Diet to Cure Cancer

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While taking vitamin B17 / amygdalin may very well save your life if you’re battling cancer or if you simply want to prevent cancer, it’s important to realize that there are other minerals like Lugol's iodine that have been systematically removed from the food supply in many countries of the world beginning in the 1970’s. Vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7 / MK-7 and other quinone-nutrients like Coenzyme Q10 and folate disappeared with the advent of genetically modified foods (GMOs). These nutrients are also life-saving and an essential part of a cancer protocol. Without vitamin K2 in the diet, people can’t absorb iodine, one of the most important nutrients that cure cancer. And while vitamin K2 is a cure for bone and blood cancers, Lugol’s iodine is a cure for reproductive organ cancer, breast cancer, and thyroid cancer.
Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
But just taking vitamin B17 (in the form of apricot kernels) and iodine isn’t enough to cure cancer. Nutrition is a complicated science which is why it’s so easy for people to be fooled into thinking that their diet is nutritionally adequate when in reality, it’s far from it.While most people are nursing severe deficiencies of vitamin B17, Lugol’s iodine, and vitamin K2, they are also taking way too much vitamin D. Is vitamin D safe as a nutrient supplement? Not really. Most people decidely don't need it. But while vitamin B17 and Lugol’s iodine are some of the most “controversial” nutrients on the planet that have been demonized by Big Pharma so as to prevent the mainstream public from becoming aware of them as cures for cancer, vitamin K2 is almost invisible. No one knows about it. It isn't even included in most multi-vitamins on the market. Yet vitamin D is glorified as the cure for almost everything in the mainstream media while, in fact, it does not even meet the most basic criteria for being a vitamin at all. Vitamin D, after all, is produced naturally by the skin with exposure to sunlight. One of the criteria for a vitamin to be dubbed a vitamin is that it should not be produced by the human body. So why did vitamin D end up becoming so important? Why does the media push this vitamin so hard each and every day?

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Vitamin D made the vitamin-cut while vitamin B17 definitely qualifies as a vitamin and did not receive vitamin status. In fact, vitamin B17 has been demonized. As "laetrile", in fact, vitamin B17 is illegal in the United States. But why? When people take vitamin D each day, they inhibit absorption of Lugol’s iodine while pushing calcium into the bloodstream. In a healthy person, calcium is consumed in food and in the intestines, vitamin D works to push that calcium into the blood. That's what vitamin D does. Once calcium is in the bloodstream though, vitamin K2 has to take over to shuttle calcium into storage in the bones and teeth where it belongs. If vitamin K2 isn’t present or if a person is merely deficient in vitamin K2, excess calcium gets deposited into soft tissues like breasts, reproductive organs, the liver, the thyroid gland, the pancreas, the pineal gland, or any number of other locations. Health problems develop as a result of the calcification of organ tissues. Arteriosclerosis occurs and people develop cardiovascular problems as a result of this high vitamin D, low vitamin K2 regime. Meanwhile bone tissues get weak and osteoporotic. And vitamin D supplementation during a vitamin K2 deficiency also leads to “false positives” on mammograms and other diagnostic procedures designed to detect cancer. A fairly large number of positive results for cancer are actually not cancer at all, but rather soft-tissue calcifications that can be removed through supplementation with vitamin K2 / MK-7. And finally, if calcium levels are too high in the blood, the body will have a hard time absorbing the nutrient components of Lugol's iodine as well as iron and other minerals. And a deficiency of iodine leads to a very wide array of health problems including autoimmunity, diabetes, and more. If you don't know much about the variety of health problems caused by iodine deficiency, click here to download our book about iodine.Click here to read more about the harmful effects of supplementing with vitamin D.
Click here to read about how to get rid of breast calcifications and other soft-tissue calcifications using vitamin K2.
Click here to read about vitamin K2 as a cure for arteriosclerosis and osteoporosis.
While Lugol’s iodine and vitamin K2 have been almost completely removed from the food supply, GMO foods not only lack amino acids like L-tyrosine and L-tryptophan, but also nutrients like folate and vitamin K2, but they also arrive at grocery stores covered in herbicides or insecticides: either herbicides / insecticides that contain organophosphates or those that contain bromine / bromide. In truth both types of chemicals cause similar negative effects on the body by impacting similar metabolic processes. Both bromide / bromine and organophosphates are terrible for human health. When the body is deficient in vitamin K2, it becomes more vulnerable to organophosphates which end up being stored in bone tissues to the detriment of health. When the body is deficient in Lugol’s iodine, bromine / bromide (as well as fluoride) end up being absorbed by the thyroid gland and reproductive organs including breast tissues. So a deficiency of a nutrient like iodine or vitamin K2 can lead not only to deficiency symptoms, but also to a special vulnerability to certain toxins. And if those toxins (bromide or organophosphates) happen to be present in the face of a deficiency of iodine or vitamin K2, the body will take up these toxins and store them, leading to even more devastating health outcomes.

