeding and pain stopped after one week of treatment. At the time when Dr. Revici’s book was written, the patient was still under treatment and the lesion had shown regression.
- A 48-year-old man who had had a left nephrectomy for hypernephroma four years earlier had developed multiple lung metastases. He also had hemoptoic sputum, an edema on the left leg, and severe back and leg pain. The man was treated with heptanol, butanol, and glycerol. After starting treatment with the Revici protocol, the man’s pain and edema disappeared within 2-3 days and the lung metastases became softer and eventually started to reduce in size. In two months after treatment, the patient was able to go about his life normally with the metastases continuing to progressively decrease in size.

How the Revici Treatment Is Administered
Dr. Revici organized the different types of cancer into 6 different hierarchical levels:- Sub-nuclear
- Nuclear
- Cellular
- Tissue
- Organ
- Systemic
- Initiation
- Proliferation
- Invasion
- Metastasis
- Shock or End-Stage
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Thus, in Dr. Revici’s model of cancer treatment, cancer growth occurs because the body is overly anabolic, thus encouraging the out-of-control growth of cancer cells. The Revici treatment aims to treat the cause of the cancer growth, in this case, a metabolic imbalance, rather than solely killing or removing the cancer by other means. In this way, the cancer is less likely to metastasize (because it isn’t given a direct route to another part of the body through surgery or other means) and is also more likely to stay gone since the body’s imbalances have been corrected. The Revici method also works to interrupt the cancer cells’ progress from stage-to-stage to avoid metastasis. Cancer cells have to go through numerous stages in order to become metastatic and any interruption in their progress inhibits their ability to continue. Dr. Revici discovered that different lipids (fats/fatty acids) produce either a catabolic or anabolic effect on cells. For example, if fatty acids are a cell’s dominant available lipid, the cell wall will be too permeable and the cell will leak; in this situation, potassium levels in the blood will increase because the potassium in the cells will leak out. Dr. Johanna Budwig was another cancer researcher who also believed that fatty acids played an important role in cancer cell development and membrane activity. Having the correct lipids available to the cells in the body, and supporting the removal of unhealthy lipids, is essential not only for cancer treatment, but for overall health and healing. Additionally, Revici discovered that different elements also produced anabolic or catabolic effects. The mineral selenium (and also zinc) has alone been noted as being a valuable cancer treatment, but Revici noted that this particular element had an especially “anti-anabolic” effect on cells. In the Revici treatment, selenium can be administered in quantities of up to one gram per day because of its ability to combine with lipids that allows for safe cell penetration; in its normal, supplement form available to the average person, selenium should only be taken at a dose of 200-400mcg (micrograms) per day, a much different dose from what Revici was able to administer using his unique methods. Other elements are also administered in a similar way where they are paired with a lipid to enable increased cell penetration and diminished toxicity.How the Revici Treatment is Administered
Similar to the Gonzalez Protocol, the Revici treatment protocol varies from patient to patient and is based on each individual’s unique health situation. Treatment begins by analyzing the pH of the patient’s blood and urine, as well as the patient’s body temperature.Diagnostic Tests
Tests are done for 2-3 consecutive days to thoroughly analyze the patient’s normal, resting metabolic state, after which time treatment may begin. The various diagnostic tests used in the Revici treatment during this initial 2-3 days of treatment include the following with their respective measures:- Urinalysis / Urine Tests - Urinalysis tests factors like the specific gravity, pH, surface tension, and the calcium excretion index of the urine. In some cases, the chloride retention index may be tested as well (as well as other relevant factors).
- Blood Analyses - Blood tests performed before administering the Revici protocol include those that assess potassium in serum and potassium in total blood, as well as chlorides in serum, leucocyte count, and eosinophils count.
- Pain Patterns - Pain patterns in different areas of the body, or pain that is expressed in different ways depending on the patient’s unique constitution, can reflect the internal state of the individual. Metrics used to analyze pain patterns may include asking the patient about where the pain is located, the type of pain they experience, the intensity of the pain, when the patient experiences the pain and/or relief from the pain (i.e. a specific time of day, after eating, when they’re hot/cold, with pressure to the painful area, etc.), and more.
- Body Temperature - A person’s body temperature may increase or decrease throughout the day, and these fluctuations are important to understanding the internal state and health condition of the individual.
Targeting Different Levels of the Disease
Depending on the type of cancer being treated, different agents may be used to target certain “levels” of disease. The main levels that the Revici method works with are the Cellular, Tissue, and Organ/Organism levels. For example, for a patient with an early stage cancer who still feels well and isn’t experiencing any symptoms, a Cellular treatment method may be used. In contrast, a patient with late stage cancer who is experiencing pain and other cancer-related symptoms may receive a treatment that uses agents that work at an Organ/Organism level. Analyses of pain patterns and the patient’s other symptoms will help determine the level to be worked on in treatment. Some patients may show the need to have multiple “levels” worked on, but in treatment the most urgent level will be focused on first, and changes will be made to the treatment as needed to suit the patient’s healing progression.Treatment Agents
Below are treatment agents used on different levels in the Revici method: Anti-A Agents (Those meant to treat an “Offbalance D” disease): ∙ Propionic Aldehyde (used at an organ/organism level) ∙ Epichlorohydrin (used at a cellular level) ∙ Hexyl or heptyl diselenide (used at a cellular level) ∙ Tetralin persulfide or perselenide (used at tissue and cellular levels respectively) ∙ Sodium or magnesium thiosulfate (used at an organ/organism level) ∙ Lipoacids (used at a tissue level) Anti-D Agents (Those meant to treat an “Offbalance A” disease): ∙ Heptanol (used at a cellular level) ∙ Polyunsaturated alcohols (used at a tissue level) ∙ Butanol (Used at an organ/organism level) ∙ Glycerol (used at an organ/organism level) ∙ Insaponifiable fraction of liver (used at a tissue level) ∙ Glycerophosphoric acid (used at an organ/organism level) Treatment is started with small doses of the above agents that appear to be appropriate for the individual patient. Tests continue to be taken throughout treatment, and if Offbalances persist the dosage may be increased until there aren’t signs of any Offbalances. At this point, the successful dosage is continued for up to a few months (or longer for some people) to ensure recovery. If, however, the Offbalance goes the other way at some point during the treatment process (Offbalance A to Offbalance D, for example), the dosage of the agents above are reduced until an adequate balance is again reached. After a few months of treatment, recovered patients may be encouraged to take appropriate doses of particular agents to ward off a recurrence of the cancer. During treatment, the patient’s diet and medication information is taken into account. Certain foods are anabolic, which in cancer patients means that these foods can encourage cancer growth. Foods such as sugar and salt are anabolic (growth-promoting), and patients are encouraged to avoid consuming these two foods during cancer treatment. Certain medications and supplements can have an effect on the body’s balance as well, thus affecting cancer growth. For example, quinine, caffeine, liver extracts, and vitamins A and D have an “Anti-A” effect on the body, while codeine, iron, insulin, and vitamins B1, B2, K, and E have an “Anti-D” effect on the body.Click here to learn more about other powerful anticancer diets.
Read more about the toxic effects of vitamin D supplementation in this article, and about the healing power of vitamin K2 for cancer here.
Other Important Information
Treatment centers that offer the Revici treatment include:AIM Center Oradell, NJ
This clinic offers alternative cancer treatment heavily based on the Revici protocols.
Revici Life Science Center in New York City This Center was established by Dr. Revici and is now believed to be operated by his grandson. 200 W 57th St. New York, NY 10019 Midtown West 212-246-5122
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