The Gonzalez Protocol: Diet That Cures Cancer
The Gonzalez Protocol is a cancer diet that requires studious effort to fully understand and implement at home without guidance. Patients eat a very specific diet tailored to their metabolic type. Many patients who use this protocol take over 100 vitamin and mineral supplements per day to correct deficiencies and restore overall health. It’s best to contact an expert in the Gonzalez Protocol for help in determining your metabolic type and supplementation schedule. After consultation with a practitioner skilled at using the Gonzalez Protocol, patients can adhere to the diet at home along with the supplementation schedule by following the protocol designed by the health practitioner.For many cancer patients, it is important to work with a team of professionals who can keep at-home cancer treatment on track, including the anticancer diet. The Gonzalez Protocol gives patients the opportunity to work with highly skilled professionals who are specifically trained to administer an anticancer diet with a high cure rate.
Detailed Introduction
The Gonzalez Protocol is a combination diet and supplementation cancer treatment that works specifically as a cure for pancreatic cancer. In addition to diet and supplementation, the protocol uses other treatments such as enemas, skin brushing, and baking soda baths to treat cancer. The regimen has also been used for the treatment of cancers other than pancreatic cancer in addition to other diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis [1].
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Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez became interested in the use of pancreatic enzymesas a treatment for cancer when he met Dr. William Kelley. Kelley was a dentist who encouraged the use of pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of cancer [5]. During his post-graduate fellowship under Dr. Good (known as the “father of modern immunology”), Gonzalez was encouraged to research Dr. Kelley’s treatment of cancer to discover if it was truly effective, and if so, how it worked. This study is documented in Dr. Gonzalez’s book One Man Alone in which he describes the case studies of Dr. Kelley’s Stage IV cancer patients who were cured of cancer [10].

Click here to buy pancreatic enzymes.
The Gonzalez Protocol follows a large number of Dr. Kelley’s guidelines for the treatment of cancer, and because of this at first glance it may appear to be almost identical to Dr. Kelley’s protocol. But while the Gonzalez Protocol does use Dr. Kelley’s ideas regarding pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of cancer, Gonzalez also encourages the use of a variety of other treatments, such as baking soda to treat cancer in a holistic, multifaceted way. For this reason, individuals can follow the Gonzalez Protocol as a stand-alone treatment for cancer, since the protocol itself incorporates several powerful treatments into one comprehensive therapy.Note that Dr. John Beard was an embryologist who also used pancreatic enzymes to cure cancer in the early 1900s. He was able to achieve a 13% cure rate for cancer using nothing but pancreatic enzyme therapy on his patients.
The Gonzalez Protocol may also be referred to as an “enzyme cancer protocol” and also an anticancer diet. Dr. Gonzalez has written an entire book on exactly what happened in the clinical trial done on enzymes in the treatment of cancer; for those who are interested, the book is called What Went Wrong: The Truth Behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer. The book provides details regarding the names of the individuals involved, the emails exchanged, and the details of the “study” that ended up yielding inaccurate data as a result of poor design, improper screening methods for participants in the study (along with involving some patients and individuals without informed consent), and numerous avoidable delays to get the study off the ground [2]. The issues that Gonzalez faced when studies were performed on his cancer protocol were nearly identical to the issues face by other doctors like Revici and Suguira who were also successful at curing cancer. This is one strategy, the use of botched results in scientific studies, that has been used by Big Pharma to hijack cures for cancer and keep them hidden from the public. The Wolff-Chaikoff effect is yet another famous example of botched scientific research designed to cover up powerful cures for cancer, in this case, Lugol’s iodine.The results of this skewed study into the use of pancreatic enzymes for cancer showed that the treatment was completely ineffective for cancer patients, which was contrary to the results that Dr. Gonzalez had personally observed in his own patients when using the protocol [2]. Dr. Gonzalez was successful at treating patients with his pancreatic enzyme protocol. He has two books (Conquering Cancer Volume 1 and Conquering Cancer Volume 2) that have a total of 112 individual case studies of patients who recovered from:
- breast cancer
- pancreatic cancer
- lung cancer
- bladder cancer
- prostate cancer
- various others types of cancer [9].