But just taking vitamin B17 (in the form of apricot kernels or as supplements) and Lugol’s iodine isn’t enough. Nutrition is a complicated science which is why it’s so easy for people to be fooled into thinking that their diet is nutritionally adequate when in reality, it’s far from it. For people who are ready to make a change to their diet to cure cancer, it’s wise to start with a simple protocol like juicing or Budwig smoothies that allow you to detoxify your body while hyper-nourishing and continue learning about the nuts and bolts of how and why anticancer diets work.Since the time when Lydian and I wrote the first edition of this book, we’ve learned all kinds of things about nutrients, supplementation, and how the body will always attempt to overcome nutritional deficiencies, often by taking up toxins that have an outer electron shell that’s similar to the outer electron shell of the nutrient in question. Trace minerals, for example, are extremely important for this reason. A lack of certain trace minerals can cause cells to dysfunction. Most people aren’t exposed to the variety of trace minerals that our bodies need to produce electricity and energy. Simply getting rid of the table salt and putting Himalayan sea salt in its place can be a huge step toward the cure for cancer in people who wish to use an anticancer diet to overcome this disease.
Click here to learn more about the value of trace minerals.
Click here to read about how certain governments of the world have supported the removal of nutrients from the food supply in order to create deficiencies and physical vulnerabilities that lead to more disease and greater profits for Big Pharma.
Anticancer Diets
There are a number of Anticancer Diets to choose from to suit just about any lifestyle and any level of proficiency in the kitchen. Below we provide a quick overview of anticancer diets that one can choose from.
Is the keto diet healthy for cancer?
At the time of this writing, the ketogenic diet, also known as the "keto diet" is being pushed by well-meaning people on social media who have no idea what an anticancer diet is supposed to accomplish on a biochemical level. Unfortunately, the ketogenic diet is contraindicated for cancer. It can make cancer worse. Don’t use it, even if people on a social media platform claim that it works for them. Cancer stops growing when you reduce the amount of animal products that you’re eating down to under 5% of your total daily intake because the pancreas no longer has to produce as many pancreatic enzymes. The ketogenic diet is, however, valuable for a wide array of other health problems.How Anticancer Diets Work
While the Binzel Diet and the China Study diet aim to deprive cancer cells of fuel / sugars while supporting the pancreas and hyper-nourishing the body with nutrients that can cure cancer, other protocols like the Budwig Protocol are designed to detoxify the body and electrically recharge healthy cells. The Binzel Diet emphasizes the use of vitamin B17 / amygdalin supplements and supportive nutrients while the China Study diet emphasizes the importance of avoiding animal products which ultimately supports the pancreas in a general way. Dr. Budwig, in contrast, dedicated her life to studying fats and oils and in her research discovered that trans fats and oils that are not cold-pressed and organic, specifically “heated” oils and oils that are stored in plastic containers and containers that are transparent (such that light can cause degradation of the oils) cause human cells to lose their vitality which leads to cancer and other degenerative diseases. Once you understand that the pancreas is the organ at the core of cancer and the role that pancreatic enzymes play in cancer prevention, it’s easier to see why it’s important for an anticancer diet to include only a low quantity of animal products so that only a small amount of pancreatic enzymes are needed for digestion. Excess pancreatic enzymes are absorbed by the intestine at the end of digesting every meal and these enzymes circulate in the bloodstream and seek out cancer cells to digest the outer sheath that surrounds tumors to protect cancer cells from the immune system. Dr. John Beard discovered this fact when he developed the Trophoblast Theory of Cancer and began using pancreatic enzyme therapy to cure cancer at a 13% cure rate (as a stand-alone treatment) in the early 1900s. It is Dr. Beard’s Trophoblast Theory of Cancer that explains why nothing more than a simple pregnancy test to detect hCG is all that’s really needed to test for cancer at home in most cases (as long as the patient is not pregnant). Click here to read more about how to use pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer at home.Dr. Budwig’s Diet is unique in its focus on a particular subset of fats. Her thoughts and therapeutic guidelines regarding the consumption of fats are unmatched by the other cancer diets presented in this article. Many of her guidelines, but in particular the consumption of her “quark recipe” can be followed while also following the guidelines of another cancer diet. Indeed, the Bill Henderson Protocol, incorporates Budwig’s principles along with principles regarding the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Tragically, many