Protocel: A Simple and Effective At-Home Cancer Cure...
WARNING: Do not use this treatment modality with any of the other of the treatments listed on this website. To do so could cancel out the positive effects of this treatment and in fact increase cancer cell replication. Rather, if you choose to use Protocel/Entelev, use it alone and NOT in tandem with any other cancer treatments. Do not change ANYTHING until AFTER you complete treatment with this medicine. After you stop using Protocel, you may implement dietary/supplementation changes or start using other healing therapies, if you wish.WARNING: Do not use this treatment protocol on any fast-growing brain cancer such as glioblastoma. Protocel, which is also known as Entelev, CanCell, Sheridan’s Formula, and Jim’s Juice, works by lowering the ATP energy available to cancerous cells, which then causes the cancer cells to fall apart. This is a powerful stand-alone cancer treatment; Protocol is unusual in that it must be used alone. Its function in the body may be neutralized by other cancer protocols, even including dietary changes or nutritional supplements.

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Detailed Information
Protocel’s main mechanism of action in the body as a cancer treatment is through its ability to lower the amount of ATP energy available inside cancer cells. Cancer cells are already low on ATP energy due to their inefficient metabolism, and by lowering the amount of energy even further, this cancer treatment is able to cause cancer cells to die and disintegrate without causing harm to nearby healthy cells.The Entelev cancer treatment was developed in 1936 by James V. Sheridan, a researcher and chemist, as a method through which to normalize cellular metabolism and balance the vibrational frequency of cancer cells in order to restore health to the body. It is also known by many other names, including CanCell, Protocel, Sheridan’s Formula, Cantron, Jim’s Juice, Crocinic Acid, JS-114, JS-101, Quantrol, and 126-F. The formula developed by Sheridan has been most widely marketed under the name Entelev for the treatment of cancer, though Protocel and CanCell are two other common names for this product.
Sheridan studied Entelev on animals in the 1940’s and then attempted to put the formula through clinical trials at the Michigan Cancer Institute in the early 1950’s. In the 1960’s, he worked with Battelle Laboratories (the National Cancer Institute testing center in the United States) to conduct further research on the formula as a cancer cure. In total, Sheridan worked doing research and advocating for Entelev for nearly 5 decades in order to get the Entelev formula to the public. He had impressive research that demonstrated the formula’s efficacy in animal studies, as well as a great deal of anecdotal evidence that it worked to cure cancer in humans as well.
Between 1974 and 1983, Sheridan gave the formula away to cancer patients free-of-charge.
Readers should note that it is vitally important that cancer patients who choose to work with Entelev follow the instructions for this protocol precisely and carefully for best results. Patients who do not follow the protocol exactly can inadvertently cancel out the beneficial effects of this treatment. The best resource for information about how to correctly administer this treatment is in the eBook Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work by Tanya Harter-Pierce.

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
Sheridan was able to convince the National Cancer Institute to run animal tests on his formula several times between 1978 and 1980, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not get the researchers at the laboratory to administer the formula to the mice according to his instructions. This part of the Entelev story is similar to what happened to Dr. Suguira at the Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital when he did research on laetrile/vitamin B17. This research paradigm also happened to Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez when he examined Kelley’s pancreatic enzyme treatments for cancer. It also happened to Dr. Revici, who developed a cancer treatment based off of elements and compounds. As with laetrile, Dr. Gonzalez’s treatments, and Dr. Revici’s treatments, the researchers who were hired to study Entelev failed to perform the tests properly in order to intentionally come back with poor results.In 1990, the National Cancer Institute did in vitro testing of Sheridan’s Formula and came up with extremely positive results. However, the NCI only publicized the negative results they had gotten from flawed animal studies, thus leading to confusion for both other researchers as well as the public, including cancer patients who may have benefited from the information about Protocel.