Dr. Reza Ghaffurian has provided an excellent summary of Dr. Gonzalez’s research under Dr. Robert A. Good, about how politics and economics affected the trajectory of the information he uncovered. Dr. Good was the President of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center in New York:
“Under Dr. Good’s direction, Gonzalez investigated Kelley’s work during his third and fourth year medical studies. He reviewed almost 10,000 of Kelley’s patient records and interviewed over 500 patients who had been diagnosed with advanced cancer and treated by Kelley. This research allowed Gonzalez to organize Dr. Kelley’s findings in an organized manner and pursue this research further for his fellowship training.
The object of the study was to prove Dr. Kelley’s method worked. It took Dr. Gonzalez five years to complete the study, which resulted in a 301-page report that states that the cure rate was 100% for pancreatic cancer and 97% for all other cancers. The report was suppressed. In 1986, due to unrelenting pressure from discreditors, Dr. Kelley gave up research and patient care and passed away in January 2005” [11].

Safety and Effectiveness
The Gonzalez Protocol has had particular success with treating pancreatic cancer, but it has also had significant success in treating a variety of other cancer types. Case studies can be found both in Dr. Gonzalez’s two-book series titled “Conquering Cancer” and also at the Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation website under “Case Reports”.In Dr. Gonzalez’s book “Conquering Cancer (Volume One)” he describes a study done on mice using his dietary and supplementation protocols. In the first experiment in the study, mice that had been infected with human pancreatic cancer cells were divided into two groups: the first group received enzymes while the second received no treatment for the cancer. The first group (the one that received enzymes) survived much longer than the mice that had not received treatment, and additionally appeared to be healthy and happy. Meanwhile, the second group of mice was unenthusiastic, lethargic, bloated, and visibly sick.
The second experiment in the study followed the same methods as the first, but this time some mice were sacrificed at different times so that tumor growth could be assessed. In the mice that received enzymes, the tumors remained small and localized. In the mice that didn’t receive any treatment, the tumors were significantly larger and more likely to spread [4].
Side Effects
The side effects of the Gonzalez Protocol include those associated with a Herxheimer Reaction, also known as a detoxification reaction or “healing crisis”, which is where individuals feel worse before they feel better. Side effects associated with this Herxheimer Reaction include:- Gas and bloating; various other problems with digestion
- Flu-like symptoms, including a low-grade fever
- Muscle aches
- Skin Rashes [7]
Because the Gonzalez Protocol uses tools like diet and supplementation to realign the body and return it to a normal state, it’s common for patients on the Protocol to have a Herxheimer Reaction that produces these kinds of symptoms. Swelling is a reaction that the body exhibits when healing is taking place and the immune system is working to repair damage (think of what happens when you sprain your wrist or ankle; the joint swells up and even bruises while the healing takes place, then once the area is healed the swelling goes away). Flu-like symptoms during a detox may take place when the body is working to cleanse the body of toxins. Vomiting and diarrhea happen when the body is purging toxins in large quantities. Fever causes heat in the body and, in some cases, heat (internal or external) at high enough temperatures for long enough periods of time kills cancer cells. A fever is also a sign that the immune system is functioning properly. The section on hyperthermia in the third volume of this catalog explains these concepts in more detail. Viscum album, also known as mistletoe or “Iscador” is an herbal cure for cancer that works by inducing fever. A protocol known as “Coley’s Toxins” also induces a high fever to cure cancer. So, if you develop a fever while working to cure cancer, this is a good sign for the patient, albeit one that might feel scary and uncomfortable.