people believe that veganism might be a better option than eating a diet low in animal products, but we need animal products to receive vitamin B12 from the diet. So if you’re considering an anticancer diet that is mostly focused on fruits and vegetables to the total exclusion of animal products, be aware that this can lead to serious health problems as a result of vitamin B12 deficiency. GMO foods do not produce folate, another B vitamin that promotes the absorption of vitamin B12. So that’s another strike against vitamin B12 that makes it harder for us to absorb and use this nutrient. If your liver is totally charged up with vitamin B12, you should have about 5 years before you’ll develop symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency as a result of a strict vegan diet, but eating GMO foods can lessen this time frame. There are many myths about vitamin B12, including the myth that you can consume brewer’s yeast instead of animal products as a source of vitamin B12. Of course, you can take supplements, but most people don’t know that vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed by the digestive system in those with gastrointestinal problems and also in people over 50 years of age. Vitamin B12 is stored in the liver, but you need regular doses of it to keep your liver stores high. Vitamin B12 and Lugol’s iodine work together in the body to keep the nervous system working well. So be sure to get regular injections of vitamin B12 either from a doctor or by going to a boutique IV spa in a city that offers vitamin B12 push injections or intravenous treatments. If you don’t have access to a spa and your doctor refuses to give you vitamin B12, you can administer vitamin B12 through the skin using a pure powder mixed with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as an alternative.
Click here to read more about vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms.
Click here to learn how to administer vitamin B12 topically using DMSO.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
The Budwig protocol includes animal products in higher quantities than some of the other anticancer diets, but Budwig created a diet that specifically addresses issues with human cells and their ability to conduct electricity. Fats and oils are naturally electrical when they haven’t been heated or processed. The Budwig protocol seeks to overcome poor cellular energy by giving the body precisely what it needs to rebuild the cellular membranes (which are primarily made up of lipids). The Budwig protocol is an excellent anticancer diet that people can use to get started toward reclaiming their health. The Gerson diet is another well-known anticancer diet and protocol that involves juicing. Like the Binzel Diet and the China Study diet it emphasizes the consumption of fruits and vegetables, but the Gerson Diet is different in that it emphasizes the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables mostly in the form of juice. Juicing makes the nutrients more bioavailable and easier to digest and absorb. The Gerson Diet is labor-intensive and very detailed though, but it has been used to effectively cure a variety of diseases including tuberculosis.One of the major features of the Gerson diet is the use of coffee enemas to keep the body’s detoxification system moving and doing its job. Using detoxification strategies during cancer treatment can make a huge difference in the final outcome of treatment. When you’re trying to heal the body from cancer, you need to kill cancer cells and then move them out of the body quickly. On top of that, cancer often exists as a result of toxicities in the body that caused cancer to develop. So the toxins and the dead cancer cells have to be removed to restore health. The organs of detoxification include the liver, the kidneys, the intestines, and the skin. Coffee enemas help the liver produce glutathione, the primary detoxification agent in the human body. It keeps the liver clear which takes stress off the kidneys, intestines, and skin. Proper detoxification of the body during cancer treatment is something that can make or break the protocol. Even people who have chosen to do a conventional medicine protocol including chemo, radiation, or surgery can benefit from detoxification using coffee enemas to support the liver, intestines, skin, and kidneys during cancer treatment.
Click here to learn more about detoxification reactions / Herxheimer reactions.
Click here to learn more about coffee enemas.
Colonic irrigation is another option for people who wish to make progress more quickly at detoxifying the body to overcome cancer. The logic behind the use of colonics is that the colon is an integral part of the digestive system and enemas are an integral part of several nutritional protocols, particularly the Gerson Diet. Many people use enemas or colonic irrigation as part of a comprehensive cancer protocol to make it easier to digest and absorb nutrients and also remove toxins and pathogens that are hiding under biofilm in the digestive system.
If you spend a lot of time eating in restaurants or eating take-out foods, click here to buy our book about how to easily overcome an addiction to fast food.