In May, 1983, the FDA in the United States made efforts to stop the distribution of Sheridan’s Formula. Sick patients continued to contact Sheridan, begging for him to give them the healing formula. Unfortunately, though, he’d made medical claims for his product, even though the product had not been approved by the FDA. Because no one in the US can make a medical claim for the prevention, cure, or mitigation of any disease unless clinical trials are conducted according to and with the blessing of the FDA, the distribution of Sheridan’s Formula was halted. The sheer cost of setting up clinical trials that abide by FDA standards is cost prohibitive except to established pharmaceutical companies, which essentially allows these companies to collectively maintain an unofficial monopoly over the medicines that are widely known and distributed in the United States. Powerful therapeutic medicines like Entelev rarely are made available to the public via FDA approval.
In 1987, the FDA instigated injunction proceedings to try to stop Sheridan from producing CanCell (as it was widely called at that time). In 1989, the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan filed a complaint for permanent injunction against Sheridan and Edward J. Sopcak to stop the distribution of CanCell. Despite the large number of patients who had success curing their cancer (and other major diseases like psoriasis and respiratory infections) using Sheridan’s formula, its distribution was brought to a halt by government agencies that pander to large pharmaceutical companies.
As with all potentially viable cancer treatments, the National Cancer Institute and other organizations like the FDA and Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital claim that Entelev is ineffective against cancer. However, Entelev continues to be available to patients in the United States as a dietary supplement that can be purchased online through independent retailers.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Safety and Effectiveness
Protocel/Entelev is a non-invasive anti-cancer therapy that has been patented in the United States. Its aim is to eliminate abnormal cells by promoting the body’s own immune system’s capabilities. Protocel targets unhealthy cells, leaving healthy cells intact. Jim Sheridan, the developer of this formula, was able to achieve an 80% cure rate on animals with cancer that he tested in the laboratory. The formula is able to target and interfere with the anaerobic cellular respiration used by cancer cells to produce energy. Dr. Otto Warburg discovered that low levels of oxygen were characteristic of cancer cells. He discovered that cancer cells don’t use oxygen to produce energy, but rather, they ferment glucose (glycolysis) to produce lactic acid, which subsequently lowers the cancer cell’s pH and makes the cancer cell more acidic than the healthy cells surrounding it. Normal, healthy cells burn energy using oxygen, which is much more efficient than fermenting glucose (without using oxygen) for energy production. Cancer cells are barely able to sustain themselves using this method of energy production, which ultimately makes them fragile if targeted in the right way. By interfering with the cancer cells’ anaerobic mechanism of survival, Sheridan was able to develop a formula based on the chemistry of cancer cell metabolism to kill cancer cells quickly, leaving healthy cells intact. Entelev can also be used to treat the following diseases via a similar mechanism of action:- Cancer
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Emphysema
- Multiple sclerosis
- Epilepsy
- Cystic fibrosis
- Scleroderma
- Epstein-Barr virus
- Hemophilia
- Diabetes
- Herpes
- High blood pressure
- Low blood pressure
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
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How Entelev Is Administered
Entelev can be taken in liquid or tablet form. The best resource that details a treatment protocol for Protocel (another name for Entelev) is the eBook Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work by Tanya Harter Pierce.Possible Negative Effects
If you choose to use this protocol to treat cancer, do NOT use it with other treatments at the same time, even those that use vibrational or electrical therapies. Entelev is a stand-alone protocol! Even diet/nutritional therapies for cancer can interfere with the chemistry behind how Entelev works to kill cancer cells.
Other Information
Entelev can be purchased under the name Protocel without a prescription. There are two formulas available: Formula 23 and Formula 50. Formula 23 works better for some types of cancer while Formula 50 works better for others.Online Entelev/Protocel Vendors:
Purchase Protocel online at: completing the Protocel Cancer Protocol, many experts recommend that patients follow a Cancer Diet and take supplements to remove nutritional deficiencies (see the Binzel Diet). In particular, consider doing high-dose laetrile therapy to correct vitamin B17 deficiencies.
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Protocel: A Simple and Effective At-Home Cancer Cure...