How the Gonzalez Protocol Is Administered
The treatment protocol for each patient is unique depending on his or her individual illness, the severity of the illness, the patient’s metabolic type and other factors. Thus, the dietary guidelines and types of supplements recommended vary from patient to patient. However, despite this variation, patients’ individualized protocols share a few things in common, such as that they all require that patients eat organic foods, drink fresh vegetable juices, and avoid the consumption of refined and processed foods like white sugar. Among the supplements given to patients, pancreatic enzymes are almost always included. In addition to the anticancer diet and supplements, many patients do coffee enemas two times per day to promote faster and more efficient detoxification.The supplements included in the Gonzalez Protocol include vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, animal glandular concentrates, and other food concentrates. Cancer patients may take between 130-175 capsules/pills each day, while non-cancer patients (patients with other serious diseases like multiple sclerosis) take between 80-100 capsules/pills daily. Because enzymes are almost always included (specifically pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of pancreatic cancer), the treatment protocol is technically an enzyme cancer treatment [1].
Click here to learn more about enzyme therapy for cancer and other serious diseases.
Click here to learn more about the use of enzymes to detoxify faster.
One source states that the Gonzalez Protocol generally includes the following supplements:
- Pancreatic enzymes (orally) – every 4 hours + at each meal on days 1-16; then the patient will have 5 days of rest from this supplement.
- Papaya Plus and magnesium citrate – the same schedule as the pancreatic enzymes.
- Other supplements (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, animal glandular products, etc.) – 4 times daily on days 1-16, followed by 5 days of rest [6].
The supplementation schedule follows a 21-day cycle of 16 days “on” and 5 days “off.” Patients repeat this cycle for the rest of their lives to prevent cancer. In addition to supplementation, patients eat a “vegetarian metabolizer” diet. This diet eliminates meat products and refined foods such as white sugar and packaged processed foods. As we’ve mentioned in other discussions, it’s vital that cancer patients eating a no-meat, no animal-products diet administer vitamin B12 either using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or via injection because digestion and absorption of nutrients in cancer patients is often compromised. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause symptoms of dementia and other nerve problems and neurological issues. Doctors do not test for vitamin B12 deficiency, so patients must be aware of this potential issue if they work with a vegan type of diet that excludes animal products. Click here to learn more about vitamin B12 deficiency as an alternative cause for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Patients also perform coffee enemas twice daily, skin brushing daily, skin cleansing weekly for the first 6 months of the treatments, and weekly salt and baking soda baths to support kidney function. During treatment, patients perform a liver cleanse, clean sweep, and purge on rotation during one of their 5-day rest periods each month [6].
The diets in the Gonzalez Protocol are based off each individual’s metabolic type. The National Cancer Institute says that patients are categorized into three metabolic types according to the nutrients their body needs the most (proteins, carbohydrates, or mixed), while Dr. Gonzalez’s book Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System describes 10 metabolic types previously laid out by Dr. Kelley [7] [8].

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Role of the Autonomic Nervous System in Determining Metabolic Types
The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (the two parts of the autonomic nervous system) and their individual efficiency in different people is what the different metabolic types and their respective diet/supplementation regimens are based on. The sympathetic nervous system works with the “fight or flight” response and is capable of performing tasks such as increasing heart rate, releasing adrenaline, and contracting muscles along with taking responsibility for shutting down or lowering priority on those functions not directly responsible for survival of the individual. The parasympathetic system performs tasks that may be seen as the opposite of those done by the sympathetic nervous system; the response produced by this system is called the “relaxation response” or the “freeze and submission response,” since this system is most active during sleep and it works to perform tasks such as reducing pulse and blood pressure, controlling repairs in the body, and stimulating the digestive system [8]. Dr. Stephen Porges developed a theory that the parasympathetic nervous system has 2 branches, rather than just 1 branch. While one branch deals with rest-and-digest functions, the second branch deals with the “freeze” or “play-dead” response that causes people to feel lethargic, nauseated, and unable to concentrate or think.Click here to read more about the autonomic nervous system.
Most cancer patients have trauma-overload. One might also say that most cancer patients are suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It’s vital to recognize this problem and work with trauma-release therapies as you work at the same time to cure cancer. Trauma-release therapies rebalance the autonomic nervous system. Click here to read more about trauma-release therapies for PTSD. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is just one of several vital at-home trauma-release treatments that work very well to release trauma. Lydian and I often administer EMDR when we are working with clients on health coaching calls to discuss protocols to cure cancer at home. EMDR is easy to use and accessible online. In truth, most of our cancer health coaching clients begin with EMDR, but then later, move on to more powerful trauma-release treatments such as psilocybin therapy.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
Dr. Kelley found that some people have stronger parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous systems, and thus possess particular personality traits, illnesses, and issues regarding the management of their health. Some people have relatively balanced functioning of these two systems [8].
Click here to learn about German New Medicine, a different cancer protocol that also acknowledges the role of the autonomic nervous system and trauma in the development and progression of cancer. German New Medicine works with the underlying emotional and spiritual root cause of cancer.
Below are the 10 metabolic types outlined by Dr. Kelley (more about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is discussed below):

Click here to buy psilocybin online.
Extreme sympathetic-dominant- 100% sympathetic efficiency, 20% parasympathetic efficiency
- The diet for this metabolic type is a raw food, vegetarian diet; 80% of the food should be raw or only lightly steamed. Dark leafy greens are particularly beneficial to this type. Unlimited fruit is allowed, with at least 2-3 servings per day encouraged. Citrus fruits are especially good. Whole grains are allowed, as are beans and nuts. Dr. Kelley believed that raw sprouted beans had increased nutrient and enzyme content. Almonds were thought to have a specific anticancer effect (see the Laetrile treatment for cancer). One egg and one serving of fresh yogurt was allowed.
- Fish, poultry, and other meats are prohibited for this metabolic type.
- This type needs the following supplements: beta-carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, high doses of vitamin C, and vitamin D, moderate dose of vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, chromium, para-aminobenzoic acid.
Extreme parasympathetic-dominant
- 20% sympathetic efficiency, 100% parasympathetic efficiency
- Dr. Kelley recommends this type has significantly more fat and meats than the other metabolic types. Daily, 3 servings of lightly cooked fatty red meat are recommended; organ meats (liver, kidney, etc.) and meaty soups and stews are beneficial.
- 3-4 daily servings of vegetables are encouraged daily, with root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, yams, etc.) being particularly good. Squash and cruciferous vegetables are good as well, however this type is said to not tolerate leafy greens well.
- Fruit is not allowed for this type (especially not citrus), except for occasional berries, pears, and apples. Grains, nuts, seeds, and beans are allowed in small quantities.
- This type needs the following supplements: moderate doses of vitamin A, niacinamide, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, choline, inositol, high doses of vitamin C, zinc, high doses of selenium, chromium, and a moderate dose of manganese.
Very inefficient balanced
- 10-20% parasympathetic efficiency and sympathetic efficiency
- This type has a varied diet with both plants and meats. All food (except juices) must be well cooked because this metabolic type doesn’t tolerate raw foods very well. 3-4 servings of vegetables per day is recommended, and all fruit is allowed as long as it is cooked in some way (compotes, stewed fruit dishes, pies, etc.) or juiced.
- Nut and seed butters are better for this type than whole nuts and seeds. Grains, cereals, and brown rice are unlimited, as is whole, natural cheese and yogurt. This type may eat eggs daily. Fish, poultry, and red meat may be consumed in several servings each per week.
- Requires the same supplements as types 8 and 10, except the dosages should be doubled.
Moderate sympathetic-dominant
- 70% sympathetic efficiency, 30% parasympathetic efficiency
- Individuals with this metabolic type may consume unlimited vegetables, fruits, seeds, and whole grains. 60% of the food should be eaten raw. Fish and poultry can be eaten several times per week, but servings of red meat should be limited to no more than once a week. Eggs and dairy products may be eaten daily.
- This requires the same supplements as Type 1, except in more moderate doses.
Moderate parasympathetic-dominant
- 30% sympathetic efficiency, 70% parasympathetic efficiency
- This metabolic type requires 1-2 servings of fatty red meats per day. Organ meats are also consumed, although in lower quantities than extreme parasympathetic-dominant types. Vegetables are more varied and allowed in higher quantities; cruciferous and root vegetables are recommended, but leafy greens are forbidden. 1 serving of fruit per day is encouraged, but no citrus fruits are allowed.
- This type requires the same supplements as Type 2 but in more moderate doses.