WARNING: Do not use this treatment modality with any of the other of the treatments listed on this website. To do so could cancel out the positive effects of this treatment and in fact increase cancer cell replication. Rather, if you choose to use Protocel/Entelev, use it alone and NOT in tandem with any other cancer treatments. Do not change ANYTHING until AFTER you complete treatment with this medicine. After you stop using Protocel, you may implement dietary/supplementation changes or start using other healing therapies, if you wish.WARNING: Do not use this treatment protocol on any fast-growing brain cancer such as glioblastoma. Protocel, which is also known as Entelev, CanCell, Sheridan’s Formula, and Jim’s Juice, works by lowering the ATP energy available to cancerous cells, which then causes the cancer cells to fall apart. This is a powerful stand-alone cancer treatment; Protocol is unusual in that it must be used alone. Its function in the body may be neutralized by other cancer protocols, even including dietary changes or nutritional supplements.

Click here to schedule a health coaching call with us.
Detailed Information
Protocel’s main mechanism of action in the body as a cancer treatment is through its ability to lower the amount of ATP energy available inside cancer cells. Cancer cells are already low on ATP energy due to their inefficient metabolism, and by lowering the amount of energy even further, this cancer treatment is able to cause cancer cells to die and disintegrate without causing harm to nearby healthy cells.The Entelev cancer treatment was developed in 1936 by James V. Sheridan, a researcher and chemist, as a method through which to normalize cellular metabolism and balance the vibrational frequency of cancer cells in order to restore health to the body. It is also known by many other names, including CanCell, Protocel, Sheridan’s Formula, Cantron, Jim’s Juice, Crocinic Acid, JS-114, JS-101, Quantrol, and 126-F. The formula developed by Sheridan has been most widely marketed under the name Entelev for the treatment of cancer, though Protocel and CanCell are two other common names for this product.
Sheridan studied Entelev on animals in the 1940’s and then attempted to put the formula through clinical trials at the Michigan Cancer Institute in the early 1950’s. In the 1960’s, he worked with Battelle Laboratories (the National Cancer Institute testing center in the United States) to conduct further research on the formula as a cancer cure. In total, Sheridan worked doing research and advocating for Entelev for nearly 5 decades in order to get the Entelev formula to the public. He had impressive research that demonstrated the formula’s efficacy in animal studies, as well as a great deal of anecdotal evidence that it worked to cure cancer in humans as well.
Between 1974 and 1983, Sheridan gave the formula away to cancer patients free-of-charge.
Readers should note that it is vitally important that cancer patients who choose to work with Entelev follow the instructions for this protocol precisely and carefully for best results. Patients who do not follow the protocol exactly can inadvertently cancel out the beneficial effects of this treatment. The best resource for information about how to correctly administer this treatment is in the eBook Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work by Tanya Harter-Pierce.

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
Sheridan was able to convince the National Cancer Institute to run animal tests on his formula several times between 1978 and 1980, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not get the researchers at the laboratory to administer the formula to the mice according to his instructions. This part of the Entelev story is similar to what happened to Dr. Suguira at the Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital when he did research on laetrile/vitamin B17. This research paradigm also happened to Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez when he examined Kelley’s pancreatic enzyme treatments for cancer. It also happened to Dr. Revici, who developed a cancer treatment based off of elements and compounds. As with laetrile, Dr. Gonzalez’s treatments, and Dr. Revici’s treatments, the researchers who were hired to study Entelev failed to perform the tests properly in order to intentionally come back with poor results.In 1990, the National Cancer Institute did in vitro testing of Sheridan’s Formula and came up with extremely positive results. However, the NCI only publicized the negative results they had gotten from flawed animal studies, thus leading to confusion for both other researchers as well as the public, including cancer patients who may have benefited from the information about Protocel.