Inefficient sympathetic-dominant
- 30-40% sympathetic efficiency, 20-30% parasympathetic efficiency
- This type requires a primarily plant-based diet; unlimited fruits and vegetables are allowed, but all foods in the diet need to be either cooked or made into a juice. Nut and seed butters, whole-grain bread and cereal, and brown rice are recommended.
- A moderate amount of animal proteins (eggs, whole-milk organic dairy products) are allowed. Several servings of fish and poultry are allowed each week, but red meat is allowed only occasionally. Frequent soups and stews are beneficial to this metabolic type.
Inefficient parasympathetic-dominant
Type 6 requires the same supplements as Type 4, except it adds choline, inositol, calcium, zinc, vitamin B5, and vitamin B12.
- 20-30% sympathetic efficiency, 30-40% parasympathetic efficiency
- These individuals do well with 1-2 servings of red meat per day. Heavy stews and soups are beneficial, as are root vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, and squashes. Leafy greens aren’t allowed. Fruit is allowed in one serving per day, and is preferably cooked; no citrus fruits are allowed. Cooked beans and grains are permitted.
- This uses the same supplements as Type 5 in addition to beta-carotene, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), folic acid (vitamin B9), magnesium, and potassium.
Moderately efficient balanced
- 80% sympathetic efficiency and parasympathetic efficiency
- This type eats a variety of foods; all fruits and vegetables are allowed, along with nuts, seeds, and whole grains. One daily serving of eggs and dairy products each is acceptable. Several weekly servings of fish, poultry, and red meat is allowed.
- 50-60% of food should be raw while 40-50% can be cooked.
- This uses the same supplements as Type 10
Moderately inefficient balanced
- 50% sympathetic efficiency and parasympathetic efficiency
- The same food principles regarding food variety apply to this metabolic type’s diet as well. The only difference is that 60-80% of the food consumed should be consumed.
- Type 9 uses the same supplementation as Types 8 and 10, except it requires higher doses.
Very efficient balanced
- 100% sympathetic efficiency and parasympathetic efficiency. This is the rarest metabolic type, and Dr. Kelley thought that 3% or less of the US population had this metabolic type.
- Again, like with the other two balanced metabolic types, this type requires a varied diet with foods from all categories. Dr. Kelley recommended that patients with this type eat mostly raw food and small meals.
- People with this metabolic type are noted for their ability to be able to extract the maximum nutritional benefit from even minimal amounts of food.
- This type requires the “full range” of supplements and minerals in low to moderate doses.
Individuals whose sympathetic nervous system is dominant tend to be more high-strung and aggressive than those whose parasympathetic nervous system is dominant. These individuals may struggle emotionally with the Gonzalez Protocol because the supplements and diets that these people administer are designed to support the parasympathetic nervous system’s functioning and bring the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system down to a more normal, balanced level. The goal is to balance the two systems’ functioning. But, people who are sympathetic-dominant often feel more relaxed when following the protocol and may interpret this relaxation as being “tired” in the early stages of treatment. Despite that their protocol may have already reduced the size of the tumor or changed some other aspect of their health, some people may feel compelled to change things about their protocol to bring their energy back up to what they consider normal. However, this is generally counterproductive; when these people make changes to bring their energy back up they’ll encounter the same metabolic imbalance that caused their cancer in the first place and the cancer may start growing again [8].
Francis Pottenger Sr. was a physician in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who discovered that the nutrients calcium, potassium, and magnesium played a role in the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. He found that sympathetic-dominant patients thrived when given magnesium and potassium because the magnesium worked to block the too-strong sympathetic nerves while the potassium strengthened the parasympathetic nerves. In contrast, parasympathetic-dominant patients did well when given large doses of calcium; the calcium stimulated the sympathetic nerves, thus helping obtain equilibrium between the two systems [8]. This research plays a role in determining which supplements are prescribed to patients who are following the Gonzalez Protocol.
Other Important Information
Although not directly relevant to the specific physical treatment protocols that he followed, Dr. Gonzalez viewed the patient’s belief system and their personal belief in the treatment they receive to be an important aspect of their recovery. The incorporation of spiritual practices into the treatment protocol is recommended [6]. Consider looking into German New Medicine, which specifically works with cancer patients, or consider working with one of the sacred medicines like psilocybin or Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is a sacred medicine that is able to cure cancer both by releasing trauma and by healing the pancreas, the organ that requires the most care and focus to cure cancer. Click here to learn about how Ayahuasca cures cancer on a biochemical level according to the scientific research.Many people meditate to calm their minds or to obtain insight, and it’s becoming a more common practice for cancer patients to participate in energy medicine and/or private meditation routines to reconnect with themselves and with their religion and spirituality. Interestingly, Dr. Kelley noted that people who were sympathetic-dominant responded particularly well to meditation because it activated the parasympathetic nervous system and helped bring balance to the two systems. However, meditation wasn’t as effective for individuals who were parasympathetic-dominant. Dr. Kelley recommended more active “meditations” or relaxation methods for these patients, such as watching action movies, to increase the functioning of their sympathetic nervous systems [8]. However, Dr. Kelley was not privy to the existence of sacred medicines like Ayahuasca for cancer. Ayahuasca is an entheogen that produces dream-like states in which people are able to confront trauma, release it, and then experience a natural balance to the autonomic nervous system. While Ayahuasca does this work of trauma-release, it simultaneously heals beta cells in the pancreas to restore proper functioning to this organ. Cancer patients who are interested in working with the Gonzalez protocol should note that there are many ways to release trauma to restore balance to the autonomic nervous system naturally.

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
Dr. Linda Isaacs – New York, NY
Dr. Linda Issacs is one of the few people who offers treatment following the Gonzalez Protocol. Her clinic is located at the following address:36 East 36th Street Suite 1A New York, N.Y. 10016 212-213-3337 FAX: 212-213-3414
Two initial consultation and evaluation sessions are required for Dr. Isaacs to design a protocol to the patient’s needs. At the time of this writing these initial sessions (both of them together) cost $4500 not including the cost of a blood test. Supplements cost about $950/month. A 6-month evaluation is required. The charge for this evaluation is $950. The total cost of Dr. Isaac’s program is approximately $6500.
Integrative Medicine of Idaho – Boise, ID
Dr. Mary Migliori 2200 E. Warm Springs Ave Suite 102 Boise, ID 83712 208-426-0052 clinic offers a protocol that is similar to, if not the same as the Gonzalez Protocol except it is referred to as the Kelley Protocol.
At the time of this writing, new patient visits cost between $270 and $400. Follow up visits cost between $150 and $270. Treatments are tailored to the specific patient. This clinic offers medical loans through CARE CREDIT. They provide a 12 month no interest line of credit to qualifying patients.
Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Resources[1] The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation (n.d.) The Gonzalez Protocol. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from:
[2] Nigh, Greg, ND, LAc (2012). What Went Wrong: The Truth Behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer - A review of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s recent book. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from:
[3] The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation (n.d.) Case Reports. Retrieved May 25, 2018 from:
[4] Gonzalez, Nicholas J., M.D. (2016). Conquering Cancer: Volume 1. New Spring Press: New York, NY.
[5] PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board (2018). Gonzalez Regimen (PDQ®). Retrieved May 24, 2018 from:
[6] Atwood, Kimball (2009). “Gonzalez Regimen” for Cancer of the Pancreas: Even Worse than We Thought (Part I: Results). Retrieved May 24, 2018 from:
[7] National Cancer Institute (2015). Gonzalez Regimen (PDQ®) – Patient Version. Retrieved May 28, 2018 from:
[8] Gonzalez, Nicholas J., M.D. (2017). Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System: The Scientific Foundations of the Gonzalez Protocol. New Spring Press: New York, NY.
[9] N.A. (n.d.). Conquering Cancer: Volume Two. Retrieved May 30, 2018 from:
[10] Kehr, Webster (2018). Kelley Metabolic Protocol. Retrieved May 30, 2018 from:
[11] Sircus, M. (2014). Treatment Essentials: Practicing Natural Allopathic Medicine. IMVA Publications.