In May, 1983, the FDA in the United States made efforts to stop the distribution of Sheridan’s Formula. Sick patients continued to contact Sheridan, begging for him to give them the healing formula. Unfortunately, though, he’d made medical claims for his product, even though the product had not been approved by the FDA. Because no one in the US can make a medical claim for the prevention, cure, or mitigation of any disease unless clinical trials are conducted according to and with the blessing of the FDA, the distribution of Sheridan’s Formula was halted. The sheer cost of setting up clinical trials that abide by FDA standards is cost prohibitive except to established pharmaceutical companies, which essentially allows these companies to collectively maintain an unofficial monopoly over the medicines that are widely known and distributed in the United States. Powerful therapeutic medicines like Entelev rarely are made available to the public via FDA approval.
In 1987, the FDA instigated injunction proceedings to try to stop Sheridan from producing CanCell (as it was widely called at that time). In 1989, the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan filed a complaint for permanent injunction against Sheridan and Edward J. Sopcak to stop the distribution of CanCell. Despite the large number of patients who had success curing their cancer (and other major diseases like psoriasis and respiratory infections) using Sheridan’s formula, its distribution was brought to a halt by government agencies that pander to large pharmaceutical companies.
As with all potentially viable cancer treatments, the National Cancer Institute and other organizations like the FDA and Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital claim that Entelev is ineffective against cancer. However, Entelev continues to be available to patients in the United States as a dietary supplement that can be purchased online through independent retailers.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Safety and Effectiveness
Protocel/Entelev is a non-invasive anti-cancer therapy that has been patented in the United States. Its aim is to eliminate abnormal cells by promoting the body’s own immune system’s capabilities. Protocel targets unhealthy cells, leaving healthy cells intact. Jim Sheridan, the developer of this formula, was able to achieve an 80% cure rate on animals with cancer that he tested in the laboratory. The formula is able to target and interfere with the anaerobic cellular respiration used by cancer cells to produce energy. Dr. Otto Warburg discovered that low levels of oxygen were characteristic of cancer cells. He discovered that cancer cells don’t use oxygen to produce energy, but rather, they ferment glucose (glycolysis) to produce lactic acid, which subsequently lowers the cancer cell’s pH and makes the cancer cell more acidic than the healthy cells surrounding it. Normal, healthy cells burn energy using oxygen, which is much more efficient than fermenting glucose (without using oxygen) for energy production. Cancer cells are barely able to sustain themselves using this method of energy production, which ultimately makes them fragile if targeted in the right way. By interfering with the cancer cells’ anaerobic mechanism of survival, Sheridan was able to develop a formula based on the chemistry of cancer cell metabolism to kill cancer cells quickly, leaving healthy cells intact. Entelev can also be used to treat the following diseases via a similar mechanism of action:- Cancer
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Emphysema
- Multiple sclerosis
- Epilepsy
- Cystic fibrosis
- Scleroderma
- Epstein-Barr virus
- Hemophilia
- Diabetes
- Herpes
- High blood pressure
- Low blood pressure
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
How Entelev Is Administered
Entelev can be taken in liquid or tablet form. The best resource that details a treatment protocol for Protocel (another name for Entelev) is the eBook Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work by Tanya Harter Pierce.Possible Negative Effects
If you choose to use this protocol to treat cancer, do NOT use it with other treatments at the same time, even those that use vibrational or electrical therapies. Entelev is a stand-alone protocol! Even diet/nutritional therapies for cancer can interfere with the chemistry behind how Entelev works to kill cancer cells.
Other Information
Entelev can be purchased under the name Protocel without a prescription. There are two formulas available: Formula 23 and Formula 50. Formula 23 works better for some types of cancer while Formula 50 works better for others.Online Entelev/Protocel Vendors:
Purchase Protocel online at: completing the Protocel Cancer Protocol, many experts recommend that patients follow a Cancer Diet and take supplements to remove nutritional deficiencies (see the Binzel Diet). In particular, consider doing high-dose laetrile therapy to correct vitamin B17 deficiencies.
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We're currently giving away the first volume of The Cancer Cure Catalog, the first of a 4 volume reference set of scientifically proven cancer cures complete with a resource list of scientific articles and testimonials for each treatment listed.